Ejemplo n.º 1
void OutdoorPvPObjective::SendUpdateWorldState(uint32 field, uint32 value)
    // send to all players present in the area
    for(std::set<uint64>::iterator itr = m_ActivePlayerGuids.begin(); itr != m_ActivePlayerGuids.end(); ++itr)
        Player * plr = objmgr.GetPlayer(*itr);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void BattlegroundEY::UpdatePointStatuses()
    for (uint8 point = 0; point < EY_POINTS_MAX; ++point)
        if (m_PlayersNearPoint[point].empty())
        //count new point bar status:
        m_PointBarStatus[point] += (m_CurrentPointPlayersCount[2 * point] - m_CurrentPointPlayersCount[2 * point + 1] < BG_EY_POINT_MAX_CAPTURERS_COUNT) ? m_CurrentPointPlayersCount[2 * point] - m_CurrentPointPlayersCount[2 * point + 1] : BG_EY_POINT_MAX_CAPTURERS_COUNT;

        if (m_PointBarStatus[point] > BG_EY_PROGRESS_BAR_ALI_CONTROLLED)
            //point is fully alliance's
            m_PointBarStatus[point] = BG_EY_PROGRESS_BAR_ALI_CONTROLLED;
        if (m_PointBarStatus[point] < BG_EY_PROGRESS_BAR_HORDE_CONTROLLED)
            //point is fully horde's
            m_PointBarStatus[point] = BG_EY_PROGRESS_BAR_HORDE_CONTROLLED;

        uint32 pointOwnerTeamId = 0;
        //find which team should own this point
        if (m_PointBarStatus[point] <= BG_EY_PROGRESS_BAR_NEUTRAL_LOW)
            pointOwnerTeamId = HORDE;
        else if (m_PointBarStatus[point] >= BG_EY_PROGRESS_BAR_NEUTRAL_HIGH)
            pointOwnerTeamId = ALLIANCE;
            pointOwnerTeamId = EY_POINT_NO_OWNER;

        for (uint8 i = 0; i < m_PlayersNearPoint[point].size(); ++i)
            Player* player = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(m_PlayersNearPoint[point][i]);
            if (player)
                player->SendUpdateWorldState(PROGRESS_BAR_STATUS, m_PointBarStatus[point]);
                //if point owner changed we must evoke event!
                if (pointOwnerTeamId != m_PointOwnedByTeam[point])
                    //point was uncontrolled and player is from team which captured point
                    if (m_PointState[point] == EY_POINT_STATE_UNCONTROLLED && player->GetTeam() == pointOwnerTeamId)
                        this->EventTeamCapturedPoint(player, point);

                    //point was under control and player isn't from team which controlled it
                    if (m_PointState[point] == EY_POINT_UNDER_CONTROL && player->GetTeam() != m_PointOwnedByTeam[point])
                        this->EventTeamLostPoint(player, point);

                /// @workaround The original AreaTrigger is covered by a bigger one and not triggered on client side.
                if (point == FEL_REAVER && m_PointOwnedByTeam[point] == player->GetTeam())
                    if (m_FlagState && GetFlagPickerGUID() == player->GetGUID())
                        if (player->GetDistance(2044.0f, 1729.729f, 1190.03f) < 3.0f)
                            EventPlayerCapturedFlag(player, BG_EY_OBJECT_FLAG_FEL_REAVER);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void BattlegroundEY::CheckSomeoneJoinedPoint()
    GameObject* obj = NULL;
    for (uint8 i = 0; i < EY_POINTS_MAX; ++i)
        obj = GetBgMap()->GetGameObject(BgObjects[BG_EY_OBJECT_TOWER_CAP_FEL_REAVER + i]);
        if (obj)
            uint8 j = 0;
            while (j < m_PlayersNearPoint[EY_POINTS_MAX].size())
                Player* player = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(m_PlayersNearPoint[EY_POINTS_MAX][j]);
                if (!player)
                    TC_LOG_ERROR("bg.battleground", "BattlegroundEY:CheckSomeoneJoinedPoint: Player (%s) could not be found!", m_PlayersNearPoint[EY_POINTS_MAX][j].ToString().c_str());
                if (player->CanCaptureTowerPoint() && player->IsWithinDistInMap(obj, BG_EY_POINT_RADIUS))
                    //player joined point!
                    //show progress bar
                    player->SendUpdateWorldState(PROGRESS_BAR_PERCENT_GREY, BG_EY_PROGRESS_BAR_PERCENT_GREY);
                    player->SendUpdateWorldState(PROGRESS_BAR_STATUS, m_PointBarStatus[i]);
                    player->SendUpdateWorldState(PROGRESS_BAR_SHOW, BG_EY_PROGRESS_BAR_SHOW);
                    //add player to point
                    //remove player from "free space"
                    m_PlayersNearPoint[EY_POINTS_MAX].erase(m_PlayersNearPoint[EY_POINTS_MAX].begin() + j);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void OutdoorPvP::SendUpdateWorldState(uint32 field, uint32 value)
    // send to both factions
    for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
        // send to all players present in the area
        for(std::set<uint64>::iterator itr = m_PlayerGuids[i].begin(); itr != m_PlayerGuids[i].end(); ++itr)
            Player * plr = objmgr.GetPlayer(*itr);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void BattlegroundEY::CheckSomeoneLeftPoint()
    //reset current point counts
    for (uint8 i = 0; i < 2*EY_POINTS_MAX; ++i)
        m_CurrentPointPlayersCount[i] = 0;
    GameObject* obj = NULL;
    for (uint8 i = 0; i < EY_POINTS_MAX; ++i)
        obj = GetBgMap()->GetGameObject(BgObjects[BG_EY_OBJECT_TOWER_CAP_FEL_REAVER + i]);
        if (obj)
            uint8 j = 0;
            while (j < m_PlayersNearPoint[i].size())
                Player* player = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(m_PlayersNearPoint[i][j]);
                if (!player)
                    TC_LOG_ERROR("bg.battleground", "BattlegroundEY:CheckSomeoneLeftPoint Player (%s) could not be found!", m_PlayersNearPoint[i][j].ToString().c_str());
                    //move non-existing players to "free space" - this will cause many errors showing in log, but it is a very important bug
                    m_PlayersNearPoint[i].erase(m_PlayersNearPoint[i].begin() + j);
                if (!player->CanCaptureTowerPoint() || !player->IsWithinDistInMap(obj, BG_EY_POINT_RADIUS))
                    //move player out of point (add him to players that are out of points
                    m_PlayersNearPoint[i].erase(m_PlayersNearPoint[i].begin() + j);
                    player->SendUpdateWorldState(PROGRESS_BAR_SHOW, BG_EY_PROGRESS_BAR_DONT_SHOW);
                    //player is neat flag, so update count:
                    m_CurrentPointPlayersCount[2 * i + GetTeamIndexByTeamId(player->GetTeam())]++;