ObjectPrx IceGrid::RegistryNodeAdminRouter::getTarget(const Current& current) { ObjectPrx target; if(!_collocNodeName.empty() && current.id.name == _collocNodeName) { // Straight to the local Admin object target = current.adapter->getCommunicator()->getAdmin(); } else { try { target = _database->getNode(current.id.name)->getAdminProxy(); } catch(const NodeUnreachableException&) { } catch(const NodeNotExistException&) { } if(target == 0) { throw ObjectNotExistException(__FILE__, __LINE__); } } return target->ice_facet(current.facet); }
void IceGrid::AdminCallbackRouter::ice_invoke_async(const AMD_Object_ice_invokePtr& cb, const pair<const Byte*, const Byte*>& inParams, const Current& current) { ConnectionPtr con; { IceUtil::Mutex::Lock sync(_mutex); map<string, ConnectionPtr>::iterator p = _categoryToConnection.find(current.id.category); if(p == _categoryToConnection.end()) { throw ObjectNotExistException(__FILE__, __LINE__); } con = p->second; } ObjectPrx target = con->createProxy(current.id)->ice_facet(current.facet); // // Call with AMI // target->begin_ice_invoke(current.operation, current.mode, inParams, current.ctx, newCallback_Object_ice_invoke(this, &AdminCallbackRouter::invokeResponse, &AdminCallbackRouter::invokeException), cb); }
void AsyncResult::invokeSent() { assert(_callback); try { AsyncResultPtr self(this); _callback->sent(self); } catch(const std::exception& ex) { warning(ex); } catch(...) { warning(); } if(_observer) { ObjectPrx proxy = getProxy(); if(!proxy || !proxy->ice_isTwoway()) { _observer.detach(); } } }
ObjectPrx IceGrid::RegistryServerAdminRouter::getTarget(const Current& current) { ObjectPrx target = 0; try { target = _database->getServer(current.id.name)->getAdminProxy(); } catch(const ServerNotExistException&) { } catch(const NodeUnreachableException&) { } catch(const DeploymentException&) { } if(target == 0) { throw ObjectNotExistException(__FILE__, __LINE__); } return target->ice_facet(current.facet); }
ObjectPrx IceGrid::RegistryReplicaAdminRouter::getTarget(const Current& current) { ObjectPrx target; if(current.id.name == _name) { // Straight to the local Admin object target = current.adapter->getCommunicator()->getAdmin(); } else { try { // Forward to Admin object in remote replica target = _database->getReplica(current.id.name)->getAdminProxy(); } catch(const RegistryNotExistException&) { } } if(target == 0) { throw ObjectNotExistException(__FILE__, __LINE__); } return target->ice_facet(current.facet); }
ProxyOutgoingAsyncBase::ProxyOutgoingAsyncBase(const ObjectPrx& prx, const string& operation, const CallbackBasePtr& delegate, const LocalObjectPtr& cookie) : OutgoingAsyncBase(prx->ice_getCommunicator(), prx->__reference()->getInstance(), operation, delegate, cookie), _proxy(prx), _mode(Normal), _cnt(0), _sent(false) { }
void IceInternal::ProxyFactory::proxyToStream(const ObjectPrx& proxy, BasicStream* s) const { if(proxy) { s->write(proxy->__reference()->getIdentity()); proxy->__reference()->streamWrite(s); } else { Identity ident; s->write(ident); } }
ObjectPrx IceInternal::ProxyFactory::referenceToProxy(const ReferencePtr& ref) const { if(ref) { ObjectPrx proxy = new ::IceProxy::Ice::Object; proxy->setup(ref); return proxy; } else { return 0; } }
void IceGrid::AdminRouter::ice_invoke_async(const AMD_Object_ice_invokePtr& cb, const pair<const Byte*, const Byte*>& inParams, const Current& current) { ObjectPrx target = getTarget(current); assert(target != 0); // // Call with AMI // Callback_Object_ice_invokePtr amiCb = newCallback_Object_ice_invoke(new CallbackI(cb), &CallbackI::response, &CallbackI::exception); target->begin_ice_invoke(current.operation, current.mode, inParams, current.ctx, amiCb); }
virtual void run() { CommunicatorPtr communicator = initialize(initData); ObjectPrx routerBase = communicator->stringToProxy( "Glacier2/router:" + TestHelper::getTestEndpoint(communicator->getProperties(), 50)); _router = Glacier2::RouterPrx::checkedCast(routerBase); communicator->setDefaultRouter(_router); ostringstream os; os << "userid-" << _id; Glacier2::SessionPrx session = _router->createSession(os.str(), "abc123"); communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("Ice.PrintAdapterReady", ""); ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapterWithRouter("CallbackReceiverAdapter", _router); adapter->activate(); string category = _router->getCategoryForClient(); _callbackReceiver = new CallbackReceiverI; Identity ident; ident.name = "callbackReceiver"; ident.category = category; CallbackReceiverPrx receiver = CallbackReceiverPrx::uncheckedCast(adapter->add(_callbackReceiver, ident)); ObjectPrx base = communicator->stringToProxy( "c1/callback:" + TestHelper::getTestEndpoint(communicator->getProperties())); base = base->ice_oneway(); CallbackPrx callback = CallbackPrx::uncheckedCast(base); { Lock sync(*this); _initialized = true; notifyAll(); } { Lock sync(*this); while(!_notified) { wait(); } } // // Stress the router until the connection is closed. // stress(callback, receiver); communicator->destroy(); }
