Ejemplo n.º 1
// render
void GaMainGameState::render()
	OsClient* pClient = OsCore::pImpl()->getClient( 0 );
	RsViewport Viewport( 0, 0, pClient->getWidth(), pClient->getHeight() );
	// Render background.
	Projection_.perspProjectionHorizontal( BcPIDIV4, (BcReal)pClient->getWidth() / (BcReal)pClient->getHeight(), 1.0f, 1024.0f );
	WorldView_.lookAt( BcVec3d( 0.0f, 350.0f, 270.0f ), BcVec3d( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), BcVec3d( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) );

	if( SsCore::pImpl() != NULL )
		SsCore::pImpl()->setListener( BcVec3d( 0.0f, 350.0f, 270.0f ), BcVec3d( 0.0f, -4.0f, -2.0f ).normal(), BcVec3d( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f  ) );

	setMaterialComponentParams( BackgroundMaterialComponent_, BcMat4d() );
	Canvas_->setMaterialComponent( BackgroundMaterialComponent_ );
	Canvas_->drawSpriteCentered3D( BcVec3d( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), WorldHalfSize_ * 4.0f, 0, RsColour::WHITE, 0 );

	// Render entities.
	for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < Entities_.size(); ++Idx )
		GaGameComponent* pEntity = Entities_[ Idx ];
		pEntity->render( Canvas_ );

	// Draw foreground.
	BcMat4d Ortho;
	Ortho.orthoProjection( -WorldHalfSize_.x(), WorldHalfSize_.x(), -WorldHalfSize_.y(), WorldHalfSize_.y(), -1.0f, 0.0f );

	Canvas_->pushMatrix( Ortho );
	Canvas_->setMaterialComponent( ForegroundMaterialComponent_ );
	Canvas_->drawSpriteCentered( BcVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0f ), BcVec2d( WorldHalfSize_.x() * 2.2f, WorldHalfSize_.y() * -2.0f ), 0, RsColour::WHITE, 20 );

	BcReal Width = BcMax( 0.0f, FoodHealth_ - 0.5f ) * 2.0f;

	RsColour Colour;
	Colour.lerp( RsColour::RED, RsColour::GREEN, Width );

	Canvas_->setMaterialComponent( BarMaterialComponent_ );
		BcVec2d( 0.0f, WorldHalfSize_.y() - ( WorldHalfSize_.y() * 0.05f ) ), 
		BcVec2d( WorldHalfSize_.x() * 1.5f * Width, WorldHalfSize_.y() * 0.05f ), 
		0, Colour, 20 );


	// Base render.
Ejemplo n.º 2
void GaGameComponent::drawMinimap()
	OsClient* Client = OsCore::pImpl()->getClient( 0 );
	MaVec2d ClientSize( Client->getWidth(), Client->getHeight() );
	MaVec2d Size( 100.0f, 100.0f );
	MaMat4d Transform;
	Transform.translation( ClientSize - MaVec2d( 100.0f, 100.0f ) );
	Canvas_->pushMatrix( Transform );
	Canvas_->drawBox( -Size, Size, RsColour( 0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, 1.0f ), 0 );
	for( auto* Unit : Units_ )
		auto Position = Unit->getParentEntity()->getWorldPosition();

		// HACK: Rotate and flip appropriately later.
		Position.x( -Position.x() );
		if( Position.x() > -99.0f && Position.x() < 99.0f &&
			Position.z() > -99.0f && Position.z() < 99.0f )
			Canvas_->drawBox( Position.xz() - MaVec2d( 1.0f, 1.0f ), Position.xz() + MaVec2d( 1.0f, 1.0f ), RsColour( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ), 0 );

