Ejemplo n.º 1
        void run(){
#ifdef MOZJS
            Scope * s = globalScriptEngine->createScope();
            s->localConnect( "blah" );
            s->invoke( "z = { _id : new ObjectId() , a : 123 };" , BSONObj() );
            BSONObj out = s->getObject( "z" );
            ASSERT_EQUALS( 123 , out["a"].number() );
            ASSERT_EQUALS( jstOID , out["_id"].type() );
            OID save = out["_id"].__oid();
            s->setObject( "a" , out );
            s->invoke( "y = { _id : a._id , a : 124 };" , BSONObj() );            
            out = s->getObject( "y" );
            ASSERT_EQUALS( 124 , out["a"].number() );
            ASSERT_EQUALS( jstOID , out["_id"].type() );            
            ASSERT_EQUALS( out["_id"].__oid().str() , save.str() );

            s->invoke( "y = { _id : new ObjectId( a._id ) , a : 125 };" , BSONObj() );            
            out = s->getObject( "y" );
            ASSERT_EQUALS( 125 , out["a"].number() );
            ASSERT_EQUALS( jstOID , out["_id"].type() );            
            ASSERT_EQUALS( out["_id"].__oid().str() , save.str() );

            delete s;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {

            BSONElement e = cmdObj.firstElement();
            if ( e.type() != jstOID ) {
                errmsg = "need oid as first value";
                return 0;

            // get the command issuer's (a mongos) serverID
            const OID id = e.__oid();

            // the command issuer is blocked awaiting a response
            // we want to do return at least at every 5 minutes so sockets don't timeout
            BSONObj z;
            if ( writeBackManager.getWritebackQueue(id.str())->queue.blockingPop( z, 5 * 60 /* 5 minutes */ ) ) {
                MONGO_LOG(1) << "WriteBackCommand got : " << z << endl;
                result.append( "data" , z );
            else {
                result.appendBool( "noop" , true );

#ifdef _DEBUG
            // Sleep a short amount of time usually
            int sleepFor = rand() % 10;
            sleepmillis( sleepFor );

            // Sleep a longer amount of time every once and awhile
            int sleepLong = rand() % 50;
            if( sleepLong == 0 ) sleepsecs( 2 );

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    bool handlePossibleShardedMessage( Message &m, DbResponse &dbresponse ){

        if ( shardConfigServer.empty() ){
            return false;

        int op = m.data->operation();
        if ( op < 2000 || op >= 3000 )
            return false;

        const char *ns = m.data->_data + 4;
        string errmsg;
        if ( shardVersionOk( ns , errmsg ) ){
            return false;

        log() << "shardVersionOk failed  ns:" << ns << " " << errmsg << endl;
        if ( doesOpGetAResponse( op ) ){
            BufBuilder b( 32768 );
            b.skip( sizeof( QueryResult ) );
                BSONObj obj = BSON( "$err" << errmsg );
                b.append( obj.objdata() , obj.objsize() );
            QueryResult *qr = (QueryResult*)b.buf();
            qr->_resultFlags() = QueryResult::ResultFlag_ErrSet | QueryResult::ResultFlag_ShardConfigStale;
            qr->len = b.len();
            qr->setOperation( opReply );
            qr->cursorId = 0;
            qr->startingFrom = 0;
            qr->nReturned = 1;

            Message * resp = new Message();
            resp->setData( qr , true );
            dbresponse.response = resp;
            dbresponse.responseTo = m.data->id;
            return true;
        OID * clientID = clientServerIds.get();
        massert( 10422 ,  "write with bad shard config and no server id!" , clientID );
        log() << "got write with an old config - writing back" << endl;

        BSONObjBuilder b;
        b.appendBool( "writeBack" , true );
        b.append( "ns" , ns );
        b.appendBinData( "msg" , m.data->len , bdtCustom , (char*)(m.data) );
        log() << "writing back msg with len: " << m.data->len << " op: " << m.data->_operation << endl;
        clientQueues[clientID->str()]->push( b.obj() );

        return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        bool run(const char *cmdns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){

            BSONElement e = cmdObj.firstElement();
            if ( e.type() != jstOID ){
                errmsg = "need oid as first value";
                return 0;
            const OID id = e.__oid();
            if ( ! clientQueues[id.str()] )
                clientQueues[id.str()] = new BlockingQueue<BSONObj>();

            BSONObj z = clientQueues[id.str()]->blockingPop();
            log(1) << "WriteBackCommand got : " << z << endl;
            result.append( "data" , z );
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        void testoid() { 
            OID id;
            //            sleepsecs(3);

