Ejemplo n.º 1
NonlocalMaterialExtensionInterface :: buildNonlocalPointTable(GaussPoint *gp)
    double weight, elemVolume, integrationVolume = 0.;

    NonlocalMaterialStatusExtensionInterface *statusExt =
        static_cast< NonlocalMaterialStatusExtensionInterface * >( gp->giveMaterialStatus()->
                                                                  giveInterface(NonlocalMaterialStatusExtensionInterfaceType) );
    std :: list< localIntegrationRecord > *iList;

    Element *ielem;
    IntegrationRule *iRule;

    if ( !statusExt ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("local material status encountered");

    if ( !statusExt->giveIntegrationDomainList()->empty() ) {
        return;                                                  // already done

    iList = statusExt->giveIntegrationDomainList();

    FloatArray gpCoords, jGpCoords, shiftedGpCoords;
    SpatialLocalizer :: elementContainerType elemSet;
    if ( gp->giveElement()->computeGlobalCoordinates( gpCoords, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates() ) == 0 ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("computeGlobalCoordinates of target failed");

    // If nonlocal variation is set to the distance-based approach, a new nonlocal radius
    // is calculated as a function of the distance from the Gauss point to the nonlocal boundaries
    if ( nlvar == NLVT_DistanceBasedLinear || nlvar == NLVT_DistanceBasedExponential ) {
        //      cl=cl0;
        cl = giveDistanceBasedInteractionRadius(gpCoords);
        suprad = evaluateSupportRadius();

    // If the mesh represents a periodic cell, nonlocal interaction is considered not only for the real neighbors
    // but also for their periodic images, shifted by +px or -px in the x-direction. In the implementation,
    // instead of shifting the potential neighbors, we shift the receiver point gp. In the non-periodic case (typical),
    // px=0 and the following loop is executed only once.  

    int ix, nx = 0; // typical case
    if ( px > 0. ) nx = 1; // periodicity taken into account

    for (ix=-nx; ix<=nx; ix++) { // loop over periodic images shifted in x-direction

      shiftedGpCoords = gpCoords;
      shiftedGpCoords.at(1) += ix*px;

    // ask domain spatial localizer for list of elements with IP within this zone
    this->giveDomain()->giveSpatialLocalizer()->giveAllElementsWithNodesWithinBox(elemSet, shiftedGpCoords, suprad);
    // insert element containing given gp
    elemSet.insert( gp->giveElement()->giveNumber() );
    this->giveDomain()->giveSpatialLocalizer()->giveAllElementsWithIpWithinBox_EvenIfEmpty(elemSet, shiftedGpCoords, suprad);
    // initialize iList

    for ( auto elindx: elemSet ) {
        ielem = this->giveDomain()->giveElement(elindx);
        if ( regionMap.at( ielem->giveRegionNumber() ) == 0 ) {
            iRule = ielem->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr();
            for ( GaussPoint *jGp: *iRule ) {
                if ( ielem->computeGlobalCoordinates( jGpCoords, jGp->giveNaturalCoordinates() ) ) {
                    weight = this->computeWeightFunction(shiftedGpCoords, jGpCoords);

                    //manipulate weights for a special averaging of strain (OFF by default)
                    this->manipulateWeight(weight, gp, jGp);

                    this->applyBarrierConstraints(shiftedGpCoords, jGpCoords, weight);
                    if ( 1 ) {
                    if ( weight > 0. ) {
                        localIntegrationRecord ir;
                        ir.nearGp = jGp;  // store gp
                        elemVolume = weight * jGp->giveElement()->computeVolumeAround(jGp);
                        ir.weight = elemVolume; // store gp weight
                        iList->push_back(ir); // store own copy in list
                        integrationVolume += elemVolume;
                } else {
                    OOFEM_ERROR("computeGlobalCoordinates of target failed");
    } // loop over elements

