Ejemplo n.º 1
    try {
	PDFlib *p;
	int image;
	char *imagefile = (char *) "nesrin.jpg";
	// This is where font/image/PDF input files live. Adjust as necessary. 
	char *searchpath = (char *) "../data";

	p = new PDFlib();

	//  This means we must check return values of load_font() etc.
	p->set_parameter("errorpolicy", "return");

	p->set_parameter("SearchPath", searchpath);

	// This line is required to avoid problems on Japanese systems
	p->set_parameter("hypertextencoding", "host");

	if (p->begin_document("image.pdf", "") == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p->get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

	p->set_info("Creator", "image.cpp");
	p->set_info("Author", "Thomas Merz");
	p->set_info("Title", "image sample (C++)!");

	image = p->load_image("auto", imagefile, "");

	if (image == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p->get_errmsg() << endl;

	// dummy page size, will be adjusted by PDF_fit_image()
	p->begin_page_ext(10, 10, "");
	p->fit_image(image, 0.0, 0.0, "adjustpage");


    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
	cerr << "PDFlib exception occurred in hello sample: " << endl;
	cerr << "[" << ex.get_errnum() << "] " << ex.get_apiname()
	    << ": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
	return 2;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    try {

        /* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
        string searchpath = "../data";
        string outfile = "starter_layer.pdf";

        PDFlib p;
        string rgb = "nesrin.jpg";
        string gray = "nesrin_gray.jpg";

#define BUFLEN 1024
        char buf[BUFLEN];
        int font, imageRGB, imageGray, layerRGB, layerGray, layerEN, layerDE;

        /* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */
        p.set_parameter("errorpolicy", "return");

        p.set_parameter("SearchPath", searchpath);

        /* Open the document with the "Layers" navigation tab visible */
        if (p.begin_document(outfile, "openmode=layers") == -1) {
            cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

        p.set_info("Creator", "PDFlib starter sample");
        p.set_info("Title", "starter_layer");

        /* Load the font */
        font = p.load_font("Helvetica", "winansi", "");

        if (font == -1) {
            cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

        /* Load the Grayscale image */
        imageGray = p.load_image("auto", gray, "");
        if (imageGray == -1) {
            cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

        /* Load the RGB image */
        imageRGB = p.load_image("auto", rgb, "");
        if (imageRGB == -1) {
            cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

	 * Define all layers which will be used, and their relationships.
         * This should be done before the first page if the layers are
	 * used on more than one page.

        /* Define the layer "RGB" */
        layerRGB = p.define_layer("RGB", "");

        /* Define the layer "Grayscale" which is hidden when opening the
         * document or printing it.
        layerGray = p.define_layer("Grayscale",
                    "initialviewstate=false initialprintstate=false");

        /* At most one of the "Grayscale" and "RGB" layers should be visible */
        sprintf(buf, "group={%d %d}", layerGray, layerRGB);
        p.set_layer_dependency("Radiobtn", buf);

        /* Define the layer "English" */
        layerEN = p.define_layer("English", "");

        /* Define the layer "German" which is hidden when opening the document
         * or printing it.
        layerDE = p.define_layer("German",
                    "initialviewstate=false initialprintstate=false");

        /* At most one of the "English" and "German" layers should be visible */
        sprintf(buf, "group={%d %d}", layerEN, layerDE);
        p.set_layer_dependency("Radiobtn", buf);

        /* Start page */
        p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height");

	/* Place the RGB image on the layer "RGB" */
        p.fit_image(imageRGB, 100, 400,
                    "boxsize={400 300} fitmethod=meet");

	/* Place the Grayscale image on the layer "Grayscale" */
        p.fit_image(imageGray, 100, 400,
                    "boxsize={400 300} fitmethod=meet");

	/* Place an English image caption on the layer "English" */
        sprintf(buf, "font=%d fontsize=20", font);
        p.fit_textline("This is the Nesrin image.", 100, 370, buf);

	/* Place a German image caption on the layer "German".  */
        sprintf(buf, "font=%d fontsize=20", font);
        p.fit_textline("Das ist das Nesrin-Bild.", 100, 370, buf);





