Ejemplo n.º 1
	void ShadowSystem::ProcessEntity(ECS::Entity* p_entity)
		Transform* transform = m_transforms.Get(p_entity);
		Shadowcaster* shadowcaster = m_shadowcasters.Get(p_entity);

		Render::Shadowcaster sc;
		Orientation tOr = transform->m_orientation;
		glm::mat4 tempWorldMatrix;
		tempWorldMatrix = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), transform->m_position);
		tempWorldMatrix = glm::rotate(tempWorldMatrix, tOr.GetAngle(), tOr.GetAxis());
		tempWorldMatrix = glm::scale(tempWorldMatrix, transform->m_scale);

		glm::mat4 lightSpace = glm::inverse(tempWorldMatrix);

		m_maxWorldX = -99999;
		m_minWorldX = 99999;
		m_maxWorldY = -99999;
		m_minWorldY = 99999;
		m_maxWorldZ = -99999;
		m_minWorldZ = 99999;
		for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
			glm::vec4 cornerInLightSpace = lightSpace * glm::vec4(worldCorners[i], 1.0f);
			if(cornerInLightSpace.x < m_minWorldX)
				m_minWorldX = cornerInLightSpace.x;
			if(cornerInLightSpace.x > m_maxWorldX)
				m_maxWorldX = cornerInLightSpace.x;
			if(cornerInLightSpace.y < m_minWorldY)
				m_minWorldY = cornerInLightSpace.y;
			if(cornerInLightSpace.y > m_maxWorldY)
				m_maxWorldY = cornerInLightSpace.y;
			if(cornerInLightSpace.z < m_minWorldZ)
				m_minWorldZ = cornerInLightSpace.z;
			if(cornerInLightSpace.z > m_maxWorldZ)
				m_maxWorldZ = cornerInLightSpace.z;

		glm::mat4 lazyOrthoAroundMap = glm::ortho(m_minWorldX, m_maxWorldX, m_minWorldY, m_maxWorldY, -m_maxWorldZ, -m_minWorldZ);

		// Get the eye camera.
		ECS::Entity* cameraEntity = m_world->GetTagManager()->GetEntityByTag("Camera");
		RootForce::Camera* camera = m_world->GetEntityManager()->GetComponent<RootForce::Camera>(cameraEntity);

		Frustum frustum = camera->m_frustum;

		glm::vec4 frustumCorners[8];
		frustumCorners[0] = glm::vec4(frustum.ntl, 1.0f);
		frustumCorners[1] = glm::vec4(frustum.ntr, 1.0f);
		frustumCorners[2] = glm::vec4(frustum.nbl, 1.0f);
		frustumCorners[3] = glm::vec4(frustum.nbr, 1.0f);
		frustumCorners[4] = glm::vec4(frustum.ftl, 1.0f);
		frustumCorners[5] = glm::vec4(frustum.ftr, 1.0f);
		frustumCorners[6] = glm::vec4(frustum.fbl, 1.0f);
		frustumCorners[7] = glm::vec4(frustum.fbr, 1.0f);
		// Convert camera frustrum to view space.
		for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
			frustumCorners[i] = camera->m_viewMatrix * frustumCorners[i];

		// Calculate directions.
		glm::vec3 directions[4];
		for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			directions[i].x = glm::normalize(frustumCorners[i+4].x - frustumCorners[i].x);
			directions[i].y = glm::normalize(frustumCorners[i+4].y - frustumCorners[i].y);
			directions[i].z = glm::normalize(frustumCorners[i+4].z - frustumCorners[i].z);

		static glm::vec4 localOBB[8] = 
			glm::vec4(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f),
			glm::vec4(1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f),
			glm::vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f),
			glm::vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
			glm::vec4(-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f),
			glm::vec4(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
			glm::vec4(-1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
			glm::vec4(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)

			// Define near/far planes for the sub frustrums.
			float _near[4];
			_near[0] = camera->m_frustum.m_near;
			_near[1] = 8.0f; //Daniel's 2k-values: 15, 60, 200
			_near[2] = 40.0f;
			_near[3] = 150.0f;

			float _far[4];
			_far[0] = _near[1];
			_far[1] = _near[2];
			_far[2] = _near[3];
			_far[3] = camera->m_frustum.m_far;

