Ejemplo n.º 1
void Character::UpdateSkillQueue()
    Client *c = m_factory.entity_list.FindCharacter( itemID() );

    SkillRef currentTraining = GetSkillInTraining();
    if( currentTraining )
        if( m_skillQueue.empty()
            || currentTraining->typeID() != m_skillQueue.front().typeID )
            // either queue is empty or skill with different typeID is in training ...
            // stop training:
            _log( ITEM__ERROR, "%s (%u): Stopping training of skill %s (%u).", itemName().c_str(), itemID(), currentTraining->itemName().c_str(), currentTraining->itemID() );

            uint64 timeEndTrain = currentTraining->expiryTime();
            if(timeEndTrain != 0)
                double nextLevelSP = currentTraining->GetSPForLevel( currentTraining->skillLevel() + 1 );
                double SPPerMinute = GetSPPerMin( currentTraining );
                double minRemaining = (double)(timeEndTrain - Win32TimeNow()) / (double)Win32Time_Minute;

                currentTraining->Set_skillPoints( nextLevelSP - (minRemaining * SPPerMinute) );


            EvilNumber timeEndTrain = currentTraining->GetAttribute(AttrExpiryTime);
            if (timeEndTrain != 0) {
                EvilNumber nextLevelSP = currentTraining->GetSPForLevel( currentTraining->GetAttribute(AttrSkillLevel) + 1 );
                EvilNumber SPPerMinute = GetSPPerMin( currentTraining );
                EvilNumber minRemaining = (timeEndTrain - EvilNumber(Win32TimeNow())) / (double)Win32Time_Minute;

                //currentTraining->Set_skillPoints( nextLevelSP - (minRemaining * SPPerMinute) );
                EvilNumber skillPointsTrained = nextLevelSP - (minRemaining * SPPerMinute);
                currentTraining->SetAttribute(AttrSkillPoints, skillPointsTrained);
                sLog.Debug( "", "Skill %s (%u) trained %u skill points before termination from training queue", currentTraining->itemName().c_str(), currentTraining->itemID(), skillPointsTrained.get_float() );

            currentTraining->SetAttribute(AttrExpiryTime, 0);

            currentTraining->MoveInto( *this, flagSkill, true );

            if( c != NULL )
                OnSkillTrainingStopped osst;
                osst.itemID = currentTraining->itemID();
                osst.endOfTraining = 0;

                PyTuple* tmp = osst.Encode();
                c->QueueDestinyEvent( &tmp );
                PySafeDecRef( tmp );


            // nothing currently in training
            currentTraining = SkillRef();

    EvilNumber nextStartTime = EvilTimeNow();
    while( !m_skillQueue.empty() )
        if( !currentTraining )
            // something should be trained, get desired skill
            uint32 skillTypeID = m_skillQueue.front().typeID;

            currentTraining = GetSkill( skillTypeID );
            if( !currentTraining )
                _log( ITEM__ERROR, "%s (%u): Skill %u to train was not found.", itemName().c_str(), itemID(), skillTypeID );

            sLog.Debug( "Character::UpdateSkillQueue()", "%s (%u): Starting training of skill %s (%u)",  m_itemName.c_str(), m_itemID, currentTraining->itemName().c_str(), currentTraining->itemID() );

            EvilNumber SPPerMinute = GetSPPerMin( currentTraining );
            EvilNumber NextLevel = currentTraining->GetAttribute(AttrSkillLevel) + 1;
            EvilNumber SPToNextLevel = currentTraining->GetSPForLevel( NextLevel ) - currentTraining->GetAttribute(AttrSkillPoints);
            sLog.Debug( "    ", "Training skill at %f SP/min", SPPerMinute.get_float() );
            sLog.Debug( "    ", "%f SP to next Level of %d", SPToNextLevel.get_float(), NextLevel.get_int() );

