Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Calculate the shortest path using a simple A-Star algorithm.
 * The unit information and movement type must have already been set.
 * The path information is set only if a valid path is found.
 * @param startPosition The position to start from.
 * @param endPosition The position we want to reach.
 * @return True if a path exists, false otherwise.
bool Pathfinding::aStarPath(const Position &startPosition, const Position &endPosition)
	// reset every node, so we have to check them all
	for (std::vector<PathfindingNode>::iterator it = _nodes.begin(); it != _nodes.end(); ++it)

	// start position is the first one in our "open" list
	PathfindingNode *start = getNode(startPosition);
	start->connect(0, 0, 0, endPosition);
	PathfindingOpenSet openList;

	// if the open list is empty, we've reached the end
		PathfindingNode *currentNode = openList.pop();
		Position const &currentPos = currentNode->getPosition();
		if (currentPos == endPosition) // We found our target.
			PathfindingNode *pf = currentNode;
			while (pf->getPrevNode())
				pf = pf->getPrevNode();
			return true;

		// Try all reachable neighbours.
		for (int direction = 0; direction < 10; direction++)
			Position nextPos;
			int tuCost = getTUCost(currentPos, direction, &nextPos, _unit);
			if (tuCost == 255) // Skip unreachable / blocked
			PathfindingNode *nextNode = getNode(nextPos);
			if (nextNode->isChecked()) // Our algorithm means this node is already at minimum cost.
			int totalTuCost = currentNode->getTUCost() + tuCost;
			// If this node is unvisited or visited from a better path.
			if (!nextNode->inOpenSet() || nextNode->getTUCost() > totalTuCost)
				nextNode->connect(totalTuCost, currentNode, direction, endPosition);
	// Unble to reach the target
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Pathfinding::calculate(BattleUnit *unit, Position &endPosition)
	std::list<PathfindingNode*> openList;
	Position currentPos, nextPos, startPosition = unit->getPosition();
	int tuCost;

	_movementType = MT_WALK; // should be parameter
	_unit = unit;

	Tile *destinationTile = _save->getTile(endPosition);

	// check if destination is not blocked
	if (isBlocked(destinationTile, MapData::O_FLOOR) || isBlocked(destinationTile, MapData::O_OBJECT)) return;

	// the following check avoids that the unit walks behind the stairs if we click behind the stairs to make it go up the stairs.
	// it only works if the unit is on one of the 2 tiles on the stairs, or on the tile right in front of the stairs.
	if (isOnStairs(startPosition, endPosition))
		destinationTile = _save->getTile(endPosition);

	// check if we have floor, else lower destination (for non flying units only, because otherwise they never reached this place)
	while (canFallDown(destinationTile))
		destinationTile = _save->getTile(endPosition);


	// reset every node, so we have to check them all
	for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i)

	// start position is the first one in our "open" list
    openList.front()->check(0, 0, 0, 0);

	// if the open list is empty, we've reached the end
		// this algorithm expands in all directions
        for (int direction = 0; direction < 8; direction++)
			currentPos = openList.front()->getPosition();
            tuCost = getTUCost(currentPos, direction, &nextPos, unit);
            if(tuCost < 255)
				if( (!getNode(nextPos)->isChecked() ||
                getNode(nextPos)->getTUCost() > getNode(currentPos)->getTUCost() + tuCost) &&
                (!getNode(endPosition)->isChecked() ||
                getNode(endPosition)->getTUCost() > getNode(currentPos)->getTUCost() + tuCost)
					getNode(nextPos)->check(getNode(currentPos)->getTUCost() + tuCost,
											getNode(currentPos)->getStepsNum() + 1,

    if(!getNode(endPosition)->isChecked()) return;

    //Backward tracking of the path
    PathfindingNode* pf = getNode(endPosition);
    for (int i = getNode(endPosition)->getStepsNum(); i > 0; i--)

Ejemplo n.º 3
void Pathfinding::calculate(BattleUnit *unit, Position endPosition)
	std::list<PathfindingNode*> openList;
	PathfindingNode *currentNode, *nextNode;
	Position currentPos, nextPos, startPosition = unit->getPosition();
	int tuCost, totalTuCost = 0;

	_movementType = unit->getUnit()->getArmor()->getMovementType();
	_unit = unit;

	Tile *destinationTile = _save->getTile(endPosition);

	// check if destination is not blocked
	if (isBlocked(destinationTile, MapData::O_FLOOR) || isBlocked(destinationTile, MapData::O_OBJECT)) return;

	// the following check avoids that the unit walks behind the stairs if we click behind the stairs to make it go up the stairs.
	// it only works if the unit is on one of the 2 tiles on the stairs, or on the tile right in front of the stairs.
	if (isOnStairs(startPosition, endPosition))
		destinationTile = _save->getTile(endPosition);

	// check if we have floor, else lower destination (for non flying units only, because otherwise they never reached this place)
	while (canFallDown(destinationTile) && 	_movementType != MT_FLY)
		destinationTile = _save->getTile(endPosition);


	if (startPosition.z == endPosition.z && bresenhamPath(startPosition, endPosition))


	// reset every node, so we have to check them all
	for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i)

	// start position is the first one in our "open" list
	openList.front()->check(0, 0, 0, 0);

	// if the open list is empty, we've reached the end
		currentPos = openList.front()->getPosition();
		currentNode = getNode(currentPos);
		// this algorithm expands in all directions
		for (int direction = 0; direction < 10; direction++)
			tuCost = getTUCost(currentPos, direction, &nextPos, unit);
			if(tuCost < 255) // check if we can go to this node (ie is not blocked)
				nextNode = getNode(nextPos);
				totalTuCost = currentNode->getTUCost() + tuCost;
				// if we haven't checked this node, or the current cost tu cost is lower than our previous path, push this node in the open list to visit later.
				if( (!nextNode->isChecked() || nextNode->getTUCost() > totalTuCost)
					&& // this will keep pushing back nodes, as long as we did not reach the end position or there are still possible shorter paths
					(!getNode(endPosition)->isChecked() || getNode(endPosition)->getTUCost() > totalTuCost)
									currentNode->getStepsNum() + 1,

	if(!getNode(endPosition)->isChecked()) return;

	//Backward tracking of the path
	PathfindingNode* pf = getNode(endPosition);
	for (int i = getNode(endPosition)->getStepsNum(); i > 0; i--)
