Ejemplo n.º 1
/// Omit needless words from the beginning of a name.
static StringRef omitNeedlessWordsFromPrefix(StringRef name,
                                             OmissionTypeName type,
                                             StringScratchSpace &scratch){
  if (type.empty())
    return name;

  // Match the result type to the beginning of the name.
  StringRef newName = matchLeadingTypeName(name, type);
  if (newName == name)
    return name;

  auto firstWord = camel_case::getFirstWord(newName);

  // If we have a preposition, we can chop off type information at the
  // beginning of the name.
  if (getPartOfSpeech(firstWord) == PartOfSpeech::Preposition &&
      newName.size() > firstWord.size()) {
    // If the preposition was "by" and is followed by a gerund, also remove
    // "by".
    if (firstWord == "By") {
      StringRef nextWord = camel_case::getFirstWord(
      if (getPartOfSpeech(nextWord) == PartOfSpeech::Gerund) {
        return toLowercaseWord(newName.substr(firstWord.size()), scratch);

    return toLowercaseWord(newName, scratch);

  return name;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static StringRef omitNeedlessWords(StringRef name,
                                   OmissionTypeName typeName,
                                   NameRole role,
                                   const InheritedNameSet *allPropertyNames,
                                   StringScratchSpace &scratch) {
  // If we have no name or no type name, there is nothing to do.
  if (name.empty() || typeName.empty()) return name;

  // Get the camel-case words in the name and type name.
  auto nameWords = camel_case::getWords(name);
  auto typeWords = camel_case::getWords(typeName.Name);

  // Match the last words in the type name to the last words in the
  // name.
  auto nameWordRevIter = nameWords.rbegin(),
    nameWordRevIterBegin = nameWordRevIter,
    firstMatchingNameWordRevIter = nameWordRevIter,
    nameWordRevIterEnd = nameWords.rend();
  auto typeWordRevIter = typeWords.rbegin(),
    typeWordRevIterEnd = typeWords.rend();

  bool anyMatches = false;
  auto matched = [&] {
    if (anyMatches) return;

    anyMatches = true;
    firstMatchingNameWordRevIter = nameWordRevIter;

  while (nameWordRevIter != nameWordRevIterEnd &&
         typeWordRevIter != typeWordRevIterEnd) {
    // If the names match, continue.
    auto nameWord = *nameWordRevIter;
    if (matchNameWordToTypeWord(nameWord, *typeWordRevIter)) {

    // Special case: "Indexes" and "Indices" in the name match
    // "IndexSet" in the type.
    if ((matchNameWordToTypeWord(nameWord, "Indexes") ||
         matchNameWordToTypeWord(nameWord, "Indices")) &&
        *typeWordRevIter == "Set") {
      auto nextTypeWordRevIter = typeWordRevIter;
      if (nextTypeWordRevIter != typeWordRevIterEnd &&
          matchNameWordToTypeWord("Index", *nextTypeWordRevIter)) {
        typeWordRevIter = nextTypeWordRevIter;

    // Special case: "Index" in the name matches "Int" or "Integer" in the type.
    if (matchNameWordToTypeWord(nameWord, "Index") &&
        (matchNameWordToTypeWord("Int", *typeWordRevIter) ||
         matchNameWordToTypeWord("Integer", *typeWordRevIter))) {

    // Special case: if the word in the name ends in 's', and we have
    // a collection element type, see if this is a plural.
    if (!typeName.CollectionElement.empty() && nameWord.size() > 2 &&
        nameWord.back() == 's' && role != NameRole::BaseNameSelf) {
      // Check <element name>s.
      auto shortenedNameWord
        = name.substr(0, nameWordRevIter.base().getPosition()-1);
      auto newShortenedNameWord
        = omitNeedlessWords(shortenedNameWord, typeName.CollectionElement,
                            NameRole::Partial, allPropertyNames, scratch);
      if (shortenedNameWord != newShortenedNameWord) {
        unsigned targetSize = newShortenedNameWord.size();
        while (nameWordRevIter.base().getPosition() > targetSize)

