void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::setupTools()
    PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL* drawPanel = static_cast<PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL*>( GetGalCanvas() );

    // Create the manager and dispatcher & route draw panel events to the dispatcher
    m_toolManager = new TOOL_MANAGER;
    m_toolManager->SetEnvironment( GetBoard(), drawPanel->GetView(),
                                   drawPanel->GetViewControls(), this );
    m_toolDispatcher = new TOOL_DISPATCHER( m_toolManager );

    drawPanel->SetEventDispatcher( m_toolDispatcher );

    m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new SELECTION_TOOL );
    m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new EDIT_TOOL );
    m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new DRAWING_TOOL );
    m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new POINT_EDITOR );
    m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new PCBNEW_CONTROL );
    m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new MODULE_TOOLS );
    m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new PLACEMENT_TOOL );
    m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new PICKER_TOOL );

    m_toolManager->GetTool<SELECTION_TOOL>()->EditModules( true );
    m_toolManager->GetTool<EDIT_TOOL>()->EditModules( true );
    m_toolManager->GetTool<DRAWING_TOOL>()->EditModules( true );

    m_toolManager->ResetTools( TOOL_BASE::RUN );
    m_toolManager->InvokeTool( "pcbnew.InteractiveSelection" );

Ejemplo n.º 2
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::SetPageSettings( const PAGE_INFO& aPageSettings )
    PCB_BASE_FRAME::SetPageSettings( aPageSettings );

    if( IsGalCanvasActive() )
        PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL* drawPanel = static_cast<PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL*>( GetGalCanvas() );

        // Prepare worksheet template
        KIGFX::WORKSHEET_VIEWITEM* worksheet;
        worksheet = new KIGFX::WORKSHEET_VIEWITEM( &m_Pcb->GetPageSettings(),
                                                   &m_Pcb->GetTitleBlock() );
        worksheet->SetSheetName( std::string( GetScreenDesc().mb_str() ) );

        BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();

        if( screen != NULL )
            worksheet->SetSheetNumber( screen->m_ScreenNumber );
            worksheet->SetSheetCount( screen->m_NumberOfScreens );

        // PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL takes ownership of the worksheet
        drawPanel->SetWorksheet( worksheet );
void PCB_BASE_EDIT_FRAME::SetBoard( BOARD* aBoard )
    bool new_board = ( aBoard != m_Pcb );

    // The active tool might store a reference to the BOARD that is about to be deleted.
    if( m_toolManager )

    // It has to be done before the previous board is destroyed by SetBoard()
    if( new_board )

    PCB_BASE_FRAME::SetBoard( aBoard );

    GetGalCanvas()->GetGAL()->SetGridOrigin( VECTOR2D( aBoard->GetGridOrigin() ) );

    // update the tool manager with the new board and its view.
    if( m_toolManager )
        PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL* drawPanel = static_cast<PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL*>( GetGalCanvas() );

        drawPanel->DisplayBoard( aBoard );
        m_toolManager->SetEnvironment( aBoard, drawPanel->GetView(),
                                       drawPanel->GetViewControls(), this );

        if( new_board )
            m_toolManager->ResetTools( TOOL_BASE::MODEL_RELOAD );
void PCB_BASE_EDIT_FRAME::SetBoard( BOARD* aBoard )
    bool new_board = ( aBoard != m_Pcb );

    // It has to be done before the previous board is destroyed by SetBoard()
    if( new_board )

    PCB_BASE_FRAME::SetBoard( aBoard );

    // update the tool manager with the new board and its view.
    if( m_toolManager )
        PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL* drawPanel = static_cast<PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL*>( GetGalCanvas() );

        drawPanel->DisplayBoard( aBoard );
        m_toolManager->SetEnvironment( aBoard, drawPanel->GetView(),
                                       drawPanel->GetViewControls(), this );

        if( new_board )
            m_toolManager->ResetTools( TOOL_BASE::MODEL_RELOAD );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::SetBoard( BOARD* aBoard )
    PCB_BASE_FRAME::SetBoard( aBoard );

    if( IsGalCanvasActive() )
        PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL* drawPanel = static_cast<PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL*>( GetGalCanvas() );

        drawPanel->DisplayBoard( aBoard );

