// The descendant-dependent flags system is badly broken because we clean dirty
// bits in upward tree walks, which means we need to call updateDescendantDependentFlags
// at every node in the tree to fully clean all the dirty bits. While we'll in
// the process of fixing this issue, updateDescendantDependentFlagsForEntireSubtree
// provides a big hammer for actually cleaning all the dirty bits in a subtree.
// FIXME: Remove this function once the descendant-dependent flags system keeps
// its dirty bits scoped to subtrees.
void updateDescendantDependentFlagsForEntireSubtree(PaintLayer& layer)

    for (PaintLayer* child = layer.firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
static void paintLayers(PaintLayer& layer, SimDisplayItemList& displayList)
    if (layer.isAllowedToQueryCompositingState() && layer.compositingState() == PaintsIntoOwnBacking) {
        CompositedLayerMapping* mapping = layer.compositedLayerMapping();
        GraphicsLayer* graphicsLayer = mapping->mainGraphicsLayer();
        if (graphicsLayer->hasTrackedPaintInvalidations()) {
            ContentLayerDelegate* delegate = graphicsLayer->contentLayerDelegateForTesting();
            delegate->paintContents(&displayList, WebRect(0, 0, layer.size().width(), layer.size().height()));
    for (PaintLayer* child = layer.firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
        paintLayers(*child, displayList);