Ejemplo n.º 1
 static int handle_system_collection_insert(const char *ns, const BSONObj &obj, bool logop) {
     // Trying to insert into a system collection.  Fancy side-effects go here:
     // TODO: see insert_checkSys
     if (mongoutils::str::endsWith(ns, ".system.indexes")) {
         // obj is something like this:
         // { _id: ObjectId('511d34f6d3080c48017a14d0'), ns: "test.leif", key: { a: -1.0 }, name: "a_-1", unique: true }
         const string &coll = obj["ns"].String();
         NamespaceDetails *details = getAndMaybeCreateNS(coll.c_str(), logop);
         BSONObj key = obj["key"].Obj();
         int i = details->findIndexByKeyPattern(key);
         if (i >= 0) {
             return ASSERT_ID_DUPKEY;
         } else {
     } else if (legalClientSystemNS(ns, true)) {
         if (mongoutils::str::endsWith(ns, ".system.users")) {
             uassert( 14051 , "system.users entry needs 'user' field to be a string", obj["user"].type() == String );
             uassert( 14052 , "system.users entry needs 'pwd' field to be a string", obj["pwd"].type() == String );
             uassert( 14053 , "system.users entry needs 'user' field to be non-empty", obj["user"].String().size() );
             uassert( 14054 , "system.users entry needs 'pwd' field to be non-empty", obj["pwd"].String().size() );
     } else {
         uasserted(16459, str::stream() << "attempt to insert in system namespace '" << ns << "'");
     return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 IndexDescriptor* getIndex(const BSONObj& obj) {
     Client::ReadContext ctx(ns());
     Collection* collection = ctx.ctx().db()->getCollection( ns() );
     NamespaceDetails* nsd = collection->details();
     int idxNo = nsd->findIndexByKeyPattern(obj);
     return collection->getIndexCatalog()->getDescriptor( idxNo );
Ejemplo n.º 3
    long long Helpers::removeRange( const string& ns , const BSONObj& min , const BSONObj& max , bool yield , bool maxInclusive , RemoveCallback * callback, bool fromMigrate ) {
        BSONObj keya , keyb;
        BSONObj minClean = toKeyFormat( min , keya );
        BSONObj maxClean = toKeyFormat( max , keyb );
        verify( keya == keyb );

        Client::Context ctx(ns);

        shared_ptr<Cursor> c;
        auto_ptr<ClientCursor> cc;
            NamespaceDetails* nsd = nsdetails( ns.c_str() );
            if ( ! nsd )
                return 0;
            int ii = nsd->findIndexByKeyPattern( keya );
            verify( ii >= 0 );
            IndexDetails& i = nsd->idx( ii );
            c.reset( BtreeCursor::make( nsd , ii , i , minClean , maxClean , maxInclusive, 1 ) );
            cc.reset( new ClientCursor( QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout , c , ns ) );
            cc->setDoingDeletes( true );

        long long num = 0;

        while ( cc->ok() ) {

            if ( yield && ! cc->yieldSometimes( ClientCursor::WillNeed) ) {
                // cursor got finished by someone else, so we're done
                cc.release(); // if the collection/db is dropped, cc may be deleted

            if ( ! cc->ok() )

            DiskLoc rloc = cc->currLoc();

            if ( callback )
                callback->goingToDelete( cc->current() );


            logOp( "d" , ns.c_str() , rloc.obj()["_id"].wrap() , 0 , 0 , fromMigrate );
            theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(ns.c_str() , rloc.rec(), rloc);




        return num;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    long long Helpers::removeRange( const string& ns , const BSONObj& min , const BSONObj& max , bool yield , bool maxInclusive , RemoveCallback * callback ) {
        BSONObj keya , keyb;
        BSONObj minClean = toKeyFormat( min , keya );
        BSONObj maxClean = toKeyFormat( max , keyb );
        assert( keya == keyb );

        Client::Context ctx(ns);
        NamespaceDetails* nsd = nsdetails( ns.c_str() );
        if ( ! nsd )
            return 0;

        int ii = nsd->findIndexByKeyPattern( keya );
        assert( ii >= 0 );

        long long num = 0;