        // Prepare worksheet template
        KIGFX::WORKSHEET_VIEWITEM* worksheet;
        worksheet = new KIGFX::WORKSHEET_VIEWITEM( &aBoard->GetPageSettings(),
                                                   &aBoard->GetTitleBlock() );
        worksheet->SetSheetName( std::string( GetScreenDesc().mb_str() ) );

        BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();

        if( screen != NULL )
            worksheet->SetSheetNumber( screen->m_ScreenNumber );
            worksheet->SetSheetCount( screen->m_NumberOfScreens );

        // PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL takes ownership of the worksheet
        drawPanel->SetWorksheet( worksheet );

        // update the tool manager with the new board and its view.
        if( m_toolManager )
            m_toolManager->SetEnvironment( aBoard, drawPanel->GetView(),
                                           drawPanel->GetViewControls(), this );
            m_toolManager->ResetTools( TOOL_BASE::MODEL_RELOAD );
Ejemplo n.º 6
    PCB_BASE_FRAME( aKiway, aParent, aFrameType, _( "Footprint Library Browser" ),
                    wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
                    aFrameType == FRAME_PCB_MODULE_VIEWER_MODAL ?
                    aParent ?
                    : KICAD_DEFAULT_DRAWFRAME_STYLE,
                    aFrameType == FRAME_PCB_MODULE_VIEWER_MODAL ?
                    : FOOTPRINT_VIEWER_FRAME_NAME )
              aFrameType == FRAME_PCB_MODULE_VIEWER );

        SetModal( true );

    // Force the frame name used in config. the footprint viewer frame has a name
    // depending on aFrameType (needed to identify the frame by wxWidgets),
    // but only one configuration is preferable.
    m_configFrameName = FOOTPRINT_VIEWER_FRAME_NAME;

    m_showAxis   = true;         // true to draw axis.

    // Give an icon
    wxIcon  icon;
    icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( modview_icon_xpm ) );
    SetIcon( icon );

    m_hotkeysDescrList = g_Module_Viewer_Hokeys_Descr;

    m_libList = new wxListBox( this, ID_MODVIEW_LIB_LIST,
                               wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, NULL, wxLB_HSCROLL );

    m_footprintList = new wxListBox( this, ID_MODVIEW_FOOTPRINT_LIST,
                                     wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, NULL, wxLB_HSCROLL );

    SetBoard( new BOARD() );
    // In viewer, the default net clearance is not known (it depends on the actual board).
    // So we do not show the default clearance, by setting it to 0
    // The footprint or pad specific clearance will be shown

    // Ensure all layers and items are visible:
    SetScreen( new PCB_SCREEN( GetPageSizeIU() ) );

    GetScreen()->m_Center = true;      // Center coordinate origins on screen.
    LoadSettings( config() );

    SetSize( m_FramePos.x, m_FramePos.y, m_FrameSize.x, m_FrameSize.y );

    GetScreen()->SetGrid( ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1000 + m_LastGridSizeId  );

    // Menu bar is not mandatory: uncomment/comment the next line
    // to add/remove the menubar


    PCB_BASE_FRAME* parentFrame = static_cast<PCB_BASE_FRAME*>( Kiway().Player( FRAME_PCB, true ) );

    // Create GAL canvas
    PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL* drawPanel = new PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL( this, -1, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), m_FrameSize,
            parentFrame->GetGalCanvas()->GetBackend() );
    SetGalCanvas( drawPanel );

    // Create the manager and dispatcher & route draw panel events to the dispatcher
    m_toolManager = new TOOL_MANAGER;
    m_toolManager->SetEnvironment( GetBoard(), drawPanel->GetView(),
                                   drawPanel->GetViewControls(), this );
    m_toolDispatcher = new TOOL_DISPATCHER( m_toolManager );
    drawPanel->SetEventDispatcher( m_toolDispatcher );

    m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new PCBNEW_CONTROL );
    m_toolManager->ResetTools( TOOL_BASE::RUN );

