Ejemplo n.º 1
double Parameters::pixelDiff(Shot &test, CMeshO &mesh)
	double maxdist = 0.0;
	double avedist = 0.0;
	int count = 0;
	CMeshO::VertexIterator vi;
	for(vi = pointSamples->vert.begin(); vi != pointSamples->vert.end(); ++vi ) 
   		vcg::Point3f c;
		Point2f diff = pixelDiff(test, c);
		double dd = diff.Norm();
		if(dd <= 0) continue; //outside of viewpoint
		if(dd > maxdist) maxdist = dd;
		avedist += dd*dd;
	//for(int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++)
	//	double r = (double)rand() / ((double)(RAND_MAX)+(double)(1));
	//	double g = (double)rand() / ((double)(RAND_MAX)+(double)(1));
	//	r = r*16000*16000+g*16000;
	//	int v = ((int)r)%(mesh.vert.size());
	//	vcg::Point3d c;
	//	c.Import(mesh.vert[v].P());
	//	Point2d diff = pixelDiff(test, c);
	//	double dd = diff.Norm();
	//	if(dd <= 0) continue; //outside of viewpoint
	//	if(dd > maxdist) maxdist = dd;
	//	avedist += dd*dd;
	//	count++;
	if(max_norm) return maxdist;
	return sqrt(avedist/count);
Ejemplo n.º 2
	bool SplineControl::isClose(const Point2f &p)
		float val = getValue(p.getX());
		float distance = fabs((p.getY() / height) - (1.0f - val));

		return distance < (1.0f * FINGER_RANGE_FACTOR);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Eigen::Matrix4d View::calcProjectionMatrix(Point2f frameBufferSize,float margin)
	float near=0,far=0;
	Point2d frustLL,frustUR;
	frustLL.x() = -imagePlaneSize * (1.0 + margin);
	frustUR.x() = imagePlaneSize * (1.0 + margin);
	double ratio =  ((double)frameBufferSize.y() / (double)frameBufferSize.x());
	frustLL.y() = -imagePlaneSize * ratio * (1.0 + margin);
	frustUR.y() = imagePlaneSize * ratio * (1.0 + margin);
	near = nearPlane;
	far = farPlane;
    // Borrowed from the "OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming" book
    Eigen::Matrix4d projMat;
    Point3d delta(frustUR.x()-frustLL.x(),frustUR.y()-frustLL.y(),far-near);
    projMat(0,0) = 2.0f * near / delta.x();
    projMat(1,0) = projMat(2,0) = projMat(3,0) = 0.0f;
    projMat(1,1) = 2.0f * near / delta.y();
    projMat(0,1) = projMat(2,1) = projMat(3,1) = 0.0f;
    projMat(0,2) = (frustUR.x()+frustLL.x()) / delta.x();
    projMat(1,2) = (frustUR.y()+frustLL.y()) / delta.y();
    projMat(2,2) = -(near + far ) / delta.z();
    projMat(3,2) = -1.0f;
    projMat(2,3) = -2.0f * near * far / delta.z();
    projMat(0,3) = projMat(1,3) = projMat(3,3) = 0.0f;
    return projMat;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    /// Sample the BRDF
    Color3f sample(BSDFQueryRecord &bRec, const Point2f &sample) const {
        if (Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wi) <= 0)
            return Color3f(0.0f);
        bRec.measure = ESolidAngle;
        /* Warp a uniformly distributed sample on [0,1]^2
        to a direction on a cosine-weighted hemisphere */
        if (sample.x() < m_ks) {
            float x = sample.x()/m_ks;
            Vector3f n = Warp::squareToBeckmann(Point2f(x, sample.y()), m_alpha);
            bRec.wo = (2.0f * bRec.wi.dot(n) * n - bRec.wi );

        else {
            float x = (sample.x() - m_ks) / (1.0f - m_ks);
            bRec.wo = Warp::squareToCosineHemisphere(Point2f(x,sample.y()));
        if(Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo) <= 0) {
            return Color3f(0.0f);

        /* Relative index of refraction: no change */
        bRec.eta = 1.0f;
        float pdfVal = pdf(bRec);
        return (pdfVal != 0.0f) ? Color3f(eval(bRec) * Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo) / pdfVal) : Color3f(0.0f);

