Ejemplo n.º 1
// compute pixel's NCC score
float DepthEstimator::ScorePixel(Depth depth, const Normal& normal)
	ASSERT(normal.z < 0);
	FOREACH(idx, images) {
		// center a patch of given size on the segment and fetch the pixel values in the target image
		const ViewData& image1 = images[idx];
		float& score = scores[idx];
		const Matrix3x3f H(ComputeHomographyMatrix(image1, depth, normal));
		Point2f pt;
		int n = 0;
		for (int i=0; i<nSizeWindow; ++i) {
			for (int j=0; j<nSizeWindow; ++j) {
				ProjectVertex_3x3_2_2(H.val, Point2f((float)(lt0.x+j), (float)(lt0.y+i)).ptr(), pt.ptr());
				if (!image1.view.image.isInsideWithBorder<float,1>(pt)) {
					score = 2.f;
					goto NEXT_IMAGE;
				texels1(n++) = image1.view.image.sample(pt);
		ASSERT(n == nTexels);
		// score similarity of the reference and target texture patches
		const float normSq1(normSqZeroMean<float,float,nTexels>(texels1.data()));
		const float nrm(normSq0*normSq1);
		if (nrm == 0.f) {
			score = 1.f;
		const float ncc(texels0.dot(texels1)/SQRT(nrm));
		score = 1.f - CLAMP(ncc, -1.f, 1.f);
		// encourage smoothness
		FOREACHPTR(pNbr, neighborsData) {
			score *= 1.f - (1.f - smoothBonusDepth) * EXP(SQUARE(DepthSimilarity(depth, pNbr->depth)) * smoothSigmaDepth);
			score *= 1.f - (1.f - smoothBonusNormal) * EXP(SQUARE(ACOS(ComputeAngle<float,float>(normal.ptr(), pNbr->normal.ptr()))) * smoothSigmaNormal);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Mesh
  ::getDifferentialGeometry(const Triangle &tri,
                            const Point &p,
                            const float b1,
                            const float b2,
                            DifferentialGeometry &dg) const
  // shorthand
  const Point &p1 = mPoints[tri[0]];
  const Point &p2 = mPoints[tri[1]];
  const Point &p3 = mPoints[tri[2]];

  // compute the last barycentric coordinate
  float b0 = 1.0f - b1 - b2;

  // XXX why do we do this here and not getDifferentialGeometry()?
  // interpolate normal?
  Normal ng;
    // get each vertex's Normals
    const Mesh::NormalList &norms = getNormals();
    const Normal &n1 = norms[tri[0]];
    const Normal &n2 = norms[tri[1]];
    const Normal &n3 = norms[tri[2]];
    ng = b0 * n1 + b1 * n2 + b2 * n3;

    // no need to normalize this if they are
    // unit-length to begin with
    //ng = ng.normalize();
  } // end else
    // XXX just look up from mNormals
    ng = (p2 - p1).cross(p3 - p1).normalize();
  } // end else

  ParametricCoordinates uv0;
  ParametricCoordinates uv1;
  ParametricCoordinates uv2;
  getParametricCoordinates(tri, uv0, uv1, uv2);

  // compute deltas for partial derivatives
  float du1 = uv0[0] - uv2[0];
  float du2 = uv1[0] - uv2[0];
  float dv1 = uv0[1] - uv2[1];
  float dv2 = uv1[1] - uv2[1];
  Vector dp1 = p1 - p3, dp2 = p2 - p3;
  float determinant = du1 * dv2 - dv1 * du2;
  Vector dpdu, dpdv;
  if(determinant == 0.0)
    // handle zero determinant case
    dpdu = ng.orthogonalVector();
    dpdv = ng.cross(dpdu).normalize();
  } // end if
    float invDet = 1.0f / determinant;
    dpdu = ( dv2*dp1 - dv1*dp2) * invDet;
    dpdv = (-du2*dp1 + du1*dp2) * invDet;
  } // end else


  // interpolate uv using barycentric coordinates
  ParametricCoordinates uv;
  uv[0] = b0*uv0[0] + b1*uv1[0] + b2*uv2[0];
  uv[1] = b0*uv0[1] + b1*uv1[1] + b2*uv2[1];


