Ejemplo n.º 1
void Caller::call_base_pileup(const NodePileup& np, int64_t offset) {
    const BasePileup& bp = np.base_pileup(offset);
    // parse the pilueup structure
    vector<pair<int, int> > base_offsets;
    vector<pair<int, int> > indel_offsets;
    Pileups::parse_base_offsets(bp, base_offsets, indel_offsets, indel_offsets);

    // compute top two most frequent bases and their counts
    char top_base;
    int top_count;
    char second_base;
    int second_count;
    compute_top_frequencies(bp, base_offsets, top_base, top_count, second_base, second_count);

    // note first and second base will be upper case too
    char ref_base = ::toupper(bp.ref_base());

    // test against thresholding heuristics
    if ((double)(top_count + second_count) / (double)base_offsets.size() >= _min_frac) {

        // compute max likelihood snp genotype.  it will be one of the three combinations
        // of the top two bases (we don't care about case here)
        pair<char, char> g = mp_snp_genotype(bp, base_offsets, top_base, second_base);

        // update the node calls
        if (top_count >= _min_support) {
            if (g.first != ref_base) {
                _node_calls[offset].first = g.first;
            } else {
                _node_calls[offset].first = '.';
        if (second_count >= _min_support) {
            if (g.second != ref_base && g.second != g.first) {
                _node_calls[offset].second = g.second;
            } else {
                _node_calls[offset].second = '.';
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Caller::call_node_pileup(const NodePileup& pileup) {

    _node = _graph->get_node(pileup.node_id());
    assert(_node != NULL);
    char def_char = _leave_uncalled ? '.' : '-';
    _node_calls.assign(_node->sequence().length(), Genotype(def_char, def_char));

    // todo: parallelize this loop
    // process each base in pileup individually
    for (int i = 0; i < pileup.base_pileup_size(); ++i) {
        if (pileup.base_pileup(i).num_bases() >= _min_depth &&
            pileup.base_pileup(i).num_bases() <= _max_depth) {
            call_base_pileup(pileup, i);

    // add nodes and edges created when making calls to the output graph
    // (_side_map gets updated)