    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
        cerr << "PDFlib exception occurred:" << endl;
        cerr << "[" << ex.get_errnum() << "] " << ex.get_apiname()
            << ": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
        return 2;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    try {
	/* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary.*/
	const wstring searchpath = L"../data";

	PDFlib p;
	const wstring imagefile = L"nesrin.jpg";
	int font, image, spot, icc;
	wostringstream optlist;

	//  This means we must check return values of load_font() etc.
	p.set_parameter(L"errorpolicy", L"return");

	p.set_parameter(L"SearchPath", searchpath);

	if (p.begin_document(L"starter_pdfx3.pdf", L"pdfx=PDF/X-3:2003")
                                                                    == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

	p.set_info(L"Creator", L"PDFlib starter sample");
	p.set_info(L"Title", L"starter_pdfx3");

	 * You can use one of the Standard output intents (e.g. for SWOP
	 * printing) which do not require an ICC profile:

	p.load_iccprofile(L"CGATS TR 001", L"usage=outputintent");

	 * However, if you use ICC or Lab color you must load an ICC
	 * profile as output intent:
	if (p.load_iccprofile(L"ISOcoated.icc", L"usage=outputintent") == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
	    wcerr << L"Please install the ICC profile package from " <<
		L"www.pdflib.com to run the PDF/X starter sample." << endl;
	    return 2;

	p.begin_page_ext(595, 842, L"");

	/* Font embedding is required for PDF/X */
	font = p.load_font(L"LuciduxSans-Oblique", L"winansi", L"embedding");
	if (font == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;
	p.setfont(font, 24);

	spot = p.makespotcolor(L"PANTONE 123 C");
	p.setcolor(L"fill", L"spot", spot, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	p.fit_textline(L"PDF/X-3:2003 starter", 50, 700, L"");

	/* The RGB image below needs an ICC profile; we use sRGB. */
	icc = p.load_iccprofile(L"sRGB", L"");
        optlist << L"iccprofile=" << icc;
	image = p.load_image(L"auto", imagefile, optlist.str());

	if (image == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

	p.fit_image(image, 0.0, 0.0, L"scale=0.5");
    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
	wcerr << L"PDFlib exception occurred:" << endl
	      << L"[" << ex.get_errnum() << L"] " << ex.get_apiname()
	      << L": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
	return 2;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    try {
	/* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
	const wstring searchpath = L"../data";

	PDFlib p;
	const wstring imagefile = L"nesrin.jpg";

	int font;
	int image;

	//  This means we must check return values of load_font() etc.
	p.set_parameter(L"errorpolicy", L"return");

	p.set_parameter(L"SearchPath", searchpath);

	if (p.begin_document(L"starter_pdfa1b.pdf",
                                        L"pdfa=PDF/A-1b:2005") == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

	 * We use sRGB as output intent since it allows the color
	 * spaces CIELab, ICC-based, grayscale, and RGB.
	 * If you need CMYK color you must use a CMYK output profile.

	p.load_iccprofile(L"sRGB", L"usage=outputintent");

	p.set_info(L"Creator", L"PDFlib starter sample");
	p.set_info(L"Title", L"starter_pdfa1b");

	p.begin_page_ext(595, 842, L"");

	/* Font embedding is required for PDF/A */
	font = p.load_font(L"LuciduxSans-Oblique", L"winansi", L"embedding");
	if (font == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;
	p.setfont(font, 24);

	p.fit_textline(L"PDF/A-1b:2005 starter", 50, 700, L"");

	/* We can use an RGB image since we already supplied an
	 * output intent profile.
	image = p.load_image(L"auto", imagefile, L"");

	if (image == -1){
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

	/* Place the image at the bottom of the page */
	p.fit_image(image, 0.0, 0.0, L"scale=0.5");


    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
	wcerr << L"PDFlib exception occurred:" << endl
	      << L"[" << ex.get_errnum() << L"] " << ex.get_apiname()
	      << L": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
	return 2;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    try {

        /* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
        string searchpath = "../data";
        string outfile = "starter_image.pdf";

#define BUFLEN 1024
        char buf[BUFLEN];
        PDFlib p;
        string imagefile = "lionel.jpg";
        int font, image;
        int bw = 400, bh = 200;
        int x = 20, y = 580, yoffset = 260;

        p.set_parameter("SearchPath", searchpath);

