Ejemplo n.º 1
/// This is the fast version of querying register pressure that does not
/// directly depend on current liveness.
/// @param Delta captures information needed for heuristics.
/// @param CriticalPSets Are the pressure sets that are known to exceed some
/// limit within the region, not necessarily at the current position.
/// @param MaxPressureLimit Is the max pressure within the region, not
/// necessarily at the current position.
void RegPressureTracker::
getUpwardPressureDelta(const MachineInstr *MI, /*const*/ PressureDiff &PDiff,
                       RegPressureDelta &Delta,
                       ArrayRef<PressureChange> CriticalPSets,
                       ArrayRef<unsigned> MaxPressureLimit) const {
  unsigned CritIdx = 0, CritEnd = CriticalPSets.size();
  for (PressureDiff::const_iterator
         PDiffI = PDiff.begin(), PDiffE = PDiff.end();
       PDiffI != PDiffE && PDiffI->isValid(); ++PDiffI) {

    unsigned PSetID = PDiffI->getPSet();
    unsigned Limit = RCI->getRegPressureSetLimit(PSetID);
    if (!LiveThruPressure.empty())
      Limit += LiveThruPressure[PSetID];

    unsigned POld = CurrSetPressure[PSetID];
    unsigned MOld = P.MaxSetPressure[PSetID];
    unsigned MNew = MOld;
    // Ignore DeadDefs here because they aren't captured by PressureChange.
    unsigned PNew = POld + PDiffI->getUnitInc();
    assert((PDiffI->getUnitInc() >= 0) == (PNew >= POld)
           && "PSet overflow/underflow");
    if (PNew > MOld)
      MNew = PNew;
    // Check if current pressure has exceeded the limit.
    if (!Delta.Excess.isValid()) {
      unsigned ExcessInc = 0;
      if (PNew > Limit)
        ExcessInc = POld > Limit ? PNew - POld : PNew - Limit;
      else if (POld > Limit)
        ExcessInc = Limit - POld;
      if (ExcessInc) {
        Delta.Excess = PressureChange(PSetID);
    // Check if max pressure has exceeded a critical pressure set max.
    if (MNew == MOld)
    if (!Delta.CriticalMax.isValid()) {
      while (CritIdx != CritEnd && CriticalPSets[CritIdx].getPSet() < PSetID)

      if (CritIdx != CritEnd && CriticalPSets[CritIdx].getPSet() == PSetID) {
        int CritInc = (int)MNew - (int)CriticalPSets[CritIdx].getUnitInc();
        if (CritInc > 0 && CritInc <= INT16_MAX) {
          Delta.CriticalMax = PressureChange(PSetID);
    // Check if max pressure has exceeded the current max.
    if (!Delta.CurrentMax.isValid() && MNew > MaxPressureLimit[PSetID]) {
      Delta.CurrentMax = PressureChange(PSetID);
      Delta.CurrentMax.setUnitInc(MNew - MOld);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// Record the pressure difference induced by the given operand list.
static void collectPDiff(PressureDiff &PDiff, RegisterOperands &RegOpers,
                         const MachineRegisterInfo *MRI) {
  assert(!PDiff.begin()->isValid() && "stale PDiff");

  for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegOpers.Defs.size(); i != e; ++i)
    PDiff.addPressureChange(RegOpers.Defs[i], true, MRI);

  for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegOpers.Uses.size(); i != e; ++i)
    PDiff.addPressureChange(RegOpers.Uses[i], false, MRI);