OutgoingAsync::OutgoingAsync(const ObjectPrx& prx, const string& operation, const CallbackBasePtr& delegate, const LocalObjectPtr& cookie) : ProxyOutgoingAsyncBase(prx, operation, delegate, cookie), _encoding(getCompatibleEncoding(prx->__reference()->getEncoding())) { }
ProxyGetConnection::ProxyGetConnection(const ObjectPrx& prx, const string& operation, const CallbackBasePtr& delegate, const LocalObjectPtr& cookie) : ProxyOutgoingAsyncBase(prx, operation, delegate, cookie) { _observer.attach(prx.get(), operation, 0); }
ProxyFlushBatch::ProxyFlushBatch(const ObjectPrx& proxy, const string& operation, const CallbackBasePtr& delegate, const LocalObjectPtr& cookie) : ProxyOutgoingAsyncBase(proxy, operation, delegate, cookie) { _observer.attach(proxy.get(), operation, 0); }
vector<EndpointIPtr> IceInternal::RouterInfo::setServerEndpoints(const Ice::ObjectPrx& /*serverProxy*/) { IceUtil::Mutex::Lock sync(*this); if(_serverEndpoints.empty()) // Lazy initialization. { ObjectPrx serverProxy = _router->getServerProxy(); if(!serverProxy) { throw NoEndpointException(__FILE__, __LINE__); } serverProxy = serverProxy->ice_router(0); // The server proxy cannot be routed. _serverEndpoints = serverProxy->__reference()->getEndpoints(); } return _serverEndpoints; }
ObjectPtr Ice::ObjectAdapterI::findByProxy(const ObjectPrx& proxy) const { IceUtil::Monitor<IceUtil::RecMutex>::Lock sync(*this); checkForDeactivation(); ReferencePtr ref = proxy->__reference(); return findFacet(ref->getIdentity(), ref->getFacet()); }
void IceGrid::RegistryNodeAdminRouter::ice_invoke_async(const AMD_Object_ice_invokePtr& cb, const std::pair<const Ice::Byte*, const Ice::Byte*>& inParams, const Current& current) { ObjectPrx target; if(!_collocNodeName.empty() && current.id.name == _collocNodeName) { // Straight to the local Admin object target = current.adapter->getCommunicator()->getAdmin(); } else { try { target = _database->getNode(current.id.name)->getAdminProxy(); } catch(const NodeUnreachableException&) { } catch(const NodeNotExistException&) { } if(target == 0) { if(_traceLevels->admin > 0) { Ice::Trace out(_traceLevels->logger, _traceLevels->adminCat); out << "could not find Admin proxy for node `" << current.id.name << "'"; } throw ObjectNotExistException(__FILE__, __LINE__); } } target = target->ice_facet(current.facet); invokeOnTarget(target, cb, inParams, current); }
PropertyDict IceInternal::ProxyFactory::proxyToProperty(const ObjectPrx& proxy, const string& prefix) const { if(proxy) { return proxy->__reference()->toProperty(prefix); } else { return PropertyDict(); } }
string IceInternal::ProxyFactory::proxyToString(const ObjectPrx& proxy) const { if(proxy) { return proxy->__reference()->toString(); } else { return ""; } }
Ice::OutputStream::write(const ObjectPrx& v) #endif { if(v) { v->__write(*this); } else { Identity ident; write(ident); } }
void IceGrid::RegistryServerAdminRouter::ice_invoke_async(const AMD_Object_ice_invokePtr& cb, const std::pair<const Ice::Byte*, const Ice::Byte*>& inParams, const Current& current) { ObjectPrx target = 0; try { ServerEntryPtr server = _database->getServer(current.id.name); try { target = server->getAdminProxy(); } catch(const SynchronizationException&) { server->addSyncCallback(new SynchronizationCallbackI(this, cb, inParams, current)); return; // Wait for the server synchronization to complete and retry. } } catch(const ServerNotExistException&) { } catch(const NodeUnreachableException&) { } catch(const DeploymentException&) { } if(target == 0) { throw ObjectNotExistException(__FILE__, __LINE__); } target = target->ice_facet(current.facet); invokeOnTarget(target, cb, inParams, current); }
void IceInternal::RouterInfo::addProxy(const ObjectPrx& proxy) { assert(proxy); // Must not be called for null proxies. { IceUtil::Mutex::Lock sync(*this); if(_identities.find(proxy->ice_getIdentity()) != _identities.end()) { // // Only add the proxy to the router if it's not already in our local map. // return; } } ObjectProxySeq proxies; proxies.push_back(proxy); addAndEvictProxies(proxy, _router->addProxies(proxies)); }