Ejemplo n.º 5
    void Body::Update(float dt)
        // Integrate position (verlet integration)
        Point2f xAccel  = netForce * invMass;
        pos += velocity * dt;// + 0.5f * xAccel * dt*dt;
        orientation += angVelocity * dt;

        assert(xAccel.Length() < 1e3);
        // Integrate velocity (implicit linear velocity)
        velocity += xAccel * dt;
        angVelocity += netTorque * (invInertia * dt);

        // clear forces
        netForce = Point2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
        netTorque = 0.0f;

        if (shape)
Ejemplo n.º 6
void Bullet::step(float gameTime, float deltaTime)
    Point2f delta = dest_pos - pos;
    float len;
    if (!bExplode)
        len = delta.DotProduct();
        if (len < 1)
            bExplode = false;
            explodePos = pos;
        bExplode = false;
    Point2f vel = delta.Normalize(min(sqrtf(len) / deltaTime, speed));// 可能引发爆发事件
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool Rect::contains(Point2f const & p) const
	float left = m_corner.x();
	float right = left + width();
	float bottom = m_corner.y();
	float top = bottom + height();

	return p.x() >= left && p.x() <= right && p.y() >= bottom && p.y() <= top;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Vector3f Warp::squareToCosineHemisphere(const Point2f &sample) {
    //create a sample which is cosine weighted
   Point2f ptOnDisk =  squareToUniformDisk(sample);

   //compute the Z value
   return Vector3f(ptOnDisk(0), ptOnDisk(1), sqrt(1.0 - ptOnDisk.squaredNorm()));

Ejemplo n.º 9
void Player::step(float gameTime, float deltaTime)
    gameTime, deltaTime;

    Point2f dir = Point2f(400, 300) - pos;
    float speed = 1 * MainGameState::getSingleton().getTimeScale();
    pos += dir;
	void WMTouchEventSource::touchUp(TOUCHINPUT *ti)

		if(eventCallback != NULL) 
			Point2f p = convert(ti);
			eventCallback(ti->dwID, p.getX(),p.getY(), FingerEventArgs::EventType::FINGER_REMOVED);
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: mesh.cpp Proyecto: UIKit0/nori
void Mesh::samplePosition(const Point2f &_sample, Point3f &p, Normal3f &n) const {
	Point2f sample(_sample);

	/* First, sample a triangle with respect to surface area */
	size_t index = m_distr.sampleReuse(sample.x());

	/* Lookup vertex positions for the chosen triangle */
	int i0 = m_indices[3*index],
		i1 = m_indices[3*index+1],
		i2 = m_indices[3*index+2];

	const Point3f
		&p0 = m_vertexPositions[i0],
		&p1 = m_vertexPositions[i1],
		&p2 = m_vertexPositions[i2];

	/* Sample a position in barycentric coordinates */
	Point2f b = squareToUniformTriangle(sample);
	p = p0 * (1.0f - b.x() - b.y()) + p1 * b.x() + p2 * b.y();

	/* Also provide a normal (interpolated if vertex normals are provided) */
	if (m_vertexNormals) {
		const Normal3f 
			&n0 = m_vertexNormals[i0],
			&n1 = m_vertexNormals[i1],
			&n2 = m_vertexNormals[i2];
		n = (n0 * (1.0f - b.x() - b.y()) + n1 * b.x() + n2 * b.y()).normalized();
	} else {
		n = (p1-p0).cross(p2-p0).normalized();
Ejemplo n.º 12
Point2d View::screenSizeInDisplayCoords(Point2f &frameSize)
    Point2d screenSize(0,0);
    if (frameSize.x() == 0.0 || frameSize.y() == 0.0)
        return screenSize;
    screenSize.x() = tan(fieldOfView/2.0) * heightAboveSurface() * 2.0;
    screenSize.y() = screenSize.x() / frameSize.x() * frameSize.y();
    return screenSize;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void TargetIndicator::GraphicEntity::render(float gameTime, float deltaTime)
    int frameTime = int(gameTime * 60);
    const Rectf viewerRange(-379, 379, -279, 279); // slightly smaller than windowViewRange
    const Point2f &windowSize = iRenderQueue::getSingleton().getWindowSize();
    const Rectf windowRange(0, windowSize.x, 0, windowSize.y);
    const Rectf windowViewRange(windowRange.leftTop.x + 20, windowRange.rightBottom.x - 20, windowRange.leftTop.y + 20, windowRange.rightBottom.y - 20);
    const Point2f posOffset(windowRange.rightBottom / 2);
    const Point2f viewerPos = iRenderQueue::getSingleton().getViewerPos() + posOffset;
    Point2f pos;


