Ejemplo n.º 1
// Create result
void OsiSolverResult::createResult(const OsiSolverInterface &solver, const double *lowerBefore,
  const double *upperBefore)
  delete[] primalSolution_;
  delete[] dualSolution_;
  if (solver.isProvenOptimal() && !solver.isDualObjectiveLimitReached()) {
    objectiveValue_ = solver.getObjValue() * solver.getObjSense();
    CoinWarmStartBasis *basis = dynamic_cast< CoinWarmStartBasis * >(solver.getWarmStart());
    basis_ = *basis;
    int numberRows = basis_.getNumArtificial();
    int numberColumns = basis_.getNumStructural();
    assert(numberColumns == solver.getNumCols());
    assert(numberRows == solver.getNumRows());
    primalSolution_ = CoinCopyOfArray(solver.getColSolution(), numberColumns);
    dualSolution_ = CoinCopyOfArray(solver.getRowPrice(), numberRows);
    fixed_.addBranch(-1, numberColumns, lowerBefore, solver.getColLower(),
      upperBefore, solver.getColUpper());
  } else {
    // infeasible
    objectiveValue_ = COIN_DBL_MAX;
    basis_ = CoinWarmStartBasis();
    primalSolution_ = NULL;
    dualSolution_ = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main( int argc, char **argv )
    if ( argc < 2 )
        printf("Invalid number of parameters!\n");
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    char problemName[ 256 ];
    getFileName( problemName, argv[1] );

    clock_t start = clock();
    OsiClpSolverInterface *realSolver = new OsiClpSolverInterface();
    realSolver->getModelPtr()->setPerturbation(50); /* makes CLP faster for hard instances */
    OsiSolverInterface *solver = (OsiSolverInterface*) realSolver;

    parseParameters( argc, argv );
    readLP( solver, argv[1] );

    FILE *log = NULL;
        log = fopen(output.c_str(), "a");
            printf("Could not open the file!\n");

    const int numCols = solver->getNumCols(), numRows = solver->getNumRows();
    int pass = 0, newCuts = 0, totalCuts = 0;
    double pTime, opt, cgTime;
    CGraph *cgraph = NULL;

    if(sepMethod == Npsep)
    	cgraph = build_cgraph_osi( solver );

        if(optimals.find(problemName) == optimals.end())
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: optimal value not found!\n");
        opt = optimals[problemName];


    if (!solver->isProvenOptimal())
        if (solver->isAbandoned())
            fprintf( stderr, "LP solver abandoned due to numerical dificulties.\n" );
            exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
        if (solver->isProvenPrimalInfeasible())
            fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says PRIMAL INFEASIBLE.\n" );
            exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
        if (solver->isProvenDualInfeasible())
            fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says DUAL INFEASIBLE.\n" );
            exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
        if (solver->isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached())
            fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached.\n" );
            exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
        if (solver->isDualObjectiveLimitReached())
            fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says isDualObjectiveLimitReached.\n" );
            exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
        if (solver->isIterationLimitReached())
            fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says isIterationLimitReached.\n" );
            exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

        fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not solve LP relaxation to optimality. Checking status...\n" );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    double initialBound = solver->getObjValue();
    printf("%.2lf %d %d %.7lf", ((double)(clock()-start)) / ((double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC), pass, 0, solver->getObjValue());
        printf(" %.7lf %.7lf", opt, abs_mip_gap(solver->getObjValue(), opt));

        clock_t startSep = clock();
        newCuts = 0;

        switch (sepMethod)
            case Npsep:
                CglEClique cliqueGen;
                OsiCuts cuts;
                CglTreeInfo info;
                info.level = 0;
                info.pass = 1;
                vector<string> varNames = getVarNames(solver->getColNames(), numCols);
                cliqueGen.parseParameters( argc, (const char**)argv );
                cliqueGen.setCGraph( cgraph );
                cliqueGen.setGenOddHoles( true ); //allow (or not) inserting odd hole cuts
                cliqueGen.colNames = &varNames;
                cliqueGen.generateCuts( *solver, cuts, info );
                newCuts = cuts.sizeCuts();
                solver->applyCuts( cuts );

