Ejemplo n.º 1
void ExprEngine::VisitCompoundLiteralExpr(const CompoundLiteralExpr *CL,
                                          ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                          ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  StmtNodeBuilder B(Pred, Dst, *currBldrCtx);

  const InitListExpr *ILE 
    = cast<InitListExpr>(CL->getInitializer()->IgnoreParens());
  ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
  SVal ILV = state->getSVal(ILE, Pred->getLocationContext());
  const LocationContext *LC = Pred->getLocationContext();
  state = state->bindCompoundLiteral(CL, LC, ILV);

  // Compound literal expressions are a GNU extension in C++.
  // Unlike in C, where CLs are lvalues, in C++ CLs are prvalues,
  // and like temporary objects created by the functional notation T()
  // CLs are destroyed at the end of the containing full-expression.
  // HOWEVER, an rvalue of array type is not something the analyzer can
  // reason about, since we expect all regions to be wrapped in Locs.
  // So we treat array CLs as lvalues as well, knowing that they will decay
  // to pointers as soon as they are used.
  if (CL->isGLValue() || CL->getType()->isArrayType())
    B.generateNode(CL, Pred, state->BindExpr(CL, LC, state->getLValue(CL, LC)));
    B.generateNode(CL, Pred, state->BindExpr(CL, LC, ILV));
Ejemplo n.º 2
ProgramStateRef ExprEngine::bindReturnValue(const CallEvent &Call,
                                            const LocationContext *LCtx,
                                            ProgramStateRef State) {
  const Expr *E = Call.getOriginExpr();
  if (!E)
    return State;

  // Some method families have known return values.
  if (const ObjCMethodCall *Msg = dyn_cast<ObjCMethodCall>(&Call)) {
    switch (Msg->getMethodFamily()) {
    case OMF_autorelease:
    case OMF_retain:
    case OMF_self: {
      // These methods return their receivers.
      return State->BindExpr(E, LCtx, Msg->getReceiverSVal());
  } else if (const CXXConstructorCall *C = dyn_cast<CXXConstructorCall>(&Call)){
    return State->BindExpr(E, LCtx, C->getCXXThisVal());

  // Conjure a symbol if the return value is unknown.
  QualType ResultTy = Call.getResultType();
  SValBuilder &SVB = getSValBuilder();
  unsigned Count = currBldrCtx->blockCount();
  SVal R = SVB.conjureSymbolVal(0, E, LCtx, ResultTy, Count);
  return State->BindExpr(E, LCtx, R);
void CallAndMessageChecker::HandleNilReceiver(CheckerContext &C,
                                              ProgramStateRef state,
                                              const ObjCMethodCall &Msg) const {
  ASTContext &Ctx = C.getASTContext();
  static CheckerProgramPointTag Tag(this, "NilReceiver");

  // Check the return type of the message expression.  A message to nil will
  // return different values depending on the return type and the architecture.
  QualType RetTy = Msg.getResultType();
  CanQualType CanRetTy = Ctx.getCanonicalType(RetTy);
  const LocationContext *LCtx = C.getLocationContext();

  if (CanRetTy->isStructureOrClassType()) {
    // Structure returns are safe since the compiler zeroes them out.
    SVal V = C.getSValBuilder().makeZeroVal(RetTy);
    C.addTransition(state->BindExpr(Msg.getOriginExpr(), LCtx, V), &Tag);

  // Other cases: check if sizeof(return type) > sizeof(void*)
  if (CanRetTy != Ctx.VoidTy && C.getLocationContext()->getParentMap()
                                  .isConsumedExpr(Msg.getOriginExpr())) {
    // Compute: sizeof(void *) and sizeof(return type)
    const uint64_t voidPtrSize = Ctx.getTypeSize(Ctx.VoidPtrTy);
    const uint64_t returnTypeSize = Ctx.getTypeSize(CanRetTy);

    if (CanRetTy.getTypePtr()->isReferenceType()||
        (voidPtrSize < returnTypeSize &&
         !(supportsNilWithFloatRet(Ctx.getTargetInfo().getTriple()) &&
           (Ctx.FloatTy == CanRetTy ||
            Ctx.DoubleTy == CanRetTy ||
            Ctx.LongDoubleTy == CanRetTy ||
            Ctx.LongLongTy == CanRetTy ||
            Ctx.UnsignedLongLongTy == CanRetTy)))) {
      if (ExplodedNode *N = C.generateSink(state, nullptr, &Tag))
        emitNilReceiverBug(C, Msg, N);

    // Handle the safe cases where the return value is 0 if the
    // receiver is nil.
    // FIXME: For now take the conservative approach that we only
    // return null values if we *know* that the receiver is nil.
    // This is because we can have surprises like:
    //   ... = [[NSScreens screens] objectAtIndex:0];
    // What can happen is that [... screens] could return nil, but
    // it most likely isn't nil.  We should assume the semantics
    // of this case unless we have *a lot* more knowledge.
    SVal V = C.getSValBuilder().makeZeroVal(RetTy);
    C.addTransition(state->BindExpr(Msg.getOriginExpr(), LCtx, V), &Tag);