            OID b;
            // goes with sleep above... 
            // b.init();
            // assert( memcmp(id.getData(), b.getData(), 12) < 0 );

            b.init( id.str() );
            assert( b == id );
Ejemplo n.º 6
        bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){

            BSONElement e = cmdObj.firstElement();
            if ( e.type() != jstOID ){
                errmsg = "need oid as first value";
                return 0;
            const OID id = e.__oid();
            BSONObj z = getWritebackQueue(id.str())->blockingPop();
            log(1) << "WriteBackCommand got : " << z << endl;
            result.append( "data" , z );
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    JSBool object_id_constructor( JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval ){

        Convertor c( cx );

        OID oid;
        if ( argc == 0 ){
        else {
            uassert( "object_id_constructor can't take more than 1 param" , argc == 1 );
            oid.init( c.toString( argv[0] ) );

        jsval v = c.toval( oid.str().c_str() );
        assert( JS_SetProperty( cx , obj , "str" , &v  ) );

        return JS_TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 8
v8::Handle<v8::Value> objectIdInit( const v8::Arguments& args ){
    v8::Handle<v8::Object> it = args.This();
    if ( it->IsUndefined() || it == v8::Context::GetCurrent()->Global() ){
        v8::Function * f = getObjectIdCons();
        it = f->NewInstance();
    OID oid;
    if ( args.Length() == 0 ){
    else {
        string s = toSTLString( args[0] );
        oid.init( s );

    it->Set( String::New( "str" ) , String::New( oid.str().c_str() ) );
    return it;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {

            cc().curop()->setExpectedLatencyMs( 30000 );

            BSONElement e = cmdObj.firstElement();
            if ( e.type() != jstOID ) {
                errmsg = "need oid as first value";
                return 0;

            // get the command issuer's (a mongos) serverID
            const OID id = e.__oid();

            // the command issuer is blocked awaiting a response
            // we want to do return at least at every 5 minutes so sockets don't timeout
            BSONObj z;
            if ( writeBackManager.getWritebackQueue(id.str())->queue.blockingPop( z, 5 * 60 /* 5 minutes */ ) ) {
                LOG(1) << "WriteBackCommand got : " << z << endl;
                result.append( "data" , z );
            else {
                result.appendBool( "noop" , true );

#ifdef _DEBUG
            PseudoRandom r(static_cast<int64_t>(time(0)));
            // Sleep a short amount of time usually
            int sleepFor = r.nextInt32( 10 );
            sleepmillis( sleepFor );

            // Sleep a longer amount of time every once and awhile
            int sleepLong = r.nextInt32( 50 );
            if( sleepLong == 0 ) sleepsecs( 2 );

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {

            BSONElement e = cmdObj.firstElement();
            if ( e.type() != jstOID ) {
                errmsg = "need oid as first value";
                return 0;

            // get the command issuer's (a mongos) serverID
            const OID id = e.__oid();

            // the command issuer is blocked awaiting a response
            // we want to do return at least at every 5 minutes so sockets don't timeout
            BSONObj z;
            if ( writeBackManager.getWritebackQueue(id.str())->queue.blockingPop( z, 5 * 60 /* 5 minutes */ ) ) {
                log(1) << "WriteBackCommand got : " << z << endl;
                result.append( "data" , z );
            else {
                result.appendBool( "noop" , true );

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        bool run(const char *cmdns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){
            string configdb = cmdObj["configdb"].valuestrsafe();
            { // configdb checking
                if ( configdb.size() == 0 ){
                    errmsg = "no configdb";
                    return false;
                if ( shardConfigServer.size() == 0 ){
                    if ( ! cmdObj.getBoolField( "authoritative" ) ){
                        result.appendBool( "need_authoritative" , true );
                        errmsg = "first setShardVersion";
                        return false;
                    shardConfigServer = configdb;
                else if ( shardConfigServer != configdb ){
                    errmsg = "specified a different configdb!";
                    return false;
            { // setting up ids
                if ( cmdObj["serverID"].type() != jstOID ){
                    // TODO: fix this
                    //errmsg = "need serverID to be an OID";
                    //return 0;
                else {
                    OID clientId = cmdObj["serverID"].__oid();
                    if ( ! clientServerIds.get() ){
                        string s = clientId.str();
                        OID * nid = new OID();
                        nid->init( s );
                        clientServerIds.reset( nid );
                        if ( ! clientQueues[s] )
                            clientQueues[s] = new BlockingQueue<BSONObj>();
                    else if ( clientId != *clientServerIds.get() ){
                        errmsg = "server id has changed!";
                        return 0;
            unsigned long long version = getVersion( cmdObj["version"] , errmsg );
            if ( ! version )
                return false;

