bool getCompressorShortedFault(void *pcm_pointer, int32_t *status) { PCM *module = (PCM *)pcm_pointer; bool value; *status = module->GetCompressorShortedFault(value); return value; }
float getCompressorCurrent(void *pcm_pointer, int32_t *status) { PCM *module = (PCM *)pcm_pointer; float value; *status = module->GetCompressorCurrent(value); return value; }
bool getCompressorCurrentTooHighStickyFault(void *pcm_pointer, int32_t *status) { PCM *module = (PCM *)pcm_pointer; bool value; *status = module->GetCompressorCurrentTooHighStickyFault(value); return value; }
bool getClosedLoopControl(void *pcm_pointer, int32_t *status) { PCM *module = (PCM *)pcm_pointer; bool value; *status = module->GetClosedLoopControl(value); return value; }
bool getPressureSwitch(void *pcm_pointer, int32_t *status) { PCM *module = (PCM *)pcm_pointer; bool value; *status = module->GetPressure(value); return value; }
bool getCompressorNotConnectedStickyFault(void *pcm_pointer, int32_t *status) { PCM *module = (PCM *)pcm_pointer; bool value; *status = module->GetCompressorNotConnectedStickyFault(value); return value; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Args var arg(argc, argv); // Read the waveform from file PCM pcm; ind fi = arg.index("-f"); var wav = fi ? arg[fi+1] : "arctic_a0001.wav"; var a =; // Frame it int frameSize = 256; int framePeriod = 128; var f = pcm.frame(a, frameSize, framePeriod); // Window the frames var w = nuttall(frameSize); f *= w; // Choose the output type ind ti = arg.index("-t"); var t = ti ? arg[ti+1] : "spec"; var p; if (t == "spec") { // Fourier transform lube::DFT dft(frameSize); var s = dft(f); // Periodogram p = lube::norm(s); } else if (t == "ar") { // LP spectrum int order = arorder(pcm.rate()); Autocorrelation ac(frameSize); var af = ac(f); Levinson ar(order); var lf = ar(af); Gain gain(order); var g = gain(af, lf); Spectrum s(order, 129); p = s(lf, g); } // Plot var gnu; gnu.push("plot \"-\" matrix with image"); gnu.push(lube::log(p+1e-8)); file gnuf("gnuplot"); gnuf.write(lube::nil, gnu); return 0; }
/** * \brief handles signals that lead to update of configuration * such as SIGSTOP, SIGTSTP, SIGTTIN, SIGTTOU */ void sigSTOP_handler(int signum) { PCM *m = PCM::getInstance(); int runState = m->getRunState(); std::string state = (runState==1 ? "suspend" : "continue"); std::cerr << "DEBUG: caught signal to " << state << " execution." << std::endl; // debug of signals only if(runState==1) { // stop counters and sleep... almost forever; m->setRunState(0); sleep(INT_MAX); } else { // resume m->setRunState(1); alarm(1); } return; }
void pcmInit() { std::cout << "Initializing PCM" << std::endl; PCM* m = PCM::getInstance(); m->disableJKTWorkaround(); switch( m->program() ) { case PCM::Success: std::cout << "PCM Initialized" << std::endl; return; case PCM::PMUBusy: std::cout << "PCM::PMU Busy!" << std::endl; m->resetPMU(); return; default: return; } }
int32_t initpcm() { int ret = -1; PCM *m = PCM::getInstance(); PCM::CustomCoreEventDescription para[4]; if (m != NULL) { para[0].event_number = MEM_UOP_RETIRED; para[0].umask_value = LOADS; para[1].event_number = MEM_LOAD_UOPS_RETIRED_EVENT; para[1].umask_value = L1_HIT; para[2].event_number = MEM_LOAD_UOPS_RETIRED_EVENT; para[2].umask_value = L2_HIT; para[3].event_number = MEM_LOAD_UOPS_RETIRED_EVENT; para[3].umask_value = LLC_HIT; ret = m->program(PCM::CUSTOM_CORE_EVENTS, para); } return ret; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { std::cout << "\n Intel(r) Performance Counter Monitor " << INTEL_PCM_VERSION << std::endl; std::cout << "\n Power Monitoring Utility\n Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Intel Corporation\n"; int imc_profile = 0; int pcu_profile = 0; int delay = -1; char * ext_program = NULL; freq_band[0] = default_freq_band[0]; freq_band[1] = default_freq_band[1]; freq_band[2] = default_freq_band[2]; int my_opt = -1; while ((my_opt = getopt(argc, argv, "m:p:a:b:c:")) != -1) { switch(my_opt) { case 'm': imc_profile = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': pcu_profile = atoi(optarg); break; case 'a': freq_band[0] = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': freq_band[1] = atoi(optarg); break; case 'c': freq_band[2] = atoi(optarg); break; default: print_usage(argv[0]); return -1; } } if (optind >= argc) { print_usage(argv[0]); return -1; } delay = atoi(argv[optind]); if(delay == 0) ext_program = argv[optind]; else delay = (delay<0)?1:delay; #ifdef _MSC_VER // Increase the priority a bit to improve context switching delays on Windows SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL); TCHAR driverPath[1024]; GetCurrentDirectory(1024, driverPath); wcscat(driverPath, L"\\msr.sys"); // WARNING: This driver code (msr.sys) is only for testing purposes, not for production use Driver drv; // drv.stop(); // restart driver (usually not needed) if (!drv.start(driverPath)) { std::cout << "Can not access CPU performance counters" << std::endl; std::cout << "You must have signed msr.sys driver in your current directory and have administrator rights to run this program" << std::endl; return -1; } #endif PCM * m = PCM::getInstance(); m->disableJKTWorkaround(); if(!