Ejemplo n.º 4
void ExprEngine::processCallExit(ExplodedNode *Pred) {
  ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
  const StackFrameContext *calleeCtx = 
  const LocationContext *callerCtx = calleeCtx->getParent();
  const Stmt *CE = calleeCtx->getCallSite();
  // If the callee returns an expression, bind its value to CallExpr.
  if (const ReturnStmt *RS = getReturnStmt(Pred)) {
    const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
    SVal V = state->getSVal(RS, LCtx);
    state = state->BindExpr(CE, callerCtx, V);
  // Bind the constructed object value to CXXConstructExpr.
  if (const CXXConstructExpr *CCE = dyn_cast<CXXConstructExpr>(CE)) {
    const CXXThisRegion *ThisR =
    getCXXThisRegion(CCE->getConstructor()->getParent(), calleeCtx);
    SVal ThisV = state->getSVal(ThisR);
    // Always bind the region to the CXXConstructExpr.
    state = state->BindExpr(CCE, Pred->getLocationContext(), ThisV);
  static SimpleProgramPointTag returnTag("ExprEngine : Call Return");
  PostStmt Loc(CE, callerCtx, &returnTag);
  bool isNew;
  ExplodedNode *N = G.getNode(Loc, state, false, &isNew);
  N->addPredecessor(Pred, G);
  if (!isNew)
  // Perform the post-condition check of the CallExpr.
  ExplodedNodeSet Dst;
  NodeBuilderContext Ctx(Engine, calleeCtx->getCallSiteBlock(), N);
  SaveAndRestore<const NodeBuilderContext*> NBCSave(currentBuilderContext,
  SaveAndRestore<unsigned> CBISave(currentStmtIdx, calleeCtx->getIndex());
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostStmt(Dst, N, CE, *this,
                                             /* wasInlined */ true);
  // Enqueue the next element in the block.
  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = Dst.begin(), E = Dst.end(); I != E; ++I) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
ProgramStateRef ExprEngine::bindReturnValue(const CallEvent &Call,
                                            const LocationContext *LCtx,
                                            ProgramStateRef State) {
  const Expr *E = Call.getOriginExpr();
  if (!E)
    return State;

  // Some method families have known return values.
  if (const ObjCMethodCall *Msg = dyn_cast<ObjCMethodCall>(&Call)) {
    switch (Msg->getMethodFamily()) {
    case OMF_autorelease:
    case OMF_retain:
    case OMF_self: {
      // These methods return their receivers.
      return State->BindExpr(E, LCtx, Msg->getReceiverSVal());
  } else if (const CXXConstructorCall *C = dyn_cast<CXXConstructorCall>(&Call)){
    SVal ThisV = C->getCXXThisVal();

    // If the constructed object is a temporary prvalue, get its bindings.
    if (isTemporaryPRValue(cast<CXXConstructExpr>(E), ThisV))
      ThisV = State->getSVal(ThisV.castAs<Loc>());

    return State->BindExpr(E, LCtx, ThisV);

  // Conjure a symbol if the return value is unknown.
  QualType ResultTy = Call.getResultType();
  SValBuilder &SVB = getSValBuilder();
  unsigned Count = currBldrCtx->blockCount();

  // See if we need to conjure a heap pointer instead of
  // a regular unknown pointer.
  bool IsHeapPointer = false;
  if (const auto *CNE = dyn_cast<CXXNewExpr>(E))
    if (CNE->getOperatorNew()->isReplaceableGlobalAllocationFunction()) {
      // FIXME: Delegate this to evalCall in MallocChecker?
      IsHeapPointer = true;

  SVal R = IsHeapPointer
               ? SVB.getConjuredHeapSymbolVal(E, LCtx, Count)
               : SVB.conjureSymbolVal(nullptr, E, LCtx, ResultTy, Count);
  return State->BindExpr(E, LCtx, R);
bool BuiltinFunctionChecker::evalCall(const CallExpr *CE,
                                      CheckerContext &C) const {
  ProgramStateRef state = C.getState();
  const FunctionDecl *FD = C.getCalleeDecl(CE);
  const LocationContext *LCtx = C.getLocationContext();
  if (!FD)
    return false;

  unsigned id = FD->getBuiltinID();

  if (!id)
    return false;

  switch (id) {
  case Builtin::BI__builtin_expect: {
    // For __builtin_expect, just return the value of the subexpression.
    assert (CE->arg_begin() != CE->arg_end());
    SVal X = state->getSVal(*(CE->arg_begin()), LCtx);
    C.addTransition(state->BindExpr(CE, LCtx, X));
    return true;

  case Builtin::BI__builtin_alloca: {
    // FIXME: Refactor into StoreManager itself?
    MemRegionManager& RM = C.getStoreManager().getRegionManager();
    const AllocaRegion* R =
      RM.getAllocaRegion(CE, C.blockCount(), C.getLocationContext());

    // Set the extent of the region in bytes. This enables us to use the
    // SVal of the argument directly. If we save the extent in bits, we
    // cannot represent values like symbol*8.
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal Size =
        state->getSVal(*(CE->arg_begin()), LCtx).castAs<DefinedOrUnknownSVal>();

    SValBuilder& svalBuilder = C.getSValBuilder();
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal Extent = R->getExtent(svalBuilder);
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal extentMatchesSizeArg =
      svalBuilder.evalEQ(state, Extent, Size);
    state = state->assume(extentMatchesSizeArg, true);
    assert(state && "The region should not have any previous constraints");

