Ejemplo n.º 1
/// Computes the Minkowski sum of two convex polyhedra
PolyhedronPtr Polyhedron::minkowski(Polyhedron& p1, const Matrix4& T1, Polyhedron& p2, const Matrix4& T2, bool reflect_p2)
  // verify that both polyhedra are convex
  if (!p1.is_convex() || !p2.is_convex())
    throw std::runtime_error("Polyhedron::minkowski() only operates on convex polyhedra");

  // we'll transform p2 to p1's frame
  Matrix4 T2_to_T1 = Matrix4::inverse_transform(T1) * T2;
  Polyhedron p2_copy = p2;

  // compute the minkowski sum
  std::list<Vector3> points;
  for (unsigned i=0; i< p1.get_vertices().size(); i++)
    for (unsigned j=0; j< p2_copy.get_vertices().size(); j++)
      // add vertex from p1 to vertex from p2
      Vector3 v = p1.get_vertices()[i];
      if (reflect_p2)
        v -= p2_copy.get_vertices()[j];
        v += p2_copy.get_vertices()[j];

  // compute the convex hull of the points
  return CompGeom::calc_convex_hull(points.begin(), points.end()); 
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// Sends this polyhedron to the specified stream using VRML
void Polyhedron::to_vrml(std::ostream& out, const Polyhedron& p, Vector3 diffuse_color, bool wireframe)
  const unsigned X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 2;
  // get the vertices and the facets
  const std::vector<Vector3>& vertices = p.get_vertices();
  const std::vector<IndexedTri>& facets = p.get_facets();

  out << "Shape {" << std::endl;
  out << "  appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor " << diffuse_color[0] << " " << diffuse_color[1] << " " << diffuse_color[2] << " } }" << std::endl;
  out << "  geometry ";
  if (!wireframe)
    out << "IndexedFaceSet {" << std::endl;
    out << "IndexedLineSet {" << std::endl;
  out << "    coord Coordinate { point [ ";
  for (unsigned i=0; i< vertices.size(); i++)
    out << vertices[i][X] << " " << vertices[i][Y] << " " << vertices[i][Z] << ", ";
  out << " ] }" << std::endl;
  out << "    coordIndex [ ";
  if (!wireframe)
    for (unsigned i=0; i< facets.size(); i++)
      out << facets[i].a << " " << facets[i].b << " " << facets[i].c << " -1, ";
    for (unsigned i=0; i< facets.size(); i++)
      out << facets[i].a << " " << facets[i].b << " " << facets[i].c << " " << facets[i].a << " -1, ";  
  out << " ] } }" << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void write_poly2(const Polyhedron& p, std::ostream& out)
  const unsigned X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 2;
  const vector<Vector3>& v = p.get_mesh().get_vertices();
  for (unsigned i=0; i< v.size(); i++)
    out << "Transform {" << std::endl;
    out << "  translation " << v[i][0] << " " << v[i][1] << " " << v[i][2] << std::endl;
    out << "  scale 0.1 0.1 0.1" << std::endl;
    out << "  children Shape { " << std::endl;
    out << "    geometry Text { " << std::endl;
    out << "      string \"" << i << "\"" << std::endl;
    out << "      } } }" << std::endl;
  // get the vertices and the facets
  const std::vector<Vector3>& vertices = p.get_vertices();
  const std::vector<IndexedTri>& facets = p.get_facets();

  // first write the consistent edges
  out << "Shape {" << std::endl;
  out << "  appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 1 1 1 } }" << std::endl;
  out << "  geometry ";
  out << "IndexedLineSet {" << std::endl;
  out << "    coord Coordinate { point [ ";
  for (unsigned i=0; i< vertices.size(); i++)
    out << vertices[i][X] << " " << vertices[i][Y] << " " << vertices[i][Z] << ", ";
  out << " ] }" << std::endl;
  out << "    coordIndex [ ";
  for (unsigned i=0; i< facets.size(); i++)
    if (consistent(facets, facets[i].a, facets[i].b))
      out << facets[i].a << " " << facets[i].b << " -1, ";
    if (consistent(facets, facets[i].b, facets[i].c))
      out << facets[i].b << " " << facets[i].c << " -1, ";
    if (consistent(facets, facets[i].a, facets[i].c))
      out << facets[i].a << " " << facets[i].c << " -1, ";
  out << " ] } }" << std::endl;

  // now write the inconsistent edges
  std::set<pair<unsigned, unsigned> > marked;
  out << "Shape {" << std::endl;
  out << "  appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 1 0 0 } }" << std::endl;
  out << "  geometry ";
  out << "IndexedLineSet {" << std::endl;
  out << "    coord Coordinate { point [ ";
  for (unsigned i=0; i< vertices.size(); i++)
    out << vertices[i][X] << " " << vertices[i][Y] << " " << vertices[i][Z] << ", ";
  out << " ] }" << std::endl;
  out << "    coordIndex [ ";
  for (unsigned i=0; i< facets.size(); i++)
    if (marked.find(make_pair(facets[i].a, facets[i].b)) == marked.end() && 
        !consistent(facets, facets[i].a, facets[i].b))
      out << facets[i].a << " " << facets[i].b << " -1, ";
      marked.insert(make_pair(facets[i].a, facets[i].b));
std::cout << "edge: " << facets[i].a << " " << facets[i].b << std::endl;
    if (marked.find(make_pair(facets[i].b, facets[i].c)) == marked.end() && 
        !consistent(facets, facets[i].b, facets[i].c))
      out << facets[i].b << " " << facets[i].c << " -1, ";
      marked.insert(make_pair(facets[i].b, facets[i].c));
std::cout << "edge: " << facets[i].b << " " << facets[i].c << std::endl;
    if (marked.find(make_pair(facets[i].a, facets[i].c)) == marked.end() && 
        !consistent(facets, facets[i].a, facets[i].c))
      out << facets[i].a << " " << facets[i].c << " -1, ";
      marked.insert(make_pair(facets[i].a, facets[i].c));
std::cout << "edge: " << facets[i].a << " " << facets[i].c << std::endl;
  out << " ] } }" << std::endl;