	Canvas_->drawLineBox( -Size, Size, RsColour( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ), 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 3
// update
void GaIntroComponent::update( BcF32 Tick )
	OsClient* Client = OsCore::pImpl()->getClient( 0 );
	BcF32 HalfWidth = static_cast< BcF32 >( Client->getWidth() / 2 );
	BcF32 HalfHeight = static_cast< BcF32 >( Client->getHeight() / 2 );

		std::string Title = "Mined the 'roids!\nA game by NeiloGD for Ludum Dare 32!";
		std::string Message = 
			"The aim of the game is to eliminate your competitor, Blue Corp., from the 'roid mining business."
			"Unfortunately, we can't simply attack them. It must look like an accident, or the law will be on to us.\n\n"
			"Click on the Red Inc. mothership, and it will show you its commands:\n"
			" - LMB to build a miner (Costs $50).\n"
			" - RMB to repair any damage (Costs $50).\n\n"
			"Click on a miner, then point at a 'roid to see its commands:\n"
			" - LMB to mine a 'roid.\n"
			" - RMB to 'accidentally' crash.\n\n"
			"Click on a miner, then point at a mothership to see its commands:\n"
			" - RMB to take mined asteroid bits back.\n\n";
		ScnFontDrawParams DrawParams = ScnFontDrawParams()
			.setSize( 50.0f )
			.setMargin( 32.0f )
			.setWrappingEnabled( BcTrue )
			.setTextColour( RsColour::WHITE )
			.setAlignment( ScnFontAlignment::HCENTRE | ScnFontAlignment::TOP );

		auto Size = Font_->drawText( Canvas_, DrawParams, MaVec2d( -HalfWidth, -HalfHeight ), MaVec2d( HalfWidth * 2.0f, 0.0f ), Title );

		DrawParams.setSize( 25.0f );
		DrawParams.setAlignment( ScnFontAlignment::LEFT | ScnFontAlignment::TOP );
		Font_->drawText( Canvas_, DrawParams, MaVec2d( -HalfWidth, -HalfHeight + Size.y() + DrawParams.getMargin() ), MaVec2d( HalfWidth * 2.0f, 0.0f ), Message );

		if( Timer_ > 5.0f )
			DrawParams.setSize( 50.0f );
			DrawParams.setAlignment( ScnFontAlignment::HCENTRE | ScnFontAlignment::BOTTOM );
			DrawParams.setTextColour( RsColour::GREEN );
			Font_->drawText( Canvas_, DrawParams, MaVec2d( -HalfWidth, -HalfHeight ), MaVec2d( HalfWidth * 2.0f, HalfHeight * 2.0f ), "Press any key to start!" );

	Timer_ += Tick;

	Super::update( Tick );
Ejemplo n.º 4
// update
void GaRobotComponent::update( BcF32 Tick )
	if( Health_ <= 0.0f )

	CurrentOpTimer_ -= Tick;
	if( CurrentOpTimer_ < 0.0f )
		CurrentOpTimer_ += CurrentOpTime_;

		// Handle robot program.
		BcBool ExecutedCode = BcFalse;
		if( Program_.size() > 0 )
			CurrentOp_ = NextOp_;
			const auto& Op = Program_[ CurrentOp_ ];
			if( Op.State_ == CurrentState_ )
				auto Condition = ProgramFunctionMap_[ Op.Condition_ ];
				if( Condition != nullptr )
					if( Condition( this, Op.ConditionVar_ ) )
						auto Operation = ProgramFunctionMap_[ Op.Operation_ ];
						if( Operation == nullptr )
							BcPrintf( "No operation \"%s\"\n", Op.Operation_.c_str() );
							auto RetVal = Operation( this, Op.OperationVar_ );
							if( RetVal != BcErrorCode )
								CurrentState_ = RetVal;
				ExecutedCode = BcTrue;

			// Advance to next valid op.
			if( ExecutedCode )
				for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < Program_.size(); ++Idx )
					NextOp_ = ( NextOp_ + 1 ) % Program_.size();
					if( Program_[ NextOp_ ].State_ == CurrentState_ )

			// Did we fail to run code? If so, reset to op 0 and the state of op 0.
			if( ExecutedCode == BcFalse )
				NextOp_ = 0;
				CurrentState_ = Program_[ NextOp_ ].State_;