virtual void run() { CommunicatorPtr communicator = initialize(initData); ObjectPrx routerBase = communicator->stringToProxy("Glacier2/router:default -p 12347 -t 10000"); Glacier2::RouterPrx router = Glacier2::RouterPrx::checkedCast(routerBase); communicator->setDefaultRouter(router); ostringstream os; os << "userid-" << _id; Glacier2::SessionPrx session = router->createSession(os.str(), "abc123"); communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("Ice.PrintAdapterReady", ""); ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapterWithRouter("CallbackReceiverAdapter", router); adapter->activate(); string category = router->getCategoryForClient(); { Lock sync(*this); _callbackReceiver = new CallbackReceiverI; notify(); } Identity ident; ident.name = "callbackReceiver"; ident.category = category; CallbackReceiverPrx receiver = CallbackReceiverPrx::uncheckedCast(adapter->add(_callbackReceiver, ident)); ObjectPrx base = communicator->stringToProxy("c1/callback:tcp -p 12010 -t 10000"); base = base->ice_oneway(); CallbackPrx callback = CallbackPrx::uncheckedCast(base); // // Block the CallbackReceiver in wait() to prevent the client from // processing other incoming calls and wait to receive the callback. // callback->initiateWaitCallback(receiver); test(_callbackReceiver->waitCallbackOK()); // // Notify the main thread that the callback was received. // { Lock sync(*this); _callback = true; notify(); } // // Callback the client with a large payload. This should cause // the Glacier2 request queue thread to block trying to send the // callback to the client because the client is currently blocked // in CallbackReceiverI::waitCallback() and can't process more // requests. // callback->initiateCallbackWithPayload(receiver); test(_callbackReceiver->callbackWithPayloadOK()); try { router->destroySession(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::ConnectionLostException&) { } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { test(false); } communicator->destroy(); }
int CallbackClient::run(int argc, char* argv[]) { ObjectPrx routerBase; { cout << "testing stringToProxy for router... " << flush; routerBase = communicator()->stringToProxy("Glacier2/router:default -p 12347 -t 10000"); cout << "ok" << endl; } Glacier2::RouterPrx router; { cout << "testing checked cast for router... " << flush; router = Glacier2::RouterPrx::checkedCast(routerBase); test(router); cout << "ok" << endl; } { cout << "installing router with communicator... " << flush; communicator()->setDefaultRouter(router); cout << "ok" << endl; } { cout << "getting the session timeout... " << flush; Ice::Long timeout = router->getSessionTimeout(); test(timeout == 30); cout << "ok" << endl; } ObjectPrx base; { cout << "testing stringToProxy for server object... " << flush; base = communicator()->stringToProxy("c1/callback:tcp -p 12010 -t 10000"); cout << "ok" << endl; } { cout << "trying to ping server before session creation... " << flush; try { base->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const ConnectionLostException&) { cout << "ok" << endl; } } Glacier2::SessionPrx session; { cout << "trying to create session with wrong password... " << flush; try { session = router->createSession("userid", "xxx"); test(false); } catch(const Glacier2::PermissionDeniedException&) { cout << "ok" << endl; } } { cout << "trying to destroy non-existing session... " << flush; try { router->destroySession(); test(false); } catch(const Glacier2::SessionNotExistException&) { cout << "ok" << endl; } } { cout << "creating session with correct password... " << flush; session = router->createSession("userid", "abc123"); cout << "ok" << endl; } { cout << "trying to create a second session... " << flush; try { router->createSession("userid", "abc123"); test(false); } catch(const Glacier2::CannotCreateSessionException&) { cout << "ok" << endl; } } { cout << "pinging server after session creation... " << flush; base->ice_ping(); cout << "ok" << endl; } CallbackPrx twoway; { cout << "testing checked cast for server object... " << flush; twoway = CallbackPrx::checkedCast(base); test(twoway); cout << "ok" << endl; } ObjectAdapterPtr adapter; { cout << "creating and activating callback receiver adapter with router... " << flush; communicator()->getProperties()->setProperty("Ice.PrintAdapterReady", "0"); adapter = communicator()->createObjectAdapterWithRouter("CallbackReceiverAdapter", router); adapter->activate(); cout << "ok" << endl; } string category; { cout << "getting category from router... " << flush; category = router->getCategoryForClient(); cout << "ok" << endl; } CallbackReceiverI* callbackReceiverImpl; ObjectPtr callbackReceiver; CallbackReceiverPrx twowayR; CallbackReceiverPrx fakeTwowayR; { cout << "creating and adding callback receiver object... " << flush; callbackReceiverImpl = new CallbackReceiverI; callbackReceiver = callbackReceiverImpl; Identity callbackReceiverIdent; callbackReceiverIdent.name = "callbackReceiver"; callbackReceiverIdent.category = category; twowayR = CallbackReceiverPrx::uncheckedCast(adapter->add(callbackReceiver, callbackReceiverIdent)); Identity fakeCallbackReceiverIdent; fakeCallbackReceiverIdent.name = "callbackReceiver"; fakeCallbackReceiverIdent.category = "dummy"; fakeTwowayR = CallbackReceiverPrx::uncheckedCast(adapter->add(callbackReceiver, fakeCallbackReceiverIdent)); cout << "ok" << endl; } { cout << "testing oneway callback... " << flush; CallbackPrx oneway = CallbackPrx::uncheckedCast(twoway->ice_oneway()); CallbackReceiverPrx onewayR = CallbackReceiverPrx::uncheckedCast(twowayR->ice_oneway()); Context context; context["_fwd"] = "o"; oneway->initiateCallback(onewayR, context); test(callbackReceiverImpl->callbackOK()); cout << "ok" << endl; } { cout << "testing twoway callback... " << flush; Context context; context["_fwd"] = "t"; twoway->initiateCallback(twowayR, context); test(callbackReceiverImpl->callbackOK()); cout << "ok" << endl; } // // Send 3 twoway request to callback the receiver. The callback // receiver only reply to the callback once it received the 3 // callbacks. This test ensures that Glacier2 doesn't serialize // twoway requests (see bug 337 for more information). // { cout << "testing concurrent twoway callback... " << flush; Context context; context["_fwd"] = "t"; AMI_Callback_initiateConcurrentCallbackIPtr cb0 = new AMI_Callback_initiateConcurrentCallbackI(); twoway->initiateConcurrentCallback_async(cb0, 0, twowayR, context); AMI_Callback_initiateConcurrentCallbackIPtr cb1 = new AMI_Callback_initiateConcurrentCallbackI(); twoway->initiateConcurrentCallback_async(cb1, 1, twowayR, context); AMI_Callback_initiateConcurrentCallbackIPtr cb2 = new AMI_Callback_initiateConcurrentCallbackI(); twoway->initiateConcurrentCallback_async(cb2, 2, twowayR, context); test(callbackReceiverImpl->answerConcurrentCallbacks(3)); test(cb0->waitResponse() == 0); test(cb1->waitResponse() == 1); test(cb2->waitResponse() == 2); cout << "ok" << endl; } { cout << "ditto, but with user exception... " << flush; Context context; context["_fwd"] = "t"; try { twoway->initiateCallbackEx(twowayR, context); test(false); } catch(const CallbackException& ex) { test(ex.someValue == 3.14); test(ex.someString == "3.14"); } test(callbackReceiverImpl->callbackOK()); cout << "ok" << endl; } { cout << "trying twoway callback with fake category... " << flush; Context context; context["_fwd"] = "t"; try { twoway->initiateCallback(fakeTwowayR, context); test(false); } catch(const ObjectNotExistException&) { cout << "ok" << endl; } } { cout << "testing whether other allowed category is accepted... " << flush; Context context; context["_fwd"] = "t"; CallbackPrx otherCategoryTwoway = CallbackPrx::uncheckedCast( twoway->ice_identity(communicator()->stringToIdentity("c2/callback"))); otherCategoryTwoway->initiateCallback(twowayR, context); test(callbackReceiverImpl->callbackOK()); cout << "ok" << endl; } { cout << "testing whether disallowed category gets rejected... " << flush; Context context; context["_fwd"] = "t"; try { CallbackPrx otherCategoryTwoway = CallbackPrx::uncheckedCast( twoway->ice_identity(communicator()->stringToIdentity("c3/callback"))); otherCategoryTwoway->initiateCallback(twowayR, context); test(false); } catch(const ObjectNotExistException&) { cout << "ok" << endl; } } { cout << "testing whether user-id as category is accepted... " << flush; Context context; context["_fwd"] = "t"; CallbackPrx otherCategoryTwoway = CallbackPrx::uncheckedCast( twoway->ice_identity(communicator()->stringToIdentity("_userid/callback"))); otherCategoryTwoway->initiateCallback(twowayR, context); test(callbackReceiverImpl->callbackOK()); cout << "ok" << endl; } { cout << "testing buffered mode... " << flush; // // Start 3 misbehaving clients. // const int nClients = 3; // Passwords need to be added to the password file if more clients are needed. int