  // force an orthonormal basis

  // set the inverse surface area
} // end Mesh::getDifferentialGeometry()
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int arg, char** argv)
	if(arg !=  2)
		cerr << "[INFO] Please input a filename!" << endl;
		return -1;
	string inputfile = argv[1];
	ifstream infile;
	infile.open(inputfile.c_str(), ios::in);
		cerr << "[ERROR] Fail to open filename!" << endl;
		return -1;
	string line;
	char dest[4096];
	Normal norm;
	int32_t num = 0;
	SEGMENT_1* seg = SEGMENT_1::getInstance();

	while(getline(infile, line))
		vector<string> seg_parts;
		spaceGary::StringSplit(line, seg_parts, "##_##");
		string key = seg_parts[0];
		string ans = seg_parts[1];

		if(key.length() < 1 || key.length() > 200 || ans.length() < 1 || ans.length() > 200)
			cerr << "[note] length of key or ans is illegual!" << endl;
			cerr << "line = " << line << endl;
			cerr << "key = " << key << endl;
			cerr << "ans = " << ans << endl;
		string key_norm;
		string seg_norm;
		num ++;
		if(key.length() > 100)
			cerr << "[INFO] key is too long, line number "<< num<< endl;
		if(norm.Normalize_(key, seg_norm, key_norm, seg) == -1)
			cerr << "[ERROR]: Fail to get Normalize_() outcome." << endl;
		//cout << key_norm;
		//cout << "##_##";
		// ans
		 * seg_parts.clear();
		for(int i = 0; i < seg_parts.size(); i++)
			cout << seg_parts[i];
		//cout << ans;
		//cout << endl;
		cout << seg_norm << "##_##"<< ans << endl;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 const Matrix<T,Dynamic,Dynamic>& Sigma() const {return normal_.Sigma();};
Ejemplo n.º 5
void test1(int n)
   Normal nn;
   Uniform uniform;
   cout <<
     "Print 20 N(0,1) random numbers - should be the same as in sample output" <<
      Format F; F.FormatType(Format::DEC_FIGS); F.Precision(12); F.Width(15);
      for (int i=0; i<20; i++) cout << F << nn.Next() << endl;
   cout << endl;

   cout << "Print histograms of data from a variety distributions" << endl;
   cout << "Histograms should be close to those in sample output" << endl;
   cout << "s. mean and s. var should be close to p. mean and s. mean" << endl << endl;

   { Constant c(5.0);                         Histogram(&c, n); }
   { Uniform u;                               Histogram(&u, n); }
   { SumRandom sr=uniform(3)-1.5;             Histogram(&sr, n); }
   { SumRandom sr=uniform-uniform;            Histogram(&sr, n); }
   { Normal normal;                           Histogram(&normal, n); }
   { Cauchy cauchy;                           Histogram(&cauchy, n); }
   { AsymGenX normal10(NORMAL10, 10.0);       Histogram(&normal10, n); }
   cout << "Mean and variance should be 10.0 and 4.0" << endl;
   { AsymGenX uniform2(UNIF,0.5);             Histogram(&uniform2, n); }
   cout << "Mean and variance should be 0.5 and 0.083333" << endl;
   { SymGenX triang(TRIANG);                  Histogram(&triang, n); }
   cout << "Mean and variance should be 0 and 0.16667" << endl;
   { Poisson p(0.25);                         Histogram(&p, n); }
   { Poisson p(10.0);                         Histogram(&p, n); }
   { Poisson p(16.0);                         Histogram(&p, n); }
   { Binomial b(18,0.3);                      Histogram(&b, n); }
   { Binomial b(19,0.3);                      Histogram(&b, n); }
   { Binomial b(20,0.3);                      Histogram(&b, n); }
   { Binomial b(58,0.3);                      Histogram(&b, n); }
   { Binomial b(59,0.3);                      Histogram(&b, n); }
   { Binomial b(60,0.3);                      Histogram(&b, n); }
   { Binomial b(18,0.05);                     Histogram(&b, n); }
   { Binomial b(19,0.05);                     Histogram(&b, n); }
   { Binomial b(20,0.05);                     Histogram(&b, n); }
   { Binomial b(98,0.01);                     Histogram(&b, n); }
   { Binomial b(99,0.01);                     Histogram(&b, n); }
   { Binomial b(100,0.01);                    Histogram(&b, n); }
   { Binomial b(18,0.95);                     Histogram(&b, n); }
   { Binomial b(19,0.95);                     Histogram(&b, n); }
   { Binomial b(20,0.95);                     Histogram(&b, n); }
   { Binomial b(98,0.99);                     Histogram(&b, n); }
   { Binomial b(99,0.99);                     Histogram(&b, n); }
   { Binomial b(100,0.99);                    Histogram(&b, n); }
   { NegativeBinomial nb(100,6.0);            Histogram(&nb, n); }
   { NegativeBinomial nb(11,9.0);             Histogram(&nb, n); }
   { NegativeBinomial nb(11,1.9);             Histogram(&nb, n); }
   { NegativeBinomial nb(11,0.10);            Histogram(&nb, n); }
   { NegativeBinomial nb(1.5,1.9);            Histogram(&nb, n); }
   { NegativeBinomial nb(1.0,1.9);            Histogram(&nb, n); }
   { NegativeBinomial nb(0.3,19);             Histogram(&nb, n); }
   { NegativeBinomial nb(0.3,1.9);            Histogram(&nb, n); }
   { NegativeBinomial nb(0.3,0.05);           Histogram(&nb, n); }
   { NegativeBinomial nb(100.8,0.18);         Histogram(&nb, n); }
   { ChiSq c(1,2.0);                          Histogram(&c, n); }
   { ChiSq c(2,2.0);                          Histogram(&c, n); }
   { ChiSq c(3,2.0);                          Histogram(&c, n); }
   { ChiSq c(4,2.0);                          Histogram(&c, n); }
   { ChiSq c(1    );                          Histogram(&c, n); }
   { ChiSq c(2    );                          Histogram(&c, n); }
   { ChiSq c(3    );                          Histogram(&c, n); }
   { ChiSq c(4    );                          Histogram(&c, n); }
   { Gamma g1(1.0);                           Histogram(&g1, n); }
   { Gamma g2(0.5);                           Histogram(&g2, n); }
   { Gamma g3(1.01);                          Histogram(&g3, n); }
   { Gamma g4(2.0);                           Histogram(&g4, n); }
   { Pareto p1(0.5);                          Histogram(&p1, n); }
   { Pareto p2(1.5);                          Histogram(&p2, n); }
   { Pareto p3(2.5);                          Histogram(&p3, n); }
   { Pareto p4(4.5);                          Histogram(&p4, n); }
   Real probs[]={.1,.3,.05,.11,.05,.04,.05,.05,.1,.15};
   Real val[]={2,3,4,6,8,12,16,24,32,48};
   { DiscreteGen discrete(10,probs);          Histogram(&discrete, n); }
   { DiscreteGen discrete(10,probs,val);      Histogram(&discrete, n); }
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool TriMesh::computeTangentSpaceBasis() {
	int zeroArea = 0, zeroNormals = 0;
	if (!m_texcoords) {
		bool anisotropic = hasBSDF() && m_bsdf->getType() & BSDF::EAnisotropic;
		if (anisotropic)
			Log(EError, "\"%s\": computeTangentSpace(): texture coordinates "
				"are required to generate tangent vectors. If you want to render with an anisotropic "
				"material, please make sure that all associated shapes have valid texture coordinates.",
		return false;

	if (m_tangents)
		Log(EError, "Tangent space vectors have already been generated!");

	if (!m_normals) {
		Log(EWarn, "Vertex normals are required to compute a tangent space basis!");
		return false;

	m_tangents = new TangentSpace[m_vertexCount];
	memset(m_tangents, 0, sizeof(TangentSpace));

	/* No. of triangles sharing a vertex */
	uint32_t *sharers = new uint32_t[m_vertexCount];

	for (size_t i=0; i<m_vertexCount; i++) {
		m_tangents[i].dpdu = Vector(0.0f);
		m_tangents[i].dpdv = Vector(0.0f);
		if (m_normals[i].isZero()) {
			m_normals[i] = Normal(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		sharers[i] = 0;

	for (size_t i=0; i<m_triangleCount; i++) {
		uint32_t idx0 = m_triangles[i].idx[0],
				 idx1 = m_triangles[i].idx[1],
				 idx2 = m_triangles[i].idx[2];
		const Point &v0 = m_positions[idx0];
		const Point &v1 = m_positions[idx1];
		const Point &v2 = m_positions[idx2];
		const Point2 &uv0 = m_texcoords[idx0];
		const Point2 &uv1 = m_texcoords[idx1];
		const Point2 &uv2 = m_texcoords[idx2];

		Vector dP1 = v1 - v0, dP2 = v2 - v0;
		Vector2 dUV1 = uv1 - uv0, dUV2 = uv2 - uv0;

		Float invDet = 1.0f, determinant = dUV1.x * dUV2.y - dUV1.y * dUV2.x;
		if (determinant != 0)
			invDet = 1.0f / determinant;

