Ejemplo n.º 1
bool font_reload()
	if (!initilized) return 0;
	return font_init();
Ejemplo n.º 2
// create a bitmapped font with a drop-shadow.
bool NXFont::InitBitmapCharsShadowed(SDL_Surface *sheet, uint32_t fgcolor, \
									uint32_t color, uint32_t shadowcolor)
Uint32 format = screen->Format()->format;
NXFont fgfont, shadowfont;
SDL_Rect dstrect;

	// create temporary fonts in the fg and shadow color
	if (fgfont.InitBitmapChars(sheet, fgcolor, color))
		return 1;
	if (shadowfont.InitBitmapChars(sheet, fgcolor, shadowcolor))
		return 1;

	SDL_PixelFormat* pxformat = SDL_AllocFormat(format);
	if (!pxformat)
		staterr("InitBitmapChars: SDL_AllocFormat failed: %s", SDL_GetError());
		return 1;
	// now combine the two fonts
	uint32_t transp = SDL_MapRGB(pxformat, 0, 0, 0);
	for(int i=0;i<NUM_FONT_LETTERS;i++)
		if (fgfont.letters[i])
			letters[i] = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, \
							pxformat->BitsPerPixel, \
							pxformat->Rmask, pxformat->Gmask,
							pxformat->Bmask, pxformat->Amask);
			SDL_FillRect(letters[i], NULL, transp);
			SDL_SetColorKey(letters[i], SDL_TRUE, transp);
			dstrect.x = 0;
			dstrect.y = SHADOW_OFFSET;
			SDL_BlitSurface(shadowfont.letters[i], NULL, letters[i], &dstrect);
			dstrect.x = 0;
			dstrect.y = 0;
			SDL_BlitSurface(fgfont.letters[i], NULL, letters[i], &dstrect);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// create a bitmapped font with a drop-shadow.
bool NXFont::InitBitmapCharsShadowed(SDL_Surface *sheet, uint32_t fgcolor, \
									uint32_t color, uint32_t shadowcolor)
SDL_PixelFormat *format = sdl_screen->format;
NXFont fgfont, shadowfont;
SDL_Rect dstrect;

	// create temporary fonts in the fg and shadow color
	if (fgfont.InitBitmapChars(sheet, fgcolor, color))
		return 1;
	if (shadowfont.InitBitmapChars(sheet, fgcolor, shadowcolor))
		return 1;

	// now combine the two fonts
	uint32_t transp = SDL_MapRGB(format, 0, 0, 0);
	for(int i=0;i<NUM_FONT_LETTERS;i++)
		if (fgfont.letters[i])
			letters[i] = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, \
							format->BitsPerPixel, \
							format->Rmask, format->Gmask,
							format->Bmask, format->Amask);
			SDL_FillRect(letters[i], NULL, transp);
			SDL_SetColorKey(letters[i], SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, transp);
			dstrect.x = 0;
			dstrect.y = SHADOW_OFFSET;
			SDL_BlitSurface(shadowfont.letters[i], NULL, letters[i], &dstrect);
			dstrect.x = 0;
			dstrect.y = 0;
			SDL_BlitSurface(fgfont.letters[i], NULL, letters[i], &dstrect);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool font_init(void)
bool error = false;

