Ejemplo n.º 1
void testLoadObjFile() {
    string file;
    file += "# This is a comment\n";
    file += "v -1.0 1.0 2.0\n";
    file += "v -2.0 2.0 3.0\n";
    file += "v -3.0 3.0 \\\n";
    file += "4.0\n";
    file += "v -4.0 4.0 5.0\n";
    file += "v -5.0 5.0 6.0\n";
    file += "f 1 2 3\n";
    file += "f 2// 3/4/5 4//2\n";
    file += "f -3 -2/3/4 -1\n";
    file += "f 1 3\\\n";
    file += "5 2\n";
    PolygonalMesh mesh;
    stringstream stream(file);
    ASSERT(mesh.getNumVertices() == 5);
    ASSERT(mesh.getNumFaces() == 4);
    for (int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumVertices(); i++) {
        const Vec3& pos = mesh.getVertexPosition(i);
        ASSERT(pos[0] == -(i+1));
        ASSERT(pos[1] == i+1);
        ASSERT(pos[2] == i+2);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        ASSERT(mesh.getNumVerticesForFace(i) == 3);
        ASSERT(mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 0) == i);
        ASSERT(mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 1) == i+1);
        ASSERT(mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 2) == i+2);
    ASSERT(mesh.getNumVerticesForFace(3) == 4);
    ASSERT(mesh.getFaceVertex(3, 0) == 0);
    ASSERT(mesh.getFaceVertex(3, 1) == 2);
    ASSERT(mesh.getFaceVertex(3, 2) == 4);
    ASSERT(mesh.getFaceVertex(3, 3) == 1);
   (const PolygonalMesh& mesh, bool smooth)
:   ContactGeometryImpl(), smooth(smooth)
{   // Create the mesh, triangulating faces as necessary.
    Array_<Vec3>    vertexPositions;
    Array_<int>     faceIndices;
    for (int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumVertices(); i++)
    for (int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumFaces(); i++) {
        int numVert = mesh.getNumVerticesForFace(i);
        if (numVert < 3)
            continue; // Ignore it.
        if (numVert == 3) {
            faceIndices.push_back(mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 0));
            faceIndices.push_back(mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 1));
            faceIndices.push_back(mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 2));
        else if (numVert == 4) {
            // Split it into two triangles.

            faceIndices.push_back(mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 0));
            faceIndices.push_back(mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 1));
            faceIndices.push_back(mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 2));
            faceIndices.push_back(mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 2));
            faceIndices.push_back(mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 3));
            faceIndices.push_back(mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 0));
        else {
            // Add a vertex at the center, then split it into triangles.

            Vec3 center(0);
            for (int j = 0; j < numVert; j++)
                center += vertexPositions[mesh.getFaceVertex(i, j)];
            center /= numVert;
            int newIndex = vertexPositions.size()-1;
            for (int j = 0; j < numVert-1; j++) {
                faceIndices.push_back(mesh.getFaceVertex(i, j));
                faceIndices.push_back(mesh.getFaceVertex(i, j+1));
            // Close the face (thanks, Alexandra Zobova).
            faceIndices.push_back(mesh.getFaceVertex(i, numVert-1));
            faceIndices.push_back(mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 0));
    init(vertexPositions, faceIndices);

    // Make sure the mesh normals are oriented correctly.

    Vec3 origin(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        origin += vertices[faces[0].vertices[i]].pos;
    origin /= 3; // this is the face centroid

    const UnitVec3 direction = -faces[0].normal;
    // Calculate a ray origin that is guaranteed to be outside the
    // mesh. If the topology is right (face 0 normal points outward), we'll be
    // outside on the side containing face 0. If it is wrong, we'll be outside
    // on the opposite side of the mesh. Then we'll shoot a ray back along the
    // direction we came from (that is, towards the interior of the mesh from
    // outside). We'll hit *some* face. If the topology is right, the hit
    // face's normal will be pointing back at us. If it is wrong, the face
    // normal will also be pointing inwards, in roughly the same direction as
    // the ray.
    origin -= max(obb.bounds.getSize())*direction;
    Real distance;
    int face;
    Vec2 uv;
    bool intersects = intersectsRay(origin, direction, distance, face, uv);
    // Now dot the hit face normal with the ray direction; correct topology
    // will have them pointing in more-or-less opposite directions.
    if (dot(faces[face].normal, direction) > 0) {
        // We need to invert the mesh topology.

