Ejemplo n.º 1
bool LocalNode::_cmdGetNodeDataReply( Command& command )
    EQASSERT( _inReceiverThread( ));

    const NodeGetNodeDataReplyPacket* packet = 
        command.get< NodeGetNodeDataReplyPacket >();
    EQVERB << "cmd get node data reply: " << packet << std::endl;

    const uint32_t requestID = packet->requestID;
    const NodeID& nodeID = packet->nodeID;

    // No locking needed, only recv thread writes
    NodeHash::const_iterator i = _nodes->find( nodeID );
    if( i != _nodes->end( ))
        // Requested node connected to us in the meantime
        NodePtr node = i->second;
        node->ref( CO_REFERENCED_PARAM );
        serveRequest( requestID, node.get( ));
        return true;

    if( packet->nodeType == NODETYPE_CO_INVALID )
        serveRequest( requestID, (void*)0 );
        return true;

    // new node: create and add unconnected node
    NodePtr node = createNode( packet->nodeType );
    EQASSERT( node.isValid( ));

    std::string data = packet->nodeData;
    if( !node->deserialize( data ))
        EQWARN << "Failed to initialize node data" << std::endl;
    EQASSERT( data.empty( ));

    node->ref( CO_REFERENCED_PARAM );
    serveRequest( requestID, node.get( ));
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool LocalNode::_cmdConnectReply( Command& command )
    EQASSERT( !command.getNode( ));
    EQASSERT( _inReceiverThread( ));

    const NodeConnectReplyPacket* packet =
        command.get< NodeConnectReplyPacket >();
    ConnectionPtr connection = _incoming.getConnection();

    const NodeID& nodeID = packet->nodeID;

    EQVERB << "handle connect reply " << packet << std::endl;
    EQASSERT( _connectionNodes.find( connection ) == _connectionNodes.end( ));

    NodePtr remoteNode;

    // No locking needed, only recv thread modifies
    NodeHash::const_iterator i = _nodes->find( nodeID );
    if( i != _nodes->end( ))
        remoteNode = i->second;

    if( nodeID == NodeID::ZERO || // connection refused
        // Node exists, probably simultaneous connect
        ( remoteNode.isValid() && remoteNode->isConnected( )))
        EQINFO << "ignoring connect reply, node already connected" << std::endl;
        _removeConnection( connection );
        if( packet->requestID != EQ_UNDEFINED_UINT32 )
            serveRequest( packet->requestID, false );
        return true;

    // create and add node
    if( !remoteNode )
        if( packet->requestID != EQ_UNDEFINED_UINT32 )
            void* ptr = getRequestData( packet->requestID );
            EQASSERT( dynamic_cast< Node* >( (Dispatcher*)ptr ));
            remoteNode = static_cast< Node* >( ptr );
            remoteNode = createNode( packet->nodeType );

    EQASSERT( remoteNode->getType() == packet->nodeType );
    EQASSERT( remoteNode->_state == STATE_CLOSED );

    std::string data = packet->nodeData;
    if( !remoteNode->deserialize( data ))
        EQWARN << "Error during node initialization" << std::endl;
    EQASSERT( data.empty( ));
    EQASSERT( remoteNode->_id == nodeID );

    remoteNode->_outgoing = connection;
    remoteNode->_state    = STATE_CONNECTED;
    _connectionNodes[ connection ] = remoteNode;
        base::ScopedMutex< base::SpinLock > mutex( _nodes );
        _nodes.data[ remoteNode->_id ] = remoteNode;
    EQVERB << "Added node " << nodeID << std::endl;

    if( packet->requestID != EQ_UNDEFINED_UINT32 )
        serveRequest( packet->requestID, true );

    NodeConnectAckPacket ack;
    remoteNode->send( ack );

    _connectMulticast( remoteNode );
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool LocalNode::_cmdID( Command& command )
    EQASSERT( _inReceiverThread( ));

    const NodeIDPacket* packet = command.get< NodeIDPacket >();
    NodeID nodeID = packet->id;

    if( command.getNode().isValid( ))
        EQASSERT( nodeID == command.getNode()->getNodeID( ));
        EQASSERT( command.getNode()->_outMulticast->isValid( ));
        return true;

    EQINFO << "handle ID " << packet << " node " << nodeID << std::endl;