i; vector<MisbehavedClientPtr> clients; for(i = 0; i < nClients; ++i) { clients.push_back(new MisbehavedClient(i)); clients.back()->start(); clients.back()->waitForCallback(); } // // Sleep for one second to make sure the router starts sending // the callback with the payload to the clients. // IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::seconds(1)); // // Initiate few callbacks with a large payload. Because of // the buffered mode, this shouldn't block even though the // misbehaved client are not answering their callback // requests. // Context context; context["_fwd"] = "t"; twoway->initiateCallbackWithPayload(twowayR, context); test(callbackReceiverImpl->callbackWithPayloadOK()); twoway->initiateCallbackWithPayload(twowayR, context); test(callbackReceiverImpl->callbackWithPayloadOK()); twoway->initiateCallbackWithPayload(twowayR, context); test(callbackReceiverImpl->callbackWithPayloadOK()); twoway->initiateCallbackWithPayload(twowayR, context); test(callbackReceiverImpl->callbackWithPayloadOK()); for(vector<MisbehavedClientPtr>::const_iterator p = clients.begin(); p != clients.end(); ++p) { (*p)->notifyWaitCallback(); (*p)->getThreadControl().join(); } cout << "ok" << endl; } { cout << "stress test... " << flush; const int nClients = 3; // Passwords need to be added to the password file if more clients are needed. int i; vector<StressClientPtr> clients; for(i = 0; i < nClients; ++i) { switch(IceUtil::random(3)) { case 0: clients.push_back(new PingStressClient(i)); break; case 1: clients.push_back(new CallbackStressClient(i)); break; case 2: clients.push_back(new CallbackWithPayloadStressClient(i)); break; default: assert(false); break; } clients.back()->start(); } for(vector<StressClientPtr>::const_iterator p = clients.begin(); p != clients.end(); ++p) { (*p)->notifyThread(); } // // Let the stress client run for a bit. // IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::seconds(3)); // // Send some callbacks. // Context context; context["_fwd"] = "t"; twoway->initiateCallback(twowayR); test(callbackReceiverImpl->callbackOK()); // // Kill the stress clients. // for(vector<StressClientPtr>::const_iterator q = clients.begin(); q != clients.end(); ++q) { (*q)->kill(); (*q)->getThreadControl().join(); } cout << "ok" << endl; } { cout << "testing server shutdown... " << flush; twoway->shutdown(); // No ping, otherwise the router prints a warning message if it's // started with --Ice.Warn.Connections. cout << "ok" << endl; /* try { base->ice_ping(); test(false); } // If we use the glacier router, the exact exception reason gets // lost. catch(const UnknownLocalException&) { cout << "ok" << endl; } */ } { cout << "destroying session... " << flush; try { router->destroySession(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::ConnectionLostException&) { } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; } { cout << "trying to ping server after session destruction... " << flush; try { base->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const ConnectionLostException&) { cout << "ok" << endl; } } if(argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--shutdown") == 0) { { cout << "uninstalling router with communicator... " << flush; communicator()->setDefaultRouter(0); cout << "ok" << endl; } ObjectPrx adminBase; { cout << "testing stringToProxy for admin object... " << flush; adminBase = communicator()->stringToProxy("Glacier2/admin:tcp -h -p 12348 -t 10000"); cout << "ok" << endl; } /* { cout << "uninstalling router with admin object... " << flush; adminBase->ice_router(0); cout << "ok" << endl; } */ Glacier2::AdminPrx admin; { cout << "testing checked cast for admin object... " << flush; admin = Glacier2::AdminPrx::checkedCast(adminBase); test(admin); cout << "ok" << endl; } cout << "testing Glacier2 shutdown... " << flush; admin->shutdown(); try { admin->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { cout << "ok" << endl; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