        IndexDetails& i = nsd->idx( ii );

        shared_ptr<Cursor> c( new BtreeCursor( nsd , ii , i , minClean , maxClean , maxInclusive, 1 ) );
        auto_ptr<ClientCursor> cc( new ClientCursor( QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout , c , ns ) );
        cc->setDoingDeletes( true );

        while ( c->ok() ) {
            DiskLoc rloc = c->currLoc();
            BSONObj key = c->currKey();

            if ( callback )
                callback->goingToDelete( c->current() );


            logOp( "d" , ns.c_str() , rloc.obj()["_id"].wrap() );
            theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(ns.c_str() , rloc.rec(), rloc);


            if ( yield && ! cc->yieldSometimes() ) {
                // cursor got finished by someone else, so we're done
                cc.release(); // if the collection/db is dropped, cc may be deleted

        return num;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 IndexDescriptor* getIndex(const BSONObj& obj, Collection* coll) {
     NamespaceDetails* nsd = coll->details();
     int idxNo = nsd->findIndexByKeyPattern(obj);
     return coll->getIndexCatalog()->getDescriptor( idxNo );
Ejemplo n.º 6
    PlanStage* buildStages(const QuerySolution& qsol, const QuerySolutionNode* root, WorkingSet* ws, bool use_chronos = false) {
        if (STAGE_COLLSCAN == root->getType()) {
            const CollectionScanNode* csn = static_cast<const CollectionScanNode*>(root);
            CollectionScanParams params;
            params.ns = csn->name;
            params.tailable = csn->tailable;
            params.direction = (csn->direction == 1) ? CollectionScanParams::FORWARD
                                                     : CollectionScanParams::BACKWARD;
            params.maxScan = csn->maxScan;
            return new CollectionScan(params, ws, csn->filter.get(), use_chronos);
        else if (STAGE_IXSCAN == root->getType()) {
            const IndexScanNode* ixn = static_cast<const IndexScanNode*>(root);
            // XXX XXX
            // Given that this grabs data from the catalog, we must do this inside of a lock.
            // We should change this to take a (ns, index key pattern) pair so that the params
            // don't involve any on-disk data, just descriptions thereof.
            // XXX XXX
            Database* db = cc().database();
            Collection* collection = db ? db->getCollection(qsol.ns) : NULL;
            if (NULL == collection) {
                warning() << "Can't ixscan null ns " << qsol.ns << endl;
                return NULL;
            NamespaceDetails* nsd = collection->details();
            int idxNo = nsd->findIndexByKeyPattern(ixn->indexKeyPattern);
            if (-1 == idxNo) {
                warning() << "Can't find idx " << ixn->indexKeyPattern.toString()
                          << "in ns " << qsol.ns << endl;
                return NULL;
            IndexScanParams params;
            params.descriptor = collection->getIndexCatalog()->getDescriptor( idxNo );
            params.bounds = ixn->bounds;
            params.direction = ixn->direction;
            params.limit = ixn->limit;
            params.maxScan = ixn->maxScan;
            params.addKeyMetadata = ixn->addKeyMetadata;
            params.ns = qsol.ns;
            return new IndexScan(params, ws, ixn->filter.get(), use_chronos);
        else if (STAGE_FETCH == root->getType()) {
            const FetchNode* fn = static_cast<const FetchNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, fn->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new FetchStage(ws, childStage, fn->filter.get());
        else if (STAGE_SORT == root->getType()) {
            const SortNode* sn = static_cast<const SortNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, sn->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            SortStageParams params;
            params.pattern = sn->pattern;
            params.query = sn->query;
            params.limit = sn->limit;
            return new SortStage(params, ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_PROJECTION == root->getType()) {
            const ProjectionNode* pn = static_cast<const ProjectionNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, pn->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new ProjectionStage(pn->projection, pn->fullExpression, ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_LIMIT == root->getType()) {
            const LimitNode* ln = static_cast<const LimitNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, ln->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new LimitStage(ln->limit, ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_SKIP == root->getType()) {
            const SkipNode* sn = static_cast<const SkipNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, sn->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new SkipStage(sn->skip, ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_AND_HASH == root->getType()) {
            const AndHashNode* ahn = static_cast<const AndHashNode*>(root);
            auto_ptr<AndHashStage> ret(new AndHashStage(ws, ahn->filter.get()));
            for (size_t i = 0; i < ahn->children.size(); ++i) {
                PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, ahn->children[i], ws);
                if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return ret.release();
        else if (STAGE_OR == root->getType()) {
            const OrNode * orn = static_cast<const OrNode*>(root);
            auto_ptr<OrStage> ret(new OrStage(ws, orn->dedup, orn->filter.get()));
            for (size_t i = 0; i < orn->children.size(); ++i) {
                PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, orn->children[i], ws);
                if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return ret.release();
        else if (STAGE_AND_SORTED == root->getType()) {
            const AndSortedNode* asn = static_cast<const AndSortedNode*>(root);
            auto_ptr<AndSortedStage> ret(new AndSortedStage(ws, asn->filter.get()));
            for (size_t i = 0; i < asn->children.size(); ++i) {
                PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, asn->children[i], ws);
                if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return ret.release();
        else if (STAGE_SORT_MERGE == root->getType()) {
            const MergeSortNode* msn = static_cast<const MergeSortNode*>(root);
            MergeSortStageParams params;
            params.dedup = msn->dedup;
            params.pattern = msn->sort;
            auto_ptr<MergeSortStage> ret(new MergeSortStage(params, ws));
            for (size_t i = 0; i < msn->children.size(); ++i) {
                PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, msn->children[i], ws);
                if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return ret.release();
        else if (STAGE_GEO_2D == root->getType()) {
            const Geo2DNode* node = static_cast<const Geo2DNode*>(root);
            TwoDParams params;
            params.gq = node->gq;
            params.filter = node->filter.get();
            params.indexKeyPattern = node->indexKeyPattern;
            params.ns = qsol.ns;
            return new TwoD(params, ws);
        else if (STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2D == root->getType()) {
            const GeoNear2DNode* node = static_cast<const GeoNear2DNode*>(root);
            TwoDNearParams params;
            params.nearQuery = node->nq;
            params.ns = qsol.ns;
            params.indexKeyPattern = node->indexKeyPattern;
            params.filter = node->filter.get();
            params.numWanted = node->numWanted;
            params.addPointMeta = node->addPointMeta;
            params.addDistMeta = node->addDistMeta;
            return new TwoDNear(params, ws);
        else if (STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2DSPHERE == root->getType()) {
            const GeoNear2DSphereNode* node = static_cast<const GeoNear2DSphereNode*>(root);
            S2NearParams params;
            params.ns = qsol.ns;
            params.indexKeyPattern = node->indexKeyPattern;
            params.nearQuery = node->nq;
            params.baseBounds = node->baseBounds;
            params.filter = node->filter.get();
            params.addPointMeta = node->addPointMeta;
            params.addDistMeta = node->addDistMeta;
            return new S2NearStage(params, ws);
        else if (STAGE_TEXT == root->getType()) {
            const TextNode* node = static_cast<const TextNode*>(root);