    C.addTransition(state->BindExpr(CE, LCtx, loc::MemRegionVal(R)));
    return true;

  return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void ExprEngine::VisitInitListExpr(const InitListExpr *IE,
                                   ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                   ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  StmtNodeBuilder B(Pred, Dst, *currBldrCtx);

  ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
  QualType T = getContext().getCanonicalType(IE->getType());
  unsigned NumInitElements = IE->getNumInits();

  if (!IE->isGLValue() &&
      (T->isArrayType() || T->isRecordType() || T->isVectorType() ||
       T->isAnyComplexType())) {
    llvm::ImmutableList<SVal> vals = getBasicVals().getEmptySValList();

    // Handle base case where the initializer has no elements.
    // e.g: static int* myArray[] = {};
    if (NumInitElements == 0) {
      SVal V = svalBuilder.makeCompoundVal(T, vals);
      B.generateNode(IE, Pred, state->BindExpr(IE, LCtx, V));

    for (InitListExpr::const_reverse_iterator it = IE->rbegin(),
         ei = IE->rend(); it != ei; ++it) {
      SVal V = state->getSVal(cast<Expr>(*it), LCtx);
      vals = getBasicVals().prependSVal(V, vals);

    B.generateNode(IE, Pred,
                   state->BindExpr(IE, LCtx,
                                   svalBuilder.makeCompoundVal(T, vals)));

  // Handle scalars: int{5} and int{} and GLvalues.
  // Note, if the InitListExpr is a GLvalue, it means that there is an address
  // representing it, so it must have a single init element.
  assert(NumInitElements <= 1);

  SVal V;
  if (NumInitElements == 0)
    V = getSValBuilder().makeZeroVal(T);
    V = state->getSVal(IE->getInit(0), LCtx);

  B.generateNode(IE, Pred, state->BindExpr(IE, LCtx, V));
void ExprEngine::defaultEvalCall(ExplodedNodeSet &Dst, ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                 const CallEvent &Call) {
    // Try to inline the call.
    ProgramStateRef state = 0;
    const Expr *E = Call.getOriginExpr();
    if (E) {
        state = getInlineFailedState(Pred, E);
        if (state == 0 && inlineCall(Dst, Call, Pred))

    // If we can't inline it, handle the return value and invalidate the regions.
    StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, Dst, *currentBuilderContext);

    // Invalidate any regions touched by the call.
    unsigned Count = currentBuilderContext->getCurrentBlockCount();
    if (state == 0)
        state = Pred->getState();
    state = Call.invalidateRegions(Count, state);

    // Conjure a symbol value to use as the result.
    assert(Call.getOriginExpr() && "Must have an expression to bind the result");
    QualType ResultTy = Call.getResultType();
    SValBuilder &SVB = getSValBuilder();
    const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
    SVal RetVal = SVB.getConjuredSymbolVal(0, Call.getOriginExpr(), LCtx,
                                           ResultTy, Count);

    // And make the result node.
    state = state->BindExpr(Call.getOriginExpr(), LCtx, RetVal);
    Bldr.generateNode(Call.getOriginExpr(), Pred, state);
Ejemplo n.º 9
void StreamChecker::OpenFileAux(CheckerContext &C, const CallExpr *CE) const {
  ProgramStateRef state = C.getState();
  SValBuilder &svalBuilder = C.getSValBuilder();
  const LocationContext *LCtx = C.getPredecessor()->getLocationContext();
  DefinedSVal RetVal = svalBuilder.conjureSymbolVal(nullptr, CE, LCtx,
  state = state->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), RetVal);

  ConstraintManager &CM = C.getConstraintManager();
  // Bifurcate the state into two: one with a valid FILE* pointer, the other
  // with a NULL.
  ProgramStateRef stateNotNull, stateNull;
  std::tie(stateNotNull, stateNull) = CM.assumeDual(state, RetVal);

  if (SymbolRef Sym = RetVal.getAsSymbol()) {
    // if RetVal is not NULL, set the symbol's state to Opened.
    stateNotNull =
    stateNull =
      stateNull->set<StreamMap>(Sym, StreamState::getOpenFailed(CE));

Ejemplo n.º 10
void ExprEngine::defaultEvalCall(ExplodedNodeSet &Dst, ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                 const CallEvent &Call) {
  // Try to inline the call.
  // The origin expression here is just used as a kind of checksum;
  // for CallEvents that do not have origin expressions, this should still be
  // safe.
  const Expr *E = Call.getOriginExpr();
  ProgramStateRef state = getInlineFailedState(Pred, E);
  if (state == 0 && inlineCall(Dst, Call, Pred))

  // If we can't inline it, handle the return value and invalidate the regions.
  NodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, Dst, *currentBuilderContext);

  // Invalidate any regions touched by the call.
  unsigned Count = currentBuilderContext->getCurrentBlockCount();
  if (state == 0)
    state = Pred->getState();
  state = Call.invalidateRegions(Count, state);

  // Conjure a symbol value to use as the result.
  if (E) {
    QualType ResultTy = Call.getResultType();
    SValBuilder &SVB = getSValBuilder();
    const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
    SVal RetVal = SVB.getConjuredSymbolVal(0, E, LCtx, ResultTy, Count);

    state = state->BindExpr(E, LCtx, RetVal);