            case CglSepM:
                CglClique cliqueGen;
                OsiCuts cuts;
                CglTreeInfo info;
                info.level = 0;
                info.pass = 1;
                cliqueGen.setMinViolation( MIN_VIOLATION );
                cliqueGen.generateCuts( *solver, cuts, info );
                newCuts = cuts.sizeCuts();
                solver->applyCuts( cuts );

            	fprintf( stderr, "Separation Method does not recognized!\n" );
                exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

        pTime = ((double)(clock()-start)) / ((double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
        if(pTime > MAX_TIME) break;

        totalCuts += newCuts;

        if (newCuts)
            if (!solver->isProvenOptimal())
                if (solver->isAbandoned())
                    fprintf( stderr, "LP solver abandoned due to numerical dificulties.\n" );
                    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
                if (solver->isProvenPrimalInfeasible())
                    fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says PRIMAL INFEASIBLE.\n" );
                    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
                if (solver->isProvenDualInfeasible())
                    fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says DUAL INFEASIBLE.\n" );
                    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
                if (solver->isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached())
                    fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached.\n" );
                    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
                if (solver->isDualObjectiveLimitReached())
                    fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says isDualObjectiveLimitReached.\n" );
                    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
                if (solver->isIterationLimitReached())
                    fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says isIterationLimitReached.\n" );
                    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

                fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not solve LP relaxation. Exiting.\n" );
                exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

            pTime = ((double)(clock()-start)) / ((double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
            if(pTime > MAX_TIME) break;

            double sepTime = ((double)(clock()-startSep)) / ((double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
            printf("%.2lf %d %d %.7lf", sepTime, pass, newCuts, solver->getObjValue());
                printf(" %.7lf %.7lf", opt, abs_mip_gap(solver->getObjValue(), opt));
    while ( (newCuts>0) && (pass<MAX_PASSES) ) ;

        double totalTime = ((double)(clock()-start)) / ((double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
        fprintf(log, "%s %.2lf %d %d %.7lf", problemName, totalTime, pass - 1, totalCuts, solver->getObjValue());
            fprintf(log, " %.7lf", abs_mip_gap(solver->getObjValue(), opt));
        fprintf(log, "\n");

    	cgraph_free( &cgraph );

   	delete realSolver;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  TNLPSolver::ReturnStatus LpBranchingSolver::
  solveFromHotStart(OsiTMINLPInterface* tminlp_interface)
    TNLPSolver::ReturnStatus retstatus = TNLPSolver::solvedOptimal;

    // updated the bounds of the linear solver
    std::vector<int> diff_low_bnd_index;
    std::vector<double> diff_low_bnd_value;
    std::vector<int> diff_up_bnd_index;
    std::vector<double> diff_up_bnd_value;

    // Get the bounds.  We assume that the bounds in the linear solver
    // are always the original ones
    const int numCols = tminlp_interface->getNumCols();
    const double* colLow_orig = lin_->getColLower();
    const double* colUp_orig = lin_->getColUpper();
    const double* colLow = tminlp_interface->getColLower();
    const double* colUp = tminlp_interface->getColUpper();

    OsiSolverInterface * lin = lin_;
    // eventualy clone lin_
    if(warm_start_mode_ == Clone){
      lin = lin_->clone();
//      std::cout<<"Cloning it"<<std::endl;
    // Set the bounds on the LP solver according to the changes in
    // tminlp_interface
    for (int i=0; i<numCols; i++) {
      const double& lo = colLow[i];
      if (colLow_orig[i] < lo) {
        if(warm_start_mode_ == Basis){
      const double& up = colUp[i];
      if (colUp_orig[i] > up) {
        if(warm_start_mode_ == Basis){

    if(warm_start_mode_ == Basis){


    double obj = lin->getObjValue();
    bool go_on = true;
    if (lin->isProvenPrimalInfeasible() || 
        lin->isDualObjectiveLimitReached()) {
      retstatus = TNLPSolver::provenInfeasible;
      go_on = false;
    else if (lin->isIterationLimitReached()) {
      retstatus = TNLPSolver::iterationLimit;
      go_on = false;
    else {
      if (maxCuttingPlaneIterations_ > 0 && go_on) {
        double violation;
        obj = ecp_->doEcpRounds(*lin, true, &violation);
        if (obj == COIN_DBL_MAX) {
          retstatus = TNLPSolver::provenInfeasible;
        else if (violation <= 1e-8) {
          retstatus = TNLPSolver::solvedOptimal;
    tminlp_interface->problem()->Set_x_sol(numCols, lin_->getColSolution());