            Database* db = cc().database();
            Collection* collection = db ? db->getCollection(qsol.ns) : NULL;
            if (NULL == collection) {
                warning() << "null collection for text?";
                return NULL;
            vector<int> idxMatches;
            collection->details()->findIndexByType("text", idxMatches);
            if (1 != idxMatches.size()) {
                warning() << "more than one text idx?";
                return NULL;
            IndexDescriptor* index = collection->getIndexCatalog()->getDescriptor(idxMatches[0]);
            const FTSAccessMethod* fam =
                static_cast<FTSAccessMethod*>( collection->getIndexCatalog()->getIndex( index ) );
            TextStageParams params(fam->getSpec());

            params.ns = qsol.ns;
            params.index = index;
            params.spec = fam->getSpec();
            // XXX change getIndexPrefix to not look at BSONObj
            Status s = fam->getSpec().getIndexPrefix(qsol.filterData, &params.indexPrefix);
            if (!s.isOK()) {
                warning() << "can't get text index prefix??";
                return NULL;

            string language = ("" == node->_language
                               ? fam->getSpec().defaultLanguage().str()
                               : node->_language);

            FTSQuery ftsq;
            Status parseStatus = ftsq.parse(node->_query, language);
            if (!parseStatus.isOK()) {
                warning() << "cant parse fts query";
                return NULL;
            params.query = ftsq;

            return new TextStage(params, ws, node->filter.get());
        else if (STAGE_SHARDING_FILTER == root->getType()) {
            const ShardingFilterNode* fn = static_cast<const ShardingFilterNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, fn->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new ShardFilterStage(shardingState.getCollectionMetadata(qsol.ns), ws, childStage);
        else {
            stringstream ss;
            root->appendToString(&ss, 0);
            warning() << "Could not build exec tree for node " << ss.str() << endl;
            return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 IndexDescriptor* getIndex(const BSONObj& obj) {
     Client::ReadContext ctx(ns());
     NamespaceDetails* nsd = nsdetails(ns());
     int idxNo = nsd->findIndexByKeyPattern(obj);
     return CatalogHack::getDescriptor(nsd, idxNo);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        PlanStage* parseQuery(const string& dbname, BSONObj obj, WorkingSet* workingSet,
                              OwnedPointerVector<MatchExpression>* exprs) {
            BSONElement firstElt = obj.firstElement();
            if (!firstElt.isABSONObj()) { return NULL; }
            BSONObj paramObj = firstElt.Obj();