        /* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */
        p.set_parameter("errorpolicy", "return");

        if (p.begin_document(outfile, "") == -1) {
            cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

        p.set_info("Creator", "PDFlib starter sample");
        p.set_info("Title", "starter_image");

        /* For PDFlib Lite: change "unicode" to "winansi" */
        font = p.load_font("Helvetica", "winansi", "");
        if (font == -1) {
            cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

        /* Load the image */
        image = p.load_image("auto", imagefile, "");
        if (image == -1) {
            cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

        /* Start page 1 */
        p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height");
        p.setfont(font, 12);

        /* ------------------------------------
         * Place the image in its original size
         * ------------------------------------

        /* Position the image in its original size with its lower left corner
         * at the reference point (20, 380)
        p.fit_image(image, 20, 380, "");

        /* Output some descriptive text */
            "The image is placed with the lower left corner in its original "
            "size at reference point (20, 380):", 20, 820, "");
        p.fit_textline("fit_image(image, 20, 380, \"\");", 20, 800, "");

        /* --------------------------------------------------------
         * Place the image with scaling and orientation to the west
         * --------------------------------------------------------

        /* Position the image with its lower right corner at the reference
         * point (580, 20).
         * "scale=0.5" scales the image by 0.5.
         * "orientate=west" orientates the image to the west.
        p.fit_image(image, 580, 20,
            "scale=0.5 position={right bottom} orientate=west");

        /* Output some descriptive text */
            "The image is placed with a scaling of 0.5 and an orientation to "
            "the west with the lower right corner", 580, 320,
            "position={right bottom}");
            " at reference point (580, 20): fit_image(image, 580, 20, "
            "\"scale=0.5 orientate=west position={right bottom}\");",
            580, 300, "position={right bottom}");


        /* Start page 2 */
        p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height");
        p.setfont(font, 12);

        /* --------------------------------------
         * Fit the image into a box with clipping
         * --------------------------------------

        /* The "boxsize" option defines a box with a given width and height and
         * its lower left corner located at the reference point.
         * "position={right top}" positions the image on the top right of the
         * box.
         * "fitmethod=clip" clips the image to fit it into the box.
        sprintf(buf, "boxsize={%d %d} position={right top} fitmethod=clip",
            bw, bh);
        p.fit_image(image, x, y, buf);

        /* Output some descriptive text */
            "fit_image(image, x, y, \"boxsize={400 200} position={right top} "
            "fitmethod=clip\");", 20, y+bh+10, "");

        /* ---------------------------------------------------
         * Fit the image into a box with proportional resizing
         * ---------------------------------------------------

        /* The "boxsize" option defines a box with a given width and height and
         * its lower left corner located at the reference point.
         * "position={center}" positions the image in the center of the
         * box.
         * "fitmethod=meet" resizes the image proportionally until its height
         * or width completely fits into the box.
         * The "showborder" option is used to illustrate the borders of the box.
            "boxsize={%d %d} position={center} fitmethod=meet showborder",
            bw, bh);
        p.fit_image(image, x, y-=yoffset, buf);

        /* Output some descriptive text */
            "fit_image(image, x, y, \"boxsize={400 200} position={center} "
            "fitmethod=meet showborder\");", 20, y+bh+10, "");

        /* ---------------------------------
         * Fit the image into a box entirely
         * ---------------------------------

        /* The "boxsize" option defines a box with a given width and height and
         * its lower left corner located at the reference point.
         * By default, the image is positioned in the lower left corner of the
         * box.
         * "fitmethod=entire" resizes the image proportionally until its height
         * or width completely fits into the box.
        sprintf(buf, "boxsize={%d %d} fitmethod=entire", bw, bh);
        p.fit_image(image, x, y-=yoffset, buf);

        /* Output some descriptive text */
            "fit_image(image, x, y, \"boxsize={400 200} fitmethod=entire\");",
            20, y+bh+10, "");





    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
        cerr << "PDFlib exception occurred:" << endl;
        cerr << "[" << ex.get_errnum() << "] " << ex.get_apiname()
            << ": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
        return 2;

    return 0;