            EvilNumber timeTraining = nextStartTime + EvilTime_Minute * SPToNextLevel / SPPerMinute;

            currentTraining->MoveInto( *this, flagSkillInTraining );
            double dbl_timeTraining = timeTraining.get_float() + (double)(Win32Time_Second * 10);
            currentTraining->SetAttribute(AttrExpiryTime, dbl_timeTraining);    // Set server-side
                                                                                // skill expiry + 10 sec

            sLog.Debug( "    ", "Calculated time to complete training = %s", Win32TimeToString((uint64)dbl_timeTraining).c_str() );

            if( c != NULL )
                OnSkillStartTraining osst;
                osst.itemID = currentTraining->itemID();
                osst.endOfTraining = timeTraining.get_float();

                PyTuple* tmp = osst.Encode();
                c->QueueDestinyEvent( &tmp );
                PySafeDecRef( tmp );


        if( currentTraining->GetAttribute(AttrExpiryTime) <= EvilTimeNow() ) {
            // training has been finished:
            sLog.Debug( "Character::UpdateSkillQueue()", "%s (%u): Finishing training of skill %s (%u).", itemName().c_str(), itemID(), currentTraining->itemName().c_str(), currentTraining->itemID() );

            currentTraining->SetAttribute(AttrSkillLevel, currentTraining->GetAttribute(AttrSkillLevel) + 1 );
            currentTraining->SetAttribute(AttrSkillPoints, currentTraining->GetSPForLevel( currentTraining->GetAttribute(AttrSkillLevel) ), true);

            nextStartTime = currentTraining->GetAttribute(AttrExpiryTime);
            currentTraining->SetAttribute(AttrExpiryTime, 0);

            currentTraining->MoveInto( *this, flagSkill, true );

            if( c != NULL )
                OnSkillTrained ost;
                ost.itemID = currentTraining->itemID();

                PyTuple* tmp = ost.Encode();
                c->QueueDestinyEvent( &tmp );
                PySafeDecRef( tmp );


            // erase first element in skill queue
            m_skillQueue.erase( m_skillQueue.begin() );

            // nothing currently in training
            currentTraining = SkillRef();
        // else the skill is in training ...

    // Re-Calculate total SP trained and store in internal variable:

    // Save character and skill data:
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Character::UpdateSkillQueue()
    Client *c = m_factory.entity_list.FindCharacter( itemID() );

    SkillRef currentTraining = GetSkillInTraining();
    if( currentTraining )
        if( m_skillQueue.empty()
            || currentTraining->typeID() != m_skillQueue.front().typeID )
            // either queue is empty or skill with different typeID is in training ...
            // stop training:
            _log( ITEM__ERROR, "%s (%u): Stopping training of skill %s (%u).", itemName().c_str(), itemID(), currentTraining->itemName().c_str(), currentTraining->itemID() );

            uint64 timeEndTrain = currentTraining->expiryTime();
            if(timeEndTrain != 0)
                double nextLevelSP = currentTraining->GetSPForLevel( currentTraining->skillLevel() + 1 );
                double SPPerMinute = GetSPPerMin( currentTraining );
                double minRemaining = (double)(timeEndTrain - Win32TimeNow()) / (double)Win32Time_Minute;

                currentTraining->Set_skillPoints( nextLevelSP - (minRemaining * SPPerMinute) );


            EvilNumber timeEndTrain = currentTraining->GetAttribute(AttrExpiryTime);
            if (timeEndTrain != 0) {
                EvilNumber nextLevelSP = currentTraining->GetSPForLevel( currentTraining->GetAttribute(AttrSkillLevel) + 1 );
                EvilNumber SPPerMinute = GetSPPerMin( currentTraining );
                EvilNumber minRemaining = (timeEndTrain - EvilNumber(Win32TimeNow())) / (double)Win32Time_Minute;

                //currentTraining->Set_skillPoints( nextLevelSP - (minRemaining * SPPerMinute) );
                currentTraining->SetAttribute(AttrSkillPoints, nextLevelSP - (minRemaining * SPPerMinute));

            currentTraining->SetAttribute(AttrExpiryTime, 0);

            currentTraining->MoveInto( *this, flagSkill, true );

            if( c != NULL )
                OnSkillTrainingStopped osst;
                osst.itemID = currentTraining->itemID();
                osst.endOfTraining = 0;