    //restore the original bounds
    if(warm_start_mode_ == Basis){
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < diff_low_bnd_index.size(); i++) {
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < diff_up_bnd_index.size(); i++) {
    else {
      delete lin;
    return retstatus;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  /// OaDecomposition method
  OaFeasibilityChecker::performOa(OsiCuts & cs, solverManip &lpManip,
      BabInfo * babInfo, double &cutoff,const CglTreeInfo & info) const
    bool isInteger = true;
    bool feasible = 1;

    OsiSolverInterface * lp = lpManip.si();
    OsiBranchingInformation branch_info(lp,false);
    //int numcols = lp->getNumCols();
    double milpBound = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
    int numberPasses = 0;
    double * nlpSol =  NULL;
    int numberCutsBefore = cs.sizeRowCuts();
    while (isInteger && feasible ) {

      //setup the nlp

      //Fix the variable which have to be fixed, after having saved the bounds
      double * colsol = const_cast<double *>(lp->getColSolution());
      branch_info.solution_ = colsol;
      fixIntegers(*nlp_,branch_info, parameters_.cbcIntegerTolerance_,objects_, nObjects_);

      //Now solve the NLP get the cuts, and intall them in the local LP
      if (post_nlp_solve(babInfo, cutoff)) {
        //nlp solved and feasible
        // Update the cutoff
        double ub = nlp_->getObjValue();
        cutoff = ub > 0 ? ub *(1 - parameters_.cbcCutoffIncrement_) : ub*(1 + parameters_.cbcCutoffIncrement_);
        // Update the lp solver cutoff
        lp->setDblParam(OsiDualObjectiveLimit, cutoff);
      // Get the cuts outer approximation at the current point

      nlpSol = const_cast<double *>(nlp_->getColSolution());

      const double * toCut = (parameter().addOnlyViolated_)?
      if(cut_count_ <= maximum_oa_cuts_ && type_ == OA)
        nlp_->getOuterApproximation(cs, nlpSol, 1, toCut,
      else {//if (type_ == Benders)
        nlp_->getBendersCut(cs, parameter().global_);
      if(pol_ == DetectCycles)
        nlp_->getBendersCut(savedCuts_, parameter().global_);

      int numberCuts = cs.sizeRowCuts() - numberCutsBefore;
      cut_count_ += numberCuts;
      if (numberCuts > 0)
        installCuts(*lp, cs, numberCuts);

      double objvalue = lp->getObjValue();
      //milpBound = max(milpBound, lp->getObjValue());
      feasible = (lp->isProvenOptimal() &&
          !lp->isDualObjectiveLimitReached() && (objvalue<cutoff)) ;
      //if value of integers are unchanged then we have to get out
      bool changed = true;//if lp is infeasible we don't have to check anything
      isInteger = 0;
      //	  if(!fixed)//fathom on bounds
      //           milpBound = 1e200;
      if (feasible) {
        changed = isDifferentOnIntegers(*nlp_, objects_, nObjects_,
                                        nlp_->getColSolution(), lp->getColSolution());
      if (changed) {
       branch_info.solution_ = lp->getColSolution();
       isInteger = integerFeasible(*lp,branch_info, parameters_.cbcIntegerTolerance_,
                                     objects_, nObjects_);
      else {
        isInteger = 0;
        //	  if(!fixed)//fathom on bounds
         milpBound = 1e200;
#ifdef OA_DEBUG
      printf("Obj value after cuts %g, %d rows\n",lp->getObjValue(),
          numberCuts) ;
    int num_cuts_now = cs.sizeRowCuts();
    if(pol_ == KeepAll){
      for(int i = numberCutsBefore ; i < num_cuts_now ; i++){

