Ejemplo n.º 1
vector<Point2f> findCorner(const Mat& img, int idx)
	stringstream ss;
	ss << idx;
	string iname = ss.str();

	Mat img_gray, d_edges;
	Mat line1 = img.clone(), line2 = img.clone(), line3 = img.clone();
	Size imgSize = img.size();
	cvtColor(img, img_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
	//GaussianBlur(img_gray, img_gray, Size(3, 3), 0, 0);
	// edges detector
	Canny(img_gray, d_edges, 50, 300);
	imwrite("imgEdge" + iname + ".jpg", d_edges);

	vector<Vec2f> lines;
	// hough lines detector
	HoughLines(d_edges, lines, 1, CV_PI/180, 50);
	line1 = drawHoughLines(lines, img);
	imwrite("imgSlines" + iname + ".jpg", line1);

	vector<Vec2f> vlines, hlines;
	vh = divideVHLines(lines);
	// sort two directional lines
	sort(vh.vlines.begin(), vh.vlines.end(), sortVLines);
	sort(vh.hlines.begin(), vh.hlines.end(), sortHLines);

	// get unique lines
	vlines = groupLines(vh.vlines, imgSize, 15.0);
	hlines = groupLines(vh.hlines, imgSize, 15.0);

	line2 = drawHoughLines(vlines, img);
	line3 = drawHoughLines(hlines, line2);
	imwrite("imglines" + iname + ".jpg", line3);

	vector<Point2f> corners;

	// get two orthogonal lines' intersection as corners
	for(size_t i = 0; i < hlines.size(); i++)
		Point3d hline = getHoughHC(hlines[i]);
		for(size_t j = 0; j < vlines.size(); j++)
			Point3f vline = getHoughHC(vlines[j]);
			Point3f corner = vline.cross(hline);
			corners.push_back(Point2d(corner.x, corner.y));

	// refine corners
	cornerSubPix(img_gray, corners, Size(15,15), Size(-1,-1),
		TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER+CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 30, 0.01));

	return corners;
Ejemplo n.º 2
vector<Vec2f> groupLines(vector<Vec2f> lines, Size imgSize, double minDist)
	size_t lsize = lines.size();
	vector<Vec2f> unilines;
	for(size_t i = 1; i < lsize; i++)
		Vec2f lastline = unilines.back();
		Vec2f curline = lines[i];
		Point3f unilineHC = getHoughHC(lastline);
		Point3f lineHC = getHoughHC(curline);
		Point3f crosspt = unilineHC.cross(lineHC);
		// check if two lines intersect in the image
		if(crosspt.x >= 0 && crosspt.x < imgSize.width
			&& crosspt.y >= 0 && crosspt.y < imgSize.height){
		// check if two lines are parallel
		int ptype = checkParallel(lineHC, unilineHC);
			double deltaDist = 0;
			if(ptype == 1){
				deltaDist = abs(lineHC.z/lineHC.x - unilineHC.z/unilineHC.x);
			if(ptype == 2){
				deltaDist = abs(lineHC.z/lineHC.y - unilineHC.z/unilineHC.y);
			if(ptype == 3){
				double k = lineHC.x/unilineHC.x;
				double rt = sqrt(lineHC.x*lineHC.x + lineHC.y*lineHC.y);
				deltaDist = abs(k*unilineHC.z - lineHC.z)/rt;
			if(deltaDist <= minDist){

		// the other cases are unique lines

	return unilines;