                PyTuple* tmp = osst.Encode();
                c->QueueDestinyEvent( &tmp );
                PySafeDecRef( tmp );


            // nothing currently in training
            currentTraining = SkillRef();

    EvilNumber nextStartTime = EvilTimeNow();
    while( !m_skillQueue.empty() )
        if( !currentTraining )
            // something should be trained, get desired skill
            uint32 skillTypeID = m_skillQueue.front().typeID;

            currentTraining = GetSkill( skillTypeID );
            if( !currentTraining )
                _log( ITEM__ERROR, "%s (%u): Skill %u to train was not found.", itemName().c_str(), itemID(), skillTypeID );

            _log( ITEM__TRACE, "%s (%u): Starting training of skill %s (%u).", m_itemName.c_str(), m_itemID, currentTraining->itemName().c_str(), currentTraining->itemID() );

            EvilNumber SPPerMinute = GetSPPerMin( currentTraining );
            //  double SPToNextLevel = currentTraining->GetSPForLevel( currentTraining->skillLevel() + 1 ) - currentTraining->skillPoints();
            EvilNumber SPToNextLevel = currentTraining->GetSPForLevel( currentTraining->GetAttribute(AttrSkillLevel) + 1) - currentTraining->GetAttribute(AttrSkillPoints);

            //uint64 timeTraining = nextStartTime + Win32Time_Minute * SPToNextLevel / SPPerMinute;
            EvilNumber timeTraining = nextStartTime + EvilTime_Minute * SPToNextLevel / SPPerMinute;

            currentTraining->MoveInto( *this, flagSkillInTraining );
            //currentTraining->Set_expiryTime( timeTraining );
            currentTraining->SetAttribute(AttrExpiryTime, timeTraining);

            if( c != NULL )
                OnSkillStartTraining osst;
                osst.itemID = currentTraining->itemID();
                osst.endOfTraining = timeTraining.get_int();

                PyTuple* tmp = osst.Encode();
                c->QueueDestinyEvent( &tmp );
                PySafeDecRef( tmp );


        //if( currentTraining->expiryTime() <= Win32TimeNow() )
        if( currentTraining->GetAttribute(AttrExpiryTime) <= EvilTimeNow() ) {
            // training has been finished:
            _log( ITEM__ERROR, "%s (%u): Finishing training of skill %s (%u).", itemName().c_str(), itemID(), currentTraining->itemName().c_str(), currentTraining->itemID() );

            //currentTraining->Set_skillLevel( currentTraining->skillLevel() + 1 );
            //currentTraining->Set_skillPoints( currentTraining->GetSPForLevel( currentTraining->skillLevel() ) );

            //nextStartTime = currentTraining->expiryTime();

            currentTraining->SetAttribute(AttrSkillLevel, currentTraining->GetAttribute(AttrSkillLevel) + 1 );
            currentTraining->SetAttribute(AttrSkillPoints,  currentTraining->GetSPForLevel( currentTraining->GetAttribute(AttrSkillLevel) ) );

            nextStartTime = currentTraining->GetAttribute(AttrExpiryTime);
            currentTraining->SetAttribute(AttrExpiryTime, 0);

            currentTraining->MoveInto( *this, flagSkill, true );

            if( c != NULL )
                OnSkillTrained ost;
                ost.itemID = currentTraining->itemID();

                PyTuple* tmp = ost.Encode();
                c->QueueDestinyEvent( &tmp );
                PySafeDecRef( tmp );


            // erase first element in skill queue
            m_skillQueue.erase( m_skillQueue.begin() );

            // nothing currently in training
            currentTraining = SkillRef();
        // else the skill is in training ...

    // Re-Calculate total SP trained and store in internal variable:

    // Save character and skill data: