Ejemplo n.º 1
// get the node ids in 1-connected components 
void Get1CnCom(const PUNGraph& Graph, TCnComV& Cn1ComV) {
  //TCnCom::GetWccCnt(Graph, SzCntV);  IAssertR(SzCntV.Len() == 1, "Graph is not connected.");
  TIntPrV EdgeV;
  GetEdgeBridges(Graph, EdgeV);
  if (EdgeV.Empty()) { Cn1ComV.Clr(false); return; }
  PUNGraph TmpG = TUNGraph::New();
  *TmpG = *Graph;
  for (int e = 0; e < EdgeV.Len(); e++) {
    TmpG->DelEdge(EdgeV[e].Val1, EdgeV[e].Val2);  }
  TCnComV CnComV;  GetWccs(TmpG, CnComV);
  IAssert(CnComV.Len() >= 2);
  const TIntV& MxWcc = CnComV[0].NIdV;
  TIntSet MxCcSet(MxWcc.Len());
  for (int i = 0; i < MxWcc.Len(); i++) { 
    MxCcSet.AddKey(MxWcc[i]); }
  // create new graph: bridges not touching MxCc of G with no bridges
  for (int e = 0; e < EdgeV.Len(); e++) {
    if (! MxCcSet.IsKey(EdgeV[e].Val1) &&  ! MxCcSet.IsKey(EdgeV[e].Val2)) {
      TmpG->AddEdge(EdgeV[e].Val1, EdgeV[e].Val2); }
  GetWccs(TmpG, Cn1ComV);
  // remove the largest component of G
  for (int c = 0; c < Cn1ComV.Len(); c++) {
    if (MxCcSet.IsKey(Cn1ComV[c].NIdV[0])) {
      Cn1ComV.Del(c);  break; }
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: cmty.cpp Proyecto: pikma/Snap
// GIRVAN-NEWMAN algorithm
//	1. The betweenness of all existing edges in the network is calculated first.
//	2. The edge with the highest betweenness is removed.
//	3. The betweenness of all edges affected by the removal is recalculated.
//	4. Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until no edges remain.
//  Girvan M. and Newman M. E. J., Community structure in social and biological networks, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 7821–7826 (2002)
// Keep removing edges from Graph until one of the connected components of Graph splits into two.
void CmtyGirvanNewmanStep(PUNGraph& Graph, TIntV& Cmty1, TIntV& Cmty2) {
  TIntPrFltH BtwEH;
  TBreathFS<PUNGraph> BFS(Graph);
  Cmty1.Clr(false);  Cmty2.Clr(false);
  while (true) {
    TSnap::GetBetweennessCentr(Graph, BtwEH);
    if (BtwEH.Empty()) { return; }
    const int NId1 = BtwEH.GetKey(0).Val1;
    const int NId2 = BtwEH.GetKey(0).Val2;
    Graph->DelEdge(NId1, NId2);
    BFS.DoBfs(NId1, true, false, NId2, TInt::Mx);
    if (BFS.GetHops(NId1, NId2) == -1) { // two components
      TSnap::GetNodeWcc(Graph, NId1, Cmty1);
      TSnap::GetNodeWcc(Graph, NId2, Cmty2);