Glacier2::PermissionsVerifierPrx RegistryI::getPermissionsVerifier(const ObjectAdapterPtr& adapter, const IceGrid::LocatorPrx& locator, const string& verifierProperty, const string& passwordsProperty) { // // Get the permissions verifier, or create a default one if no // verifier is specified. // ObjectPrx verifier; string verifierPropertyValue = _communicator->getProperties()->getProperty(verifierProperty); if(!verifierPropertyValue.empty()) { try { try { verifier = _communicator->propertyToProxy(verifierProperty); } catch(const ProxyParseException&) { // // Check if the property is just the identity of the null permissions verifier // (the identity might contain spaces which would prevent it to be parsed as a // proxy). // if(_communicator->stringToIdentity(verifierPropertyValue) == _nullPermissionsVerifier->ice_getIdentity()) { verifier = _communicator->stringToProxy("\"" + verifierPropertyValue + "\""); } } if(!verifier) { Error out(_communicator->getLogger()); out << "permissions verifier `" + verifierPropertyValue + "' is invalid"; return 0; } assert(_nullPermissionsVerifier); if(verifier->ice_getIdentity() == _nullPermissionsVerifier->ice_getIdentity()) { verifier = _nullPermissionsVerifier; } } catch(const LocalException& ex) { Error out(_communicator->getLogger()); out << "permissions verifier `" + verifierPropertyValue + "' is invalid:\n" << ex; return 0; } } else if(!passwordsProperty.empty()) { // // No nativeToUTF8 conversion necessary here, since no string // converter is installed by IceGrid the string is UTF-8. // IceUtilInternal::ifstream passwordFile(passwordsProperty); if(!passwordFile) { Error out(_communicator->getLogger()); string err = strerror(errno); out << "cannot open `" + passwordsProperty + "' for reading: " + err; return 0; } map<string, string> passwords; while(true) { string userId; passwordFile >> userId; if(!passwordFile) { break; } string password; passwordFile >> password; if(!passwordFile) { break; } assert(!userId.empty()); assert(!password.empty()); passwords.insert(make_pair(userId, password)); } verifier = adapter->addWithUUID(new CryptPermissionsVerifierI(passwords)); }
Glacier2::PermissionsVerifierPrx RegistryI::getPermissionsVerifier(const ObjectAdapterPtr& adapter, const IceGrid::LocatorPrx& locator, const string& verifierProperty, const string& passwordsProperty, bool nowarn) { // // Get the permissions verifier, or create a default one if no // verifier is specified. // ObjectPrx verifier; string verifierPropertyValue = _communicator->getProperties()->getProperty(verifierProperty); if(!verifierPropertyValue.empty()) { try { verifier = _communicator->propertyToProxy(verifierProperty); if(!verifier) { Error out(_communicator->getLogger()); out << "permissions verifier `" + verifierPropertyValue + "' is invalid"; return 0; } assert(_nullPermissionsVerifier); if(verifier->ice_getIdentity() == _nullPermissionsVerifier->ice_getIdentity()) { verifier = _nullPermissionsVerifier; } } catch(const LocalException& ex) { Error out(_communicator->getLogger()); out << "permissions verifier `" + verifierPropertyValue + "' is invalid:\n" << ex; return 0; } } else if(!passwordsProperty.empty()) { ifstream passwordFile(passwordsProperty.c_str()); if(!passwordFile) { Error out(_communicator->getLogger()); string err = strerror(errno); out << "cannot open `" + passwordsProperty + "' for reading: " + err; return 0; } map<string, string> passwords; while(true) { string userId; passwordFile >> userId; if(!passwordFile) { break; } string password; passwordFile >> password; if(!passwordFile) { break; } assert(!userId.empty()); assert(!password.empty()); passwords.insert(make_pair(userId, password)); } verifier = adapter->addWithUUID(new CryptPermissionsVerifierI(passwords)); }
bool Ice::ObjectAdapterI::isLocal(const ObjectPrx& proxy) const { ReferencePtr ref = proxy->__reference(); vector<EndpointIPtr>::const_iterator p; vector<EndpointIPtr> endpoints; IndirectReferencePtr ir = IndirectReferencePtr::dynamicCast(ref); if(ir) { if(!ir->getAdapterId().empty()) { // // Proxy is local if the reference adapter id matches this // adapter id or replica group id. // return ir->getAdapterId() == _id || ir->getAdapterId() == _replicaGroupId; } // // Get Locator endpoint information for indirect references. // LocatorInfoPtr info = ir->getLocatorInfo(); if(info) { bool isCached; try { endpoints = info->getEndpoints(ir, ir->getLocatorCacheTimeout(), isCached); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { return false; } } else { return false; } } else { endpoints = ref->getEndpoints(); } IceUtil::Monitor<IceUtil::RecMutex>::Lock sync(*this); checkForDeactivation(); // // Proxies which have at least one endpoint in common with the // endpoints used by this object adapter's incoming connection // factories are considered local. // for(p = endpoints.begin(); p != endpoints.end(); ++p) { vector<IncomingConnectionFactoryPtr>::const_iterator q; for(q = _incomingConnectionFactories.begin(); q != _incomingConnectionFactories.end(); ++q) { if((*q)->equivalent(*p)) { return true; } } } // // Proxies which have at least one endpoint in common with the // router's server proxy endpoints (if any), are also considered // local. // if(_routerInfo && _routerInfo->getRouter() == proxy->ice_getRouter()) { for(p = endpoints.begin(); p != endpoints.end(); ++p) { if(binary_search(_routerEndpoints.begin(), _routerEndpoints.end(), *p)) // _routerEndpoints is sorted. { return true; } } } return false; }