    // If a footprint was previously loaded, reload it
    if( getCurNickname().size() && getCurFootprintName().size() )
        FPID id;

        id.SetLibNickname( getCurNickname() );
        id.SetFootprintName( getCurFootprintName() );
        GetBoard()->Add( loadFootprint( id ) );

    drawPanel->DisplayBoard( m_Pcb );

    m_auimgr.SetManagedWindow( this );

    wxSize minsize(100,-1);     // Min size of list boxes

    // Main toolbar is initially docked at the top of the main window and dockable on any side.
    // The close button is disable because the footprint viewer has no main menu to re-enable it.
    // The tool bar will only be dockable on the top or bottom of the main frame window.  This is
    // most likely due to the fact that the other windows are not dockable and are preventing the
    // tool bar from docking on the right and left.
    wxAuiPaneInfo toolbarPaneInfo;
    toolbarPaneInfo.Name( wxT( "m_mainToolBar" ) ).ToolbarPane().Top().CloseButton( false );

    EDA_PANEINFO info;

    EDA_PANEINFO mesg;

    // Manage main toolbar, top pane
    m_auimgr.AddPane( m_mainToolBar, toolbarPaneInfo );

    // Manage the list of libraries, left pane.
    m_auimgr.AddPane( m_libList,
                      wxAuiPaneInfo( info ).Name( wxT( "m_libList" ) )
                      .Left().Row( 1 ).MinSize( minsize ) );

    // Manage the list of footprints, center pane.
    m_auimgr.AddPane( m_footprintList,
                      wxAuiPaneInfo( info ).Name( wxT( "m_footprintList" ) )
                      .Left().Row( 2 ).MinSize( minsize ) );

    // Manage the draw panel, right pane.
    m_auimgr.AddPane( m_canvas,
                      wxAuiPaneInfo().Name( wxT( "DrawFrame" ) ).CentrePane() );
    m_auimgr.AddPane( (wxWindow*) GetGalCanvas(),
                      wxAuiPaneInfo().Name( wxT( "DrawFrameGal" ) ).CentrePane().Hide() );

    // Manage the message panel, bottom pane.
    m_auimgr.AddPane( m_messagePanel,
                      wxAuiPaneInfo( mesg ).Name( wxT( "MsgPanel" ) ).Bottom() );

    if( !m_perspective.IsEmpty() )
        // Restore last saved sizes, pos and other params
        // However m_mainToolBar size cannot be set to its last saved size
        // because the actual size change depending on the way modview was called:
        // the tool to export the current footprint exist or not.
        // and the saved size is not always OK
        // the trick is to get the default toolbar size, and set the size after
        // calling LoadPerspective
        wxSize tbsize = m_mainToolBar->GetSize();
        m_auimgr.LoadPerspective( m_perspective, false );
        m_auimgr.GetPane( m_mainToolBar ).BestSize( tbsize );

    // after changing something to the aui manager,
    // call Update()() to reflect the changes

    // Now Drawpanel is sized, we can use BestZoom to show the component (if any)
    GetScreen()->SetZoom( BestZoom() );
    Zoom_Automatique( false );

    UseGalCanvas( parentFrame->IsGalCanvasActive() );

    if( !IsModal() )        // For modal mode, calling ShowModal() will show this frame
        Raise();            // On some window managers, this is needed
        Show( true );
                                                FRAME_T aFrameType ) :
    PCB_BASE_FRAME( aKiway, aParent, aFrameType, _( "Footprint Library Browser" ),
            wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
            aFrameType == FRAME_PCB_MODULE_VIEWER_MODAL ? ( aParent ? PARENT_STYLE : MODAL_STYLE )
                                                        : NONMODAL_STYLE,
                                                        : FOOTPRINT_VIEWER_FRAME_NAME )
              aFrameType == FRAME_PCB_MODULE_VIEWER );

        SetModal( true );

    // Force the frame name used in config. the footprint viewer frame has a name
    // depending on aFrameType (needed to identify the frame by wxWidgets),
    // but only one configuration is preferable.
    m_configFrameName = FOOTPRINT_VIEWER_FRAME_NAME;

    m_showAxis   = true;         // true to draw axis.