        for (int i = 0; i < (int) faces.size(); i++) {
            Face& f = faces[i];
            int temp = f.vertices[0];
            f.vertices[0] = f.vertices[1];
            f.vertices[1] = temp;
            temp = f.edges[1];
            f.edges[1] = f.edges[2];
            f.edges[2] = temp;
            f.normal *= -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < (int) vertices.size(); i++)
            vertices[i].normal *= -1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void VisualizerProtocol::drawPolygonalMesh(const PolygonalMesh& mesh, const Transform& X_GM, const Vec3& scale, const Vec4& color, int representation) {
    const void* impl = &mesh.getImpl();
    map<const void*, unsigned short>::const_iterator iter = meshes.find(impl);

    if (iter != meshes.end()) {
        // This mesh was already cached; just reference it by index number.
        drawMesh(X_GM, scale, color, (short)representation, iter->second, 0);

    // This is a new mesh, so we need to send it to the visualizer. Build lists
    // of vertices and faces, triangulating as necessary.

    vector<float> vertices;
    vector<unsigned short> faces;
    for (int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumVertices(); i++) {
        Vec3 pos = mesh.getVertexPosition(i);
        vertices.push_back((float) pos[0]);
        vertices.push_back((float) pos[1]);
        vertices.push_back((float) pos[2]);
    for (int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumFaces(); i++) {
        int numVert = mesh.getNumVerticesForFace(i);
        if (numVert < 3)
            continue; // Ignore it.
        if (numVert == 3) {
            faces.push_back((unsigned short) mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 0));
            faces.push_back((unsigned short) mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 1));
            faces.push_back((unsigned short) mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 2));
        else if (numVert == 4) {
            // Split it into two triangles.

            faces.push_back((unsigned short) mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 0));
            faces.push_back((unsigned short) mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 1));
            faces.push_back((unsigned short) mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 2));
            faces.push_back((unsigned short) mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 2));
            faces.push_back((unsigned short) mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 3));
            faces.push_back((unsigned short) mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 0));
        else {
            // Add a vertex at the center, then split it into triangles.

            Vec3 center(0);
            for (int j = 0; j < numVert; j++) {
                Vec3 pos = mesh.getVertexPosition(mesh.getFaceVertex(i,j));
                center += pos;
            center /= numVert;
            vertices.push_back((float) center[0]);
            vertices.push_back((float) center[1]);
            vertices.push_back((float) center[2]);
            const unsigned newIndex = (unsigned)(vertices.size()/3-1);
            for (int j = 0; j < numVert-1; j++) {
                faces.push_back((unsigned short) mesh.getFaceVertex(i, j));
                faces.push_back((unsigned short) mesh.getFaceVertex(i, j+1));
                faces.push_back((unsigned short) newIndex);
            // Close the face (thanks, Alexandra Zobova).
            faces.push_back((unsigned short) mesh.getFaceVertex(i, numVert-1));
            faces.push_back((unsigned short) mesh.getFaceVertex(i, 0));
            faces.push_back((unsigned short) newIndex);
    SimTK_ERRCHK1_ALWAYS(vertices.size() <= 65535*3, 
        "Can't display a DecorativeMesh with more than 65535 vertices;"
        " received one with %llu.", (unsigned long long)vertices.size());
    SimTK_ERRCHK1_ALWAYS(faces.size() <= 65535*3, 
        "Can't display a DecorativeMesh with more than 65535 vertices;"
        " received one with %llu.", (unsigned long long)faces.size());

    const int index = NumPredefinedMeshes + (int)meshes.size();
    SimTK_ERRCHK_ALWAYS(index <= 65535,
        "Too many unique DecorativeMesh objects; max is 65535.");
    meshes[impl] = (unsigned short)index;    // insert new mesh
    WRITE(outPipe, &DefineMesh, 1);
    unsigned short numVertices = (unsigned short)(vertices.size()/3);
    unsigned short numFaces = (unsigned short)(faces.size()/3);
    WRITE(outPipe, &numVertices, sizeof(short));
    WRITE(outPipe, &numFaces, sizeof(short));
    WRITE(outPipe, &vertices[0], (unsigned)(vertices.size()*sizeof(float)));
    WRITE(outPipe, &faces[0], (unsigned)(faces.size()*sizeof(short)));

    drawMesh(X_GM, scale, color, (short) representation, (unsigned short)index, 0);