    for (vector<iAttacheeEntity*>::const_iterator ie = getEntity().entities.begin(); ie != getEntity().entities.end(); ++ie)
        if (((iTargetEntity*)*ie)->getEntity().getStatus(ESI_Position, &pos))
            Point2f dir = pos - viewerPos;
            if (viewerRange & dir)

            if (dir.Length() > 500)

            float direction = -atan2(dir.y, dir.x);

            if (fabs(dir.x) > 1e-5)
                Point2f pos = dir * (viewerRange.rightBottom.x / fabs(dir.x)) + posOffset;
                if (windowViewRange & pos)
                    iRenderQueue::getSingleton().render(pos, direction, frameTime, anim, GLI_UI, true);
                    pos = dir * (viewerRange.rightBottom.y / fabs(dir.y)) + posOffset;
                    //if (windowViewRange & pos)
                        iRenderQueue::getSingleton().render(pos, direction, frameTime, anim, GLI_UI, true);
                assert(fabs(dir.y) > 1e-5);
                Point2f pos = dir * (viewerRange.rightBottom.y / fabs(dir.y)) + posOffset;
                if (windowViewRange & pos)
                    iRenderQueue::getSingleton().render(pos, direction, frameTime, anim, GLI_UI, true);
                    pos = dir * (viewerRange.rightBottom.x / fabs(dir.x)) + posOffset;
                    //if (windowViewRange & pos)
                        iRenderQueue::getSingleton().render(pos, direction, frameTime, anim, GLI_UI, true);
Ejemplo n.º 14
void Polygon::buildQPolygon()
	int const n = numPoints();
	m_qpolygon = QPolygonF(n);

	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		Point2f p = m_points[i];
		m_qpolygon[i] = QPointF(p.x(), p.y());
Ejemplo n.º 15
	void PressAndHold::updateFingerPosition(const Point2f &newPosition)
		float dx	= position.getX() - newPosition.getX();
		float dy	= position.getY() - newPosition.getY();
		float d		= sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
		if(d >= THRESHOLD)
			markedForDelete = true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
	bool ControlPoint::contains(const FingerEventArgs &e) const
		Point2f p = e.getPosition();

		assert(modelview != NULL);

		float distance = sqrt((p.getX() * p.getX()) + (p.getY() * p.getY()));

		return distance <= (width * BOUNDING_SPHERE);
Ejemplo n.º 17
void AiTankController::stepMoveTo()
    if (!isAttached())
        bCheckMoveTo = false;
    Point2f posTank;
    float orientionTank;
    Entity &e = entity->getEntity();
    if (e.getStatus(Entity::ESI_Position, &posTank) &&
        e.getStatus(Entity::ESI_Orientation, &orientionTank))
    //#ifndef NDEBUG
        iRenderQueue::getSingleton().render(moveToPos, posTank, ARGB(255, 0, 0, 0));
        Point2f dir = moveToPos - posTank;
        float len = dir.Length();
        float len2 = (nextMoveToPos - posTank).Length();
        if (len < 10 || len > len2)
            bCheckMoveTo = false;
            bForward = false;
            sendCommand(Tank::TCI_Forward, (void *)bForward);
        if (fabs(dir ^ Point2f(cos(orientionTank), sin(orientionTank))) < 0.3f)
            if (!bForward)
                bForward = true;
                sendCommand(Tank::TCI_Forward, (void *)bForward);
            float lerpValue = (float)rand() / RAND_MAX;
            lerpValue *= lerpValue;
            turnTo(moveToPos);//lerp(moveToPos, nextMoveToPos, lerpValue));
            if (bForward)
                bForward = false;
                sendCommand(Tank::TCI_Forward, (void *)bForward);
        bCheckMoveTo = false;
Ejemplo n.º 18
Vector3f Warp::squareToSchlick(const Point2f &sample, float k) {

    //use the inverse methode
    if(k == 0.0){
        return Warp::squareToUniformSphere(sample);

    float cosTheta = ((k + 2.0f * sample.x() - 1.0f ) / ( k * (2.0f * sample.x() - 1.0f ) + 1.0f));
    float acostheta = acos(cosTheta);
    float phi = 2.0f * M_PI * sample.y();

    return Vector3f(sin(acostheta) * cos(phi), sin(acostheta) * sin(phi), cos(acostheta));
Ejemplo n.º 19
	bool SplineControl::contains(const FingerEventArgs &e) const
		assert(modelview != NULL);

