Ejemplo n.º 1
void AMActionHistoryTreeView3::onEnteredIndex(const QModelIndex &index){
	AMActionHistoryModel3 *historyModel = qobject_cast<AMActionHistoryModel3*>(model());
		// If shift key is down and we don't already have the forbidden cursor and we're hovering over an item that is not a sibling then we can't shift click ... go forbidden
		if(!hasOverriddenShiftCursor_ && (index.parent() != lastClickedIndex_.parent()) ){
			hasOverriddenShiftCursor_ = true;
		// Or if the shift key is down and we already have the forbidden cursor and we're hovering over an item that is a sibling then we can shift click ... go default
		// Also check lastClickWasDeselect ... we can never shift click if that sucker is on
		else if(hasOverriddenShiftCursor_ && (index.parent() == lastClickedIndex_.parent() && !lastClickWasDeselect_) ){
			hasOverriddenShiftCursor_ = false;
		ParentSelectMap selectMap = model()->data(index, AMActionHistoryModel3::ParentSelectRole).value<ParentSelectMap>();
		// If control key is down and we have overridden the cursor ... go default
			hasOverriddenControlCursor_ = false;
		// If control key is down and we don't already have the forbidden cursor and this viewer is in the selection map and this index isn't parentSelected
		//  and we have a parent somewhere selected and our direct parent isn't selected one way or the other ... go forbidden
		// Just trying to make sure that you if you have three levels (A parents B, B parents C) if A or above is selected but B is not then you can't control-click in C or below ... what would that mean anyway
		if(!hasOverriddenControlCursor_ && selectMap.contains(this) && !selectMap.value(this) && hasSelectedParent(index) && !(selectionModel()->isSelected(index.parent()) || model()->data(index.parent(), AMActionHistoryModel3::ParentSelectRole).value<ParentSelectMap>().value(this)) ){
			hasOverriddenControlCursor_ = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void AMActionHistoryModel3::markIndexGroup(const QModelIndex &index, QAbstractItemView *viewer, bool selected){
	// Just do the regular markParentSelected if this is a top-level action log item (parent index is invalid)
		recurseMarkParentSelected(index, viewer, selected);

	// Check if the action log item inherited the loop action (if so, then we need to multi-select/deselect the children)
	AMActionLogItem3 *item = logItem(index.parent());
		// Figure out your index in the original loop, and select/deselect all of your siblings with the same loop index
		int actionsPerLoop = rowCount(index.parent())/item->numberOfLoops();
		int indexInLoop = (index.row()%actionsPerLoop);
		QModelIndex markingIndex;
		for(int x = 0; x < rowCount(index.parent()); x++){
			if(x%actionsPerLoop == indexInLoop){
				markingIndex = this->index(x, 0, index.parent());
				recurseMarkParentSelected(markingIndex, viewer, selected);
				emit dataChanged(markingIndex, markingIndex);
		recurseMarkParentSelected(index, viewer, selected);

	// Check to see if there are any children left at this level. If not, then deselect the parent as well (no point selecting a list or loop when the user has removed all of the contents)
	int siblingsSelected = 0;
	for(int x = 0; x < rowCount(index.parent()); x++){
		ParentSelectMap selectMap = data(this->index(x, 0, index.parent()), AMActionHistoryModel3::ParentSelectRole).value<ParentSelectMap>();
		if(selectMap.contains(viewer) && selectMap.value(viewer))

	if(siblingsSelected == 0){
		// Actually deselect in the selection model if the parent was actually selected
			QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags deselectFlag = QItemSelectionModel::Deselect;
			viewer->selectionModel()->select(index.parent(), deselectFlag);
			ParentSelectMap selectMap = data(index.parent(), AMActionHistoryModel3::ParentSelectRole).value<ParentSelectMap>();
				AMActionLogItem3 *item = logItem(index.parent());
				// Make sure it doesn't get parentSelected somehow
				item->setParentSelected(viewer, false);
			emit dataChanged(index.parent(), index.parent());
		// Otherwise just use the group deselect for the parentSelected mapping
			markIndexGroupAsDeselected(index.parent(), viewer);
Ejemplo n.º 3
QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags AMActionHistoryTreeView3::selectionCommand(const QModelIndex &index, const QEvent *selectionEvent) const{
	// Initialize by calling the parent version
	QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags retFlags = QTreeView::selectionCommand(index, selectionEvent);
	bool hasShiftModifier, hasControlModifier;

	// If we have a valid index we have a lot of work to do (also make sure this thing is actually an AMActionHistoryModel viewing tree)
		AMActionHistoryModel3 *historyModel = qobject_cast<AMActionHistoryModel3*>(model());

