Ejemplo n.º 1
int PMInsertRuleSystem::canInsert( const PMObject* parentObject,
                                   const QStringList& list,
                                   const PMObject* after )
   if( list.size( ) == 1 )
      // more efficient
      if( canInsert( parentObject, list.first( ), after ) )
         return 1;
         return 0;

   // find rules for target class
   QPtrList<PMRuleTargetClass> targetClassList;
   PMMetaObject* meta = parentObject->metaObject( );
   for( ; meta; meta = meta->superClass( ) )
      PMRuleTargetClass* tc = m_rulesDict.find( meta->className( ) );
      if( tc )
         targetClassList.append( tc );
   if( targetClassList.isEmpty( ) )
      return 0; // not rules found

   // count already inserted children
   QPtrListIterator<PMRuleTargetClass> tit( targetClassList );
   for( ; tit.current( ); ++tit ) // ... for all target classes
      QPtrListIterator<PMRule> rit = tit.current( )->rules( );
      for( ; rit.current( ); ++rit ) // ... and all rules
         rit.current( )->reset( );
         bool afterInsertPoint = false;
         PMObject* o = parentObject->firstChild( );
         if( !after )
            afterInsertPoint = true;
         for( ; o; o = o->nextSibling( ) )
            rit.current( )->countChild( o->className( ), afterInsertPoint );
            if( o == after )
               afterInsertPoint = true;

   int number = 0;
   QStringList::const_iterator oit;

   for( oit = list.begin( ); oit != list.end( ); ++oit )
      bool possible = false;
      for( tit.toFirst( ); tit.current( ) && !possible; ++tit )
         QPtrListIterator<PMRule> rit = tit.current( )->rules( );

         for( ; rit.current( ) && !possible; ++rit )
            PMRule* rule = rit.current( );
            if( rule->matches( *oit ) )
               possible = rule->evaluate( parentObject );
      if( possible )
         // object can be inserted, count it
         for( ; tit.current( ); ++tit )
            QPtrListIterator<PMRule> rit = tit.current( )->rules( );
            for( ; rit.current( ); ++rit )
               rit.current( )->countChild( *oit, false );

   return number;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool PMInsertRuleSystem::canInsert( const PMObject* parentObject,
                                    const QString& className,
                                    const PMObject* after,
                                    const PMObjectList* objectsBetween )
   bool possible = false;

   // find rules for target class
   PMMetaObject* meta = parentObject->metaObject( );
   for( ; meta && !possible; meta = meta->superClass( ) )
      PMRuleTargetClass* tc = m_rulesDict.find( meta->className( ) );
      if( tc )
         // check the exception list
         QStringList exceptions = tc->exceptions( );
         bool exceptionFound = false;
         QStringList::ConstIterator it;
         for( it = exceptions.begin( );
              it != exceptions.end( ) && !exceptionFound; ++it )
            if( parentObject->isA( *it ) )
               exceptionFound = true;

         if( !exceptionFound )
            QPtrListIterator<PMRule> rit = tc->rules( );
            // find matching rules for class name
            for( ; rit.current( ) && !possible; ++rit )
               PMRule* rule = rit.current( );
               if( rule->matches( className ) )
                  // matching rule found
                  // reset the rule
                  rit.current( )->reset( );

                  // count already inserted child objects
                  bool afterInsertPoint = false;
                  PMObject* o = parentObject->firstChild( );
                  if( !after )
                     afterInsertPoint = true;
                  for( ; o; o = o->nextSibling( ) )
                     rule->countChild( o->className( ), afterInsertPoint );
                     if( o == after )
                        afterInsertPoint = true;
                  if( objectsBetween )
                     PMObjectListIterator it( *objectsBetween );
                     for( ; it.current( ); ++it )
                        rule->countChild( it.current( )->type( ), false );

                  // evaluate condition value
                  possible = rule->evaluate( parentObject );

   return possible;