            MatchExpression* matcher = NULL;
            BSONObj nodeArgs;

            // Every node has these two fields.
            const string filterTag = "filter";
            const string argsTag = "args";

            BSONObjIterator it(paramObj);
            while (it.more()) {
                BSONElement e = it.next();
                if (!e.isABSONObj()) { return NULL; }
                BSONObj argObj = e.Obj();
                if (filterTag == e.fieldName()) {
                    StatusWithMatchExpression swme = MatchExpressionParser::parse(argObj);
                    if (!swme.isOK()) { return NULL; }
                    // exprs is what will wind up deleting this.
                    matcher = swme.getValue();
                    verify(NULL != matcher);
                else if (argsTag == e.fieldName()) {
                    nodeArgs = argObj;
                else {
                    uasserted(16910, "Unknown fieldname " + string(e.fieldName())
                                     + " in query node " + obj.toString());
                    return NULL;

            string nodeName = firstElt.fieldName();

            if ("ixscan" == nodeName) {
                NamespaceDetails* nsd = nsdetails(dbname + "." + nodeArgs["name"].String());
                uassert(16913, "Can't find collection " + nodeArgs["name"].String(), nsd);

                int idxNo = nsd->findIndexByKeyPattern(nodeArgs["keyPattern"].Obj());
                uassert(16890, "Can't find index: " + nodeArgs["keyPattern"].Obj().toString(),
                        idxNo != -1);

                IndexScanParams params;
                params.descriptor = CatalogHack::getDescriptor(nsd, idxNo);
                params.startKey = nodeArgs["startKey"].Obj();
                params.endKey = nodeArgs["endKey"].Obj();
                params.endKeyInclusive = nodeArgs["endKeyInclusive"].Bool();
                params.direction = nodeArgs["direction"].numberInt();
                params.limit = nodeArgs["limit"].numberInt();
                params.forceBtreeAccessMethod = false;

                return new IndexScan(params, workingSet, matcher);
            else if ("andHash" == nodeName) {
                uassert(16921, "Nodes argument must be provided to AND",

                auto_ptr<AndHashStage> andStage(new AndHashStage(workingSet, matcher));

                int nodesAdded = 0;
                BSONObjIterator it(nodeArgs["nodes"].Obj());
                while (it.more()) {
                    BSONElement e = it.next();
                    uassert(16922, "node of AND isn't an obj?: " + e.toString(),

                    PlanStage* subNode = parseQuery(dbname, e.Obj(), workingSet, exprs);
                    uassert(16923, "Can't parse sub-node of AND: " + e.Obj().toString(),
                            NULL != subNode);
                    // takes ownership

                uassert(16927, "AND requires more than one child", nodesAdded >= 2);

                return andStage.release();
            else if ("andSorted" == nodeName) {
                uassert(16924, "Nodes argument must be provided to AND",

                auto_ptr<AndSortedStage> andStage(new AndSortedStage(workingSet,

                int nodesAdded = 0;
                BSONObjIterator it(nodeArgs["nodes"].Obj());
                while (it.more()) {
                    BSONElement e = it.next();
                    uassert(16925, "node of AND isn't an obj?: " + e.toString(),

                    PlanStage* subNode = parseQuery(dbname, e.Obj(), workingSet, exprs);
                    uassert(16926, "Can't parse sub-node of AND: " + e.Obj().toString(),
                            NULL != subNode);
                    // takes ownership

                uassert(16928, "AND requires more than one child", nodesAdded >= 2);