    // Give an icon
    wxIcon  icon;
    icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( modview_icon_xpm ) );
    SetIcon( icon );

    m_hotkeysDescrList = g_Module_Viewer_Hotkeys_Descr;

    m_libList = new wxListBox( this, ID_MODVIEW_LIB_LIST, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
                               0, NULL, wxLB_HSCROLL | wxNO_BORDER );

    m_footprintList = new wxListBox( this, ID_MODVIEW_FOOTPRINT_LIST, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
                                     0, NULL, wxLB_HSCROLL | wxNO_BORDER );

    SetBoard( new BOARD() );
    // In viewer, the default net clearance is not known (it depends on the actual board).
    // So we do not show the default clearance, by setting it to 0
    // The footprint or pad specific clearance will be shown

    // Don't show the default board solder mask clearance in the footprint viewer.  Only the
    // footprint or pad clearance setting should be shown if it is not 0.
    GetBoard()->GetDesignSettings().m_SolderMaskMargin = 0;

    // Ensure all layers and items are visible:
    SetScreen( new PCB_SCREEN( GetPageSizeIU() ) );

    GetScreen()->m_Center = true;      // Center coordinate origins on screen.
    LoadSettings( config() );
    GetGalDisplayOptions().m_axesEnabled = true;

    SetSize( m_FramePos.x, m_FramePos.y, m_FrameSize.x, m_FrameSize.y );

    GetScreen()->SetGrid( ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1000 + m_LastGridSizeId  );

    // Menu bar is not mandatory: uncomment/comment the next line
    // to add/remove the menubar


    // Create GAL canvas
    PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL* drawPanel = new PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL( this, -1, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), m_FrameSize,
                                                            LoadCanvasTypeSetting() );
    SetGalCanvas( drawPanel );

    // Create the manager and dispatcher & route draw panel events to the dispatcher
    m_toolManager = new TOOL_MANAGER;
    m_toolManager->SetEnvironment( GetBoard(), drawPanel->GetView(),
                                   drawPanel->GetViewControls(), this );
    m_actions = new PCB_ACTIONS();
    m_toolDispatcher = new TOOL_DISPATCHER( m_toolManager, m_actions );
    drawPanel->SetEventDispatcher( m_toolDispatcher );

    m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new PCBNEW_CONTROL );
    m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new SELECTION_TOOL );  // for std context menus (zoom & grid)
    m_toolManager->RegisterTool( new COMMON_TOOLS );
    m_toolManager->InvokeTool( "pcbnew.InteractiveSelection" );

    // If a footprint was previously loaded, reload it
    if( getCurNickname().size() && getCurFootprintName().size() )
        LIB_ID id;

        id.SetLibNickname( getCurNickname() );
        id.SetLibItemName( getCurFootprintName() );
        GetBoard()->Add( loadFootprint( id ) );

    drawPanel->DisplayBoard( m_Pcb );

    m_auimgr.SetManagedWindow( this );
    m_auimgr.SetArtProvider( new EDA_DOCKART( this ) );

    // Horizontal items; layers 4 - 6
    m_auimgr.AddPane( m_mainToolBar, EDA_PANE().VToolbar().Name( "MainToolbar" ).Top().Layer(6) );
    m_auimgr.AddPane( m_messagePanel, EDA_PANE().Messages().Name( "MsgPanel" ).Bottom().Layer(6) );

    // Vertical items; layers 1 - 3
    m_auimgr.AddPane( m_libList, EDA_PANE().Palette().Name( "Libraries" ).Left().Layer(2)
                      .CaptionVisible( false ).MinSize( 100, -1 ).BestSize( 200, -1 ) );
    m_auimgr.AddPane( m_footprintList, EDA_PANE().Palette().Name( "Footprints" ).Left().Layer(1)
                      .CaptionVisible( false ).MinSize( 100, -1 ).BestSize( 300, -1 ) );

    m_auimgr.AddPane( m_canvas, EDA_PANE().Canvas().Name( "DrawFrame" ).Center() );
    m_auimgr.AddPane( GetGalCanvas(), EDA_PANE().Canvas().Name( "DrawFrameGal" ).Center().Hide() );

    // after changing something to the aui manager,
    // call Update()() to reflect the changes

    GetGalCanvas()->GetGAL()->SetAxesEnabled( true );
    UseGalCanvas( true );

    // Restore last zoom.  (If auto-zooming we'll adjust when we load the footprint.)
    GetGalCanvas()->GetView()->SetScale( m_lastZoom );


    if( !IsModal() )        // For modal mode, calling ShowModal() will show this frame
        Raise();            // On some window managers, this is needed
        Show( true );