  // And make the result node.
  Bldr.generateNode(Call.getProgramPoint(), state, Pred);
Ejemplo n.º 11
void ExprEngine::CreateCXXTemporaryObject(const MaterializeTemporaryExpr *ME,
                                          ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                          ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, Dst, *currBldrCtx);
  const Expr *tempExpr = ME->GetTemporaryExpr()->IgnoreParens();
  ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();

  // Bind the temporary object to the value of the expression. Then bind
  // the expression to the location of the object.
  SVal V = state->getSVal(tempExpr, LCtx);

  // If the value is already a CXXTempObjectRegion, it is fine as it is.
  // Otherwise, create a new CXXTempObjectRegion, and copy the value into it.
  const MemRegion *MR = V.getAsRegion();
  if (!MR || !isa<CXXTempObjectRegion>(MR)) {
    const MemRegion *R =
      svalBuilder.getRegionManager().getCXXTempObjectRegion(ME, LCtx);

    SVal L = loc::MemRegionVal(R);
    state = state->bindLoc(L, V);
    V = L;

  Bldr.generateNode(ME, Pred, state->BindExpr(ME, LCtx, V));
Ejemplo n.º 12
void ExprEngine::
VisitUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(const UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr *Ex,
                              ExplodedNode *Pred,
                              ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, Dst, *currBldrCtx);

  QualType T = Ex->getTypeOfArgument();
  if (Ex->getKind() == UETT_SizeOf) {
    if (!T->isIncompleteType() && !T->isConstantSizeType()) {
      assert(T->isVariableArrayType() && "Unknown non-constant-sized type.");
      // FIXME: Add support for VLA type arguments and VLA expressions.
      // When that happens, we should probably refactor VLASizeChecker's code.
    else if (T->getAs<ObjCObjectType>()) {
      // Some code tries to take the sizeof an ObjCObjectType, relying that
      // the compiler has laid out its representation.  Just report Unknown
      // for these.
  APSInt Value = Ex->EvaluateKnownConstInt(getContext());
  CharUnits amt = CharUnits::fromQuantity(Value.getZExtValue());
  ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
  state = state->BindExpr(Ex, Pred->getLocationContext(),
  Bldr.generateNode(Ex, Pred, state);
void ExprEngine::CreateCXXTemporaryObject(const MaterializeTemporaryExpr *ME,
                                          ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                          ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, Dst, *currBldrCtx);
  const Expr *tempExpr = ME->GetTemporaryExpr()->IgnoreParens();
  ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();

  // Bind the temporary object to the value of the expression. Then bind
  // the expression to the location of the object.
  SVal V = state->getSVal(tempExpr, LCtx);

  // If the object is a record, the constructor will have already created
  // a temporary object region. If it is not, we need to copy the value over.
  if (!ME->getType()->isRecordType()) {
    const MemRegion *R =
      svalBuilder.getRegionManager().getCXXTempObjectRegion(ME, LCtx);

    SVal L = loc::MemRegionVal(R);
    state = state->bindLoc(L, V);
    V = L;

  Bldr.generateNode(ME, Pred, state->BindExpr(ME, LCtx, V));
Ejemplo n.º 14
void ExprEngine::VisitCompoundLiteralExpr(const CompoundLiteralExpr *CL,
                                          ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                          ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  StmtNodeBuilder B(Pred, Dst, *currBldrCtx);

  ProgramStateRef State = Pred->getState();
  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();

  const Expr *Init = CL->getInitializer();
  SVal V = State->getSVal(CL->getInitializer(), LCtx);
  if (isa<CXXConstructExpr>(Init)) {
    // No work needed. Just pass the value up to this expression.
  } else {
    Loc CLLoc = State->getLValue(CL, LCtx);
    State = State->bindLoc(CLLoc, V);

    // Compound literal expressions are a GNU extension in C++.
    // Unlike in C, where CLs are lvalues, in C++ CLs are prvalues,
    // and like temporary objects created by the functional notation T()
    // CLs are destroyed at the end of the containing full-expression.
    // HOWEVER, an rvalue of array type is not something the analyzer can
    // reason about, since we expect all regions to be wrapped in Locs.
    // So we treat array CLs as lvalues as well, knowing that they will decay
    // to pointers as soon as they are used.
    if (CL->isGLValue() || CL->getType()->isArrayType())
      V = CLLoc;

  B.generateNode(CL, Pred, State->BindExpr(CL, LCtx, V));
Ejemplo n.º 15
void ExprEngine::VisitGuardedExpr(const Expr *Ex,
                                  const Expr *L, 
                                  const Expr *R,
                                  ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                  ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  assert(L && R);

  StmtNodeBuilder B(Pred, Dst, *currBldrCtx);
  ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
  const CFGBlock *SrcBlock = 0;

  // Find the predecessor block.
  ProgramStateRef SrcState = state;
  for (const ExplodedNode *N = Pred ; N ; N = *N->pred_begin()) {
    ProgramPoint PP = N->getLocation();
    if (PP.getAs<PreStmtPurgeDeadSymbols>() || PP.getAs<BlockEntrance>()) {
      assert(N->pred_size() == 1);
    SrcBlock = PP.castAs<BlockEdge>().getSrc();
    SrcState = N->getState();

  assert(SrcBlock && "missing function entry");

