Ejemplo n.º 1
bool Context::isThunkSymbol(llvm::StringRef MangledName) {
  if (isMangledName(MangledName)) {
    // First do a quick check
    if (MangledName.endswith("TA") ||  // partial application forwarder
        MangledName.endswith("Ta") ||  // ObjC partial application forwarder
        MangledName.endswith("To") ||  // swift-as-ObjC thunk
        MangledName.endswith("TO") ||  // ObjC-as-swift thunk
        MangledName.endswith("TR") ||  // reabstraction thunk helper function
        MangledName.endswith("Tr") ||  // reabstraction thunk
        MangledName.endswith("TW") ||  // protocol witness thunk
        MangledName.endswith("fC")) {  // allocating constructor

      // To avoid false positives, we need to fully demangle the symbol.
      NodePointer Nd = D->demangleSymbol(MangledName);
      if (!Nd || Nd->getKind() != Node::Kind::Global ||
          Nd->getNumChildren() == 0)
        return false;

      switch (Nd->getFirstChild()->getKind()) {
        case Node::Kind::ObjCAttribute:
        case Node::Kind::NonObjCAttribute:
        case Node::Kind::PartialApplyObjCForwarder:
        case Node::Kind::PartialApplyForwarder:
        case Node::Kind::ReabstractionThunkHelper:
        case Node::Kind::ReabstractionThunk:
        case Node::Kind::ProtocolWitness:
        case Node::Kind::Allocator:
          return true;
    return false;

  if (MangledName.startswith("_T")) {
    // Old mangling.
    StringRef Remaining = MangledName.substr(2);
    if (Remaining.startswith("To") ||   // swift-as-ObjC thunk
        Remaining.startswith("TO") ||   // ObjC-as-swift thunk
        Remaining.startswith("PA_") ||  // partial application forwarder
        Remaining.startswith("PAo_")) { // ObjC partial application forwarder
      return true;
  return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Build a demangled type tree for a type.
swift::_swift_buildDemanglingForMetadata(const Metadata *type,
                                         Demangle::Demangler &Dem) {
  using namespace Demangle;

  switch (type->getKind()) {
  case MetadataKind::Class:
  case MetadataKind::Enum:
  case MetadataKind::Optional:
  case MetadataKind::Struct:
    return _buildDemanglingForNominalType(type, Dem);
  case MetadataKind::ObjCClassWrapper: {
    auto objcWrapper = static_cast<const ObjCClassWrapperMetadata *>(type);
    const char *className = class_getName(objcWrapper->getObjCClassObject());
    // ObjC classes mangle as being in the magic "__ObjC" module.
    auto module = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::Module, "__ObjC");
    auto node = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::Class);
    node->addChild(module, Dem);
                                       llvm::StringRef(className)), Dem);
    return node;
    assert(false && "no ObjC interop");
    return nullptr;
  case MetadataKind::ForeignClass: {
    auto foreign = static_cast<const ForeignClassMetadata *>(type);
    return Dem.demangleType(foreign->getName());
  case MetadataKind::Existential: {
    auto exis = static_cast<const ExistentialTypeMetadata *>(type);
    std::vector<const ProtocolDescriptor *> protocols;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = exis->Protocols.NumProtocols; i < e; ++i)

    auto type_list = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::TypeList);
    auto proto_list = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::ProtocolList);
    proto_list->addChild(type_list, Dem);

    // The protocol descriptors should be pre-sorted since the compiler will
    // only ever make a swift_getExistentialTypeMetadata invocation using
    // its canonical ordering of protocols.

    for (auto *protocol : protocols) {
      // The protocol name is mangled as a type symbol, with the _Tt prefix.
      StringRef ProtoName(protocol->Name);
      NodePointer protocolNode = Dem.demangleSymbol(ProtoName);

      // ObjC protocol names aren't mangled.
      if (!protocolNode) {
        auto module = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::Module,
        auto node = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::Protocol);
        node->addChild(module, Dem);
                                        llvm::StringRef(protocol->Name)), Dem);
        auto typeNode = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::Type);
        typeNode->addChild(node, Dem);
        type_list->addChild(typeNode, Dem);

      // FIXME: We have to dig through a ridiculous number of nodes to get
      // to the Protocol node here.
      protocolNode = protocolNode->getChild(0); // Global -> TypeMangling
      protocolNode = protocolNode->getChild(0); // TypeMangling -> Type
      protocolNode = protocolNode->getChild(0); // Type -> ProtocolList
      protocolNode = protocolNode->getChild(0); // ProtocolList -> TypeList
      protocolNode = protocolNode->getChild(0); // TypeList -> Type
      assert(protocolNode->getKind() == Node::Kind::Type);
      assert(protocolNode->getChild(0)->getKind() == Node::Kind::Protocol);
      type_list->addChild(protocolNode, Dem);

    if (auto superclass = exis->getSuperclassConstraint()) {
      // If there is a superclass constraint, we mangle it specially.
      auto result = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::ProtocolListWithClass);
      auto superclassNode = _swift_buildDemanglingForMetadata(superclass, Dem);

      result->addChild(proto_list, Dem);
      result->addChild(superclassNode, Dem);
      return result;

    if (exis->isClassBounded()) {
      // Check if the class constraint is implied by any of our
      // protocols.
      bool requiresClassImplicit = false;

      for (auto *protocol : protocols) {
        if (protocol->Flags.getClassConstraint()
            == ProtocolClassConstraint::Class)
          requiresClassImplicit = true;