	// Grab entity + position.
	auto Entity = getParentEntity();
	auto LocalPosition = Entity->getLocalPosition();

	// Move if we need to move towards our target position.
	if( ( TargetPosition_ - LocalPosition ).magnitudeSquared() > ( TargetDistance_ * TargetDistance_ ) )
		if( MoveTimer_ <= 0.0f )
			Velocity_ +=  ( TargetPosition_ - LocalPosition ).normal() * MaxVelocity_;
		BcF32 SlowDownTick = BcClamp( Tick * 50.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
		Velocity_ -= ( Velocity_ * SlowDownTick );

	// TODO LATER: Do rotation.
	if( Velocity_.magnitudeSquared() > 0.1f )
		auto Angle = std::atan2( Velocity_.z(), Velocity_.x() ) + BcPIDIV2;

		MaMat4d RotMat;
		RotMat.rotation( MaVec3d( 0.0f, Angle, 0.0f ) );
		Base_->setLocalMatrix( RotMat );

	// TODO LATER: Do rotation.
	auto Robots = getRobots( 1 - Team_ );
	if( Robots.size() > 0 )
		auto Robot = Robots[ 0 ];
		auto RobotPosition = Robot->getParentEntity()->getLocalPosition();
		auto VectorTo = RobotPosition - LocalPosition;

		// Push out of away.
		if( VectorTo.magnitude() < 3.0f )
			BcF32 Factor = ( 3.0f - VectorTo.magnitude() ) / 3.0f;
			BcF32 InvFactor = 1.0f - Factor;

			Velocity_ = ( -( VectorTo.normal() * MaxVelocity_ ) * Factor * 3.0f ) + ( Velocity_ * InvFactor );

		// Face turret.
		auto Angle = std::atan2( VectorTo.z(), VectorTo.x() ) + BcPIDIV2;

		MaMat4d RotMat;
		RotMat.rotation( MaVec3d( 0.0f, Angle, 0.0f ) );
		Turret_->setLocalMatrix( RotMat );

	LocalPosition += Velocity_ * Tick;

	// Slow down velocity.
	BcF32 SlowDownTick = BcClamp( Tick * 10.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
	Velocity_ -= ( Velocity_ * SlowDownTick );

	if( Velocity_.magnitude() > MaxVelocity_ )
		Velocity_ = Velocity_.normal() * MaxVelocity_;

	// Set local position.
	Entity->setLocalPosition( LocalPosition );

	// Handle health + energy.
	Health_ = BcClamp( Health_, 0.0f, 100.0f );
	Energy_ = BcClamp( Energy_ + ( EnergyChargeRate_ * Tick ), 0.0f, 100.0f );

	// Weapon timers.
	WeaponATimer_ = BcMax( WeaponATimer_ - Tick, -1.0f );
	WeaponBTimer_ = BcMax( WeaponBTimer_ - Tick, -1.0f );

	MoveTimer_ = BcMax( MoveTimer_ - Tick, -1.0f );

	// Health/energy bars.
	OsClient* Client = OsCore::pImpl()->getClient( 0 );
	BcF32 Width = BcF32( Client->getWidth() ) * 0.5f;
	BcF32 Height = BcF32( Client->getHeight() ) * 0.5f;
	MaMat4d Projection;
	Projection.orthoProjection( -Width, Width, Height, -Height, -1.0f, 1.0f );
	Canvas_->pushMatrix( Projection );

	Canvas_->setMaterialComponent( Material_ );

	auto ScreenPos = View_->getScreenPosition( getParentEntity()->getWorldPosition() );
	ScreenPos -= MaVec2d( 0.0f, Height / 8.0f );
	auto TLPos = ScreenPos - MaVec2d( Width / 16.0f, Height / 64.0f );
	auto BRPos = ScreenPos + MaVec2d( Width / 16.0f, Height / 64.0f );