#ifdef OA_DEBUG
    debug_.printEndOfProcedureDebugMessage(cs, true, cutoff, milpBound, isInteger, feasible, std::cout);
    std::cout<<"milpBound found: "<<milpBound<<std::endl;
    return milpBound;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// mex function usage:
//  [x,y,status] = mexosi(n_vars,n_cons,A,x_lb,x_ub,c,Ax_lb,Ax_ub,isMIP,isQP,vartype,Q,options)
//                        0      1      2 3    4    5 6     7     8     9    10     11 12
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
	// Enable printing in MATLAB
	int loglevel = 0;
	DerivedHandler *mexprinter = new DerivedHandler(); // assumed open	
	// check that we have the right number of inputs
	if(nrhs < 10) mexErrMsgTxt("At least 10 inputs required in call to mexosi. Bug in osi.m?...");
	// check that we have the right number of outputs
	if(nlhs < 3) mexErrMsgTxt("At least 3 ouptuts required in call to mexosi. Bug in osi.m?...");

    // Get pointers to input values
	const int    n_vars = (int)*mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
	const int    n_cons = (int)*mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
	const mxArray    *A =  prhs[2];
	const double  *x_lb =  mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
	const double  *x_ub =  mxGetPr(prhs[4]);
	const double     *c =  mxGetPr(prhs[5]);
	const double *Ax_lb =  mxGetPr(prhs[6]);
	const double *Ax_ub =  mxGetPr(prhs[7]);
	const bool    isMIP = (bool)*(mxLogical*)mxGetData(prhs[8]);
	const bool     isQP = (bool)*(mxLogical*)mxGetData(prhs[9]);
	mxLogical *isinteger = (mxLogical*)mxGetData(prhs[10]);
	const mxArray*    Q = prhs[11];
	// process the options
	int  returnStatus = 0;
	// extract row/col/value data from A
	const mwIndex * A_col_starts = mxGetJc(A);
	const mwIndex * A_row_index  = mxGetIr(A);
	const double  * A_data       = mxGetPr(A);
    // figure out the number of non-zeros in A
    int nnz = (int)(A_col_starts[n_vars] - A_col_starts[0]); // number of non-zeros
    //mexPrintf("nnz = %d, n_vars = %d, n_cons = %d\n",nnz,n_vars,n_cons);

