Ejemplo n.º 1
void  DatIO::save(string filename)
	PointBufferPtr pointBuffer = m_model->m_pointCloud;
	float buffer[4];
		ofstream out(filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
			size_t numPoints;
			size_t numIntensities;
			floatArr pointArray = pointBuffer->getPointArray(numPoints);
			floatArr intensityArray = pointBuffer->getPointIntensityArray(numIntensities);
			float buffer[4];
			cout << timestamp << "Writing " << numPoints << " to " << filename << endl;
			for(size_t i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
				memset(buffer, 0, 4 * sizeof(float));
				size_t pos = i * 3;
				buffer[0] = pointArray[pos];
				buffer[1] = pointArray[pos + 1];
				buffer[2] = pointArray[pos + 2];
					buffer[3] = intensityArray[i];
				out.write((char*)buffer, 4 * sizeof(float));
			cout << timestamp << "DatIO: Unable to open file " << filename << " for writing." << endl;
int main( int argc, char ** argv )

    // Parse command line arguments
    convert::Options options(argc, argv);

    // Exit if options had to generate a usage message
    // (this means required parameters are missing)
    if ( options.printUsage() )
        return 0;

    ::std::cout << options << ::std::endl;

    // Read input file
    ModelPtr model = ModelFactory::readModel(options.getInputFile());


            // Get parameters
            bool convert           = options.convertIntensity();
            bool filterIntensity   = options.getMinIntensity() > -1e10 || options.getMaxIntensity() < 1e10;

            // Check if we have to modify some data
            if(convert || filterIntensity)
                PointBufferPtr points = model->m_pointCloud;
                size_t numPoints = points->getNumPoints();
                    size_t n;
                    if(convert && !points->getPointColorArray(n))
                        cout << timestamp << "Allocating new point color array." << endl;
                        ucharArr colors(new unsigned char[numPoints * 3]);
                        points->setPointColorArray(colors, numPoints);

                    float max_i = -1e10;
                    float min_i = +1e10;
                    float maxCutOff = options.getMaxIntensity();
                    float minCutOff = options.getMinIntensity();

                    floatArr intensities = points->getPointIntensityArray(n);
                        // Cutoff intensity values
                        for(size_t i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
                            //cout << intensities[i] << endl;
                            if(intensities[i] < minCutOff) intensities[i] = minCutOff;
                            if(intensities[i] > maxCutOff) intensities[i] = maxCutOff;
                            if(intensities[i] < min_i) min_i = intensities[i];
                            if(intensities[i] > max_i) max_i = intensities[i];

                        // Map intensities to 0 .. 255
                        cout << max_i << " " << min_i << endl;
                        float r_diff = max_i - min_i;
                        if(r_diff > 0)
                            float b_size = r_diff / 255.0;
                            for(int a = 0; a < numPoints; a++)
                                //cout << intensities[a] << endl;
                                float value = intensities[a];
                                value -= min_i;
                                value /= b_size;
                                intensities[a] = value;
                                //cout << intensities[a] << endl << endl;

                        // Convert
                            ucharArr colors = points->getPointColorArray(n);

                            GradientType gradType = GREY;
                            string gradientName = options.getColorMap();

                            if(gradientName == "HOT")   gradType = HOT;
                            if(gradientName == "HSV")   gradType = HSV;
                            if(gradientName == "SHSV")  gradType = SHSV;
                            if(gradientName == "JET")   gradType = JET;

                            ColorMap colorMap(255);

                            for(size_t i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
                                float color[3];

                                colorMap.getColor(color, (size_t)intensities[i], gradType );

                                colors[3 * i    ] = (unsigned char)(color[0] * 255);
                                colors[3 * i + 1] = (unsigned char)(color[1] * 255);
                                colors[3 * i + 2] = (unsigned char)(color[2] * 255);
                                //cout << intensities[i] << endl;
                                //cout << (int) colors[3 * i    ] << " " << (int)colors[3 * i + 1] << " " << (int)colors[3 * i + 2] << endl;


                            points->setPointColorArray(colors, numPoints);
                        model->m_pointCloud = points;
                        cout << timestamp << "Model contains no point intensities to convert." << endl;

        ModelFactory::saveModel(model, options.getOutputFile());

        cout << timestamp << "Error reading file " << options.getInputFile() << endl;