int run(int argc, char* argv[], const CommunicatorPtr& communicator) { bool batch = false; int idx = 1; while(idx < argc) { if(strcmp(argv[idx], "-b") == 0) { batch = true; for(int i = idx ; i + 1 < argc ; ++i) { argv[i] = argv[i + 1]; } --argc; } else if(strcmp(argv[idx], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[idx], "--help") == 0) { usage(argv[0]); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if(argv[idx][0] == '-') { cerr << argv[0] << ": unknown option `" << argv[idx] << "'" << endl; usage(argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } PropertiesPtr properties = communicator->getProperties(); const char* managerProxyProperty = "IceStormAdmin.TopicManager.Default"; string managerProxy = properties->getProperty(managerProxyProperty); if(managerProxy.empty()) { cerr << argv[0] << ": property `" << managerProxyProperty << "' is not set" << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } ObjectPrx base = communicator->stringToProxy(managerProxy); IceStorm::TopicManagerPrx manager = IceStorm::TopicManagerPrx::checkedCast(base); if(!manager) { cerr << argv[0] << ": `" << managerProxy << "' is not running" << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("SubscriberAdapter", "default"); EventIPtr eventFed1 = new EventI(communicator); // // Activate the servants. // ObjectPrx obj = adapter->addWithUUID(eventFed1); IceStorm::QoS qos; if(batch) { obj = obj->ice_batchOneway(); } else { obj = obj->ice_oneway(); } TopicPrx fed1; try { fed1 = manager->retrieve("fed1"); } catch(const IceStorm::NoSuchTopic& e) { cerr << argv[0] << ": NoSuchTopic: " << e.name << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } fed1->subscribeAndGetPublisher(qos, obj); adapter->activate(); communicator->waitForShutdown(); fed1->unsubscribe(obj); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
Ice::ObjectPrx Freeze::BackgroundSaveEvictorI::addFacet(const ObjectPtr& servant, const Identity& ident, const string& facet) { checkIdentity(ident); checkServant(servant); DeactivateController::Guard deactivateGuard(_deactivateController); ObjectStore<BackgroundSaveEvictorElement>* store = findStore(facet, _createDb); if(store == 0) { throw NotFoundException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "addFacet: could not open database for facet '" + facet + "'"); } bool alreadyThere = false; for(;;) { // // Create a new entry // BackgroundSaveEvictorElementPtr element = new BackgroundSaveEvictorElement(*store); element->status = dead; BackgroundSaveEvictorElementPtr oldElt = store->putIfAbsent(ident, element); if(oldElt != 0) { element = oldElt; } { Lock sync(*this); if(element->stale) { // // Try again // continue; } fixEvictPosition(element); IceUtil::Mutex::Lock lock(element->mutex); switch(element->status) { case clean: case created: case modified: { alreadyThere = true; break; } case destroyed: { element->status = modified; element->rec.servant = servant; // // No need to push it on the modified queue, as a destroyed object // is either already on the queue or about to be saved. When saved, // it becomes dead. // break; } case dead: { element->status = created; ObjectRecord& rec = element->rec; rec.servant = servant; if(store->keepStats()) { rec.stats.creationTime = IceUtil::Time::now(IceUtil::Time::Monotonic).toMilliSeconds(); rec.stats.lastSaveTime = 0; rec.stats.avgSaveTime = 0; } addToModifiedQueue(element); break; } default: { assert(0); break; } } } break; // for(;;) } if(alreadyThere) { AlreadyRegisteredException ex(__FILE__, __LINE__); ex.kindOfObject = "servant"; ex.id = _communicator->identityToString(ident); if(!facet.empty()) { ex.id += " -f " + IceUtilInternal::escapeString(facet, ""); } throw ex; } if(_trace >= 1) { Trace out(_communicator->getLogger(), "Freeze.Evictor"); out << "added object \"" << _communicator->identityToString(ident) << "\""; if(!facet.empty()) { out << " with facet \"" << facet << "\""; } out << " to Db \"" << _filename << "\""; } ObjectPrx obj = _adapter->createProxy(ident); if(!facet.empty()) { obj = obj->ice_facet(facet); } return obj; }