    // we need to convert these into other types of indices for Coin to use them
    std::vector<CoinBigIndex> A_col_starts_coin(A_col_starts,A_col_starts+n_vars+1);
    std::vector<int>          A_row_index_coin(A_row_index,A_row_index+nnz);
    // declare the solver
    OsiSolverInterface* pSolver;
// 	initialize the solver
    if ( isMIP ) {
        pSolver = new OsiCbcSolverInterface;
    } else {
        pSolver = new OsiClpSolverInterface;
//	OsiCbcSolverInterface is deprecated and CbcModel should be used instead but don't
//	know how to get that working with loadProblem. 
//     OsiCbcSolverInterface solver1;
//     CbcModel model(solver1);
//     CbcMain0(model);
//     OsiSolverInterface * pSolver = model.solver();
	if (nrhs>12) { // get stuff out of the options structure if provided
		// Finish me
//     mexPrintf("Setting Log Level to 0.\n");
	// load the problem
	mexPrintf("Loading the problem.\n");
	pSolver->loadProblem( n_vars, n_cons, // problem size
						  &A_col_starts_coin[0], &A_row_index_coin[0], A_data, // the A matrix
						  x_lb,  x_ub, c, // the objective and bounds
						  Ax_lb, Ax_ub ); // the constraint bounds
//     pSolver->messageHandler()->setLogLevel(0); // This doesn't seem to work
	// deal with integer inputs
	if ( isMIP ) {
		for(int i=0;i<n_vars;i++) {
			if (isinteger[i]) pSolver->setInteger(i);
	if (isQP) {
		error("QP is not working yet");
		// need to call loadQuadraticObjective here ???
//     CbcModel model(pSolver);
//     model.solver()->setHintParam(OsiDoReducePrint,true,OsiHintTry);
	// solve the problem
	//mexPrintf("Trying to solve the problem.\n");
    if (isMIP) {
//         model.branchAndBound();
    } else {
//         model.initialSolve();
	// Allocate memory for return data
    plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(n_vars,1, mxREAL); // for the solution
    plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(n_cons,1, mxREAL); // for the constraint prices
    plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1, mxREAL);      // for the return status
    double *x = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
    double *y = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
    double *returncode = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);
	// Copy solutions if available
	if ( pSolver->isProvenOptimal() ) {
//     if ( model.isProvenOptimal() ) {
//     if ( model.solver()->isProvenOptimal() ) {
        //mexPrintf("Solution found.\n");
		// extract the solutions
		const double * solution = pSolver->getColSolution();
		const double * dualvars = pSolver->getRowPrice();
		// copy the solution to the outpus
		*returncode = 1;
	} else {
		if ( pSolver->isProvenPrimalInfeasible() ) {
			mexPrintf("Primal problem is proven infeasible.\n");
			*returncode = 0;
		} else if ( pSolver->isProvenDualInfeasible() ) {
			mexPrintf("Dual problem is proven infeasible.\n");
			*returncode = -1;
		} else if ( pSolver->isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached() ) {
			mexPrintf("The primal objective limit was reached.\n");
			*returncode = -2;
		} else if ( pSolver->isDualObjectiveLimitReached() ) {
			mexPrintf("The dual objective limit was reached.\n");
			*returncode = -3;
		} else if ( pSolver->isIterationLimitReached() ) {
			mexPrintf("The iteration limit was reached\n");
			*returncode = -4;
	// clean up memory
	if ( mexprinter!= NULL) delete mexprinter;	
	delete pSolver;
Ejemplo n.º 6
//Solver function
int sci_rmps(char *fname) 
    //creating a problem pointer using base class of OsiSolverInterface and
    //instantiate the object using derived class of ClpSolverInterface
    OsiSolverInterface* si = new OsiClpSolverInterface();

    // Error management variable
	SciErr sciErr;

	//data declarations
	int *piAddressVarOne = NULL;                 //pointer used to access argument of the function
	char* ptr;                              	 //pointer to point to address of file name
    double* options_;                            //options to set maximum iterations 
	CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 2,2 );          //Check we have exactly two arguments as input or not
	CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 6, 6);         //Check we have exactly six arguments on output side or not
    //Getting the input arguments from Scilab
    //Getting the MPS file path
	//Reading mps file

    //get options from Scilab
    if(getFixedSizeDoubleMatrixInList(2 , 2 , 1 , 1 , &options_))
		return 1;

    //Read the MPS file

    //setting options for maximum iterations

    //Solve the problem
    //Quering about the problem
    //get number of variables
    double numVars_;
    numVars_ = si->getNumCols();
    //get number of constraint equations
    double numCons_;
    numCons_ = si->getNumRows();
    //Output the solution to Scilab
    //get solution for x
    const double* xValue = si->getColSolution();
    //get objective value
    double objValue = si->getObjValue();

    //get Status value
    double status;
    else if(si->isProvenPrimalInfeasible())
    else if(si->isProvenDualInfeasible())
    else if(si->isIterationLimitReached())
   	else if(si->isAbandoned())
   	else if(si->isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached())
   	else if(si->isDualObjectiveLimitReached())

    //get number of iterations
    double iterations = si->getIterationCount();

    //get reduced cost 
    const double* reducedCost = si->getReducedCost();
    //get dual vector
    const double* dual = si->getRowPrice();
    returnDoubleMatrixToScilab(1 , 1 , numVars_ , xValue);
    returnDoubleMatrixToScilab(2 , 1 , 1 , &objValue);
    returnDoubleMatrixToScilab(3 , 1 , 1 , &status);
    returnDoubleMatrixToScilab(4 , 1 , 1 , &iterations);
    returnDoubleMatrixToScilab(5 , 1 , numVars_ , reducedCost);
    returnDoubleMatrixToScilab(6 , 1 , numCons_ , dual);
Ejemplo n.º 7
BlisStrongBranch(BlisModel *model, double objValue, int colInd, double x,
		 const double *saveLower, const double *saveUpper,
		 bool &downKeep, bool &downFinished, double &downDeg,
		 bool &upKeep, bool &upFinished, double &upDeg)
    BlisReturnStatus status = BlisReturnStatusOk;
    int lpStatus = 0;

    int j, numIntInfDown, numObjInfDown;

    double newObjValue;
    OsiSolverInterface * solver = model->solver();
    int numCols = solver->getNumCols();
    const double * lower = solver->getColLower();
    const double * upper = solver->getColUpper();