			// Create cascades.
			for(int i = 0; i < RENDER_SHADOW_CASCADES; i++)
				AABB boundingbox;
				for(int p = 0; p < 4; p++)
					glm::vec3 nearCorner;
					nearCorner = glm::swizzle<glm::X, glm::Y, glm::Z>(frustumCorners[p]);
					boundingbox.Expand(nearCorner + directions[p] * _near[i]);
					boundingbox.Expand(nearCorner + directions[p] * _far[i]);

				glm::vec3 center = boundingbox.GetCenter();
				glm::vec3 centerInWorldSpace = glm::swizzle<glm::X, glm::Y, glm::Z>(glm::inverse(camera->m_viewMatrix) * glm::vec4(center, 1.0f)); 
				glm::vec4 centerInViewSpace = lightSpace * glm::vec4(centerInWorldSpace, 1.0f);

				float nearPlane = 1.0f;
				float lookAtDistance = glm::length(centerInViewSpace - 2000.0f) + nearPlane;
				float radius = glm::length(center - glm::vec3(boundingbox.m_maxX, boundingbox.m_maxY, boundingbox.m_maxZ)); 
				float farPlane = lookAtDistance + radius;

				sc.m_projectionMatrices[i] = glm::ortho(-radius, radius, -radius, radius, nearPlane, farPlane);
				sc.m_viewMatrices[i] = glm::lookAt(centerInWorldSpace + tOr.GetFront() * lookAtDistance, centerInWorldSpace - tOr.GetFront() * lookAtDistance, tOr.GetUp());
				sc.m_viewProjections[i] = sc.m_projectionMatrices[i] * sc.m_viewMatrices[i];

			sc.m_projectionMatrices[RENDER_SHADOW_CASCADES-1] = OrthoProjectionFromFrustum(&camera->m_frustum, lightSpace);
			sc.m_viewMatrices[RENDER_SHADOW_CASCADES-1] = lightSpace;
			sc.m_viewProjections[RENDER_SHADOW_CASCADES-1] = sc.m_projectionMatrices[RENDER_SHADOW_CASCADES-1] * sc.m_viewMatrices[RENDER_SHADOW_CASCADES-1];
			sc.m_projectionMatrices[RENDER_SHADOW_CASCADES-1] = lazyOrthoAroundMap;
			sc.m_viewMatrices[RENDER_SHADOW_CASCADES-1] = lightSpace;
			sc.m_viewProjections[RENDER_SHADOW_CASCADES-1] = sc.m_projectionMatrices[RENDER_SHADOW_CASCADES-1] * sc.m_viewMatrices[RENDER_SHADOW_CASCADES-1];
		g_engineContext.m_renderer->AddShadowcaster(sc, (int)shadowcaster->m_directionalLightSlot);
void CFSShip::HitWarp(IwarpIGC * pwarp)
    //Ignore jumps that happen too closely together
    if (m_warpState == warpReady)
		// Andon - Added check for aleph mass limits
		if (m_pShip->GetMass() <= pwarp->MassLimit() || !IsPlayer() && pwarp->MassLimit() > 0 || pwarp->MassLimit() < 0)
			if (IsPlayer())
				m_warpState = warpNoUpdate;

			IwarpIGC *    pwarpDest    = pwarp->GetDestination();
			assert (pwarpDest);
			IclusterIGC * pclusterDest = pwarpDest->GetCluster();


			Orientation alephOrientation = pwarpDest->GetOrientation();
			const Vector&   v = m_pShip->GetVelocity();
			float           speed2 = v.LengthSquared();
			float           speed  = float(sqrt(speed2));
			if (speed2 > 0)
			  float           error;
				  //How close is the ship coming to the center of the warp?
				  Vector          dp = pwarp->GetPosition() - m_pShip->GetPosition();

				  float   t = (dp * v) / speed2;
				  float   d = (dp - t * v).LengthSquared();
				  float   r = pwarp->GetRadius();

				  error = (d / (r*r)) + 0.125f;      //Error ranges from 0.125 to 1.125
				  // yp: to prevent 'spin of death' in massive ships.
				  // This works and is explained in that the more massive the ship the less effect going through the aleph should have
				  // on its rotational velocity. The massive amount of inertia should decrease changes in rotational velocity.
				  if(m_pShip->GetMass() > 300.0f)
					error = error * (300.0f / m_pShip->GetMass()); // the greater the mass is above 750 the less error will be applied.
				  // yp end

			  alephOrientation.Pitch(random(-error, error));
			  alephOrientation.Yaw(random(-error, error));

										  m_pShip->GetCurrentTurnRate(c_axisRoll) +
										  random(pi * 0.5f * error, pi * 1.5f * error));  //Must be less than 2.0 * pi
			const Vector&   backward = alephOrientation.GetBackward();

			speed = -(speed + pwarp->GetMission()->GetFloatConstant(c_fcidExitWarpSpeed));
			m_pShip->SetVelocity(backward * speed);

			m_pShip->SetPosition(pwarpDest->GetPosition() +
								 (alephOrientation.GetUp() * random(2.0f, 5.0f)) +
								 (alephOrientation.GetRight() * random(2.0f, 5.0f)) -
								 (m_pShip->GetRadius() + 5.0f) * backward);