  // Find the last expression in the predecessor block.  That is the
  // expression that is used for the value of the ternary expression.
  bool hasValue = false;
  SVal V;

  for (CFGBlock::const_reverse_iterator I = SrcBlock->rbegin(),
                                        E = SrcBlock->rend(); I != E; ++I) {
    CFGElement CE = *I;
    if (Optional<CFGStmt> CS = CE.getAs<CFGStmt>()) {
      const Expr *ValEx = cast<Expr>(CS->getStmt());
      ValEx = ValEx->IgnoreParens();

      // For GNU extension '?:' operator, the left hand side will be an
      // OpaqueValueExpr, so get the underlying expression.
      if (const OpaqueValueExpr *OpaqueEx = dyn_cast<OpaqueValueExpr>(L))
        L = OpaqueEx->getSourceExpr();

      // If the last expression in the predecessor block matches true or false
      // subexpression, get its the value.
      if (ValEx == L->IgnoreParens() || ValEx == R->IgnoreParens()) {
        hasValue = true;
        V = SrcState->getSVal(ValEx, LCtx);

  if (!hasValue)
    V = svalBuilder.conjureSymbolVal(0, Ex, LCtx, currBldrCtx->blockCount());

  // Generate a new node with the binding from the appropriate path.
  B.generateNode(Ex, Pred, state->BindExpr(Ex, LCtx, V, true));
Ejemplo n.º 16
void ExprEngine::VisitInitListExpr(const InitListExpr *IE,
                                   ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                   ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  StmtNodeBuilder B(Pred, Dst, *currBldrCtx);

  ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
  QualType T = getContext().getCanonicalType(IE->getType());
  unsigned NumInitElements = IE->getNumInits();
  if (T->isArrayType() || T->isRecordType() || T->isVectorType() ||
      T->isAnyComplexType()) {
    llvm::ImmutableList<SVal> vals = getBasicVals().getEmptySValList();
    // Handle base case where the initializer has no elements.
    // e.g: static int* myArray[] = {};
    if (NumInitElements == 0) {
      SVal V = svalBuilder.makeCompoundVal(T, vals);
      B.generateNode(IE, Pred, state->BindExpr(IE, LCtx, V));
    for (InitListExpr::const_reverse_iterator it = IE->rbegin(),
         ei = IE->rend(); it != ei; ++it) {
      SVal V = state->getSVal(cast<Expr>(*it), LCtx);
      if (dyn_cast_or_null<CXXTempObjectRegion>(V.getAsRegion()))
        V = UnknownVal();
      vals = getBasicVals().consVals(V, vals);
    B.generateNode(IE, Pred,
                   state->BindExpr(IE, LCtx,
                                   svalBuilder.makeCompoundVal(T, vals)));

  // Handle scalars: int{5} and int{}.
  assert(NumInitElements <= 1);

  SVal V;
  if (NumInitElements == 0)
    V = getSValBuilder().makeZeroVal(T);
    V = state->getSVal(IE->getInit(0), LCtx);

  B.generateNode(IE, Pred, state->BindExpr(IE, LCtx, V));
Ejemplo n.º 17
void ExprEngine::VisitCXXNewExpr(const CXXNewExpr *CNE, ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                   ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  // FIXME: Much of this should eventually migrate to CXXAllocatorCall.
  // Also, we need to decide how allocators actually work -- they're not
  // really part of the CXXNewExpr because they happen BEFORE the
  // CXXConstructExpr subexpression. See PR12014 for some discussion.
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, Dst, *currentBuilderContext);
  unsigned blockCount = currentBuilderContext->getCurrentBlockCount();
  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
  DefinedOrUnknownSVal symVal =
    svalBuilder.getConjuredSymbolVal(0, CNE, LCtx, CNE->getType(), blockCount);
  ProgramStateRef State = Pred->getState();

  // Invalidate placement args.
  CXXAllocatorCall Call(CNE, State, LCtx);
  State = Call.invalidateRegions(blockCount);

  if (CNE->isArray()) {
    // FIXME: allocating an array requires simulating the constructors.
    // For now, just return a symbolicated region.
    const MemRegion *NewReg = cast<loc::MemRegionVal>(symVal).getRegion();
    QualType ObjTy = CNE->getType()->getAs<PointerType>()->getPointeeType();
    const ElementRegion *EleReg =
      getStoreManager().GetElementZeroRegion(NewReg, ObjTy);
    State = State->BindExpr(CNE, Pred->getLocationContext(),
    Bldr.generateNode(CNE, Pred, State);

  // FIXME: Once we have proper support for CXXConstructExprs inside
  // CXXNewExpr, we need to make sure that the constructed object is not
  // immediately invalidated here. (The placement call should happen before
  // the constructor call anyway.)
  FunctionDecl *FD = CNE->getOperatorNew();
  if (FD && FD->isReservedGlobalPlacementOperator()) {
    // Non-array placement new should always return the placement location.
    SVal PlacementLoc = State->getSVal(CNE->getPlacementArg(0), LCtx);
    State = State->BindExpr(CNE, LCtx, PlacementLoc);
  } else {
    State = State->BindExpr(CNE, LCtx, symVal);

