bool InitOCL(const unsigned int oclPlatformID, const unsigned int oclDeviceID, OCLHelper& oclHelper, std::ostringstream& msg) { bool res = true; vector<string> info; res = oclHelper.GetPlatformsInfo(info, "\t\t"); if (!res) return res; const size_t numPlatforms = info.size(); msg << "\t Number of OpenCL platforms: " << numPlatforms << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < numPlatforms; ++i) { msg << "\t OpenCL platform [" << i << "]" << endl; msg << info[i]; } msg << "\t Using OpenCL platform [" << oclPlatformID << "]" << endl; res = oclHelper.InitPlatform(oclPlatformID); if (!res) return res; info.clear(); res = oclHelper.GetDevicesInfo(info, "\t\t"); if (!res) return res; const size_t numDevices = info.size(); msg << "\t Number of OpenCL devices: " << numDevices << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < numDevices; ++i) { msg << "\t OpenCL device [" << i << "]" << endl; msg << info[i]; } msg << "\t Using OpenCL device [" << oclDeviceID << "]" << endl; res = oclHelper.InitDevice(oclDeviceID); return res; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // --input --output camel_acd.wrl --log log.txt --resolution 1000000 --depth 20 --concavity 0.0025 --planeDownsampling 4 --convexhullDownsampling 4 --alpha 0.05 --beta 0.05 --gamma 0.00125 --pca 0 --mode 0 --maxNumVerticesPerCH 256 --minVolumePerCH 0.0001 --convexhullApproximation 1 --oclDeviceID 2 { // set parameters Parameters params; ParseParameters(argc, argv, params); MyCallback myCallback; MyLogger myLogger(params.m_fileNameLog); params.m_paramsVHACD.m_logger = &myLogger; params.m_paramsVHACD.m_callback = &myCallback; Usage(params); if (!params.m_run) { return 0; } std::ostringstream msg; #ifdef CL_VERSION_1_1 msg << "+ OpenCL (ON)" << std::endl; OCLHelper oclHelper; if (params.m_paramsVHACD.m_oclAcceleration) { bool res = InitOCL(params.m_oclPlatformID, params.m_oclDeviceID, oclHelper, msg); if (!res) { myLogger.Log(msg.str().c_str()); return -1; } } #else //CL_VERSION_1_1 msg << "+ OpenCL (OFF)" << std::endl; #endif //CL_VERSION_1_1 #ifdef _OPENMP msg << "+ OpenMP (ON)" << std::endl; #else msg << "+ OpenMP (OFF)" << std::endl; #endif msg << "+ Parameters" << std::endl; msg << "\t input " << params.m_fileNameIn << endl; msg << "\t resolution " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_resolution << endl; msg << "\t max. depth " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_depth << endl; msg << "\t max. concavity " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_concavity << endl; msg << "\t plane down-sampling " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_planeDownsampling << endl; msg << "\t convex-hull down-sampling " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_convexhullDownsampling << endl; msg << "\t alpha " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_alpha << endl; msg << "\t beta " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_beta << endl; msg << "\t maxhulls " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_maxConvexHulls << endl; msg << "\t pca " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_pca << endl; msg << "\t mode " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_mode << endl; msg << "\t max. vertices per convex-hull " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_maxNumVerticesPerCH << endl; msg << "\t min. volume to add vertices to convex-hulls " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_minVolumePerCH << endl; msg << "\t convex-hull approximation " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_convexhullApproximation << endl; msg << "\t OpenCL acceleration " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_oclAcceleration << endl; msg << "\t OpenCL platform ID " << params.m_oclPlatformID << endl; msg << "\t OpenCL device ID " << params.m_oclDeviceID << endl; msg << "\t output " << params.m_fileNameOut << endl; msg << "\t log " << params.m_fileNameLog << endl; msg << "+ Load mesh" << std::endl; myLogger.Log(msg.str().c_str()); cout << msg.str().c_str(); // load mesh vector<float> points; vector<int> triangles; string fileExtension; GetFileExtension(params.m_fileNameIn, fileExtension); //cout<<"params.m_fileNameIn="<<params.m_fileNameIn<<" and fileExtension="<<fileExtension<<endl; if (fileExtension == ".OFF") { if (!LoadOFF(params.m_fileNameIn, points, triangles, myLogger)) { cout<<"load OFF file error"<<endl; return -1; } } else if (fileExtension == ".OBJ") { if (!LoadOBJ(params.m_fileNameIn, points, triangles, myLogger)) { cout<<"load OBJ file error"<<endl; return -1; } } else { myLogger.Log("Format not supported!\n"); return -1; } // run V-HACD IVHACD* interfaceVHACD = CreateVHACD(); #ifdef CL_VERSION_1_1 if (params.m_paramsVHACD.m_oclAcceleration) { bool res = interfaceVHACD->OCLInit(oclHelper.GetDevice(), &myLogger); if (!res) { params.m_paramsVHACD.m_oclAcceleration = false; } } #endif //CL_VERSION_1_1 bool res = interfaceVHACD->Compute(&points[0], 3, (unsigned int)points.size() / 3, &triangles[0], 3, (unsigned int)triangles.size() / 3, params.m_paramsVHACD); if (res) { std::string ext; if (params.m_fileNameOut.length() > 4) { ext = params.m_fileNameOut.substr(params.m_fileNameOut.length()-4); } std::transform(ext.begin(), ext.end(), ext.begin(), ::tolower); if (ext != ".obj") { // save output unsigned int nConvexHulls = interfaceVHACD->GetNConvexHulls(); msg.str(""); msg << "+ Generate output: " << nConvexHulls << " convex-hulls " << endl; myLogger.Log(msg.str().c_str()); ofstream foutCH(params.m_fileNameOut.c_str()); IVHACD::ConvexHull ch; if (foutCH.is_open()) { /******* Phuc : Save nb of convex part decomposition *******/ ofstream outFile; std::string filename; filename=params.m_fileNameOut.substr(0,params.m_fileNameOut.length()-4);//../../results/egea_acd_0.dat ///filename=params.m_fileNameIn.substr(0,params.m_fileNameOut.length()-4); filename=filename+".txt";; if (!outFile.is_open()) { cerr<<"! ERROR: can NOT open file : "<<filename<<endl; exit(1); } outFile<<nConvexHulls<<endl; outFile.close(); /******* Phuc : Save nb of convex part decomposition *******/ Material mat; for (unsigned int p = 0; p < nConvexHulls; ++p) { interfaceVHACD->GetConvexHull(p, ch); ComputeRandomColor(mat); SaveVRML2(foutCH, ch.m_points, ch.m_triangles, ch.m_nPoints, ch.m_nTriangles, mat, myLogger); msg.str(""); msg << "\t CH[" << setfill('0') << setw(5) << p << "] " << ch.m_nPoints << " V, " << ch.m_nTriangles << " T" << endl; myLogger.Log(msg.str().c_str()); #ifdef SAVE_PART /****** Phuc : Save convex-part decomposition *********/ filename=params.m_fileNameOut.substr(0,params.m_fileNameOut.length()-4);//../../results/egea_acd_0.dat ///filename=params.m_fileNameIn.substr(0,params.m_fileNameIn.length()-4);//../../data/egea_0.dat filename=filename+"_"+std::to_string(p)+".dat"; //cout<<filename<<endl; ofstream fpart(filename.c_str()); if (fpart.is_open()) { size_t nV = ch.m_nPoints * 3; for (size_t v = 0; v < nV; v += 3) { fpart << ch.m_points[v + 0] << " " << ch.m_points[v + 1] << " " << ch.m_points[v + 2] << std::endl; } fpart.close(); } else std::cout<<"Can't open file\n"<<std::endl; /****** Phuc : Save convex-part decomposition *********/ #endif } foutCH.close(); } } else { unsigned int nConvexHulls = interfaceVHACD->GetNConvexHulls(); msg.str(""); msg << "+ Generate output: " << nConvexHulls << " convex-hulls " << endl; myLogger.Log(msg.str().c_str()); ofstream foutCH(params.m_fileNameOut.c_str()); IVHACD::ConvexHull ch; if (foutCH.is_open()) { /******* Phuc : Save nb of convex part decomposition *******/ ofstream outFile; std::string filename; filename=params.m_fileNameOut.substr(0,params.m_fileNameOut.length()-4);//../../results/egea_acd_0.dat ///filename=params.m_fileNameIn.substr(0,params.m_fileNameIn.length()-4); filename=filename+".txt";; if (!outFile.is_open()) { cerr<<"! ERROR: can NOT open file : "<<filename<<endl; exit(1); } outFile<<nConvexHulls<<endl; outFile.close(); /******* Phuc : Save nb of convex part decomposition *******/ Material mat; int vertexOffset = 1;//obj wavefront starts counting at 1... for (unsigned int p = 0; p < nConvexHulls; ++p) { interfaceVHACD->GetConvexHull(p, ch); SaveOBJ(foutCH, ch.m_points, ch.m_triangles, ch.m_nPoints, ch.m_nTriangles, mat, myLogger, p, vertexOffset); vertexOffset+=ch.m_nPoints; msg.str(""); msg << "\t CH[" << setfill('0') << setw(5) << p << "] " << ch.m_nPoints << " V, " << ch.m_nTriangles << " T" << endl; myLogger.Log(msg.str().c_str()); #ifdef SAVE_PART /****** Phuc : Save convex-part decomposition *********/ filename=params.m_fileNameOut.substr(0,params.m_fileNameOut.length()-4);//../../results/egea_acd_0.dat ///filename=params.m_fileNameIn.substr(0,params.m_fileNameIn.length()-4);//../../data/egea_0.dat filename=filename+"_"+std::to_string(p)+".dat"; ofstream fpart(filename.c_str()); if (fpart.is_open()) { size_t nV = ch.m_nPoints * 3; for (size_t v = 0; v < nV; v += 3) { fpart << ch.m_points[v + 0] << " " << ch.m_points[v + 1] << " " << ch.m_points[v + 2] << std::endl; } fpart.close(); } else std::cout<<"Can't open file\n"<<std::endl; /****** Phuc : Save convex-part decomposition *********/ #endif } foutCH.close(); } } } else { myLogger.Log("Decomposition cancelled by user!\n"); } #ifdef CL_VERSION_1_1 if (params.m_paramsVHACD.m_oclAcceleration) { bool res = interfaceVHACD->OCLRelease(&myLogger); if (!res) { assert(-1); } } #endif //CL_VERSION_1_1 interfaceVHACD->Clean(); interfaceVHACD->Release(); } #ifdef _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif // _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC return 0; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { // --input --output camel_acd.wrl --log log.txt --resolution 1000000 --depth 20 --concavity 0.0025 --planeDownsampling 4 --convexhullDownsampling 4 --alpha 0.05 --beta 0.05 --gamma 0.00125 --pca 0 --mode 0 --maxNumVerticesPerCH 256 --minVolumePerCH 0.0001 --convexhullApproximation 1 --oclDeviceID 2 { // set parameters Parameters params; ParseParameters(argc, argv, params); MyCallback myCallback; MyLogger myLogger(params.m_fileNameLog); params.m_paramsVHACD.m_logger = &myLogger; params.m_paramsVHACD.m_callback = &myCallback; Usage(params); if (!params.m_run) { return 0; } std::ostringstream msg; #ifdef CL_VERSION_1_1 msg << "+ OpenCL (ON)" << std::endl; OCLHelper oclHelper; if (params.m_paramsVHACD.m_oclAcceleration) { bool res = InitOCL(params.m_oclPlatformID, params.m_oclDeviceID, oclHelper, msg); if (!res) { myLogger.Log(msg.str().c_str()); return -1; } } #else //CL_VERSION_1_1 msg << "+ OpenCL (OFF)" << std::endl; #endif //CL_VERSION_1_1 #ifdef _OPENMP msg << "+ OpenMP (ON)" << std::endl; #else msg << "+ OpenMP (OFF)" << std::endl; #endif msg << "+ Parameters" << std::endl; msg << "\t input " << params.m_fileNameIn << endl; msg << "\t resolution " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_resolution << endl; msg << "\t max. depth " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_depth << endl; msg << "\t max. concavity " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_concavity << endl; msg << "\t plane down-sampling " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_planeDownsampling << endl; msg << "\t convex-hull down-sampling " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_convexhullDownsampling << endl; msg << "\t alpha " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_alpha << endl; msg << "\t beta " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_beta << endl; msg << "\t gamma " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_gamma << endl; msg << "\t pca " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_pca << endl; msg << "\t mode " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_mode << endl; msg << "\t max. vertices per convex-hull " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_maxNumVerticesPerCH << endl; msg << "\t min. volume to add vertices to convex-hulls " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_minVolumePerCH << endl; msg << "\t convex-hull approximation " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_convexhullApproximation << endl; msg << "\t OpenCL acceleration " << params.m_paramsVHACD.m_oclAcceleration << endl; msg << "\t OpenCL platform ID " << params.m_oclPlatformID << endl; msg << "\t OpenCL device ID " << params.m_oclDeviceID << endl; msg << "\t output " << params.m_fileNameOut << endl; msg << "\t log " << params.m_fileNameLog << endl; msg << "+ Load mesh" << std::endl; myLogger.Log(msg.str().c_str()); cout << msg.str().c_str(); // load mesh vector<float > points; vector<int > triangles; string fileExtension; GetFileExtension(params.m_fileNameIn, fileExtension); if (fileExtension == ".OFF") { if (!LoadOFF(params.m_fileNameIn, points, triangles, myLogger)) { return -1; } } else if (fileExtension == ".OBJ") { if (!LoadOBJ(params.m_fileNameIn, points, triangles, myLogger)) { return -1; } } else { myLogger.Log("Format not supported!\n"); return -1; } // run V-HACD IVHACD * interfaceVHACD = CreateVHACD(); #ifdef CL_VERSION_1_1 if (params.m_paramsVHACD.m_oclAcceleration) { bool res = interfaceVHACD->OCLInit(oclHelper.GetDevice(), &myLogger); if (!res) { params.m_paramsVHACD.m_oclAcceleration = false; } } #endif //CL_VERSION_1_1 bool res = interfaceVHACD->Compute(&points[0] , 3, (unsigned int)points.size() / 3, &triangles[0], 3, (unsigned int)triangles.size() / 3, params.m_paramsVHACD); if (res) { // save output unsigned int nConvexHulls = interfaceVHACD->GetNConvexHulls(); msg.str(""); msg << "+ Generate output: " << nConvexHulls << " convex-hulls " << endl; myLogger.Log(msg.str().c_str()); ofstream foutCH(params.m_fileNameOut.c_str()); IVHACD::ConvexHull ch; if (foutCH.is_open()) { Material mat; for (unsigned int p = 0; p < nConvexHulls; ++p) { interfaceVHACD->GetConvexHull(p, ch); ComputeRandomColor(mat); SaveVRML2(foutCH, ch.m_points, ch.m_triangles, ch.m_nPoints, ch.m_nTriangles, mat, myLogger); msg.str(""); msg << "\t CH[" << setfill('0') << setw(5) << p << "] " << ch.m_nPoints << " V, " << ch.m_nTriangles << " T" << endl; myLogger.Log(msg.str().c_str()); } foutCH.close(); } } else { myLogger.Log("Decomposition cancelled by user!\n"); } #ifdef CL_VERSION_1_1 if (params.m_paramsVHACD.m_oclAcceleration) { bool res = interfaceVHACD->OCLRelease(&myLogger); if (!res) { assert(-1); } } #endif //CL_VERSION_1_1 interfaceVHACD->Clean(); interfaceVHACD->Release(); } #ifdef _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif // _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC return 0; }