                return andStage.release();
            else if ("or" == nodeName) {
                uassert(16934, "Nodes argument must be provided to AND",
                uassert(16935, "Dedup argument must be provided to OR",
                BSONObjIterator it(nodeArgs["nodes"].Obj());
                auto_ptr<OrStage> orStage(new OrStage(workingSet, nodeArgs["dedup"].Bool(),
                while (it.more()) {
                    BSONElement e = it.next();
                    if (!e.isABSONObj()) { return NULL; }
                    PlanStage* subNode = parseQuery(dbname, e.Obj(), workingSet, exprs);
                    uassert(16936, "Can't parse sub-node of OR: " + e.Obj().toString(),
                            NULL != subNode);
                    // takes ownership

                return orStage.release();
            else if ("fetch" == nodeName) {
                uassert(16929, "Node argument must be provided to fetch",
                PlanStage* subNode = parseQuery(dbname, nodeArgs["node"].Obj(), workingSet, exprs);
                return new FetchStage(workingSet, subNode, matcher);
            else if ("limit" == nodeName) {
                uassert(16937, "Limit stage doesn't have a filter (put it on the child)",
                        NULL == matcher);
                uassert(16930, "Node argument must be provided to limit",
                uassert(16931, "Num argument must be provided to limit",
                PlanStage* subNode = parseQuery(dbname, nodeArgs["node"].Obj(), workingSet, exprs);
                return new LimitStage(nodeArgs["num"].numberInt(), workingSet, subNode);
            else if ("skip" == nodeName) {
                uassert(16938, "Skip stage doesn't have a filter (put it on the child)",
                        NULL == matcher);
                uassert(16932, "Node argument must be provided to skip",
                uassert(16933, "Num argument must be provided to skip",
                PlanStage* subNode = parseQuery(dbname, nodeArgs["node"].Obj(), workingSet, exprs);
                return new SkipStage(nodeArgs["num"].numberInt(), workingSet, subNode);
            else if ("cscan" == nodeName) {
                CollectionScanParams params;

                // What collection?
                params.ns = dbname + "." + nodeArgs["name"].String();
                uassert(16962, "Can't find collection " + nodeArgs["name"].String(),
                        NULL != nsdetails(params.ns));

                // What direction?
                uassert(16963, "Direction argument must be specified and be a number",
                if (1 == nodeArgs["direction"].numberInt()) {
                    params.direction = CollectionScanParams::FORWARD;
                else {
                    params.direction = CollectionScanParams::BACKWARD;

                return new CollectionScan(params, workingSet, matcher);
            else if ("sort" == nodeName) {
                uassert(16969, "Node argument must be provided to sort",
                uassert(16970, "Pattern argument must be provided to sort",
                PlanStage* subNode = parseQuery(dbname, nodeArgs["node"].Obj(), workingSet, exprs);
                SortStageParams params;
                params.pattern = nodeArgs["pattern"].Obj();
                return new SortStage(params, workingSet, subNode);
            else if ("mergeSort" == nodeName) {
                uassert(16971, "Nodes argument must be provided to sort",
                uassert(16972, "Pattern argument must be provided to sort",

                MergeSortStageParams params;
                params.pattern = nodeArgs["pattern"].Obj();
                // Dedup is true by default.

                auto_ptr<MergeSortStage> mergeStage(new MergeSortStage(params, workingSet));

                BSONObjIterator it(nodeArgs["nodes"].Obj());
                while (it.more()) {
                    BSONElement e = it.next();
                    uassert(16973, "node of mergeSort isn't an obj?: " + e.toString(),