    ConnectionPtr connection = _incoming.getConnection();
    EQASSERT( connection->getDescription()->type >= CONNECTIONTYPE_MULTICAST );
    EQASSERT( _connectionNodes.find( connection ) == _connectionNodes.end( ));

    NodePtr node;
    if( nodeID == _id ) // 'self' multicast connection
        node = this;
        // No locking needed, only recv thread writes
        NodeHash::const_iterator i = _nodes->find( nodeID );

        if( i == _nodes->end( ))
            // unknown node: create and add unconnected node
            node = createNode( packet->nodeType );
            std::string data = packet->data;

            if( !node->deserialize( data ))
                EQWARN << "Error during node initialization" << std::endl;
            EQASSERTINFO( data.empty(), data );

                base::ScopedMutex< base::SpinLock > mutex( _nodes );
                _nodes.data[ nodeID ] = node;
            EQVERB << "Added node " << nodeID << " with multicast "
                   << connection << std::endl;
            node = i->second;
    EQASSERT( node.isValid( ));
    EQASSERTINFO( node->_id == nodeID, node->_id << "!=" << nodeID );

    base::ScopedMutex<> mutex( _outMulticast );
    MCDatas::iterator i = node->_multicasts.begin();
    for( ; i != node->_multicasts.end(); ++i )
        if( (*i).connection == connection )

    if( node->_outMulticast->isValid( ))
        if( node->_outMulticast.data == connection ) // connection already used
            // nop
            EQASSERT( i == node->_multicasts.end( ));
        else // another connection is used as multicast connection, save this
            if( i == node->_multicasts.end( ))
                EQASSERT( _state == STATE_LISTENING );
                MCData data;
                data.connection = connection;
                data.node = this;
                node->_multicasts.push_back( data );
            // else nop, already know connection
        node->_outMulticast.data = connection;
        if( i != node->_multicasts.end( ))
            node->_multicasts.erase( i );

    _connectionNodes[ connection ] = node;
    EQINFO << "Added multicast connection " << connection << " from " << nodeID
           << " to " << _id << std::endl;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool LocalNode::_cmdConnect( Command& command )
    EQASSERT( !command.getNode().isValid( ));
    EQASSERT( _inReceiverThread( ));

    const NodeConnectPacket* packet = command.get< NodeConnectPacket >();
    ConnectionPtr connection = _incoming.getConnection();
    const NodeID& nodeID = packet->nodeID;

    EQVERB << "handle connect " << packet << std::endl;
    EQASSERT( nodeID != _id );
    EQASSERT( _connectionNodes.find( connection ) == _connectionNodes.end( ));

    NodePtr remoteNode;

    // No locking needed, only recv thread modifies
    NodeHash::const_iterator i = _nodes->find( nodeID );
    if( i != _nodes->end( ))
        remoteNode = i->second;
        if( remoteNode->isConnected( ))
            // Node exists, probably simultaneous connect from peer
            EQINFO << "Already got node " << nodeID << ", refusing connect"
                   << std::endl;

            // refuse connection
            NodeConnectReplyPacket reply( packet );
            connection->send( reply, serialize( ));

            // NOTE: There is no close() here. The reply packet above has to be
            // received by the peer first, before closing the connection.
            _removeConnection( connection );
            return true;

    // create and add connected node
    if( !remoteNode )
        remoteNode = createNode( packet->nodeType );

    std::string data = packet->nodeData;
    if( !remoteNode->deserialize( data ))
        EQWARN << "Error during node initialization" << std::endl;
    EQASSERTINFO( data.empty(), data );
    EQASSERTINFO( remoteNode->_id == nodeID,
                  remoteNode->_id << "!=" << nodeID );

    remoteNode->_outgoing = connection;
    remoteNode->_state    = STATE_CONNECTED;
    _connectionNodes[ connection ] = remoteNode;
        base::ScopedMutex< base::SpinLock > mutex( _nodes );
        _nodes.data[ remoteNode->_id ] = remoteNode;
    EQVERB << "Added node " << nodeID << std::endl;

    // send our information as reply
    NodeConnectReplyPacket reply( packet );
    reply.nodeID    = _id;
    reply.nodeType  = getType();

    connection->send( reply, serialize( ));    
    return true;