		Vector dpdu = ( dUV2.y * dP1 - dUV1.y * dP2) * invDet;
		Vector dpdv = (-dUV2.x * dP1 + dUV1.x * dP2) * invDet;

		if (dpdu.length() == 0.0f) {
			/* Recovery - required to recover from invalid geometry */
			Normal n = Normal(cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v0));
			Float length = n.length();
			if (length != 0) {
				n /= length;
				dpdu = cross(n, dpdv);
				if (dpdu.length() == 0.0f) {
					/* At least create some kind of tangent space basis 
					(fair enough for isotropic BxDFs) */
					coordinateSystem(n, dpdu, dpdv);
			} else {

		if (dpdv.length() == 0.0f) {
			Normal n = Normal(cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v0));
			Float length = n.length();
			if (length != 0) {
				n /= length;
				dpdv = cross(dpdu, n);
				if (dpdv.length() == 0.0f) {
					/* At least create some kind of tangent space basis 
						(fair enough for isotropic BxDFs) */
					coordinateSystem(n, dpdu, dpdv);
			} else {

		m_tangents[idx0].dpdu += dpdu;
		m_tangents[idx1].dpdu += dpdu;
		m_tangents[idx2].dpdu += dpdu;
		m_tangents[idx0].dpdv += dpdv;
		m_tangents[idx1].dpdv += dpdv;
		m_tangents[idx2].dpdv += dpdv;
		sharers[idx0]++; sharers[idx1]++; sharers[idx2]++;

	/* Orthogonalization + Normalization pass */
	for (size_t i=0; i<m_vertexCount; i++) {
		Vector &dpdu = m_tangents[i].dpdu;
		Vector &dpdv = m_tangents[i].dpdv;

		if (dpdu.lengthSquared() == 0.0f || dpdv.lengthSquared() == 0.0f) {
			/* At least create some kind of tangent space basis 
				(fair enough for isotropic BxDFs) */
			coordinateSystem(m_normals[i], dpdu, dpdv);
		} else {
			if (sharers[i] > 0) {
				dpdu /= (Float) sharers[i];
				dpdv /= (Float) sharers[i];
	delete[] sharers;

	if (zeroArea > 0 || zeroNormals > 0)
		Log(EWarn, "\"%s\": computeTangentSpace(): Mesh contains invalid "
			"geometry: %i zero area triangles and %i zero normals found!", 
			m_name.c_str(), zeroArea, zeroNormals);
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
/*  Calculate the face or vertex normals of the current vertex data.  */
void VertexData::_calculateNormals( const bool vertexNormals )


    #ifndef NDEBUG
    int wrongNormals = 0;

        _normals = new osg::Vec3Array;

    if( vertexNormals )
        // initialize all normals to zero
        for( size_t i = 0; i < _vertices->size(); ++i )
            _normals->push_back( osg::Vec3( 0, 0, 0 ) );

    for( size_t i = 0; i < ((_triangles->size()));  i += 3 )
        // iterate over all triangles and add their normals to adjacent vertices
        Normal  triangleNormal;
        unsigned int i0, i1, i2;
        i0 = (*_triangles)[i+0];
        i1 = (*_triangles)[i+1];
        i2 = (*_triangles)[i+2];
                               (*_vertices)[i2] );

        // count emtpy normals in debug mode
        #ifndef NDEBUG
        if( triangleNormal.triNormal.length() == 0.0f )

        if( vertexNormals )
            (*_normals)[i0] += triangleNormal.triNormal;
            (*_normals)[i1] += triangleNormal.triNormal;
            (*_normals)[i2] += triangleNormal.triNormal;
            _normals->push_back( triangleNormal.triNormal );

    // normalize all the normals
    if( vertexNormals )
        for( size_t i = 0; i < _normals->size(); ++i )

    #ifndef NDEBUG
    if( wrongNormals > 0 )
        MESHINFO << wrongNormals << " faces had no valid normal." << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int main()
    const int n_steps = 20000;
    const int n_burn = 4000;

    std::cout << "Students, Questions, Errors, Confidence " << std::endl;

    for (int n_students=10; n_students<11; n_students++) {
        for (int n_questions=5; n_questions<20; n_questions++) {

            for (int i=0; i<n_students; i++) {
                Normal norm;
                norm.set_params(random_(0, 5), 0.1);
            for (int i=0; i<n_questions; i++) {
                Normal norm;
                norm.set_params(random_(0, 5), 0.1);

            for (int i=0; i<n_students; i++) {
                for (int j=0; j<n_questions; j++) {
                    Observation obs;
                    if (s[i].last() > q[j].last())
                        obs.set(i, j, 1);
                        obs.set(i, j, 0);

            Gibbs h;
            h.run(n_steps, n_burn);

            int error_sum = 0;
            for (int i=0; i<o.size(); i++) {
                double proficiency = s[o[i].get_sid()].mean();
                double hardness = q[o[i].get_qid()].mean();
                if (proficiency > hardness && o[i].get_response() == 0)
                if (proficiency < hardness && o[i].get_response() == 1)

            double var = 0;
            for (int i=0; i<s.size(); i++) {
                var += (1.0/s[i].mean_variance());
            for (int i=0; i<q.size(); i++) {
                var += (1.0/q[i].mean_variance());
            var = sqrt(1.0/var);

            std::cout << n_students << ", ";
            std::cout << n_questions << ", ";
            std::cout << error_sum << ", ";
            std::cout << var << std::endl;

        }  // n_questions
    } // n_students

Ejemplo n.º 9
void test3(int n)
   cout << endl;

   // Do chi-squared tests to discrete data
   cout << "ChiSquared tests for discrete data" << endl;
   cout << "chisq should be less than 95% point in most cases" << endl;
   cout << "   and 99% point in almost all cases" << endl << endl;
      Real p[] = { 0.05, 0.10, 0.05, 0.5, 0.01, 0.01, 0.03, 0.20, 0.05 };
      TestDiscreteGen(9, p, n);

      Real p[] = { 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.0125, 0.00625, 0.00625, 0.2 };
      TestDiscreteGen(9, p, n);

   TestNegativeBinomial(200.3, 0.05, n);
   TestNegativeBinomial(150.3, 0.15, n);
   TestNegativeBinomial(100.8, 0.18, n);
   TestNegativeBinomial(100.8, 1.22, n);
   TestNegativeBinomial(100.8, 9.0, n);
   TestNegativeBinomial(10.5, 0.18, n);
   TestNegativeBinomial(10.5, 1.22, n);
   TestNegativeBinomial(10.5, 9.0, n);
   TestNegativeBinomial(0.35, 0.18, n);
   TestNegativeBinomial(0.35, 1.22, n);
   TestNegativeBinomial(0.35, 9.0, n);

   TestBinomial(100, 0.45, n);
   TestBinomial(100, 0.25, n);
   TestBinomial(100, 0.02, n);
   TestBinomial(100, 0.01, n);
   TestBinomial(49, 0.60, n);
   TestBinomial(21, 0.70, n);
   TestBinomial(10, 0.90, n);
   TestBinomial(10, 0.25, n);
   TestBinomial(10, 0.10, n);

   TestPoisson(0.75, n);
   TestPoisson(4.3, n);
   TestPoisson(10, n);
   TestPoisson(100, n);

   Real* data = new Real[n];
   if (!data) Throw(Bad_alloc());

// Apply KS test to a variety of continuous distributions
//    - use cdf transform to convert to uniform

   cout << endl;
   cout << "Kolmogorov-Smirnoff tests for continuous distributions" << endl;
   cout << "25%, 5%, 1%, .1% upper points are 1.019, 1.358, 1.628, 1.950"
      << endl;
   cout << "5% lower point is 0.520" << endl;
   cout << "Values should be mostly less than 5% upper point" << endl;
   cout << "   and less than 1% point almost always" << endl << endl;

      ChiSq X(1, 1.44);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         Real x = sqrt(X.Next());
         data[i] = NormalDF(x - 1.2) - NormalDF(-x - 1.2);
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      ChiSq X(4);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         { Real x = 0.5 * X.Next(); data[i] = (1+x)*exp(-x); }
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      ChiSq X(2);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) data[i] = exp(-0.5 * X.Next());
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      Pareto X(0.5);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         { Real x = X.Next(); data[i] = 1.0 / sqrt(x); }
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      Pareto X(1.5);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         { Real x = X.Next(); data[i] = 1.0 / (x * sqrt(x)); }
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      Normal X;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         { Real x = X.Next(); data[i] = NormalDF(x); }
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      Normal N; SumRandom X = 10 + 5 * N;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         { Real x = X.Next(); data[i] = NormalDF((x-10)/5); }
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      Normal N; Cauchy C; MixedRandom X = N(0.9) + C(0.1);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         Real x = X.Next();
         data[i] = 0.9*NormalDF(x)+0.1*(atan(x)/3.141592654 + 0.5);
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      Normal N; MixedRandom X = N(0.9) + (10*N)(0.1);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         Real x = X.Next();
         data[i] = 0.9*NormalDF(x)+0.1*NormalDF(x/10);
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      Normal  X0; SumRandom X = X0 * 0.6 + X0 * 0.8;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         { Real x = X.Next(); data[i] = NormalDF(x); }
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      Normal X1;
      MixedRandom X = X1(0.2) + (X1 * 2.5 + 1.1)(0.35) + (X1 + 2.3)(0.45);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         Real x = X.Next();
         data[i] = 0.20 * NormalDF(x)
                 + 0.35 * NormalDF((x - 1.1) / 2.5)
                 + 0.45 * NormalDF(x - 2.3);
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      Gamma X(0.5);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         { Real x = X.Next(); data[i] = 2.0 * NormalDF(-sqrt(2 * x)); }
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      Gamma X(3);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         { Real x = X.Next(); data[i] = (1+x+0.5*x*x)*exp(-x); }
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      Gamma X1(0.85); Gamma X2(2.15); SumRandom X = X1 + X2;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         { Real x = X.Next(); data[i] = (1+x+0.5*x*x)*exp(-x); }
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      Gamma X1(0.75); Gamma X2(0.25); SumRandom X = X1 + X2;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) data[i] = exp(-X.Next());
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      Gamma X(2);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         { Real x = X.Next(); data[i] = (1+x)*exp(-x); }
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      Exponential X;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) data[i] = exp(-X.Next());
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      Cauchy X;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) data[i] = atan(X.Next())/3.141592654 + 0.5;
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      Cauchy X0; SumRandom X = X0 * 0.3 + X0 * 0.7;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) data[i] = atan(X.Next())/3.141592654 + 0.5;
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

      Uniform X;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) data[i] = X.Next();
      cout << X.Name() << ":   "  << KS(data, n) << endl;

   delete [] data;

Ejemplo n.º 10
double LogNormal::Draw(RandomGenerator & g) const {
  double normal = normal_.Draw(g);
  double value =  std::exp(normal);
  return value;
Ejemplo n.º 11
double LogNormal::Draw() const {
  double normal = normal_.Draw();
  double value =  std::exp(normal);
  return value;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void MeshBaryTriangle::GetShadingGeometry(const Transform &obj2world,
	const DifferentialGeometry &dg, DifferentialGeometry *dgShading) const
	if (!mesh->n) {
		*dgShading = dg;

	// Use _n_ to compute shading tangents for triangle, _ss_ and _ts_
	const Normal nsi = dg.iData.baryTriangle.coords[0] * mesh->n[v[0]] +
		dg.iData.baryTriangle.coords[1] * mesh->n[v[1]] + dg.iData.baryTriangle.coords[2] * mesh->n[v[2]];
	const Normal ns = Normalize(nsi);

	Vector ss, ts;
	Vector tangent, bitangent;
	float btsign;
	// if we got a generated tangent space, use that
	if (mesh->t) {
		// length of these vectors is essential for sampled normal mapping
		// they should be normalized at vertex level, and NOT normalized after interpolation
		tangent = dg.iData.baryTriangle.coords[0] * mesh->t[v[0]] +
			dg.iData.baryTriangle.coords[1] * mesh->t[v[1]] + dg.iData.baryTriangle.coords[2] * mesh->t[v[2]];
		// only degenerate triangles will have different vertex signs
		bitangent = Cross(nsi, tangent);
		// store sign, and also magnitude of interpolated normal so we can recover it
		btsign = (mesh->btsign[v[0]] ? 1.f : -1.f) * nsi.Length();

		ss = Normalize(tangent);
		ts = Normalize(bitangent);
	} else {
		ts = Normalize(Cross(ns, dg.dpdu));
		ss = Cross(ts, ns);

		ts *= Dot(dg.dpdv, ts) > 0.f ? 1.f : -1.f;

		tangent = ss;
		bitangent = ts;

		btsign = (Dot(ts, ns) > 0.f ? 1.f : -1.f);

	// the length of dpdu/dpdv can be important for bumpmapping
	ss *= dg.dpdu.Length();
	ts *= dg.dpdv.Length();

	Normal dndu, dndv;
	// Compute \dndu and \dndv for triangle shading geometry
	float uvs[3][2];

	// Compute deltas for triangle partial derivatives of normal
	const float du1 = uvs[0][0] - uvs[2][0];
	const float du2 = uvs[1][0] - uvs[2][0];
	const float dv1 = uvs[0][1] - uvs[2][1];
	const float dv2 = uvs[1][1] - uvs[2][1];
	const Normal dn1 = mesh->n[v[0]] - mesh->n[v[2]];
	const Normal dn2 = mesh->n[v[1]] - mesh->n[v[2]];
	const float determinant = du1 * dv2 - dv1 * du2;

	if (determinant == 0.f)
		dndu = dndv = Normal(0, 0, 0);
	else {
		const float invdet = 1.f / determinant;
		dndu = ( dv2 * dn1 - dv1 * dn2) * invdet;
		dndv = (-du2 * dn1 + du1 * dn2) * invdet;

	*dgShading = DifferentialGeometry(dg.p, ns, ss, ts,
		dndu, dndv, tangent, bitangent, btsign, dg.u, dg.v, this);
	dgShading->iData = dg.iData;
Ejemplo n.º 13
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    cout << "Welcome to Le Fancy Vase Drawer.\n" << endl;
           "r,g,b - Change colour of mesh to red, green, blue\n"\
           "k     - Colour the mesh black\n"\
           "p     - RAINBOW.\n"\
           "1,3   - Zoom in, zoom out\n"\
           "w,s   - Move camera up, down\n"\
           "a,d   - Rotate mesh left, right\n"\
           "q,e   - Move gaze point up, down\n"\
           "z,c   - Move camera and gaze point up, down\n");

    float viewingAngle = 60.; // degrees
    float aspectRatio = 1;
    float N = 5.;  // near plane
    float F = 30.; // far plane
    float t = N * tan(CV_PI / 360 * viewingAngle); // top
    float b = -t; // bottom
    float r = aspectRatio*t; // right
    float l = -r; // left
    int   w = 512,
          h = 512;

    bool camChanged = true;
    bool rainbow = true;
    int rotationInc = 5;
    int roll = 0;

    namedWindow(wndName, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

    // used as row vectors, so they can be appended to Matrix easily
    Mat e = (Mat_<float>(1, 3) << 30., 30., 22.); // camera vector.  15, 15, 10
    Mat g = (Mat_<float>(1, 3) <<  0., 0., 18.); // a point through which the gaze direction unit vector n points to
    Mat p = (Mat_<float>(1, 3) <<  0., 0., 1.); // x, y, z, w
    Mat n, u, v;
    Mat screen(w, h, CV_8UC3);
    int flip = 1; // -1 to flip along X

    Mat Mv(0, 3, CV_32FC1);

    Mat S1T1Mp = (Mat_<float>(4, 4) <<
                  (2*N)/(r-l), 0, (r+l)/(r-l), 0,
                  0, (2*N)/(t-b), (t+b)/(t-b), 0,
                  0, 0, -(F+N)/(F-N), -2*F*N/(F-N),
                  0, 0, -1, 0

    Mat WS2T2 = (Mat_<float>(4, 4) <<
                 w/2, 0, 0, w/2,
                 0, flip*h/2, 0, -h/2+h,
                 0, 0, 1, 0,
                 0, 0, 0, 1

    // container for screen coords
    vector<Point2i> coords;

    // background colour and line colour
    Scalar bgColour(255, 255, 255);
    Scalar lineColour(0);

    // HSV and BGR matrices for colours of the rainbow
    int sat = 200, val = 200;
    Mat hsv(Size(1,1),CV_8UC3, Scalar(10,sat,val)), bgr;

    // the polygonal mesh object
    PolygonalMesh poly;

    bool normalChanged = true;

    char c = -1; // input char
    while (true) {
        if (camChanged) {
            if (normalChanged) {
                // normalize vector from camera to gaze point
                normalize(e - g, n);
                // generate vectors describing camera plane
                //u = (getRotationMatrix(n, rotationInc) * u.t()).t();
                //v = (getRotationMatrix(n, rotationInc) * v.t()).t();
                // normalize to keep window same size
                //normalize(u, u);
                //normalize(v, v);
                u = p.cross(n);
                v = u.cross(n);
                u = (getRotationMatrix(n, roll) * u.t()).t();
                v = (getRotationMatrix(n, roll) * v.t()).t();
                normalize(u, u);
                normalize(v, v);

                normalChanged = false;

            // construct matrix for world coords to camera viewing coords
            Mv = Mat(0, 3, CV_32FC1);
            Mv = Mv.t();
            Mv.push_back(Mat((Mat_<float>(1, 3) << -e.dot(u), -e.dot(v), -e.dot(n))));
            Mv = Mv.t();
            Mv.push_back(Mat((Mat_<float>(1, 4) << 0, 0, 0, 1))); // works

            //scale, transformation, and projection matrix
            S1T1Mp = (Mat_<float>(4, 4) <<
                          (2*N)/(r-l), 0, (r+l)/(r-l), 0,
                          0, (2*N)/(t-b), (t+b)/(t-b), 0,
                          0, 0, -(F+N)/(F-N), -2*F*N/(F-N),
                          0, 0, -1, 0

            // scal, transform from viewing volume to canonical viewing volume.
            // Flip along X-axis is desired
            WS2T2 = (Mat_<float>(4, 4) <<
                         w/2, 0, 0, w/2,
                         0, flip*h/2, 0, -h/2+h,
                         0, 0, 1, 0,
                         0, 0, 0, 1