                    PlanStage* subNode = parseQuery(dbname, e.Obj(), workingSet, exprs);
                    uassert(16974, "Can't parse sub-node of mergeSort: " + e.Obj().toString(),
                            NULL != subNode);
                    // takes ownership
                return mergeStage.release();
            else {
                return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    PlanStage* buildStages(const string& ns, const QuerySolutionNode* root, WorkingSet* ws) {
        if (STAGE_COLLSCAN == root->getType()) {
            const CollectionScanNode* csn = static_cast<const CollectionScanNode*>(root);
            CollectionScanParams params;
            params.ns = csn->name;
            params.tailable = csn->tailable;
            params.direction = (csn->direction == 1) ? CollectionScanParams::FORWARD
                                                     : CollectionScanParams::BACKWARD;
            return new CollectionScan(params, ws, csn->filter.get());
        else if (STAGE_IXSCAN == root->getType()) {
            const IndexScanNode* ixn = static_cast<const IndexScanNode*>(root);
            // XXX XXX
            // Given that this grabs data from the catalog, we must do this inside of a lock.
            // We should change this to take a (ns, index key pattern) pair so that the params
            // don't involve any on-disk data, just descriptions thereof.
            // XXX XXX
            IndexScanParams params;
            NamespaceDetails* nsd = nsdetails(ns.c_str());
            if (NULL == nsd) {
                warning() << "Can't ixscan null ns " << ns << endl;
                return NULL;
            int idxNo = nsd->findIndexByKeyPattern(ixn->indexKeyPattern);
            if (-1 == idxNo) {
                warning() << "Can't find idx " << ixn->indexKeyPattern.toString()
                          << "in ns " << ns << endl;
                return NULL;
            params.descriptor = CatalogHack::getDescriptor(nsd, idxNo);
            params.bounds = ixn->bounds;
            params.direction = ixn->direction;
            params.limit = ixn->limit;
            return new IndexScan(params, ws, ixn->filter.get());
        else if (STAGE_FETCH == root->getType()) {
            const FetchNode* fn = static_cast<const FetchNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(ns, fn->child.get(), ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new FetchStage(ws, childStage, fn->filter.get());
        else if (STAGE_SORT == root->getType()) {
            const SortNode* sn = static_cast<const SortNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(ns, sn->child.get(), ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            SortStageParams params;
            params.pattern = sn->pattern;
            return new SortStage(params, ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_PROJECTION == root->getType()) {
            const ProjectionNode* pn = static_cast<const ProjectionNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(ns, pn->child.get(), ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new ProjectionStage(pn->projection, ws, childStage, NULL);
        else if (STAGE_LIMIT == root->getType()) {
            const LimitNode* ln = static_cast<const LimitNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(ns, ln->child.get(), ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new LimitStage(ln->limit, ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_SKIP == root->getType()) {
            const SkipNode* sn = static_cast<const SkipNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(ns, sn->child.get(), ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new SkipStage(sn->skip, ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_AND_HASH == root->getType()) {
            const AndHashNode* ahn = static_cast<const AndHashNode*>(root);
            auto_ptr<AndHashStage> ret(new AndHashStage(ws, ahn->filter.get()));
            for (size_t i = 0; i < ahn->children.size(); ++i) {
                PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(ns, ahn->children[i], ws);
                if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return ret.release();
        else if (STAGE_OR == root->getType()) {
            const OrNode * orn = static_cast<const OrNode*>(root);
            auto_ptr<OrStage> ret(new OrStage(ws, orn->dedup, orn->filter.get()));
            for (size_t i = 0; i < orn->children.size(); ++i) {
                PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(ns, orn->children[i], ws);
                if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return ret.release();
        else if (STAGE_AND_SORTED == root->getType()) {
            const AndSortedNode* asn = static_cast<const AndSortedNode*>(root);
            auto_ptr<AndSortedStage> ret(new AndSortedStage(ws, asn->filter.get()));
            for (size_t i = 0; i < asn->children.size(); ++i) {
                PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(ns, asn->children[i], ws);
                if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return ret.release();
        else if (STAGE_SORT_MERGE == root->getType()) {
            const MergeSortNode* msn = static_cast<const MergeSortNode*>(root);
            MergeSortStageParams params;
            params.dedup = msn->dedup;
            params.pattern = msn->sort;
            auto_ptr<MergeSortStage> ret(new MergeSortStage(params, ws));
            for (size_t i = 0; i < msn->children.size(); ++i) {
                PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(ns, msn->children[i], ws);
                if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return ret.release();
        else if (STAGE_GEO_2D == root->getType()) {
            const Geo2DNode* node = static_cast<const Geo2DNode*>(root);
            TwoDParams params;
            params.gq = node->gq;
            params.filter = node->filter.get();
            params.indexKeyPattern = node->indexKeyPattern;
            params.ns = ns;
            return new TwoD(params, ws);
        else if (STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2D == root->getType()) {
            const GeoNear2DNode* node = static_cast<const GeoNear2DNode*>(root);
            TwoDNearParams params;
            params.nearQuery = node->nq;
            params.ns = ns;
            params.indexKeyPattern = node->indexKeyPattern;
            params.filter = node->filter.get();
            params.numWanted = node->numWanted;
            // XXX XXX where do we grab this from??  the near query...modify geo parser... :(
            params.uniqueDocs = false;
            // XXX XXX where do we grab this from??  the near query...modify geo parser... :(
            return new TwoDNear(params, ws);
        else if (STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2DSPHERE == root->getType()) {
            const GeoNear2DSphereNode* node = static_cast<const GeoNear2DSphereNode*>(root);
            return new S2NearStage(ns, node->indexKeyPattern, node->nq, node->baseBounds,
                                   node->filter.get(), ws);
        else if (STAGE_TEXT == root->getType()) {
            const TextNode* node = static_cast<const TextNode*>(root);

