bool sweepConvex_SphereGeom(const PxGeometry& geom, const PxTransform& pose, const PxConvexMeshGeometry& convexGeom, const PxTransform& convexPose,
							const PxVec3& unitDir, const PxReal distance, PxSweepHit& sweepHit, PxHitFlags hintFlags, const PxReal inflation)
	PX_ASSERT(geom.getType() == PxGeometryType::eSPHERE);
	const PxSphereGeometry& sphereGeom = static_cast<const PxSphereGeometry&>(geom);


	const Vec3V zeroV = V3Zero();
	const FloatV zero= FZero();

	const Vec3V vScale =  Vec3V_From_Vec4V(V4LoadU(&convexGeom.scale.scale.x));
	const QuatV vQuat = QuatVLoadU(&convexGeom.scale.rotation.x);

	const FloatV sphereRadius = FLoad(sphereGeom.radius);

	const PsTransformV sphereTransf = loadTransformU(pose);
	const PsTransformV convexTransf = loadTransformU(convexPose);

	const PsMatTransformV aToB(convexTransf.transformInv(sphereTransf));

	const Vec3V worldDir = V3LoadU(unitDir);
	const FloatV dist = FLoad(distance);
	const Vec3V dir = convexTransf.rotateInv(V3Scale(worldDir, dist));

	ConvexHullV convexHull(hullData, zeroV, vScale, vQuat);
	//CapsuleV capsule(zeroV, sphereRadius);
	CapsuleV capsule(aToB.p, sphereRadius);

	const bool isMtd = hintFlags & PxHitFlag::eMTD;

	FloatV toi;
	Vec3V closestA, normal;
	//bool hit = GJKRelativeRayCast(capsule, convexHull, aToB, zero, zeroV, dir, toi, normal, closestA, inflation);
	bool hit = GJKLocalRayCast(capsule, convexHull, zero, zeroV, dir, toi, normal, closestA,
		sphereGeom.radius+inflation, isMtd);

		sweepHit.faceIndex = 0xffffffff;

		//closestA = V3NegScaleSub(normal, sphereRadius, closestA);
		const Vec3V destWorldPointA = convexTransf.transform(closestA);
		sweepHit.flags = PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE | PxHitFlag::eNORMAL;

		if(FAllGrtrOrEq(zero, toi))
			//ML: initial overlap
			if(!(PX_IS_SPU) && isMtd)
				sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::ePOSITION;
				const Vec3V destNormal = V3Neg(V3Normalize(convexTransf.rotate(normal)));
				const FloatV length = toi;
				V3StoreU(destNormal, sweepHit.normal);
				V3StoreU(destWorldPointA, sweepHit.position);
				FStore(length, &sweepHit.distance);
				sweepHit.distance	= 0.0f;
				sweepHit.normal		= -unitDir;
			sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::ePOSITION;
			const Vec3V destNormal = V3Neg(V3Normalize(convexTransf.rotate(normal)));
			const FloatV length = FMul(dist, toi);
			V3StoreU(destNormal, sweepHit.normal);
			V3StoreU(destWorldPointA, sweepHit.position);
			FStore(length, &sweepHit.distance);
		return true;
	return false;
bool sweepConvex_ConvexGeom(const PxGeometry& geom, const PxTransform& pose, const PxConvexMeshGeometry& convexGeom, const PxTransform& convexPose,
							const PxVec3& unitDir, const PxReal distance, PxSweepHit& sweepHit, PxHitFlags hintFlags, const PxReal inflation)
	using namespace Ps::aos;
	PX_ASSERT(geom.getType() == PxGeometryType::eCONVEXMESH);
	const PxConvexMeshGeometry& otherConvexGeom = static_cast<const PxConvexMeshGeometry&>(geom);
	ConvexMesh& otherConvexMesh = *static_cast<ConvexMesh*>(otherConvexGeom.convexMesh);


