Ejemplo n.º 1
  void OBRotamerList::Setup(OBMol &mol,OBRotorList &rl)
    //clear the old stuff out if necessary
    vector<unsigned char*>::iterator j;
    for (j = _vrotamer.begin();j != _vrotamer.end();++j)
      delete [] *j;

    vector<pair<OBAtom**,vector<int> > >::iterator k;
    for (k = _vrotor.begin();k != _vrotor.end();++k)
      delete [] k->first;

    //create the new list
    OBRotor *rotor;
    vector<OBRotor*>::iterator i;
    vector<int> children;

    int ref[4];
    OBAtom **atomlist;
    for (rotor = rl.BeginRotor(i);rotor;rotor = rl.NextRotor(i))
        atomlist = new OBAtom* [4];
        atomlist[0] = mol.GetAtom(ref[0]);
        atomlist[1] = mol.GetAtom(ref[1]);
        atomlist[2] = mol.GetAtom(ref[2]);
        atomlist[3] = mol.GetAtom(ref[3]);
        _vrotor.push_back(pair<OBAtom**,vector<int> > (atomlist,children));

    // if the rotor list has ring bonds, build up an index
    if (rl.HasRingRotors()){
      // go through rings
      // for each step of the path, see if there's a matching rotor
      vector<int> path;
      int pSize;
      vector<double> ringTorsions;
      vector<int> ringRotors;
      FOR_RINGS_OF_MOL(r, mol)

        pSize = r->Size();
        if (pSize < 4)
          continue; // not rotatable

        path = r->_path;
        for (int j = 0; j < pSize; ++j) {
          double torsion = mol.GetTorsion(path[(j + pSize - 1) % pSize],
                                       path[(j + pSize) % pSize],
                                       path[(j + pSize + 1) % pSize],
                                       path[(j + pSize + 2) % pSize]);

          // now check to see if any of these things are rotors
          int rotorIndex = -1; // not a rotor
          OBBond *bond = mol.GetBond(path[(j + pSize) % pSize], path[(j + pSize + 1) % pSize]);
          for (rotor = rl.BeginRotor(i);rotor;rotor = rl.NextRotor(i))
              if (bond != rotor->GetBond())
                continue; // no match at all

              // Central bond matches, make sure 1..4 atoms are in the path
              if ( (ref[0] == path[(j + pSize - 1) % pSize] &&
                    ref[3] == path[(j + pSize + 2) % pSize])
                   (ref[3] == path[(j + pSize - 1) % pSize] &&
                    ref[0] == path[(j + pSize + 2) % pSize]) ) {
                rotorIndex = rotor->GetIdx();
            } // end checking all the rotors
          ringRotors.push_back(rotorIndex); // could be -1 if it's not rotatable

      } // finished with the rings