	// Draw background.
	Canvas_->drawBox( TLPos, BRPos, RsColour::BLACK, 0 );

	// Draw inner bars.
	TLPos += MaVec2d( 1.0f, 1.0f );
	BRPos -= MaVec2d( 1.0f, 1.0f );

	auto HealthTL = MaVec2d(
		TLPos.y() );	
	auto HealthBR = MaVec2d( 
		TLPos.x() + ( BRPos.x() - TLPos.x() ) * ( Health_ / 100.0f ),
		( TLPos.y() + BRPos.y() ) * 0.5f );

	auto EnergyTL = MaVec2d(
		( TLPos.y() + BRPos.y() ) * 0.5f );
	auto EnergyBR = MaVec2d( 
		TLPos.x() + ( BRPos.x() - TLPos.x() ) * ( Energy_ / 100.0f ),
		BRPos.y() );

	Canvas_->drawBox( HealthTL, HealthBR, RsColour::GREEN, 0 );
	Canvas_->drawBox( EnergyTL, EnergyBR, RsColour::BLUE, 0 );

	Canvas_->popMatrix( );

		0 );

	Super::update( Tick );
Ejemplo n.º 5
// onMouseEvent
eEvtReturn GaGameComponent::onMouseEvent( EvtID ID, const OsEventInputMouse& Event )
	// Convert to rendering space.
	OsClient* pClient = OsCore::pImpl()->getClient( 0 );
	BcReal HW = static_cast< BcReal >( pClient->getWidth() ) / 2.0f;
	BcReal HH = static_cast< BcReal >( pClient->getHeight() ) / 2.0f;
	CursorPosition_.set( Event.MouseX_ - HW, Event.MouseY_ - HH );
	GameCursorPosition_ = CursorPosition_ / 32.0f;
	EndGameCursorPosition_ = GameCursorPosition_;

	if( MouseDown_ && ( StartGameCursorPosition_ - EndGameCursorPosition_ ).magnitudeSquared() > BcFixed( 8.0f ) )
		BoxSelection_ = BcTrue;

		StartGameCursorPosition_ = GameCursorPosition_;
		MouseDown_ = BcTrue;
		BoxSelection_ = BcFalse;
	else if( ID == osEVT_INPUT_MOUSEUP )
		EndGameCursorPosition_ = GameCursorPosition_;
		MouseDown_ = BcFalse;
		GaGameUnitIDList FoundUnits;

		if( BoxSelection_ )
			pSimulator_->findUnits( FoundUnits, StartGameCursorPosition_, EndGameCursorPosition_, BcErrorCode, 1 << TeamID_ );
			pSimulator_->findUnits( FoundUnits, GameCursorPosition_, 0.8f, BcErrorCode, 1 << TeamID_ );
			while( FoundUnits.size() > 1 )

		// If we found units, then set selection.
		if( FoundUnits.size() > 0 )
			UnitSelection_ = FoundUnits;
			// If we aren't box selection do action.
			if( BoxSelection_ == BcFalse )
				BcU32 TargetUnitID = BcErrorCode;

				// Determine if it's an attack move or not.
				pSimulator_->findUnits( FoundUnits, GameCursorPosition_, 0.8f, BcErrorCode, 1 << ( 1 - TeamID_ ) );
				while( FoundUnits.size() > 1 )

				if( FoundUnits.size() == 1 )
					TargetUnitID = FoundUnits[ 0 ];

				// Otherwise, tell found units to move.
				BcFixedVec2d CentralPosition;
				BcFixed Divisor;
				for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < UnitSelection_.size(); ++Idx )
					GaGameUnit* pGameUnit( pSimulator_->getUnit( UnitSelection_[ Idx ] ) );
					if( pGameUnit != NULL )
						CentralPosition += pGameUnit->getPosition();
						Divisor += 1.0f;

				if( UnitSelection_.size() > 0 && Divisor > 0.0f )
					CentralPosition /= Divisor;