  Bldr.generateNode(CNE, Pred, State);
Ejemplo n.º 18
// FIXME: This is the sort of code that should eventually live in a Core
// checker rather than as a special case in ExprEngine.
void ExprEngine::performTrivialCopy(NodeBuilder &Bldr, ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                    const CallEvent &Call) {
  SVal ThisVal;
  bool AlwaysReturnsLValue;
  const CXXRecordDecl *ThisRD = nullptr;
  if (const CXXConstructorCall *Ctor = dyn_cast<CXXConstructorCall>(&Call)) {
    ThisVal = Ctor->getCXXThisVal();
    ThisRD = Ctor->getDecl()->getParent();
    AlwaysReturnsLValue = false;
  } else {
    assert(cast<CXXMethodDecl>(Call.getDecl())->getOverloadedOperator() ==
    ThisVal = cast<CXXInstanceCall>(Call).getCXXThisVal();
    ThisRD = cast<CXXMethodDecl>(Call.getDecl())->getParent();
    AlwaysReturnsLValue = true;

  if (ThisRD->isEmpty()) {
    // Do nothing for empty classes. Otherwise it'd retrieve an UnknownVal
    // and bind it and RegionStore would think that the actual value
    // in this region at this offset is unknown.

  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();

  ExplodedNodeSet Dst;

  SVal V = Call.getArgSVal(0);

  // If the value being copied is not unknown, load from its location to get
  // an aggregate rvalue.
  if (Optional<Loc> L = V.getAs<Loc>())
    V = Pred->getState()->getSVal(*L);

  const Expr *CallExpr = Call.getOriginExpr();
  evalBind(Dst, CallExpr, Pred, ThisVal, V, true);

  PostStmt PS(CallExpr, LCtx);
  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = Dst.begin(), E = Dst.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    ProgramStateRef State = (*I)->getState();
    if (AlwaysReturnsLValue)
      State = State->BindExpr(CallExpr, LCtx, ThisVal);
      State = bindReturnValue(Call, LCtx, State);
    Bldr.generateNode(PS, State, *I);
Ejemplo n.º 19
void ExprEngine::VisitLambdaExpr(const LambdaExpr *LE, ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                 ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  const LocationContext *LocCtxt = Pred->getLocationContext();

  // Get the region of the lambda itself.
  const MemRegion *R = svalBuilder.getRegionManager().getCXXTempObjectRegion(
      LE, LocCtxt);
  SVal V = loc::MemRegionVal(R);
  ProgramStateRef State = Pred->getState();
  // If we created a new MemRegion for the lambda, we should explicitly bind
  // the captures.
  CXXRecordDecl::field_iterator CurField = LE->getLambdaClass()->field_begin();
  for (LambdaExpr::const_capture_init_iterator i = LE->capture_init_begin(),
                                               e = LE->capture_init_end();
       i != e; ++i, ++CurField) {
    FieldDecl *FieldForCapture = *CurField;
    SVal FieldLoc = State->getLValue(FieldForCapture, V);

    SVal InitVal;
    if (!FieldForCapture->hasCapturedVLAType()) {
      Expr *InitExpr = *i;
      assert(InitExpr && "Capture missing initialization expression");
      InitVal = State->getSVal(InitExpr, LocCtxt);
    } else {
      // The field stores the length of a captured variable-length array.
      // These captures don't have initialization expressions; instead we
      // get the length from the VLAType size expression.
      Expr *SizeExpr = FieldForCapture->getCapturedVLAType()->getSizeExpr();
      InitVal = State->getSVal(SizeExpr, LocCtxt);

    State = State->bindLoc(FieldLoc, InitVal);

  // Decay the Loc into an RValue, because there might be a
  // MaterializeTemporaryExpr node above this one which expects the bound value
  // to be an RValue.
  SVal LambdaRVal = State->getSVal(R);

  ExplodedNodeSet Tmp;
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, Tmp, *currBldrCtx);
  // FIXME: is this the right program point kind?
  Bldr.generateNode(LE, Pred,
                    State->BindExpr(LE, LocCtxt, LambdaRVal),
                    nullptr, ProgramPoint::PostLValueKind);

  // FIXME: Move all post/pre visits to ::Visit().
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostStmt(Dst, Tmp, LE, *this);
Ejemplo n.º 20
ProgramStateRef ExprEngine::handleLVectorSplat(
    ProgramStateRef state, const LocationContext* LCtx, const CastExpr* CastE,
    StmtNodeBuilder &Bldr, ExplodedNode* Pred) {
  // Recover some path sensitivity by conjuring a new value.
  QualType resultType = CastE->getType();
  if (CastE->isGLValue())
    resultType = getContext().getPointerType(resultType);
  SVal result = svalBuilder.conjureSymbolVal(nullptr, CastE, LCtx,
  state = state->BindExpr(CastE, LCtx, result);
  Bldr.generateNode(CastE, Pred, state);

  return state;
void ExprEngine::VisitCXXThisExpr(const CXXThisExpr *TE, ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                    ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, Dst, *currBldrCtx);

  // Get the this object region from StoreManager.
  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
  const MemRegion *R =

  ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
  SVal V = state->getSVal(loc::MemRegionVal(R));
  Bldr.generateNode(TE, Pred, state->BindExpr(TE, LCtx, V));
Ejemplo n.º 22
ProgramStateRef ExprEngine::handleLValueBitCast(
    ProgramStateRef state, const Expr* Ex, const LocationContext* LCtx,
    QualType T, QualType ExTy, const CastExpr* CastE, StmtNodeBuilder& Bldr,
    ExplodedNode* Pred) {
  // Delegate to SValBuilder to process.
  SVal V = state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx);
  V = svalBuilder.evalCast(V, T, ExTy);
  // Negate the result if we're treating the boolean as a signed i1
  if (CastE->getCastKind() == CK_BooleanToSignedIntegral)
    V = evalMinus(V);
  state = state->BindExpr(CastE, LCtx, V);
  Bldr.generateNode(CastE, Pred, state);

  return state;
Ejemplo n.º 23
void ExprEngine::VisitLvalObjCIvarRefExpr(const ObjCIvarRefExpr *Ex, 
                                          ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                          ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
  SVal baseVal = state->getSVal(Ex->getBase(), LCtx);
  SVal location = state->getLValue(Ex->getDecl(), baseVal);
  ExplodedNodeSet dstIvar;
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, dstIvar, *currentBuilderContext);
  Bldr.generateNode(Ex, Pred, state->BindExpr(Ex, LCtx, location));
  // Perform the post-condition check of the ObjCIvarRefExpr and store
  // the created nodes in 'Dst'.
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostStmt(Dst, dstIvar, Ex, *this);
Ejemplo n.º 24
void ExprEngine::handleUOExtension(ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I,
                                   const UnaryOperator *U,
                                   StmtNodeBuilder &Bldr) {
  // FIXME: We can probably just have some magic in Environment::getSVal()
  // that propagates values, instead of creating a new node here.
  // Unary "+" is a no-op, similar to a parentheses.  We still have places
  // where it may be a block-level expression, so we need to
  // generate an extra node that just propagates the value of the
  // subexpression.
  const Expr *Ex = U->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParens();
  ProgramStateRef state = (*I)->getState();
  const LocationContext *LCtx = (*I)->getLocationContext();
  Bldr.generateNode(U, *I, state->BindExpr(U, LCtx,
                                           state->getSVal(Ex, LCtx)));
Ejemplo n.º 25
void ExprEngine::VisitLogicalExpr(const BinaryOperator* B, ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                  ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  assert(B->getOpcode() == BO_LAnd ||
         B->getOpcode() == BO_LOr);

  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, Dst, *currentBuilderContext);
  ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();

  ExplodedNode *N = Pred;
  while (!isa<BlockEntrance>(N->getLocation())) {
    ProgramPoint P = N->getLocation();
    assert(isa<PreStmt>(P)|| isa<PreStmtPurgeDeadSymbols>(P));
    (void) P;
    assert(N->pred_size() == 1);
    N = *N->pred_begin();
  assert(N->pred_size() == 1);
  N = *N->pred_begin();
  BlockEdge BE = cast<BlockEdge>(N->getLocation());
  SVal X;

  // Determine the value of the expression by introspecting how we
  // got this location in the CFG.  This requires looking at the previous
  // block we were in and what kind of control-flow transfer was involved.
  const CFGBlock *SrcBlock = BE.getSrc();
  // The only terminator (if there is one) that makes sense is a logical op.
  CFGTerminator T = SrcBlock->getTerminator();
  if (const BinaryOperator *Term = cast_or_null<BinaryOperator>(T.getStmt())) {
    (void) Term;
    assert(SrcBlock->succ_size() == 2);
    // Did we take the true or false branch?
    unsigned constant = (*SrcBlock->succ_begin() == BE.getDst()) ? 1 : 0;
    X = svalBuilder.makeIntVal(constant, B->getType());
  else {
    // If there is no terminator, by construction the last statement
    // in SrcBlock is the value of the enclosing expression.
    CFGStmt Elem = cast<CFGStmt>(*SrcBlock->rbegin());
    const Stmt *S = Elem.getStmt();
    X = N->getState()->getSVal(S, Pred->getLocationContext());

  Bldr.generateNode(B, Pred, state->BindExpr(B, Pred->getLocationContext(), X));
Ejemplo n.º 26
// FIXME: This is the sort of code that should eventually live in a Core
// checker rather than as a special case in ExprEngine.
void ExprEngine::performTrivialCopy(NodeBuilder &Bldr, ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                    const CallEvent &Call) {
  SVal ThisVal;
  bool AlwaysReturnsLValue;
  if (const CXXConstructorCall *Ctor = dyn_cast<CXXConstructorCall>(&Call)) {
    ThisVal = Ctor->getCXXThisVal();
    AlwaysReturnsLValue = false;
  } else {
    assert(cast<CXXMethodDecl>(Call.getDecl())->getOverloadedOperator() ==
    ThisVal = cast<CXXInstanceCall>(Call).getCXXThisVal();
    AlwaysReturnsLValue = true;

  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();

  ExplodedNodeSet Dst;

  SVal V = Call.getArgSVal(0);

  // If the value being copied is not unknown, load from its location to get
  // an aggregate rvalue.
  if (Optional<Loc> L = V.getAs<Loc>())
    V = Pred->getState()->getSVal(*L);

  const Expr *CallExpr = Call.getOriginExpr();
  evalBind(Dst, CallExpr, Pred, ThisVal, V, true);

  PostStmt PS(CallExpr, LCtx);
  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = Dst.begin(), E = Dst.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    ProgramStateRef State = (*I)->getState();
    if (AlwaysReturnsLValue)
      State = State->BindExpr(CallExpr, LCtx, ThisVal);
      State = bindReturnValue(Call, LCtx, State);
    Bldr.generateNode(PS, State, *I);
Ejemplo n.º 27
void ExprEngine::CreateCXXTemporaryObject(const MaterializeTemporaryExpr *ME,
                                          ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                          ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, Dst, *currentBuilderContext);
  const Expr *tempExpr = ME->GetTemporaryExpr()->IgnoreParens();
  ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();

