Ejemplo n.º 1
void CachingOrbit::sample(double start, double t, int nSamples,
                          OrbitSampleProc& proc) const
    double dt = t / (double) nSamples;
    for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; i++)
        proc.sample(positionAtTime(start + dt * i));
Ejemplo n.º 2
void EllipticalOrbit::sample(double, double t, int nSamples,
                             OrbitSampleProc& proc) const
    if (eccentricity >= 1.0)
        double dE = 1 * PI / (double) nSamples;
        for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; i++)
            proc.sample(t, positionAtE(dE * i), velocityAtE(dE * i));
        // Adaptive sampling of the orbit; more samples in regions of high curvature.
        // nSamples is the number of samples that will be used for a perfectly circular
        // orbit. Elliptical orbits will have regions of higher curvature thar require
        // additional sample points.
        double E = 0.0;
        double dE = 2 * PI / (double) nSamples;
        double w = (1 - square(eccentricity));
        double M0 = E - eccentricity * sin(E);
        while (E < 2 * PI)
            // Compute the time tag for this sample
            double M = E - eccentricity * sin(E);            // Mean anomaly from ecc anomaly
            double tsamp = t + (M - M0) * period / (2 * PI); // Time from mean anomaly
            proc.sample(tsamp, positionAtE(E), velocityAtE(E));

            // Compute the curvature
            double k = w * pow(square(sin(E)) + w * w * square(cos(E)), -1.5);

            // Step amount based on curvature--constrain it so that we don't end up
            // taking too many samples anywhere. Clamping the curvature to 20 effectively
            // limits the numbers of samples to 3*nSamples
            E += dE / max(min(k, 20.0), 1.0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void EllipticalOrbit::sample(double, double, int nSamples, OrbitSampleProc& proc) const
	double dE = 2. * M_PI / (double) nSamples;
    for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; i++)
        proc.sample(positionAtE(dE * i));