            // colour the background

            camChanged = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < poly.vertsH.size(); i++) {
            // Apply transformations to convert from world coordinates to screen coords
            Mat pt = WS2T2 * (S1T1Mp * (Mv * poly.vertsH[i]));
            // Perspective divide
            pt /= pt.at<float>(3, 0);
            // store generated coordinate in coords container
            coords.push_back(Point2f((int)pt.at<float>(0), (int)pt.at<float>(1)));
        if (rainbow) {
            hsv = Mat(Size(1, 1), CV_8UC3, Scalar(10, sat, val));
        for (int i = 0; i < poly.faces.size(); i++) {
            Face& f           = poly.faces[i];
            Normal faceNormal = poly.norms[f.data[Face::NORM]];
            Mat tv            = poly.vertsH[f.data[Face::PT0]]; //  triangle 1st vertex
            // generate camera to triangle vector
            Vec3f  camToTri(tv.at<float>(X) - e.at<float>(X),
                            tv.at<float>(Y) - e.at<float>(Y),
                            tv.at<float>(Z) - e.at<float>(Z));

            // compute dot product to determine which faces to draw.
            float b = faceNormal.dot(camToTri); // camToTri.dot(faceNormal);

            if (rainbow) {
                // increment hue value, then convert from HSV to BGR
                Vec3b clr = hsv.at<Vec3b>(0, 0);
                hsv.at<Vec3b>(0, 0) = clr;
                cvtColor(hsv, bgr, CV_HSV2BGR);
                Vec3b bgr3 = bgr.at<Vec3b>(0, 0);
                lineColour = Scalar(bgr3[0], bgr3[1], bgr3[2]);
            if (b >= 0) {
                // draw triangle from 3 face coords
                line(screen, coords[f.data[Face::PT0]], coords[f.data[Face::PT1]], lineColour);
                line(screen, coords[f.data[Face::PT0]], coords[f.data[Face::PT2]], lineColour);
                line(screen, coords[f.data[Face::PT1]], coords[f.data[Face::PT2]], lineColour);

        // draw the image to the screen
        imshow(wndName, screen);

        c = waitKey(0);
        switch (c) {
            case 'w':
                // move camera up
                e.at<float>(Z) += 1;
                camChanged = true;
                normalChanged = true;
            case 's':
                // move camera down
                e.at<float>(Z) -= 1;
                camChanged = true;
                normalChanged = true;
            case 'a':{
                // rotate by 5 degrees along z axis
                float a = rotationInc/180.*CV_PI;
                e = ((Mat_<float>(3, 3) <<
                    cos(a), sin(a), 0,
                    -sin(a), cos(a), 0,
                    0, 0, 1) * e.t()).t();
                camChanged = true;
                normalChanged = true;
            case 'd':{
                // rotate by -5 degrees along z axis
                float a = -rotationInc/180.*CV_PI;
                e = ((Mat_<float>(3, 3) <<
                    cos(a), sin(a), 0,
                    -sin(a), cos(a), 0,
                    0, 0, 1) * e.t()).t();
                camChanged = true;
                normalChanged = true;
            case 'y': {
                roll += rotationInc;
                // rotate camera
                // rotate around unit vector 'n' -- from gaze point to cam
                //u = (getRotationMatrix(n, rotationInc) * u.t()).t();
                //v = (getRotationMatrix(n, rotationInc) * v.t()).t();
                // normalize to keep window same size
                //normalize(u, u);
                //normalize(v, v);
                normalChanged = true;
                camChanged = true;
            case 'u':
                roll -= rotationInc;
                //u = (getRotationMatrix(n, -rotationInc) * u.t()).t();
                //v = (getRotationMatrix(n, -rotationInc) * v.t()).t();
                //normalize(u, u);
                //normalize(v, v);
                normalChanged = true;
                camChanged = true;
            case 'q':
                // shift gaze vector down
                g.at<float>(Z) -= 1;
                camChanged = true;
                normalChanged = true;
            case 'e':
                // shift gaze vector up
                g.at<float>(Z) += 1;
                camChanged = true;
                normalChanged = true;
            case 'c':
                // move camera and gaze vector up
                g.at<float>(Z) += 1;
                e.at<float>(Z) += 1;
                camChanged = true;
            case 'z':
                // move camera and gaze vector down
                g.at<float>(Z) -= 1;
                e.at<float>(Z) -= 1;
                camChanged = true;
            case '1':
                // move camera closer to object by 10%
                e *= 0.9;
                camChanged = true;
            case '3':
                // move cam further from object by 10%
                e *= 1.1;
                camChanged = true;
            case 'r':
                // colour the mesh red, green, blue, black (next 4 cases)
                lineColour = Scalar(0, 0, 255);
                rainbow = false;
            case 'g':
                lineColour = Scalar(0, 150, 0);
                rainbow = false;
            case 'b':
                lineColour = Scalar(255, 0, 0);
                rainbow = false;
            case 'k':
                lineColour = Scalar(0, 0, 0);
                rainbow = false;
            case 'p':
                //set the rainbow flag
                rainbow = true;

    // chillout until the user has hit a key