Ejemplo n.º 1
// **************************************************************************
// Function:   LoadParameterList
// Purpose:    Loads the current list of parameters from a parameter file
//             It does NOT load system critical dynamic parameters (e.g., ports,
//             IP addresses)
// Parameters: char *filename - filename of the parameterlist
//             nonexisting - if true, load parameters, even if they currently do
//                       not exist in the list
// Returns:    true - successful
//             false - error
// **************************************************************************
ParamList::Load( const string& inFileName, bool inImportNonexisting )
  ifstream file( inFileName.c_str() );
  ParamList paramsFromFile;
  file >> paramsFromFile;
  if( file.fail() )
    return false;

  // If desired, exclude parameters missing from the main parameter list.
  typedef set<string> NameSet;
  NameSet unwantedParams;
  if( !inImportNonexisting )
    for( int i = 0; i < paramsFromFile.Size(); ++i )
      if( !Exists( paramsFromFile[i].Name() ) )
        unwantedParams.insert( paramsFromFile[i].Name() );

  for( NameSet::const_iterator i = unwantedParams.begin(); i != unwantedParams.end(); ++i )
    paramsFromFile.Delete( *i );

  for( int i = 0; i < paramsFromFile.Size(); ++i )
    Param &p = paramsFromFile[i], &q = ByName( p.Name() );
    if( !q.Readonly() )
      q.AssignValues( p, true );
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  for( int i = 0; i < mParamlist.Size(); ++i )

  ParamList restoreParams;
  if( !mAutoConfig )
    restoreParams = mParamlist;
    if( restoreParams.Exists( "SubjectRun" ) )
      restoreParams.Delete( "SubjectRun" ); // special case for backward compatibility reasons

  EnvironmentBase::EnterPreflightPhase( &mParamlist, &mStatelist, &mStatevector );
  SignalProperties Output( 0, 0 );
  GenericFilter::PreflightFilters( mInputSignal.Properties(), Output );
  mOutputSignal = GenericSignal( Output );

  ModuleConnection& conn = IsLastModule() ? mOperator : mNextModule;
  if( conn.IsLocal() && conn.Protocol().Provides( ProtocolVersion::SharedSignalStorage ) )

  for( int i = 0; i < restoreParams.Size(); ++i )
    const Param& r = restoreParams[i];
    Param& p = mParamlist[r.Name()];
    if( p.Changed() )
      p = r;
  if( mParamlist.Exists( "DebugLevel" ) && ::atoi( mParamlist["DebugLevel"].Value().c_str() ) )
    for( int i = 0; i < mParamlist.Size(); ++i )
      if( mParamlist[i].Changed() )
        bciout << "AutoConfig: " << mParamlist[i];
  if( mAutoConfig && bcierr__.Empty() )
    if( !mOperator.Send( Output ) )
      bcierr << "Could not send output properties to Operator module" << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// **************************************************************************
// Function:   LoadParameterList
// Purpose:    Loads the current list of parameters from a parameter file
//             It does NOT load system critical dynamic parameters (e.g., ports,
//             IP addresses)
// Parameters: char *filename - filename of the parameterlist
//             nonexisting - if true, load parameters, even if they currently do
//                       not exist in the list
// Returns:    true - successful
//             false - error
// **************************************************************************
ParamList::Load( const string& inFileName, bool inImportNonexisting )
  ifstream file( inFileName.c_str() );
  ParamList paramsFromFile;
  file >> paramsFromFile;
  if( file.fail() )
    return false;

  typedef set<string> NameSet;
  NameSet unwantedParams;

  // Exclude parameters from unwanted sections.
  const char* unwantedSections[] = { "System", };
  for( size_t j = 0; j < sizeof( unwantedSections ) / sizeof( *unwantedSections ); ++j )
    for( ParamContainer::const_iterator i = paramsFromFile.mParams.begin();
                                         i != paramsFromFile.mParams.end(); ++i )
      if( Param::strciequal( i->Param.Section(), unwantedSections[ j ] ) )
        unwantedParams.insert( i->Param.mName );

  // If desired, exclude parameters missing from the main parameter list.
  if( !inImportNonexisting )
    for( ParamContainer::const_iterator i = paramsFromFile.mParams.begin();
                                         i != paramsFromFile.mParams.end(); ++i )
      if( mNameIndex.find( i->Param.mName ) == mNameIndex.end() )
        unwantedParams.insert( i->Param.mName );

  for( NameSet::const_iterator i = unwantedParams.begin(); i != unwantedParams.end(); ++i )
    paramsFromFile.Delete( *i );

  for( ParamContainer::const_iterator i = paramsFromFile.mParams.begin();
                                       i != paramsFromFile.mParams.end(); ++i )
    ( *this )[ i->Param.mName ].AssignValues( i->Param );

  return true;