					GameCursorPosition_ = BcFixedVec2d( ( GameCursorPosition_.x() ), ( GameCursorPosition_.y() ) );

					BcFixed PlayfieldHW = 1280.0f * 0.5f / 32.0f;
					BcFixed PlayfieldHH = 720.0f * 0.5f / 32.0f;

					for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < UnitSelection_.size(); ++Idx )
						GaGameUnit* pGameUnit( pSimulator_->getUnit( UnitSelection_[ Idx ] ) );
						if( pGameUnit != NULL )
							if( TargetUnitID == BcErrorCode )
								GaGameUnitMoveEvent Event;
								Event.UnitID_ = pGameUnit->getID();
								Event.Position_ = ( ( pGameUnit->getPosition() - CentralPosition ) * 0.0f ) + GameCursorPosition_;

								Event.Position_.x( BcClamp( Event.Position_.x(), -PlayfieldHW, PlayfieldHW ) );
								Event.Position_.y( BcClamp( Event.Position_.y(), -PlayfieldHH, PlayfieldHH ) );

								Event.IsAttackMove_ = AttackMove_;
								pSimulator_->publish( gaEVT_UNIT_MOVE, Event );
								GaGameUnitAttackEvent Event;
								Event.UnitID_ = pGameUnit->getID();
								Event.TargetUnitID_ = TargetUnitID;
								pSimulator_->publish( gaEVT_UNIT_ATTACK, Event );

				// Toggle off attack move.
				AttackMove_ = BcFalse;
				// If we were box selecting clear selection.

		BoxSelection_ = BcFalse;
	return evtRET_PASS;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// GaGameComponent
void GaGameComponent::update( BcReal Tick )
	BcU32 Param = FontMaterial_->findParameter( "aAlphaTestStep" );
	FontMaterial_->setParameter( Param, BcVec2d( 0.4f, 0.5f ) );

	if( GameState_ == GS_PLAYING )
		pSimulator_->tick( Tick );

		if( pSimulator_->getTimeOut() > 5.0f )
			GameState_ = GS_TIMEOUT;

		if( pSimulator_->getUnitCount( TeamID_ ) == 0 ||
			pSimulator_->getUnitCount( 1 - TeamID_ ) == 0 )
			GameState_ = GS_OVER;

		if( !Networked_ )
			AITickTime_ -= Tick;

			if( AITickTime_ < 0.0f )
				pSimulator_->runAI( 1 - TeamID_ );
				AITickTime_ = AITickMaxTime_;
	//if( TeamID_ == 0 )
		if( CanvasComponent_.isValid() )
			OsClient* pClient = OsCore::pImpl()->getClient( 0 );
			BcReal HW = static_cast< BcReal >( pClient->getWidth() ) / 2.0f;
			BcReal HH = static_cast< BcReal >( pClient->getHeight() ) / 2.0f;
			BcReal AspectRatio = HW / HH;

			BcMat4d Ortho;
			Ortho.orthoProjection( -HW, HW, HH, -HH, -1.0f, 1.0f );

			// Clear canvas and push projection matrix.

			CanvasComponent_->pushMatrix( Ortho );

			CanvasComponent_->setMaterialComponent( BackgroundMaterial_ );
			CanvasComponent_->drawSpriteCentered( BcVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0f ), BcVec2d( 1280.0f, 720.0f ), 0, RsColour( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ), 0 );

			CanvasComponent_->setMaterialComponent( SpriteSheetMaterials_[ 0 ] );
			pSimulator_->render( CanvasComponent_, 0 );
			CanvasComponent_->setMaterialComponent( SpriteSheetMaterials_[ 1 ] );
			pSimulator_->render( CanvasComponent_, 1 );