		Point2f p =	e.getPosition();

		float legendDim = (height * LEGEND_DIM) * modelview->getYScale();

		return p.getX() >= 0.0f &&
			p.getX() <= (width * modelview->getXScale()) &&
			p.getY() >= legendDim &&
			p.getY() <= (height * modelview->getYScale()) - legendDim;
Ejemplo n.º 20
	bool SplineControl::controlPointContains(const FingerEventArgs &e) const
		assert(modelview != NULL);

		Point2f p =	e.getPosition();

		// use legend dim on left and right as a buffer to prevent deletion near edge
		float legendDim = (height * LEGEND_DIM) * modelview->getYScale();

		return p.getX() >= -legendDim &&
			p.getX() <= (width * modelview->getXScale()) + legendDim &&
			p.getY() >= 0.0f &&
			p.getY() <= height * modelview->getYScale();
Ejemplo n.º 21
bool physicsAabb::overlaps(const physicsAabb& aabb)
    Point2f centerA = m_max.add(m_min);

    Point2f centerB = aabb.m_max.add(aabb.m_min);

    float dx = abs(centerA.x - centerB.x);
    float dy = abs(centerA.y - centerB.y);

    float sumX = m_max.x - centerA.x + aabb.m_max.x - centerB.x;
    float sumY = m_max.y - centerA.y + aabb.m_max.y - centerB.y;

    return (dx < sumX && dy < sumY);
Ejemplo n.º 22
    size_t collide(CircleShape &circle, BoxShape &box, float dt, Contact *pxContacts, size_t numMaxContacts)
        dt, pxContacts, numMaxContacts;
        const Point2f &p1 = circle.body.getPosition();
        const Point2f &p2 = box.body.getPosition();

        // work in the box's coordinate system
        const Point2f kDiff = p1 - p2;

        // compute squared distance and closest point on box
        float fSqrDistance = 0.0f, fDelta;
        Point2f kClosest(kDiff * box.GetDir(0), kDiff * box.GetDir(1));
        const Point2f &extents = box.GetExtents();
        if (kClosest.x < -extents.x)
            fDelta = kClosest.x + extents.x;
            fSqrDistance += fDelta*fDelta;
            kClosest.x = -extents.x;
        else if (kClosest.x > extents.x)
            fDelta = kClosest.x - extents.x;
            fSqrDistance += fDelta*fDelta;
            kClosest.x = extents.x;
        if (kClosest.y < -extents.y)
            fDelta = kClosest.y + extents.y;
            fSqrDistance += fDelta*fDelta;
            kClosest.y = -extents.y;
        else if (kClosest.y > extents.y)
            fDelta = kClosest.y - extents.y;
            fSqrDistance += fDelta*fDelta;
            kClosest.y = extents.y;
        if (fSqrDistance > circle.GetRadius() * circle.GetRadius())
            return 0;
        Point2f d = p2 + kClosest - p1;

        pxContacts[0] = Contact(p1 + d * circle.GetRadius(), p2 + kClosest, &circle.body, &box.body);
        return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 23
    Spectrum PerspectiveSensor::sampleRay(Ray3f& ray, const Point2f& samplePosition, const Point2f& apertureSample) const
        Point3f nearPoint = m_sampleToCamera * Point3f(
            samplePosition.x() * m_invImageSize.x(),
            samplePosition.y() * m_invImageSize.y(), 0.f);

        Vector3f dir = nearPoint.normalized();
        float invZ = 1.f / dir.z();

        ray.o = m_cameraToWorld * Point3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
        ray.d = m_cameraToWorld * dir;
        ray.minT = m_nearClip * invZ;
        ray.maxT = m_farClip * invZ;

        return Spectrum(1.f);
Ejemplo n.º 24
void Bullet::Explode(float gameTime)
    Explosive *e = new Explosive(graphicEntity.animResManager);

    Point2f delta = dest_pos - pos;
    float len = delta.DotProduct();
    if (len > 1)
        delta = delta.Normalize(speed);
    e->orientation = orientation;
    e->init("data/tank/bulletexplode.xml", gameTime, gun->explosive);
    e->setPostion(explodePos, explodePos + delta);

    active = false;
Ejemplo n.º 25
bool StopLineDetector::EstimateVerticalLine(Mat &input, Mat &debugImage, Rect roi, Point2i searchedSlope, CVMath::Line *outputLine) {
	vector<Vec4i> foundLines;
	Mat localCopy;
	Canny(localCopy, localCopy, 50, 200, 3);