      // If it was implied, we don't do anything special.
      if (requiresClassImplicit)
        return proto_list;

      // If the existential type has an explicit AnyObject constraint,
      // we must mangle it as such.
      auto result = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::ProtocolListWithAnyObject);
      result->addChild(proto_list, Dem);
      return result;

    // Just a simple composition of protocols.
    return proto_list;
  case MetadataKind::ExistentialMetatype: {
    auto metatype = static_cast<const ExistentialMetatypeMetadata *>(type);
    auto instance = _swift_buildDemanglingForMetadata(metatype->InstanceType,
    auto node = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::ExistentialMetatype);
    node->addChild(instance, Dem);
    return node;
  case MetadataKind::Function: {
    auto func = static_cast<const FunctionTypeMetadata *>(type);

    Node::Kind kind;
    switch (func->getConvention()) {
    case FunctionMetadataConvention::Swift:
      kind = Node::Kind::FunctionType;
    case FunctionMetadataConvention::Block:
      kind = Node::Kind::ObjCBlock;
    case FunctionMetadataConvention::CFunctionPointer:
      kind = Node::Kind::CFunctionPointer;
    case FunctionMetadataConvention::Thin:
      kind = Node::Kind::ThinFunctionType;
    std::vector<NodePointer> inputs;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = func->getNumParameters(); i < e; ++i) {
      auto param = func->getParameter(i);
      auto flags = func->getParameterFlags(i);
      auto input = _swift_buildDemanglingForMetadata(param, Dem);

      if (flags.isInOut()) {
        NodePointer inout = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::InOut);
        inout->addChild(input, Dem);
        input = inout;
      } else if (flags.isShared()) {
        NodePointer shared = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::Shared);
        shared->addChild(input, Dem);
        input = shared;

    NodePointer totalInput = nullptr;
    switch (inputs.size()) {
    case 1:
      totalInput = inputs.front();

    // This covers both none and multiple parameters.
      auto tuple = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::Tuple);
      for (auto &input : inputs)
        tuple->addChild(input, Dem);
      totalInput = tuple;

    NodePointer args = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::ArgumentTuple);
    args->addChild(totalInput, Dem);
    NodePointer resultTy = _swift_buildDemanglingForMetadata(func->ResultType,
    NodePointer result = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::ReturnType);
    result->addChild(resultTy, Dem);
    auto funcNode = Dem.createNode(kind);
    if (func->throws())
      funcNode->addChild(Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::ThrowsAnnotation), Dem);
    funcNode->addChild(args, Dem);
    funcNode->addChild(result, Dem);
    return funcNode;
  case MetadataKind::Metatype: {
    auto metatype = static_cast<const MetatypeMetadata *>(type);
    auto instance = _swift_buildDemanglingForMetadata(metatype->InstanceType,
    auto typeNode = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::Type);
    typeNode->addChild(instance, Dem);
    auto node = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::Metatype);
    node->addChild(typeNode, Dem);
    return node;
  case MetadataKind::Tuple: {
    auto tuple = static_cast<const TupleTypeMetadata *>(type);
    const char *labels = tuple->Labels;
    auto tupleNode = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::Tuple);
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = tuple->NumElements; i < e; ++i) {
      auto elt = Dem.createNode(Node::Kind::TupleElement);

      // Add a label child if applicable:
      if (labels) {
        // Look for the next space in the labels string.
        if (const char *space = strchr(labels, ' ')) {
          // If there is one, and the label isn't empty, add a label child.
          if (labels != space) {
            auto eltName =
                                  llvm::StringRef(labels, space - labels));
            elt->addChild(eltName, Dem);

          // Skip past the space.
          labels = space + 1;

      // Add the element type child.
      auto eltType =
        _swift_buildDemanglingForMetadata(tuple->getElement(i).Type, Dem);
      elt->addChild(eltType, Dem);

      // Add the completed element to the tuple.
      tupleNode->addChild(elt, Dem);
    return tupleNode;
  case MetadataKind::Opaque:
    // FIXME: Some opaque types do have manglings, but we don't have enough info
    // to figure them out.
  case MetadataKind::HeapLocalVariable:
  case MetadataKind::HeapGenericLocalVariable:
  case MetadataKind::ErrorObject:
  // Not a type.
  return nullptr;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void swift::gatherWrittenGenericArgs(
                             const Metadata *metadata,
                             const TypeContextDescriptor *description,
                             std::vector<const Metadata *> &allGenericArgs) {
  auto generics = description->getGenericContext();
  if (!generics)

  bool missingWrittenArguments = false;
  auto genericArgs = description->getGenericArguments(metadata);
  for (auto param : generics->getGenericParams()) {
    switch (param.getKind()) {
    case GenericParamKind::Type:
      // The type should have a key argument unless it's been same-typed to
      // another type.
      if (param.hasKeyArgument()) {
        auto genericArg = *genericArgs++;
      } else {
        // Leave a gap for us to fill in by looking at same type info.
        missingWrittenArguments = true;