		// We only care about the mouse button press events otherwise return the parent class call
		if( !historyModel || (selectionEvent->type() != QEvent::MouseButtonPress) )
			return QTreeView::selectionCommand(index, selectionEvent);
		QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = (QMouseEvent*)selectionEvent;

		// Ignore clicks on non-selectable indices
		// We can ignore: not enabled indexes, and not selectable indexes
		if(!index.flags().testFlag(Qt::ItemIsEnabled) || !index.flags().testFlag(Qt::ItemIsSelectable))
			return QTreeView::selectionCommand(index, selectionEvent);

		// Grab keyboard shift and control modifiers
		Qt::KeyboardModifiers currentModifiers = mouseEvent->modifiers();
		hasControlModifier = currentModifiers&Qt::ControlModifier;
		hasShiftModifier = currentModifiers&Qt::ShiftModifier;

		ParentSelectMap selectMap = model()->data(index, AMActionHistoryModel3::ParentSelectRole).value<ParentSelectMap>();
		// This is pretty bad, you can tell too much is in here that doesn't belong when I need to do a const cast
		AMActionHistoryTreeView3 *checkViewer = const_cast<AMActionHistoryTreeView3*>(this);
		bool parentIsSelected = false;
		// Figure out if the parent is selected via the mapping or the selection model
			ParentSelectMap parentsSelectMap = model()->data(index.parent(), AMActionHistoryModel3::ParentSelectRole).value<ParentSelectMap>();
				parentIsSelected |= parentsSelectMap.value(checkViewer);
			parentIsSelected |= selectionModel()->isSelected(index.parent());

		// On control clicks where the parent is selected and this index is as well, do the group deselect and return noUpdate in the selection flags
		if(hasControlModifier && index.parent().isValid() && parentIsSelected && selectMap.contains(checkViewer) && selectMap.value(checkViewer)){
			historyModel->markIndexGroupAsDeselected(index, checkViewer);
			return QItemSelectionModel::NoUpdate;
		// On control clicks where the parent is selected and this index is not, do the group select and return noUpdate in the selection flags
		else if(hasControlModifier && index.parent().isValid() && parentIsSelected && selectMap.contains(checkViewer) && !selectMap.value(checkViewer)){
			historyModel->markIndexGroupAsSelected(index, checkViewer);
			return QItemSelectionModel::NoUpdate;

		// Ignore regular clicks on the an index that is already actually selected if it's the only one selected
		if( !hasControlModifier && (actuallySelectedByClickingCount_ == 1) && (selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().contains(index)) ){
			return QItemSelectionModel::NoUpdate;

	// Log some flags ... might be an easier way now that I know how to use QFlag::testFlag()
	bool clearFlag = (retFlags&QItemSelectionModel::Clear);
	bool selectFlag = (retFlags&QItemSelectionModel::Select);
	bool deselectFlag = (retFlags&QItemSelectionModel::Deselect);
	bool toggleFlag = (retFlags&QItemSelectionModel::Toggle);
	bool indexAlreadyOn = selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().contains(index);
	bool noUpdateFlag = (retFlags&QItemSelectionModel::NoUpdate);

	// An actual selection! Selected OR (Toggled AND NOT Currently On) OR (noUpdate AND Currently On)
	bool selectedTrue = selectFlag || (toggleFlag && !indexAlreadyOn) || (noUpdateFlag && indexAlreadyOn);
	// An actual deselection! Deselected OR (Toggled AND Currently On) OR (noUpdate AND NOT Currently On) OR (Actually selected an invalid index)
	bool selectedFalse = deselectFlag || (toggleFlag && indexAlreadyOn) || (noUpdateFlag && !indexAlreadyOn) || (selectedTrue && !index.isValid());

	// If we actually selected and the column is 0 (we only care about that one) log the state and emit actuallySelectedByClicking
	if(selectedTrue && (index.column() == 0) ){
		lastClickWasDeselect_ = false;
		lastClickedIndex_ = index;
		emit actuallySelectedByClicking(index, clearFlag);
	// If we actually deselected and the column is 0 (we only care about that one) log the state (particularily lastClickWasDeselect) and emit actuallyDeselectedByClicking
	else if(selectedFalse && (index.column() == 0) ){
		QModelIndexList currentSelections = selectionModel()->selection().indexes();
		if(currentSelections.count() == 2){
			lastClickedIndex_ = currentSelections.at(0);
			lastClickWasDeselect_ = false;
			lastClickWasDeselect_ = true;
		emit actuallyDeselectedByClicking(index, clearFlag);
	// If neither selected nor deselected but clear flag is on then emit clearedByClicking
	else if(clearFlag){
		lastClickWasDeselect_ = false;
		emit clearedByClicking();

	// Return the flags we have
	return retFlags;