bool Ice::ObjectAdapterI::isLocal(const ObjectPrx& proxy) const { // // NOTE: it's important that isLocal() doesn't perform any blocking operations as // it can be called for AMI invocations if the proxy has no delegate set yet. // ReferencePtr ref = proxy->__reference(); if(ref->isWellKnown()) { // // Check the active servant map to see if the well-known // proxy is for a local object. // return _servantManager->hasServant(ref->getIdentity()); } else if(ref->isIndirect()) { // // Proxy is local if the reference adapter id matches this // adapter id or replica group id. // return ref->getAdapterId() == _id || ref->getAdapterId() == _replicaGroupId; } else { vector<EndpointIPtr> endpoints = ref->getEndpoints(); IceUtil::Monitor<IceUtil::RecMutex>::Lock sync(*this); checkForDeactivation(); // // Proxies which have at least one endpoint in common with the // endpoints used by this object adapter are considered local. // for(vector<EndpointIPtr>::const_iterator p = endpoints.begin(); p != endpoints.end(); ++p) { for(vector<IncomingConnectionFactoryPtr>::const_iterator q = _incomingConnectionFactories.begin(); q != _incomingConnectionFactories.end(); ++q) { if((*p)->equivalent((*q)->endpoint())) { return true; } } for(vector<EndpointIPtr>::const_iterator r = _publishedEndpoints.begin(); r != _publishedEndpoints.end(); ++r) { if((*p)->equivalent(*r)) { return true; } } } // // Proxies which have at least one endpoint in common with the // router's server proxy endpoints (if any), are also considered // local. // if(_routerInfo && _routerInfo->getRouter() == proxy->ice_getRouter()) { for(vector<EndpointIPtr>::const_iterator p = endpoints.begin(); p != endpoints.end(); ++p) { for(vector<EndpointIPtr>::const_iterator r = _routerEndpoints.begin(); r != _routerEndpoints.end(); ++r) { if((*p)->equivalent(*r)) { return true; } } } } } return false; }
void Glacier2::Blobject::invoke(ObjectPrx& proxy, const AMD_Object_ice_invokePtr& amdCB, const std::pair<const Byte*, const Byte*>& inParams, const Current& current) { // // Set the correct facet on the proxy. // if(!current.facet.empty()) { proxy = proxy->ice_facet(current.facet); } // // Modify the proxy according to the request id. This can // be overridden by the _fwd context. // if(current.requestId == 0) { if(_alwaysBatch && _requestQueue) { proxy = proxy->ice_batchOneway(); } else { proxy = proxy->ice_oneway(); } } else if(current.requestId > 0) { proxy = proxy->ice_twoway(); } // // Modify the proxy according to the _fwd context field. // Context::const_iterator p = current.ctx.find("_fwd"); if(p != current.ctx.end()) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < p->second.length(); ++i) { char option = p->second[i]; switch(option) { case 't': { proxy = proxy->ice_twoway(); break; } case 'o': { if(_alwaysBatch && _requestQueue) { proxy = proxy->ice_batchOneway(); } else { proxy = proxy->ice_oneway(); } break; } case 'd': { if(_alwaysBatch && _requestQueue) { proxy = proxy->ice_batchDatagram(); } else { proxy = proxy->ice_datagram(); } break; } case 'O': { if(_requestQueue) { proxy = proxy->ice_batchOneway(); } else { proxy = proxy->ice_oneway(); } break; } case 'D': { if(_requestQueue) { proxy = proxy->ice_batchDatagram(); } else { proxy = proxy->ice_datagram(); } break; } case 's': { proxy = proxy->ice_secure(true); break; } case 'z': { proxy = proxy->ice_compress(true); break; } default: { Warning out(_instance->logger()); out << "unknown forward option `" << option << "'"; break; } } } } if(_requestTraceLevel >= 1) { Trace out(_instance->logger(), "Glacier2"); if(_reverseConnection) { out << "reverse "; } out << "routing"; if(_requestQueue) { out << " (buffered)"; } else { out << " (not buffered)"; } if(_reverseConnection) { out << "\nidentity = " << _instance->communicator()->identityToString(proxy->ice_getIdentity()); } else { out << "\nproxy = " << _instance->communicator()->proxyToString(proxy); } out << "\noperation = " << current.operation; out << "\ncontext = "; Context::const_iterator q = current.ctx.begin(); while(q != current.ctx.end()) { out << q->first << '/' << q->second; if(++q != current.ctx.end()) { out << ", "; } } } if(_requestQueue) { // // If we are in buffered mode, we create a new request and add // it to the request queue. If the request is twoway, we use // AMI. // bool override; try { override = _requestQueue->addRequest(new Request(proxy, inParams, current, _forwardContext, _context, amdCB)); } catch(const ObjectNotExistException& ex)