  // Bind the temporary object to the value of the expression. Then bind
  // the expression to the location of the object.
  SVal V = state->getSVal(tempExpr, Pred->getLocationContext());

  const MemRegion *R =
    svalBuilder.getRegionManager().getCXXTempObjectRegion(ME, LCtx);

  state = state->bindLoc(loc::MemRegionVal(R), V);
  Bldr.generateNode(ME, Pred, state->BindExpr(ME, LCtx, loc::MemRegionVal(R)));
Ejemplo n.º 28
void ExprEngine::VisitGuardedExpr(const Expr *Ex,
                                  const Expr *L, 
                                  const Expr *R,
                                  ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                  ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  StmtNodeBuilder B(Pred, Dst, *currBldrCtx);
  ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
  const CFGBlock *SrcBlock = 0;

  for (const ExplodedNode *N = Pred ; N ; N = *N->pred_begin()) {
    ProgramPoint PP = N->getLocation();
    if (PP.getAs<PreStmtPurgeDeadSymbols>() || PP.getAs<BlockEntrance>()) {
      assert(N->pred_size() == 1);
    SrcBlock = PP.castAs<BlockEdge>().getSrc();

  assert(SrcBlock && "missing function entry");

  // Find the last expression in the predecessor block.  That is the
  // expression that is used for the value of the ternary expression.
  bool hasValue = false;
  SVal V;

  for (CFGBlock::const_reverse_iterator I = SrcBlock->rbegin(),
                                        E = SrcBlock->rend(); I != E; ++I) {
    CFGElement CE = *I;
    if (Optional<CFGStmt> CS = CE.getAs<CFGStmt>()) {
      const Expr *ValEx = cast<Expr>(CS->getStmt());
      hasValue = true;
      V = state->getSVal(ValEx, LCtx);

  (void) hasValue;

  // Generate a new node with the binding from the appropriate path.
  B.generateNode(Ex, Pred, state->BindExpr(Ex, LCtx, V, true));
Ejemplo n.º 29
    virtual void expandGraph(ExplodedNodeSet &Dst, ExplodedNode *Pred) {

      ProgramStateRef state = getReplayWithoutInliningState(Pred, CE);

      // First, try to inline the call.
      if (state == 0 && Eng.InlineCall(Dst, CE, Pred))

      // First handle the return value.
      StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, Dst, *Eng.currentBuilderContext);

      // Get the callee.
      const Expr *Callee = CE->getCallee()->IgnoreParens();
      if (state == 0)
        state = Pred->getState();
      SVal L = state->getSVal(Callee, Pred->getLocationContext());

      // Figure out the result type. We do this dance to handle references.
      QualType ResultTy;
      if (const FunctionDecl *FD = L.getAsFunctionDecl())
        ResultTy = FD->getResultType();
        ResultTy = CE->getType();

      if (CE->isLValue())
        ResultTy = Eng.getContext().getPointerType(ResultTy);

      // Conjure a symbol value to use as the result.
      SValBuilder &SVB = Eng.getSValBuilder();
      unsigned Count = Eng.currentBuilderContext->getCurrentBlockCount();
      const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
      SVal RetVal = SVB.getConjuredSymbolVal(0, CE, LCtx, ResultTy, Count);

      // Generate a new state with the return value set.
      state = state->BindExpr(CE, LCtx, RetVal);

      // Invalidate the arguments.
      state = Eng.invalidateArguments(state, CallOrObjCMessage(CE, state, LCtx),

      // And make the result node.
      Bldr.generateNode(CE, Pred, state);
Ejemplo n.º 30
void ExprEngine::
VisitUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(const UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr *Ex,
                              ExplodedNode *Pred,
                              ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
  // FIXME: Prechecks eventually go in ::Visit().
  ExplodedNodeSet CheckedSet;
  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreStmt(CheckedSet, Pred, Ex, *this);

  ExplodedNodeSet EvalSet;
  StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(CheckedSet, EvalSet, *currBldrCtx);

  QualType T = Ex->getTypeOfArgument();

  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = CheckedSet.begin(), E = CheckedSet.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    if (Ex->getKind() == UETT_SizeOf) {
      if (!T->isIncompleteType() && !T->isConstantSizeType()) {
        assert(T->isVariableArrayType() && "Unknown non-constant-sized type.");

        // FIXME: Add support for VLA type arguments and VLA expressions.
        // When that happens, we should probably refactor VLASizeChecker's code.
      } else if (T->getAs<ObjCObjectType>()) {
        // Some code tries to take the sizeof an ObjCObjectType, relying that
        // the compiler has laid out its representation.  Just report Unknown
        // for these.

    APSInt Value = Ex->EvaluateKnownConstInt(getContext());
    CharUnits amt = CharUnits::fromQuantity(Value.getZExtValue());

    ProgramStateRef state = (*I)->getState();
    state = state->BindExpr(Ex, (*I)->getLocationContext(),
    Bldr.generateNode(Ex, *I, state);

  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostStmt(Dst, EvalSet, Ex, *this);