	// we'll be bypassing the NXSurface automatic scaling features
	// and drawing at the real resolution so we can get better-looking fonts.
//	sdl_screen = screen->GetSDLSurface();
	// at 320x240 switch to bitmap fonts for better appearance
	if (SCALE == 1)
		stat("fonts: using bitmapped from %s", bmpfontfile);
		SDL_RWops* rwops = fileopen_SDL_RWops_RO(bmpfontfile);
		if (!rwops) { staterr("Couldn't open bitmap font file %s: SDL_RWFromFP: %s", bmpfontfile, SDL_GetError()); return 1; }
		SDL_Surface *sheet = SDL_LoadBMP_RW(rwops, 1);
		if (!sheet) { staterr("Couldn't open bitmap font file: SDL_LoadBMP_RW: %s", SDL_GetError()); return 1; }
		uint32_t fgindex = SDL_MapRGB(sheet->format, 255, 255, 255);
		error = error || whitefont.InitBitmapChars(sheet, fgindex, 0xffffff);
		error = error || greenfont.InitBitmapChars(sheet, fgindex, 0x00ff80);
		error = error || bluefont.InitBitmapChars(sheet, fgindex, 0xa0b5de);
		error = error || shadowfont.InitBitmapCharsShadowed(sheet, fgindex, 0xffffff, 0x000000);
		// It will get size 8, 17, 26, 35, ...
		// Hope ot will look nice on higher resolutions
		int pointsize = 8 + 9 * (SCALE - 1);
		stat("fonts: using truetype at %dpt", pointsize);

		// initilize normal TTF fonts
		if (TTF_Init() < 0)
			staterr("Couldn't initialize SDL_ttf: %s", TTF_GetError());
			return 1;
		TTF_Font *font = TTF_OpenFontRW(SDL_RWFromFP(fileopenRO(ttffontfile), SDL_TRUE), 1, pointsize);
		if (!font)
			staterr("Couldn't open font: '%s'", ttffontfile);
			return 1;
		error = error || whitefont.InitChars(font, 0xffffff);
		error = error || greenfont.InitChars(font, 0x00ff80);
		error = error || bluefont.InitChars(font, 0xa0b5de);
		error = error || shadowfont.InitCharsShadowed(font, 0xffffff, 0x000000);

	error = error || whitefont.InitTextures();
	error = error || greenfont.InitTextures();
	error = error || bluefont.InitTextures();
	error = error || shadowfont.InitTextures();
	error = error || create_shade_sfc();
	if (error) return 1;
	fontheight = (whitefont.letters['M']->h / SCALE);
	initilized = true;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool font_init(void)
bool error = false;

	// we'll be bypassing the NXSurface automatic scaling features
	// and drawing at the real resolution so we can get better-looking fonts.
	sdl_screen = screen->GetSDLSurface();
	// at 320x240 switch to bitmap fonts for better appearance
#if (defined(_320X240) || defined(_480X272)) && defined(_L10N_CP1251)
    if (false)
#elif defined(CONFIG_ENABLE_TTF)
    if (SCALE == 1)
		stat("fonts: using bitmapped from %s", bmpfontfile);
		SDL_Surface *sheet = SDL_LoadBMP(bmpfontfile);
		if (!sheet)
			staterr("Couldn't open bitmap font file: '%s'", bmpfontfile);
			return 1;
		uint32_t fgindex = SDL_MapRGB(sheet->format, 255, 255, 255);
		error |= whitefont.InitBitmapChars(sheet, fgindex, 0xffffff);
		error |= greenfont.InitBitmapChars(sheet, fgindex, 0x00ff80);
		error |= bluefont.InitBitmapChars(sheet, fgindex, 0xa0b5de);
		error |= shadowfont.InitBitmapCharsShadowed(sheet, fgindex, 0xffffff, 0x000000);
		stat("fonts: using truetype at %dpt", pointsize[SCALE]);
		// initilize normal TTF fonts
		if (TTF_Init() < 0)
			staterr("Couldn't initialize SDL_ttf: %s", TTF_GetError());
			return 1;

        TTF_Font *font = TTF_OpenFont(ttffontfile, pointsize[SCALE]);
		if (!font)
			staterr("Couldn't open font: '%s'", ttffontfile);
			return 1;
		error |= whitefont.InitChars(font, 0xffffff);
		error |= greenfont.InitChars(font, 0x00ff80);
		error |= bluefont.InitChars(font, 0xa0b5de);
		error |= shadowfont.InitCharsShadowed(font, 0xffffff, 0x000000);
	error |= create_shade_sfc();
	if (error) return 1;
	fontheight = (whitefont.letters['M']->h / SCALE);
	initilized = true;
	return 0;