    // If this is a skippable suffix, skip it and keep looking.
    if (nameWordRevIter == nameWordRevIterBegin) {
      if (auto withoutSuffix = skipTypeSuffix(typeName.Name)) {
        typeName.Name = *withoutSuffix;
        typeWords = camel_case::getWords(typeName.Name);
        typeWordRevIter = typeWords.rbegin();
        typeWordRevIterEnd = typeWords.rend();

    // If we're matching the base name of a method against the type of
    // 'Self', and we haven't matched anything yet, skip over words in
    // the name.
    if (role == NameRole::BaseNameSelf && !anyMatches) {


  StringRef origName = name;

  // If we matched anything above, update the name appropriately.
  if (anyMatches) {
    // Handle complete name matches.
    if (nameWordRevIter == nameWordRevIterEnd) {
      // If we're doing a partial match, return the empty string.
      if (role == NameRole::Partial) return "";

      // Leave the name alone.
      return name;

    // Don't strip just "Error".
    if (nameWordRevIter != nameWordRevIterBegin) {
      auto nameWordPrev = std::prev(nameWordRevIter);
      if (nameWordPrev == nameWordRevIterBegin && *nameWordPrev == "Error")
        return name;

    switch (role) {
    case NameRole::Property:
      // Always strip off type information.
      name = name.substr(0, nameWordRevIter.base().getPosition());

    case NameRole::BaseNameSelf:
      switch (getPartOfSpeech(*nameWordRevIter)) {
      case PartOfSpeech::Verb: {
        // Splice together the parts before and after the matched
        // type. For example, if we matched "ViewController" in
        // "dismissViewControllerAnimated", stitch together
        // "dismissAnimated".
        SmallString<16> newName =
          name.substr(0, nameWordRevIter.base().getPosition());
          += name.substr(firstMatchingNameWordRevIter.base().getPosition());
        name = scratch.copyString(newName);

      case PartOfSpeech::Preposition:
      case PartOfSpeech::Gerund:
      case PartOfSpeech::Unknown:
        return name;

    case NameRole::BaseName:
    case NameRole::FirstParameter:
    case NameRole::Partial:
    case NameRole::SubsequentParameter:
      // Classify the part of speech of the word before the type
      // information we would strip off.
      switch (getPartOfSpeech(*nameWordRevIter)) {
      case PartOfSpeech::Preposition:
        if (role == NameRole::BaseName) {
          // Strip off the part of the name that is redundant with
          // type information, so long as there's something preceding the
          // preposition.
          if (std::next(nameWordRevIter) != nameWordRevIterEnd)
            name = name.substr(0, nameWordRevIter.base().getPosition());


      case PartOfSpeech::Verb:
      case PartOfSpeech::Gerund:
        // Don't prune redundant type information from the base name if
        // there is a corresponding property (either singular or plural).
        if (allPropertyNames && role == NameRole::BaseName) {
          SmallString<16> localScratch;
          auto removedText = name.substr(nameWordRevIter.base().getPosition());
          auto removedName = camel_case::toLowercaseWord(removedText,

          // A property with exactly this name.
          if (allPropertyNames->contains(removedName)) return name;

          // From here on, we'll be working with scratch space.
          if (removedName.data() != localScratch.data())
            localScratch = removedName;

          if (localScratch.back() == 'y') {
            // If the last letter is a 'y', try 'ies'.
            localScratch += "ies";
            if (allPropertyNames->contains(localScratch)) return name;
          } else {
            // Otherwise, add an 's' and try again.
            localScratch += 's';
            if (allPropertyNames->contains(localScratch)) return name;

            // Alternatively, try to add 'es'.
            localScratch += "es";
            if (allPropertyNames->contains(localScratch)) return name;

        // Strip off the part of the name that is redundant with
        // type information.
        name = name.substr(0, nameWordRevIter.base().getPosition());

      case PartOfSpeech::Unknown:
        // Assume it's a noun or adjective; don't strip anything.


  // If we ended up with a vacuous name like "get" or "set", do nothing.
  if (isVacuousName(name))
    return origName;

  switch (role) {
  case NameRole::BaseName:
  case NameRole::BaseNameSelf:
  case NameRole::Property:
    // If we ended up with a keyword for a property name or base name,
    // do nothing.
    if (isKeyword(name))
      return origName;

  case NameRole::SubsequentParameter:
  case NameRole::FirstParameter:
  case NameRole::Partial:

  // We're done.
  return name;