Ejemplo n.º 1
void CtrlRadialSlider::draw( OSGraphics &rImage, int xDest, int yDest, int w, int h )
    const Position *pPos = getPosition();
    rect region( pPos->getLeft(), pPos->getTop(), m_width, m_height );
    rect clip( xDest, yDest, w ,h );
    rect inter;
    if( rect::intersect( region, clip, &inter ) )
        rImage.drawGraphics( *m_pImgSeq,
                              inter.x - region.x,
                              inter.y - region.y + m_position * m_height,
                              inter.x, inter.y,
                              inter.width, inter.height );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CtrlTree::draw( OSGraphics &rImage, int xDest, int yDest, int w, int h)
    const Position *pPos = getPosition();
    rect region( pPos->getLeft(), pPos->getTop(),
                 pPos->getWidth(), pPos->getHeight() );
    rect clip( xDest, yDest, w, h );
    rect inter;

    if( rect::intersect( region, clip, &inter ) && m_pImage )
        rImage.drawGraphics( *m_pImage,
                      inter.x - pPos->getLeft(),
                      inter.y - pPos->getTop(),
                      inter.x, inter.y, inter.width, inter.height );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CtrlSliderCursor::draw( OSGraphics &rImage, int xDest, int yDest, int w, int h )
    if( m_pImg )
        // Draw the current image
        rect inter;
        rect clip( xDest, yDest, w, h);

        if( rect::intersect( m_currentCursorRect, clip, &inter ) )
            rImage.drawGraphics( *m_pImg,
                                 inter.x - m_currentCursorRect.x,
                                 inter.y - m_currentCursorRect.y,
                                 inter.x, inter.y, inter.width, inter.height );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CtrlSliderCursor::draw( OSGraphics &rImage, int xDest, int yDest )
    if( m_pImg )
        // Compute the position of the cursor
        int xPos, yPos;
        m_rCurve.getPoint( m_rVariable.get(), xPos, yPos );

        // Compute the resize factors
        float factorX, factorY;
        getResizeFactors( factorX, factorY );
        xPos = (int)(xPos * factorX);
        yPos = (int)(yPos * factorY);

        // Draw the current image
        rImage.drawGraphics( *m_pImg, 0, 0,
                             xDest + xPos - m_pImg->getWidth() / 2,
                             yDest + yPos - m_pImg->getHeight() / 2 );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void CtrlImage::draw( OSGraphics &rImage, int xDest, int yDest, int w, int h )
    const Position *pPos = getPosition();
    if( !pPos )

    int width = pPos->getWidth();
    int height = pPos->getHeight();
    if( width <= 0 || height <= 0 )

    rect region( pPos->getLeft(), pPos->getTop(),
                 pPos->getWidth(), pPos->getHeight() );
    rect clip( xDest, yDest, w, h );
    rect inter;
    if( !rect::intersect( region, clip, &inter ) )

    if( m_resizeMethod == kScale )
        // Use scaling method
        if( width != m_pImage->getWidth() ||
            height != m_pImage->getHeight() )
            OSFactory *pOsFactory = OSFactory::instance( getIntf() );
            // Rescale the image with the actual size of the control
            ScaledBitmap bmp( getIntf(), *m_pBitmap, width, height );
            delete m_pImage;
            m_pImage = pOsFactory->createOSGraphics( width, height );
            m_pImage->drawBitmap( bmp, 0, 0 );
        rImage.drawGraphics( *m_pImage,
                             inter.x - pPos->getLeft(),
                             inter.y - pPos->getTop(),
                             inter.x, inter.y,
                             inter.width, inter.height );
    else if( m_resizeMethod == kMosaic )
        int xDest0 = pPos->getLeft();
        int yDest0 = pPos->getTop();

        // Use mosaic method
        while( width > 0 )
            int curWidth = __MIN( width, m_pImage->getWidth() );
            height = pPos->getHeight();
            int curYDest = yDest0;
            while( height > 0 )
                int curHeight = __MIN( height, m_pImage->getHeight() );
                rect region1( xDest0, curYDest, curWidth, curHeight );
                rect inter1;
                if( rect::intersect( region1, clip, &inter1 ) )
                    rImage.drawGraphics( *m_pImage,
                                   inter1.x - region1.x,
                                   inter1.y - region1.y,
                                   inter1.x, inter1.y,
                                   inter1.width, inter1.height );
                curYDest += curHeight;
                height -= m_pImage->getHeight();
            xDest0 += curWidth;
            width -= m_pImage->getWidth();
    else if( m_resizeMethod == kScaleAndRatioPreserved )
        int w0 = m_pBitmap->getWidth();
        int h0 = m_pBitmap->getHeight();

        int scaled_height = width * h0 / w0;
        int scaled_width  = height * w0 / h0;

        // new image scaled with aspect ratio preserved
        // and centered inside the control boundaries
        int w, h;
        if( scaled_height > height )
            w = scaled_width;
            h = height;
            m_x = ( width - w ) / 2;
            m_y = 0;
            w = width;
            h = scaled_height;
            m_x = 0;
            m_y = ( height - h ) / 2;

        // rescale the image if size changed
        if( w != m_pImage->getWidth() ||
            h != m_pImage->getHeight() )
            OSFactory *pOsFactory = OSFactory::instance( getIntf() );
            ScaledBitmap bmp( getIntf(), *m_pBitmap, w, h );
            delete m_pImage;
            m_pImage = pOsFactory->createOSGraphics( w, h );
            m_pImage->drawBitmap( bmp, 0, 0 );

        // draw the scaled image at offset (m_x, m_y) from control origin
        rect region1( pPos->getLeft() + m_x, pPos->getTop() + m_y, w, h );
        rect inter1;
        if( rect::intersect( region1, inter, &inter1 ) )
            rImage.drawGraphics( *m_pImage,
                                 inter1.x - pPos->getLeft() - m_x,
                                 inter1.y - pPos->getTop() - m_y,
                                 inter1.x, inter1.y,
                                 inter1.width, inter1.height );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void CtrlRadialSlider::draw( OSGraphics &rImage, int xDest, int yDest )
    rImage.drawGraphics( *m_pImgSeq, 0, m_position * m_height, xDest, yDest,
                         m_width, m_height );