      // We don't know about type parameters with extra arguments. Leave
      // a hole for it.
      if (param.hasExtraArgument()) {

      // We don't know about this kind of parameter. Create placeholders where
      // needed.
      if (param.hasKeyArgument()) {

      if (param.hasExtraArgument()) {

  // If there is no follow-up work to do, we're done.
  if (!missingWrittenArguments)

  // We have generic arguments that would be written, but have been
  // canonicalized away. Use same-type requirements to reconstitute them.

  // Retrieve the mapping information needed for depth/index -> flat index.
  std::vector<unsigned> genericParamCounts;
  (void)_gatherGenericParameterCounts(description, genericParamCounts);

  // Walk through the generic requirements to evaluate same-type
  // constraints that are needed to fill in missing generic arguments.
  for (const auto &req : generics->getGenericRequirements()) {
    // We only care about same-type constraints.
    if (req.Flags.getKind() != GenericRequirementKind::SameType)

    // Where the left-hand side is a generic parameter.
    if (req.Param.begin() != req.Param.end())

    // If we don't yet have an argument for this parameter, it's a
    // same-type-to-concrete constraint.
    unsigned lhsFlatIndex = req.Param.getRootParamIndex();
    if (lhsFlatIndex >= allGenericArgs.size())

    if (!allGenericArgs[lhsFlatIndex]) {
      // Substitute into the right-hand side.
      SubstGenericParametersFromWrittenArgs substitutions(allGenericArgs,
      allGenericArgs[lhsFlatIndex] =
          _getTypeByMangledName(req.getMangledTypeName(), substitutions);

    // If we do have an argument for this parameter, it might be that
    // the right-hand side is itself a generic parameter, which means
    // we have a same-type constraint A == B where A is already filled in.
    Demangler demangler;
    NodePointer node = demangler.demangleType(req.getMangledTypeName());
    if (!node)

    // Find the flat index that the right-hand side refers to.
    if (node->getKind() == Demangle::Node::Kind::Type)
      node = node->getChild(0);
    if (node->getKind() != Demangle::Node::Kind::DependentGenericParamType)

    auto rhsFlatIndex =
    if (!rhsFlatIndex || *rhsFlatIndex >= allGenericArgs.size())

    if (allGenericArgs[*rhsFlatIndex] || !allGenericArgs[lhsFlatIndex])

    allGenericArgs[*rhsFlatIndex] = allGenericArgs[lhsFlatIndex];
Ejemplo n.º 4
NodePointer Demangle::stripGenericArgsFromContextNode(NodePointer node,
                                                      NodeFactory &factory) {
  switch (node->getKind()) {
  case Demangle::Node::Kind::BoundGenericClass:
  case Demangle::Node::Kind::BoundGenericEnum:
  case Demangle::Node::Kind::BoundGenericStructure:
  case Demangle::Node::Kind::BoundGenericOtherNominalType:
    // Bound generic types have a 'Type' node under them, whose child is
    // the non-generic reference. If we don't see that structure, do nothing.
    if (node->getNumChildren() < 2 ||
        node->getChild(0)->getKind() != Demangle::Node::Kind::Type ||
        node->getChild(0)->getNumChildren() < 1)
      return node;

    // Strip generic arguments from that child, then return it.
    return stripGenericArgsFromContextNode(node->getChild(0)->getChild(0),

  case Demangle::Node::Kind::Class:
  case Demangle::Node::Kind::Enum:
  case Demangle::Node::Kind::Structure:
  case Demangle::Node::Kind::OtherNominalType: {
    if (node->getNumChildren() < 2)
      return node;

    auto newContext = stripGenericArgsFromContextNode(node->getChild(0),
    if (newContext == node->getChild(0)) return node;

    auto newNode = factory.createNode(node->getKind());
    newNode->addChild(newContext, factory);
    for (unsigned i = 1, n = node->getNumChildren(); i != n; ++i)
      newNode->addChild(node->getChild(i), factory);
    return newNode;
  case Demangle::Node::Kind::Extension: {
    // Strip generic arguments from the extended type.
    if (node->getNumChildren() < 2)
      return node;
    auto newExtended = stripGenericArgsFromContextNode(node->getChild(1),
    if (newExtended == node->getChild(1)) return node;
    auto newNode = factory.createNode(Node::Kind::Extension);
    newNode->addChild(node->getChild(0), factory);
    newNode->addChild(newExtended, factory);
    if (node->getNumChildren() == 3)
      newNode->addChild(node->getChild(2), factory);
    return newNode;

  case Demangle::Node::Kind::Module:
    // Modules terminate the recursion.
    return node;

    // FIXME: Handle local contexts.
    return node;