    statusExt->setIntegrationScale(integrationVolume); // store scaling factor

     * // Old implementation without spatial localizer
     * FloatArray jGpCoords;
     * for (i=1; i<=nelem; i++) {
     * ielem = this->giveDomain()->giveElement(i);
     * if (regionMap.at(ielem->giveRegionNumber()) == 0) {
     * iRule = ielem->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr ();
     * for (GaussPoint *jGp: *iRule ) {
     * if (ielem->computeGlobalCoordinates (jGpCoords, *(jGp->giveCoordinates()))) {
     *   weight = this->computeWeightFunction (gpCoords, jGpCoords);
     *   if (weight > NonlocalMaterialZeroWeight) {
     *    localIntegrationRecord ir;
     *    ir.nearGp = jGp;                   // store gp
     *    elemVolume = weight * jGp->giveElement()->computeVolumeAround (jGp);
     *    ir.weight = elemVolume;            // store gp weight
     *    iList->append(ir); // store own copy in list
     *    integrationVolume += elemVolume;
     *   }
     * } else OOFEM_ERROR("computeGlobalCoordinates failed");
     * }
     * }
     * } // loop over elements
     * statusExt->setIntegrationScale (integrationVolume); // remember scaling factor

NonlocalMaterialExtensionInterface :: rebuildNonlocalPointTable(GaussPoint *gp, IntArray *contributingElems)
    double weight, elemVolume, integrationVolume = 0.;

    NonlocalMaterialStatusExtensionInterface *statusExt =
        static_cast< NonlocalMaterialStatusExtensionInterface * >( gp->giveMaterialStatus()->
                                                                  giveInterface(NonlocalMaterialStatusExtensionInterfaceType) );
    std :: list< localIntegrationRecord > *iList;

    Element *ielem;
    IntegrationRule *iRule;

    if ( !statusExt ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("local material status encountered");

    iList = statusExt->giveIntegrationDomainList();

    if ( contributingElems == NULL ) {
        // no element table provided, use standard method
    } else {
        FloatArray gpCoords, jGpCoords;
        int _size = contributingElems->giveSize();
        if ( gp->giveElement()->computeGlobalCoordinates( gpCoords, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates() ) == 0 ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("computeGlobalCoordinates of target failed");

        //If nonlocal variation is set to the distance-based approach calculates  new nonlocal radius
        // based on the distance from the nonlocal boundaries
        if ( nlvar == NLVT_DistanceBasedLinear || nlvar == NLVT_DistanceBasedExponential ) {
            cl = cl0;
            cl = giveDistanceBasedInteractionRadius(gpCoords);
            suprad = evaluateSupportRadius();

        // initialize iList
        for ( int _e = 1; _e <= _size; _e++ ) {
            ielem = this->giveDomain()->giveElement( contributingElems->at(_e) );
            if ( regionMap.at( ielem->giveRegionNumber() ) == 0 ) {
                iRule = ielem->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr();
                for ( GaussPoint *jGp: *iRule ) {
                    if ( ielem->computeGlobalCoordinates( jGpCoords, jGp->giveNaturalCoordinates() ) ) {
                        weight = this->computeWeightFunction(gpCoords, jGpCoords);

                        //manipulate weights for a special averaging of strain (OFF by default)
                        this->manipulateWeight(weight, gp, jGp);

                        this->applyBarrierConstraints(gpCoords, jGpCoords, weight);
                        if ( 1 ) {
                        if ( weight > 0. ) {
                            localIntegrationRecord ir;
                            ir.nearGp = jGp;     // store gp
                            elemVolume = weight * jGp->giveElement()->computeVolumeAround(jGp);
                            ir.weight = elemVolume; // store gp weight
                            iList->push_back(ir); // store own copy in list
                            integrationVolume += elemVolume;
                    } else {
                        OOFEM_ERROR("computeGlobalCoordinates of target failed");
        } // loop over elements

        statusExt->setIntegrationScale(integrationVolume); // remember scaling factor
        fprintf( stderr, "%d(%d):", gp->giveElement()->giveGlobalNumber(), gp->giveNumber() );
        for ( auto &lir: iList ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%d,%d(%e)", lir.nearGp->giveElement()->giveGlobalNumber(), lir.nearGp->giveNumber(), lir.weight);

        fprintf(stderr, "\n");

std :: list< localIntegrationRecord > *
NonlocalMaterialExtensionInterface :: giveIPIntegrationList(GaussPoint *gp)
    NonlocalMaterialStatusExtensionInterface *statusExt =
        static_cast< NonlocalMaterialStatusExtensionInterface * >( gp->giveMaterialStatus()->
                                                                  giveInterface(NonlocalMaterialStatusExtensionInterfaceType) );

    if ( !statusExt ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("local material status encountered");

    if ( statusExt->giveIntegrationDomainList()->empty() ) {

    return statusExt->giveIntegrationDomainList();