			// Find unit over mouse.
			GaGameUnitIDList SelectionList;
			if( MouseDown_ )
				if( BoxSelection_ )
					pSimulator_->findUnits( SelectionList, StartGameCursorPosition_, EndGameCursorPosition_, BcErrorCode, BcErrorCode );
				pSimulator_->findUnits( SelectionList, GameCursorPosition_, 0.8f, BcErrorCode, BcErrorCode );
				while( SelectionList.size() > 1 )

			for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < UnitSelection_.size(); ++Idx )
				SelectionList.push_back( UnitSelection_[ Idx ] );

			CanvasComponent_->setMaterialComponent( HUDMaterial_ );
			pSimulator_->renderHUD( CanvasComponent_, SelectionList, TeamID_ );

		switch( GameState_ )
		case GS_PLAYING:
				// Draw cursor.
				CanvasComponent_->setMaterialComponent( HUDMaterial_ );
				CanvasComponent_->drawSpriteCentered( BcVec2d( CursorPosition_.x(), CursorPosition_.y() ), BcVec2d( 64.0f, 64.0f ), 1, AttackMove_ ? RsColour::RED : RsColour::WHITE, 10 );

				// Draw selection box.
				if( MouseDown_ && BoxSelection_ ) 
					BcVec2d Min = BcVec2d( StartGameCursorPosition_.x(), StartGameCursorPosition_.y() ) * 32.0f;
					BcVec2d Max = BcVec2d( GameCursorPosition_.x(), GameCursorPosition_.y() ) * 32.0f;
					CanvasComponent_->drawSprite( Min, Max - Min, 0, RsColour::GREEN * RsColour( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f ), 11 );

				std::string Text0 = TeamID_ == 0 ? "YOU ARE RED!" : "YOU ARE BLUE!";
				BcVec2d TextSize0 = Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, BcVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0f ), Text0, RsColour::WHITE, BcTrue );
				Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, ( -TextSize0 / 2.0f ) + BcVec2d( 0.0f, -350.0f ), Text0, TeamID_ == 0 ? RsColour::RED : RsColour::BLUE, BcFalse );


		case GS_TIMEOUT:
				std::string Text0 = "Connection timed out :(";
				std::string Text1 = "Press ESC to Quit.";
				BcVec2d TextSize0 = Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, BcVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0f ), Text0, RsColour::WHITE, BcTrue );
				Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, ( -TextSize0 / 2.0f ) + BcVec2d( 0.0f, -64.0f ), Text0, RsColour::WHITE, BcFalse );
				BcVec2d TextSize1 = Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, BcVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0f ), Text1, RsColour::WHITE, BcTrue );
				Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, ( -TextSize1 / 2.0f ) + BcVec2d( 0.0f, 64.0f ), Text1, RsColour::WHITE, BcFalse );

		case GS_OVER:
				if( pSimulator_->getUnitCount( TeamID_ ) > 0 )
					std::string Text0 = "You Won! :D";
					std::string Text1 = "Press ESC to Quit.";
					BcVec2d TextSize0 = Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, BcVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0f ), Text0, RsColour::WHITE, BcTrue );
					Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, ( -TextSize0 / 2.0f ) + BcVec2d( 0.0f, -64.0f ), Text0, RsColour::WHITE, BcFalse );
					BcVec2d TextSize1 = Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, BcVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0f ), Text1, RsColour::WHITE, BcTrue );
					Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, ( -TextSize1 / 2.0f ) + BcVec2d( 0.0f, 64.0f ), Text1, RsColour::WHITE, BcFalse );
					std::string Text0 = "You Lost! :<";
					std::string Text1 = "Press ESC to Quit.";
					BcVec2d TextSize0 = Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, BcVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0f ), Text0, RsColour::WHITE, BcTrue );
					Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, ( -TextSize0 / 2.0f ) + BcVec2d( 0.0f, -64.0f ), Text0, RsColour::WHITE, BcFalse );
					BcVec2d TextSize1 = Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, BcVec2d( 0.0f, 0.0f ), Text1, RsColour::WHITE, BcTrue );
					Font_->draw( CanvasComponent_, ( -TextSize1 / 2.0f ) + BcVec2d( 0.0f, 64.0f ), Text1, RsColour::WHITE, BcFalse );