(m->hasPCICFGUncore())) { std::cout <<"Unsupported processor model ("<<m->getCPUModel()<<"). Only models "<<PCM::JAKETOWN<<" (JAKETOWN), " << PCM::IVYTOWN<< " (IVYTOWN) are supported."<< std::endl; return -1; } if(PCM::Success != m->programServerUncorePowerMetrics(imc_profile,pcu_profile,freq_band)) { #ifdef _MSC_VER std::cout << "You must have signed msr.sys driver in your current directory and have administrator rights to run this program" << std::endl; #elif defined(__linux__) std::cout << "You need to be root and loaded 'msr' Linux kernel module to execute the program. You may load the 'msr' module with 'modprobe msr'. \n"; #endif return -1; } ServerUncorePowerState * BeforeState = new ServerUncorePowerState[m->getNumSockets()]; ServerUncorePowerState * AfterState = new ServerUncorePowerState[m->getNumSockets()]; uint64 BeforeTime = 0, AfterTime = 0; std::cout << std::dec << std::endl; std::cout.precision(2); std::cout << std::fixed; std::cout << "\nMC counter group: "<<imc_profile << std::endl; std::cout << "PCU counter group: "<<pcu_profile << std::endl; if(pcu_profile == 0) std::cout << "Freq bands [0/1/2]: "<<freq_band[0]*100 << " MHz; "<< freq_band[1]*100 << " MHz; "<<freq_band[2]*100 << " MHz; "<<std::endl; if(!ext_program) std::cout << "Update every "<<delay<<" seconds"<< std::endl; uint32 i = 0; BeforeTime = m->getTickCount(); for(i=0; i<m->getNumSockets(); ++i) BeforeState[i] = m->getServerUncorePowerState(i); while(1) { std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<std::endl; #ifdef _MSC_VER int delay_ms = delay * 1000; // compensate slow Windows console output if(AfterTime) delay_ms -= (int)(m->getTickCount() - BeforeTime); if(delay_ms < 0) delay_ms = 0; #else int delay_ms = delay * 1000; #endif if(ext_program) MySystem(ext_program); else MySleepMs(delay_ms); AfterTime = m->getTickCount(); for(i=0; i<m->getNumSockets(); ++i) AfterState[i] = m->getServerUncorePowerState(i); std::cout << "Time elapsed: "<<AfterTime-BeforeTime<<" ms\n"; std::cout << "Called sleep function for "<<delay_ms<<" ms\n"; for(uint32 socket=0;socket<m->getNumSockets();++socket) { for(uint32 port=0;port<m->getQPILinksPerSocket();++port) { std::cout << "S"<<socket<<"P"<<port << "; QPIClocks: "<< getQPIClocks(port,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; L0p Tx Cycles: "<< 100.*getNormalizedQPIL0pTxCycles(port,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])<< "%" << "; L1 Cycles: " << 100.*getNormalizedQPIL1Cycles(port,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])<< "%" << "\n"; } for(uint32 channel=0;channel<m->getMCChannelsPerSocket();++channel) { if(imc_profile <= 3 && imc_profile >= 0) { std::cout << "S"<<socket<<"CH"<<channel <<"; DRAMClocks: "<< getDRAMClocks(channel,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; Rank"<<getFirstRank(imc_profile)<<" CKE Off Residency: "<< std::setw(3) << 100.*getCKEOffResidency(channel,getFirstRank(imc_profile),BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])<<"%" << "; Rank"<<getFirstRank(imc_profile)<<" CKE Off Average Cycles: "<< getCKEOffAverageCycles(channel,getFirstRank(imc_profile),BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; Rank"<<getFirstRank(imc_profile)<<" Cycles per transition: "<< getCyclesPerTransition(channel,getFirstRank(imc_profile),BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "\n"; std::cout << "S"<<socket<<"CH"<<channel <<"; DRAMClocks: "<< getDRAMClocks(channel,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; Rank"<<getSecondRank(imc_profile)<<" CKE Off Residency: "<< std::setw(3) << 100.*getCKEOffResidency(channel,getSecondRank(imc_profile),BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])<<"%" << "; Rank"<<getSecondRank(imc_profile)<<" CKE Off Average Cycles: "<< getCKEOffAverageCycles(channel,getSecondRank(imc_profile),BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; Rank"<<getSecondRank(imc_profile)<<" Cycles per transition: "<< getCyclesPerTransition(channel,getSecondRank(imc_profile),BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "\n"; } else if(imc_profile == 4) { std::cout << "S"<<socket<<"CH"<<channel << "; DRAMClocks: "<< getDRAMClocks(channel,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; Self-refresh cycles: "<< getSelfRefreshCycles(channel,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; Self-refresh transitions: "<< getSelfRefreshTransitions(channel,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "\n"; } } switch(pcu_profile) { case 0: std::cout << "S"<<socket << "; PCUClocks: "<< getPCUClocks(BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; Freq band 0/1/2 cycles: "<< 100.*getNormalizedPCUCounter(1,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])<<"%" << "; "<< 100.*getNormalizedPCUCounter(2,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])<<"%" << "; "<< 100.*getNormalizedPCUCounter(3,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])<<"%" << "\n"; break; case 1: std::cout << "S"<<socket << "; PCUClocks: "<< getPCUClocks(BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; core C0/C3/C6-state residency: "<< getNormalizedPCUCounter(1,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; "<< getNormalizedPCUCounter(2,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; "<< getNormalizedPCUCounter(3,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "\n"; break; case 2: std::cout << "S"<<socket << "; PCUClocks: "<< getPCUClocks(BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; Internal prochot cycles: "<< getNormalizedPCUCounter(1,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])*100. <<" %" << "; External prochot cycles:" << getNormalizedPCUCounter(2,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])*100. <<" %" << "; Thermal freq limit cycles:" << getNormalizedPCUCounter(3,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])*100. <<" %" << "\n"; break; case 3: std::cout << "S"<<socket << "; PCUClocks: "<< getPCUClocks(BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; Thermal freq limit cycles: "<< getNormalizedPCUCounter(1,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])*100. <<" %" << "; Power freq limit cycles:" << getNormalizedPCUCounter(2,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])*100. <<" %" << "; Clipped freq limit cycles:" << getNormalizedPCUCounter(3,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])*100. <<" %" << "\n"; break; case 4: std::cout << "S"<<socket << "; PCUClocks: "<< getPCUClocks(BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; OS freq limit cycles: "<< getNormalizedPCUCounter(1,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])*100. <<" %" << "; Power freq limit cycles:" << getNormalizedPCUCounter(2,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])*100. <<" %" << "; Clipped freq limit cycles:" << getNormalizedPCUCounter(3,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])*100. <<" %" << "\n"; break; case 5: std::cout << "S"<<socket << "; PCUClocks: "<< getPCUClocks(BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; Frequency transition count: "<< getPCUCounter(1,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) <<" " << "; Cycles spent changing frequency: " << getNormalizedPCUCounter(2,BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])*100. <<" %" << "\n"; break; } std::cout << "S"<<socket << "; Consumed energy units: "<< getConsumedEnergy(BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; Consumed Joules: "<< getConsumedJoules(BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; Watts: "<< 1000.*getConsumedJoules(BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])/double(AfterTime-BeforeTime) << "; Thermal headroom below TjMax: " << AfterState[socket].getPackageThermalHeadroom() << "\n"; std::cout << "S"<<socket << "; Consumed DRAM energy units: "<< getDRAMConsumedEnergy(BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; Consumed DRAM Joules: "<< getDRAMConsumedJoules(BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket]) << "; DRAM Watts: "<< 1000.*getDRAMConsumedJoules(BeforeState[socket],AfterState[socket])/double(AfterTime-BeforeTime) << "\n"; } std::swap(BeforeState,AfterState); std::swap(BeforeTime,AfterTime); if(ext_program) { std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<std::endl; break; } } delete [] BeforeState; delete [] AfterState; }
PCM::PCM(const PCM& pcm) : functional::DirectAudio<PCM, sound::Sound>(pcm.a(), pcm.b(), pcm.settings()), _this(pcm._this) {}
void setClosedLoopControl(void *pcm_pointer, bool value, int32_t *status) { PCM *module = (PCM *)pcm_pointer; *status = module->SetClosedLoopControl(value); }
void clearAllPCMStickyFaults(void *pcm_pointer, int32_t *status) { PCM *module = (PCM *)pcm_pointer; *status = module->ClearStickyFaults(); }
CoreCounterState getCoreCounterState(int32_t tid) { PCM * inst = PCM::getInstance(); CoreCounterState result; if (inst) result = inst->getCoreCounterState(tid); return result; }