            NSVersions * versions = clientShardVersions.get();
            if ( ! versions ){
                log(1) << "entering shard mode for connection" << endl;
                versions = new NSVersions();
                clientShardVersions.reset( versions );
            string ns = cmdObj["setShardVersion"].valuestrsafe();
            if ( ns.size() == 0 ){
                errmsg = "need to speciy fully namespace";
                return false;

            unsigned long long& oldVersion = (*versions)[ns];
            if ( version < oldVersion ){
                errmsg = "you already have a newer version";
                result.appendTimestamp( "oldVersion" , oldVersion );
                result.appendTimestamp( "newVersion" , version );
                return false;

            unsigned long long& myVersion = myVersions[ns];
            if ( version < myVersion ){
                errmsg = "going to older version for global";
                return false;
            if ( myVersion == 0 && ! cmdObj.getBoolField( "authoritative" ) ){
                // need authoritative for first look
                result.appendBool( "need_authoritative" , true );
                result.append( "ns" , ns );
                errmsg = "first time for this ns";
                return false;

            result.appendTimestamp( "oldVersion" , oldVersion );
            oldVersion = version;
            myVersion = version;

            result.append( "ok" , 1 );
            return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 Local< v8::Value > newId( const OID &id ) {
     v8::Function * idCons = getObjectIdCons();
     v8::Handle<v8::Value> argv[1];
     argv[0] = v8::String::New( id.str().c_str() );
     return idCons->NewInstance( 1 , argv );        
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoSubscribeContext - 
HttpStatusCode mongoSubscribeContext(SubscribeContextRequest* requestP, SubscribeContextResponse* responseP, Format inFormat)

    /* Take semaphore. The LM_S* family of macros combines semaphore release with return */

    LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Subscribe Context Request"));

    DBClientConnection* connection = getMongoConnection();

    /* If expiration is not present, then use a default one */
    if (requestP->duration.isEmpty()) {

    /* Calculate expiration (using the current time and the duration field in the request) */
    long long expiration = getCurrentTime() + requestP->duration.parse();
    LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Subscription expiration: %lu", expiration));

    /* Create the mongoDB subscription document */
    BSONObjBuilder sub;
    OID oid;
    sub.append("_id", oid);
    sub.append(CSUB_EXPIRATION, expiration);
    sub.append(CSUB_REFERENCE, requestP->reference.get());

    /* Throttling */
    if (!requestP->throttling.isEmpty()) {
        sub.append(CSUB_THROTTLING, requestP->throttling.parse());

    /* Build entities array */
    BSONArrayBuilder entities;
    for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < requestP->entityIdVector.size(); ++ix) {
        EntityId* en = requestP->entityIdVector.get(ix);
        entities.append(BSON(CSUB_ENTITY_ID << en->id <<
                             CSUB_ENTITY_TYPE << en->type <<
                             CSUB_ENTITY_ISPATTERN << en->isPattern));
    sub.append(CSUB_ENTITIES, entities.arr());

    /* Build attributes array */
    BSONArrayBuilder attrs;
    for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < requestP->attributeList.size(); ++ix) {
    sub.append(CSUB_ATTRS, attrs.arr());

    /* Build conditions array (including side-effect notifications and threads creation) */
    bool notificationDone = false;
    BSONArray conds = processConditionVector(&requestP->notifyConditionVector,
                                             requestP->attributeList, oid.str(),
    sub.append(CSUB_CONDITIONS, conds);
    if (notificationDone) {
        sub.append(CSUB_LASTNOTIFICATION, getCurrentTime());
        sub.append(CSUB_COUNT, 1);

    /* Adding format to use in notifications */
    sub.append(CSUB_FORMAT, std::string(formatToString(inFormat)));

    /* Insert document in database */
    BSONObj subDoc = sub.obj();
    try {
        LM_T(LmtMongo, ("insert() in '%s' collection: '%s'", getSubscribeContextCollectionName(), subDoc.toString().c_str()));
        connection->insert(getSubscribeContextCollectionName(), subDoc);
    catch( const DBException &e ) {
                                                 std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextCollectionName() +
                                                 " - insert(): " + subDoc.toString() +
                                                 " - exception: " + e.what());

        LM_SRE(SccOk,("Database error '%s'", responseP->subscribeError.errorCode.reasonPhrase.c_str()));

    /* Fill the response element */
    responseP->subscribeResponse.duration = requestP->duration;
    responseP->subscribeResponse.throttling = requestP->throttling;


