static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL promiseAllCountdownFunction(ExecState* exec)
    JSValue x = exec->argument(0);
    VM& vm = exec->vm();
    JSObject* F = exec->callee();

    // 1. Let 'index' be the value of F's [[Index]] internal slot.
    uint32_t index = F->get(exec, vm.propertyNames->indexPrivateName).asUInt32();

    // 2. Let 'values' be the value of F's [[Values]] internal slot..
    JSArray* values = jsCast<JSArray*>(F->get(exec, vm.propertyNames->valuesPrivateName));

    // 3. Let 'deferred' be the value of F's [[Deferred]] internal slot.
    JSPromiseDeferred* deferred = jsCast<JSPromiseDeferred*>(F->get(exec, vm.propertyNames->deferredPrivateName));

    // 4. Let 'countdownHolder' be the value of F's [[CountdownHolder]] internal slot.
    NumberObject* countdownHolder = jsCast<NumberObject*>(F->get(exec, vm.propertyNames->countdownHolderPrivateName));

    // 5. Let 'result' be the result of calling the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method
    //    of 'values' with arguments 'index' and Property Descriptor { [[Value]]: x,
    //    [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true }.
    values->putDirectIndex(exec, index, x);

    // 6. RejectIfAbrupt(result, deferred).
    if (exec->hadException())
        abruptRejection(exec, deferred);

    // 7. Set countdownHolder.[[Countdown]] to countdownHolder.[[Countdown]] - 1.
    uint32_t newCountdownValue = countdownHolder->internalValue().asUInt32() - 1;
    countdownHolder->setInternalValue(vm, JSValue(newCountdownValue));

    // 8. If countdownHolder.[[Countdown]] is 0,
    if (!newCountdownValue) {
        // i. Return the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of deferred.[[Resolve]]
        //    with undefined as thisArgument and a List containing 'values' as argumentsList.
        performDeferredResolve(exec, deferred, values);

    // 9. Return.
    return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
Ejemplo n.º 2
static JSValue performPromiseAll(ExecState* exec, JSValue iterator, JSValue C, JSPromiseDeferred* deferred)
    JSObject* thisObject = asObject(C);
    VM& vm = exec->vm();

    // 6. Let 'values' be the result of calling ArrayCreate(0).
    JSArray* values = constructEmptyArray(exec, nullptr, thisObject->globalObject());

    // 7. Let 'countdownHolder' be Record { [[Countdown]]: 0 }.
    NumberObject* countdownHolder = constructNumber(exec, thisObject->globalObject(), JSValue(0));

    // 8. Let 'index' be 0.
    unsigned index = 0;

    // 9. Repeat.
    do {
        // i. Let 'next' be the result of calling IteratorStep(iterator).
        JSValue next = iteratorStep(exec, iterator);
        if (exec->hadException())
            return jsUndefined();

        // iii. If 'next' is false,
        if (next.isFalse()) {
            // a. If 'index' is 0,
            if (!index) {
                // a. Let 'resolveResult' be the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method
                //    of deferred.[[Resolve]] with undefined as thisArgument and a List containing
                //    values as argumentsList.
                performDeferredResolve(exec, deferred, values);

                // b. ReturnIfAbrupt(resolveResult).
                if (exec->hadException())
                    return jsUndefined();

            // b. Return deferred.[[Promise]].
            return deferred->promise();

        // iv. Let 'nextValue' be the result of calling IteratorValue(next).
        // v. RejectIfAbrupt(nextValue, deferred).
        JSValue nextValue = iteratorValue(exec, next);
        if (exec->hadException())
            return jsUndefined();

        values->push(exec, jsUndefined());

        // vi. Let 'nextPromise' be the result of calling Invoke(C, "resolve", (nextValue)).
        JSValue resolveFunction = C.get(exec, vm.propertyNames->resolve);
        if (exec->hadException())
            return jsUndefined();

        CallData resolveFunctionCallData;
        CallType resolveFunctionCallType = getCallData(resolveFunction, resolveFunctionCallData);
        if (resolveFunctionCallType == CallTypeNone) {
            return jsUndefined();

        MarkedArgumentBuffer resolveFunctionArguments;
        JSValue nextPromise = call(exec, resolveFunction, resolveFunctionCallType, resolveFunctionCallData, C, resolveFunctionArguments);

        // vii. RejectIfAbrupt(nextPromise, deferred).
        if (exec->hadException())
            return jsUndefined();

        // viii. Let 'countdownFunction' be a new built-in function object as defined in Promise.all Countdown Functions.
        JSFunction* countdownFunction = createPromiseAllCountdownFunction(vm, thisObject->globalObject());

        // ix. Set the [[Index]] internal slot of 'countdownFunction' to 'index'.
        countdownFunction->putDirect(vm, vm.propertyNames->indexPrivateName, JSValue(index));

        // x. Set the [[Values]] internal slot of 'countdownFunction' to 'values'.
        countdownFunction->putDirect(vm, vm.propertyNames->valuesPrivateName, values);

        // xi. Set the [[Deferred]] internal slot of 'countdownFunction' to 'deferred'.
        countdownFunction->putDirect(vm, vm.propertyNames->deferredPrivateName, deferred);

        // xii. Set the [[CountdownHolder]] internal slot of 'countdownFunction' to 'countdownHolder'.
        countdownFunction->putDirect(vm, vm.propertyNames->countdownHolderPrivateName, countdownHolder);

        // xiii. Let 'result' be the result of calling Invoke(nextPromise, "then", (countdownFunction, deferred.[[Reject]])).
        JSValue thenFunction = nextPromise.get(exec, vm.propertyNames->then);
        if (exec->hadException())
            return jsUndefined();

        CallData thenFunctionCallData;
        CallType thenFunctionCallType = getCallData(thenFunction, thenFunctionCallData);
        if (thenFunctionCallType == CallTypeNone) {
            return jsUndefined();

        MarkedArgumentBuffer thenFunctionArguments;

        call(exec, thenFunction, thenFunctionCallType, thenFunctionCallData, nextPromise, thenFunctionArguments);

        // xiv. RejectIfAbrupt(result, deferred).
        if (exec->hadException())
            return jsUndefined();

        // xv. Set index to index + 1.

        // xvi. Set countdownHolder.[[Countdown]] to countdownHolder.[[Countdown]] + 1.
        uint32_t newCountdownValue = countdownHolder->internalValue().asUInt32() + 1;
        countdownHolder->setInternalValue(vm, JSValue(newCountdownValue));
    } while (true);
    return jsUndefined();