            NamespaceDetails* nsd = nsdetails(ns.c_str());
            if (NULL == nsd) { return NULL; }
            vector<int> idxMatches;
            nsd->findIndexByType("text", idxMatches);
            if (1 != idxMatches.size()) { return NULL; }
            IndexDescriptor* index = CatalogHack::getDescriptor(nsd, idxMatches[0]);
            auto_ptr<FTSAccessMethod> fam(new FTSAccessMethod(index));
            TextStageParams params(fam->getSpec());

            params.ns = ns;
            params.index = index;
            params.spec = fam->getSpec();
            params.limit = node->_numWanted;
            Status s = fam->getSpec().getIndexPrefix(BSONObj(), &params.indexPrefix);
            if (!s.isOK()) { return NULL; }

            string language = ("" == node->_language
                               ? fam->getSpec().defaultLanguage()
                               : node->_language);

            FTSQuery ftsq;
            Status parseStatus = ftsq.parse(node->_query, language);
            if (!parseStatus.isOK()) { return NULL; }
            params.query = ftsq;

            return new TextStage(params, ws, node->_filter.get());
        else {
            stringstream ss;
            root->appendToString(&ss, 0);
            warning() << "Could not build exec tree for node " << ss.str() << endl;
            return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 10
    long long Helpers::removeRange( const string& ns ,
                                    const BSONObj& min ,
                                    const BSONObj& max ,
                                    const BSONObj& keyPattern ,
                                    bool maxInclusive ,
                                    bool secondaryThrottle ,
                                    RemoveCallback * callback,
                                    bool fromMigrate ) {
        Client& c = cc();

        long long numDeleted = 0;
        PageFaultRetryableSection pgrs;
        long long millisWaitingForReplication = 0;

        while ( 1 ) {
            try {

                Client::WriteContext ctx(ns);
                scoped_ptr<Cursor> c;
                    NamespaceDetails* nsd = nsdetails( ns.c_str() );
                    if ( ! nsd )
                    int ii = nsd->findIndexByKeyPattern( keyPattern );
                    verify( ii >= 0 );
                    IndexDetails& i = nsd->idx( ii );

                    // Extend min to get (min, MinKey, MinKey, ....)
                    BSONObj newMin = Helpers::modifiedRangeBound( min , keyPattern , -1 );
                    // If upper bound is included, extend max to get (max, MaxKey, MaxKey, ...)
                    // If not included, extend max to get (max, MinKey, MinKey, ....)
                    int minOrMax = maxInclusive ? 1 : -1;
                    BSONObj newMax = Helpers::modifiedRangeBound( max , keyPattern , minOrMax );
                    c.reset( BtreeCursor::make( nsd , ii , i , newMin , newMax , maxInclusive , 1 ) );
                if ( ! c->ok() ) {
                    // we're done
                DiskLoc rloc = c->currLoc();
                BSONObj obj = c->current();
                // this is so that we don't have to handle this cursor in the delete code
                if ( callback )
                    callback->goingToDelete( obj );
                logOp( "d" , ns.c_str() , rloc.obj()["_id"].wrap() , 0 , 0 , fromMigrate );
                theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(ns.c_str() , rloc.rec(), rloc);
            catch( PageFaultException& e ) {

            Timer secondaryThrottleTime;

            if ( secondaryThrottle ) {
                if ( ! waitForReplication( c.getLastOp(), 2, 60 /* seconds to wait */ ) ) {
                    warning() << "replication to secondaries for removeRange at least 60 seconds behind" << endl;
                millisWaitingForReplication += secondaryThrottleTime.millis();
            if ( ! Lock::isLocked() ) {
                int micros = ( 2 * Client::recommendedYieldMicros() ) - secondaryThrottleTime.micros();
                if ( micros > 0 ) {
                    LOG(1) << "Helpers::removeRangeUnlocked going to sleep for " << micros << " micros" << endl;
                    sleepmicros( micros );
        if ( secondaryThrottle )
            log() << "Helpers::removeRangeUnlocked time spent waiting for replication: "  
                  << millisWaitingForReplication << "ms" << endl;
        return numDeleted;