    // Restore bounds
    int numDiff = 0;

    BlisSolution* ksol = NULL;

    int ind = model->getIntObjIndices()[colInd];
    BlisObjectInt *intObj = dynamic_cast<BlisObjectInt *>(model->objects(ind));
    for (j = 0; j < numCols; ++j) {
	if (saveLower[j] != lower[j]) {
	    //solver->setColLower(j, saveLower[j]);
	if (saveUpper[j] != upper[j]) {
	    //solver->setColUpper(j, saveUpper[j]);
    std::cout << "BEFORE: numDiff = " << numDiff << std::endl;
    // Branching down.

    solver->setColUpper(colInd, floor(x));
    newObjValue = solver->getObjSense() * solver->getObjValue();
    downDeg = newObjValue - objValue;
    if (solver->isProvenOptimal()) {
	lpStatus = 0; // optimal
        printf("STRONG: COL[%d]: downDeg=%g, x=%g\n", colInd, downDeg, x);
        // Update pseudocost
        intObj->pseudocost().update(-1, downDeg, x);

        // Check if ip feasible
        ksol = model->feasibleSolution(numIntInfDown, numObjInfDown);
        if (ksol) {
            printf("STRONG:Down:found a feasible solution\n");
            model->storeSolution(BlisSolutionTypeStrong, ksol);
	    downKeep = false;
	else {
	    downKeep = true;
	downFinished = true;
    else if (solver->isIterationLimitReached() && 
	     !solver->isDualObjectiveLimitReached()) {
	lpStatus = 2;      // unknown 
	downKeep = true;
	downFinished = false;
    else {
        downDeg = 1.0e20;
	lpStatus = 1; // infeasible
	downKeep = false;
	downFinished = false;
    std::cout << "Down: lpStatus = " << lpStatus << std::endl;
    // restore bounds
    numDiff = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < numCols; ++j) {
	if (saveLower[j] != lower[j]) {
	    solver->setColLower(j, saveLower[j]);
	if (saveUpper[j] != upper[j]) {
	    solver->setColUpper(j, saveUpper[j]);
    assert(numDiff > 0);
    //std::cout << "numDiff = " << numDiff << std::endl;
    // Branching up.
    solver->setColLower(colInd, ceil(x));

    newObjValue = solver->getObjSense() * solver->getObjValue();
    upDeg = newObjValue - objValue;
    if (solver->isProvenOptimal()) {
	lpStatus = 0; // optimal

        printf("STRONG: COL[%d]: upDeg=%g, x=%g\n", colInd, upDeg, x);

        // Update pseudocost
        intObj->pseudocost().update(1, upDeg, x);

        // Check if IP feasible
        ksol = model->feasibleSolution(numIntInfDown, numObjInfDown);
        if (ksol) {
            printf("STRONG:Up:found a feasible solution\n");
            model->storeSolution(BlisSolutionTypeStrong, ksol);
            upKeep = false;
	else {
	    upKeep = true;
	upFinished = true;
    else if (solver->isIterationLimitReached()
	     &&!solver->isDualObjectiveLimitReached()) {
	lpStatus = 2; // unknown 
	upKeep = true;
	upFinished = false;
    else {
	lpStatus = 1; // infeasible
	upKeep = false;
	upFinished = false;
        upDeg = 1.0e20;
    std::cout << "STRONG: Up: lpStatus = " << lpStatus << std::endl;
    // restore bounds
    for (j = 0; j < numCols; ++j) {
	if (saveLower[j] != lower[j]) {
	if (saveUpper[j] != upper[j]) {

    return status;