	HoughLinesP(localCopy, foundLines, 1, CV_PI / 180 , 10, 15, 4);

	const float COS_ANGLE_LIMIT = cos(20.0 / 180 * CV_PI);

	int resultListSize = 0;
	Point2f resultTangent;
	Point2f resultPoint;

	size_t listSize = foundLines.size();
	for (size_t i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
		Vec4i l = foundLines[i];

		Point2f p0 = Point2f(l[0], l[1]) + Point2f(roi.x, roi.y);
		Point2f p1 = Point2f(l[2], l[3]) + Point2f(roi.x, roi.y);

		Point2f tangent = p0 - p1;
		tangent /= cv::norm(tangent);

		float dotProduct = tangent.dot(searchedSlope);
		if (dotProduct > COS_ANGLE_LIMIT || -dotProduct > COS_ANGLE_LIMIT ) {
			if(debugEnabled) {
				line(debugImage, p0, p1, Scalar(255, 0, 0), 2);

			resultPoint += p0;
			resultTangent += tangent;

	if(resultListSize > 0) {
		*outputLine = CVMath::Line (resultPoint / resultListSize, resultTangent / resultListSize);
		if(debugEnabled) {
			line(debugImage, outputLine->pointOnLine - outputLine->direction*20, outputLine->pointOnLine + outputLine->direction*20, Scalar(0, 100, 100), 2);
		return true;

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 26
	void LightCategory::doCopyComponent( Point2f const & component
		, uint32_t index
		, uint32_t & offset
		, PxBufferBase & data )const
		uint8_t * dst = &( *data.getAt( index * shader::MaxLightComponentsCount + offset++, 0u ) );
		std::memcpy( dst, component.constPtr(), 2 * sizeof( float ) );
Ejemplo n.º 27
    size_t collide(CircleShape &circle1, CircleShape &circle2, float dt, Contact *pxContacts, size_t numMaxContacts)
        dt, numMaxContacts;

        float rR = circle1.GetRadius() + circle2.GetRadius();
        const Point2f &p1 = circle1.body.getPosition();
        const Point2f &p2 = circle2.body.getPosition();
        Point2f d = p2 - p1;
        float len = d.Length();
        if (len > rR)
            return 0;
        pxContacts[0] = Contact(p1 + d * circle1.GetRadius(), p1 + d * (len - circle1.GetRadius()), &circle1.body, &circle2.body);
        return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 28
    int getDir(const Position& newPos) {
        Point2f center = {
            BOARD_WIDTH / 2,
            BOARD_HEIGHT / 2
        Point2f centeredOld = center - coordinate;
        Point2f centeredNew = center - newPos.coordinate;
        float z = centeredOld.cross(centeredNew);
        if (abs(z) > 7.5) {
            if (z < 0)
                return DIR_CCW;
            else if (z > 0)
                return DIR_CW;
        return DIR_NONE;
static Mat endpointError( const Mat_<Point2f>& flow1, const Mat_<Point2f>& flow2 )
    Mat result(flow1.size(), CV_32FC1);
    for ( int i = 0; i < flow1.rows; ++i )
        for ( int j = 0; j < flow1.cols; ++j )
            const Point2f u1 = flow1(i, j);
            const Point2f u2 = flow2(i, j);

            if ( isFlowCorrect(u1) && isFlowCorrect(u2) )
                const Point2f diff = u1 - u2;
                result.at<float>(i, j) = sqrt((float)diff.ddot(diff)); //distance
            } else
                result.at<float>(i, j) = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 30
std::vector<int> ptsubsetBetween2Line( std::vector<Point2f> points2d, Point2f p0, Point2f p1, Point2f t0){

	t0.Normalize() ;
	std::vector<int> res ;
	for( int i=0; i<points2d.size(); ++i ){
		Point2f p0p1 = p1-p0 ;
		if(  p0p1 * (points2d[i]-p1) <= 0 &&  !ReconstructorUtility::vectorIntersect(p0-t0*100, p0+t0*100, points2d[i], p1 ) )
			res.push_back( i ) ;
	return res ;