// PT: TODO: find a way to use the FETCH_CONVEX_HULL_DATA macro for the second hull as well
#ifdef __SPU__
	PX_ALIGN_PREFIX(16)  PxU8 otherconvexMeshBuffer[sizeof(ConvexMesh)+32] PX_ALIGN_SUFFIX(16);
	ConvexMesh* otherMesh = memFetchAsync<ConvexMesh>(otherconvexMeshBuffer, (uintptr_t)(&otherConvexMesh), sizeof(ConvexMesh),1);
	memFetchWait(1); // convexMesh	

	PxU32 otherNPolys = otherMesh->getNbPolygonsFast();
	const HullPolygonData* PX_RESTRICT otherPolysEA = otherMesh->getPolygons();
	const PxU32 otherPolysSize = sizeof(HullPolygonData)*otherNPolys + sizeof(PxVec3)*otherMesh->getNbVerts();
 	//TODO: Need optimization with dma cache --jiayang
	void* otherHullBuffer = PxAlloca(CELL_ALIGN_SIZE_16(otherPolysSize+32));
	HullPolygonData* otherPolys = memFetchAsync<HullPolygonData>(otherHullBuffer, (uintptr_t)(otherPolysEA), otherPolysSize, 1);

	ConvexHullData* otherHullData = &otherMesh->getHull();
	otherHullData->mPolygons = otherPolys;

	memFetchWait(1); // convexMesh
	ConvexHullData* otherHullData = &otherConvexMesh.getHull();	
	const Vec3V zeroV = V3Zero();
	const FloatV zero = FZero();

	const Vec3V otherVScale = V3LoadU(otherConvexGeom.scale.scale);
	const QuatV otherVQuat = QuatVLoadU(&otherConvexGeom.scale.rotation.x);

	const Vec3V vScale = Vec3V_From_Vec4V(V4LoadU(&convexGeom.scale.scale.x));
	const QuatV vQuat = QuatVLoadU(&convexGeom.scale.rotation.x);

	const PsTransformV otherTransf = loadTransformU(pose);
	const PsTransformV convexTransf = loadTransformU(convexPose);

	const Vec3V worldDir = V3LoadU(unitDir);
	const FloatV dist = FLoad(distance);
	const Vec3V dir = convexTransf.rotateInv(V3Scale(worldDir, dist));

	const PsMatTransformV aToB(convexTransf.transformInv(otherTransf));
	ConvexHullV otherConvexHull(otherHullData, zeroV, otherVScale, otherVQuat);
	ConvexHullV convexHull(hullData, zeroV, vScale, vQuat);

	bool isMtd = hintFlags & PxHitFlag::eMTD;
	FloatV toi;
	Vec3V closestA, normal;
	bool hit = GJKRelativeRayCast(otherConvexHull, convexHull, aToB, zero, zeroV, dir, toi, normal, closestA,
		inflation, isMtd);

		sweepHit.flags = PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE | PxHitFlag::eNORMAL;

		if(FAllGrtrOrEq(zero, toi))
			//initial overlap
			if(!(PX_IS_SPU) && isMtd)
				sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::ePOSITION;
				const Vec3V worldPointA = convexTransf.transform(closestA);
				const Vec3V destNormal = V3Neg(V3Normalize(convexTransf.rotate(normal)));
				const FloatV length = toi;
				V3StoreU(destNormal, sweepHit.normal);
				V3StoreU(worldPointA, sweepHit.position);
				FStore(length, &sweepHit.distance);
				sweepHit.distance	= 0.0f;
				sweepHit.normal		= -unitDir;
			sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::ePOSITION;
			const Vec3V worldPointA = convexTransf.transform(closestA);
			const Vec3V destNormal = V3Neg(V3Normalize(convexTransf.rotate(normal)));
			const FloatV length = FMul(dist, toi);
			V3StoreU(destNormal, sweepHit.normal);
			V3StoreU(worldPointA, sweepHit.position);
			FStore(length, &sweepHit.distance);

		// PT: compute closest polygon using the same tweak as in swept-capsule-vs-mesh
		sweepHit.faceIndex = computeSweepConvexPlane(convexGeom,hullData,nbPolys,pose,sweepHit.position,unitDir);
		return true;
	return false;
bool sweepCapsule_ConvexGeom(GU_CAPSULE_SWEEP_FUNC_PARAMS)
	PX_ASSERT(geom.getType() == PxGeometryType::eCONVEXMESH);

	using namespace Ps::aos;
	PX_ASSERT(geom.getType() == PxGeometryType::eCONVEXMESH);
	const PxConvexMeshGeometry& convexGeom = static_cast<const PxConvexMeshGeometry&>(geom);


	PxReal _capsuleHalfHeight = 0.0f;
	const PxTransform capTransform = getCapsuleTransform(lss, _capsuleHalfHeight);

	const Vec3V zeroV = V3Zero();
	const FloatV zero = FZero();
	const FloatV dist = FLoad(distance);
	const Vec3V worldDir = V3LoadU(unitDir);

	const PsTransformV capPose = loadTransformU(capTransform);
	const PsTransformV convexPose = loadTransformU(pose);

	const PsMatTransformV aToB(convexPose.transformInv(capPose));

	//const PsMatTransformV aToB(pose.transformInv(capsuleTransform));

	const FloatV capsuleHalfHeight = FLoad(_capsuleHalfHeight);
	const FloatV capsuleRadius = FLoad(lss.radius);

	const Vec3V vScale = Vec3V_From_Vec4V(V4LoadU(&convexGeom.scale.scale.x));
	const QuatV vQuat = QuatVLoadU(&convexGeom.scale.rotation.x);

	CapsuleV capsule(aToB.p, aToB.rotate( V3Scale(V3UnitX(), capsuleHalfHeight)), capsuleRadius);
	//CapsuleV capsule(zeroV, V3Scale(V3UnitX(), capsuleHalfHeight), capsuleRadius);
	ConvexHullV convexHull(hullData, zeroV, vScale, vQuat);

	const Vec3V dir = convexPose.rotateInv(V3Neg(V3Scale(worldDir, dist)));

	bool isMtd = hintFlags & PxHitFlag::eMTD;

	FloatV toi;
	Vec3V closestA, normal;//closestA and normal is in the local space of convex hull
	bool hit  = GJKLocalRayCast(capsule, convexHull, zero, zeroV, dir, toi, normal, closestA,
		lss.radius + inflation, isMtd);

		sweepHit.flags = PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE | PxHitFlag::eNORMAL;

		if(FAllGrtrOrEq(zero, toi))
			if(!(PX_IS_SPU) && isMtd)
				sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::ePOSITION;
				const FloatV length = toi;
				const Vec3V destNormal = V3Normalize(convexPose.rotate(normal));
				const Vec3V worldPointA = convexPose.transform(closestA);
				const Vec3V destWorldPointA = V3NegScaleSub(destNormal, length, worldPointA);
				V3StoreU(destNormal, sweepHit.normal);
				V3StoreU(destWorldPointA, sweepHit.position);
				FStore(length, &sweepHit.distance);
				sweepHit.distance = 0.f;
				sweepHit.normal = -unitDir;
			sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::ePOSITION;
			const Vec3V worldPointA = convexPose.transform(closestA);
			const FloatV length = FMul(dist, toi);
			const Vec3V destNormal = V3Normalize(convexPose.rotate(normal));
			const Vec3V destWorldPointA = V3ScaleAdd(worldDir, length, worldPointA);
			V3StoreU(destNormal, sweepHit.normal);
			V3StoreU(destWorldPointA, sweepHit.position);
			FStore(length, &sweepHit.distance);
		// PT: compute closest polygon using the same tweak as in swept-capsule-vs-mesh
		sweepHit.faceIndex = computeSweepConvexPlane(convexGeom,hullData,nbPolys,pose,sweepHit.position,unitDir);
		//pxPrintf("fi = %d, pos=%.7f %.7f %.7f\n",
		//	sweepHit.faceIndex, sweepHit.position.x, sweepHit.position.y, sweepHit.position.z);
		return true;
	return false;
bool sweepBox_ConvexGeom(GU_BOX_SWEEP_FUNC_PARAMS)
	using namespace Ps::aos;
	PX_ASSERT(geom.getType() == PxGeometryType::eCONVEXMESH);
	const PxConvexMeshGeometry& convexGeom = static_cast<const PxConvexMeshGeometry&>(geom);