Ejemplo n.º 14
    jsval toval( const BSONElement& e ) {

        switch( e.type() ) {
        case EOO:
        case jstNULL:
        case Undefined:
            return JSVAL_NULL;
        case NumberDouble:
        case NumberInt:
            return toval( e.number() );
        case Symbol: // TODO: should we make a special class for this
        case String:
            return toval( e.valuestr() );
        case Bool:
            return e.boolean() ? JSVAL_TRUE : JSVAL_FALSE;
        case Object: {
            BSONObj embed = e.embeddedObject().getOwned();
            return toval( &embed );
        case Array: {

            BSONObj embed = e.embeddedObject().getOwned();

            if ( embed.isEmpty() ) {
                return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( JS_NewArrayObject( _context , 0 , 0 ) );

            int n = embed.nFields();

            JSObject * array = JS_NewArrayObject( _context , n , 0 );
            assert( array );

            jsval myarray = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( array );

            for ( int i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
                jsval v = toval( embed[i] );
                assert( JS_SetElement( _context , array , i , &v ) );

            return myarray;
        case jstOID: {
            OID oid = e.__oid();
            JSObject * o = JS_NewObject( _context , &object_id_class , 0 , 0 );
            setProperty( o , "str" , toval( oid.str().c_str() ) );
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( o );
        case RegEx: {
            const char * flags = e.regexFlags();
            uintN flagNumber = 0;
            while ( *flags ) {
                switch ( *flags ) {
                case 'g':
                    flagNumber |= JSREG_GLOB;
                case 'i':
                    flagNumber |= JSREG_FOLD;
                case 'm':
                    flagNumber |= JSREG_MULTILINE;
                //case 'y': flagNumber |= JSREG_STICKY; break;

                    log() << "warning: unknown regex flag:" << *flags << endl;

            JSObject * r = JS_NewRegExpObject( _context , (char*)e.regex() , strlen( e.regex() ) , flagNumber );
            assert( r );
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( r );
        case Code: {
            JSFunction * func = compileFunction( e.valuestr() );
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( JS_GetFunctionObject( func ) );
        case CodeWScope: {
            JSFunction * func = compileFunction( e.codeWScopeCode() );

            BSONObj extraScope = e.codeWScopeObject();
            if ( ! extraScope.isEmpty() ) {
                log() << "warning: CodeWScope doesn't transfer to db.eval" << endl;

            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( JS_GetFunctionObject( func ) );
        case Date:
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( js_NewDateObjectMsec( _context , (jsdouble) e.date().millis ) );

        case MinKey:
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( JS_NewObject( _context , &minkey_class , 0 , 0 ) );

        case MaxKey:
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( JS_NewObject( _context , &maxkey_class , 0 , 0 ) );

        case Timestamp: {
            JSObject * o = JS_NewObject( _context , &timestamp_class , 0 , 0 );
            setProperty( o , "t" , toval( (double)(e.timestampTime()) ) );
            setProperty( o , "i" , toval( (double)(e.timestampInc()) ) );
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( o );
        case NumberLong: {
            boost::uint64_t val = (boost::uint64_t)e.numberLong();
            JSObject * o = JS_NewObject( _context , &numberlong_class , 0 , 0 );
            setProperty( o , "floatApprox" , toval( (double)(boost::int64_t)( val ) ) );
            if ( (boost::int64_t)val != (boost::int64_t)(double)(boost::int64_t)( val ) ) {
                // using 2 doubles here instead of a single double because certain double
                // bit patterns represent undefined values and sm might trash them
                setProperty( o , "top" , toval( (double)(boost::uint32_t)( val >> 32 ) ) );
                setProperty( o , "bottom" , toval( (double)(boost::uint32_t)( val & 0x00000000ffffffff ) ) );
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( o );
        case DBRef: {
            JSObject * o = JS_NewObject( _context , &dbpointer_class , 0 , 0 );
            setProperty( o , "ns" , toval( e.dbrefNS() ) );

            JSObject * oid = JS_NewObject( _context , &object_id_class , 0 , 0 );
            setProperty( oid , "str" , toval( e.dbrefOID().str().c_str() ) );

            setProperty( o , "id" , OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( oid ) );
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( o );
        case BinData: {
            JSObject * o = JS_NewObject( _context , &bindata_class , 0 , 0 );
            int len;
            const char * data = e.binData( len );
            assert( JS_SetPrivate( _context , o , new BinDataHolder( data ) ) );

            setProperty( o , "len" , toval( len ) );
            setProperty( o , "type" , toval( (int)e.binDataType() ) );
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( o );