	PX_ALIGN_PREFIX(16) PxTransform boxTransform PX_ALIGN_SUFFIX(16); boxTransform = box.getTransform();


	const Vec3V zeroV = V3Zero();
	const FloatV zero = FZero();

	const PsTransformV boxPose = loadTransformA(boxTransform);
	const PsTransformV convexPose = loadTransformU(pose);

	const PsMatTransformV aToB(convexPose.transformInv(boxPose));

	const Vec3V boxExtents = V3LoadU(box.extents);

	const Vec3V vScale = V3LoadU(convexGeom.scale.scale);
	const QuatV vQuat = QuatVLoadU(&convexGeom.scale.rotation.x);
	BoxV boxV(zeroV, boxExtents);
	ConvexHullV convexHull(hullData, zeroV, vScale, vQuat);

	const Vec3V worldDir = V3LoadU(unitDir);
	const FloatV dist = FLoad(distance);
	const Vec3V dir =convexPose.rotateInv(V3Neg(V3Scale(worldDir, dist)));

	bool isMtd = hintFlags & PxHitFlag::eMTD;

	FloatV toi;
	Vec3V closestA, normal;

	bool hit = GJKRelativeRayCast(boxV, convexHull, aToB, zero, zeroV, dir, toi, normal, closestA,
		inflation, isMtd);

		const Vec3V worldPointA = convexPose.transform(closestA);
		sweepHit.flags = PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE | PxHitFlag::eNORMAL;

		if(FAllGrtrOrEq(zero, toi))
			//ML: initial overlap
			if(!(PX_IS_SPU) && isMtd)
				sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::ePOSITION;
				const Vec3V destNormal = V3Normalize(convexPose.rotate(normal));
				const FloatV length = toi;
				const Vec3V destWorldPointA =V3NegScaleSub(destNormal, length, worldPointA);
				V3StoreU(destNormal, sweepHit.normal);
				V3StoreU(destWorldPointA, sweepHit.position);
				FStore(length, &sweepHit.distance);
				sweepHit.distance	= 0.0f;
				sweepHit.normal		= -unitDir;
			sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::ePOSITION;
			const Vec3V destNormal = V3Normalize(convexPose.rotate(normal));
			const FloatV length = FMul(dist, toi);
			const Vec3V destWorldPointA = V3ScaleAdd(worldDir, length, worldPointA);
			V3StoreU(destNormal, sweepHit.normal);
			V3StoreU(destWorldPointA, sweepHit.position);
			FStore(length, &sweepHit.distance);

		// PT: compute closest polygon using the same tweak as in swept-capsule-vs-mesh
		sweepHit.faceIndex = computeSweepConvexPlane(convexGeom,hullData,nbPolys,pose,sweepHit.position,unitDir);
		return true;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool Gu::SweepBoxTriangles(	PxU32 nbTris, const PxTriangle* triangles, bool isDoubleSided,
							const PxBoxGeometry& boxGeom, const PxTransform& boxPose, const PxVec3& dir, const PxReal length, PxVec3& _hit,
							PxVec3& _normal, float& _d, PxU32& _index, const PxU32* cachedIndex, const PxReal inflation, PxHitFlags hintFlags)

		return false;

	const bool meshBothSides = hintFlags & PxHitFlag::eMESH_BOTH_SIDES;
	const bool doBackfaceCulling = !isDoubleSided && !meshBothSides;

	Box box;
	buildFrom1(box, boxPose.p, boxGeom.halfExtents, boxPose.q);

	PxSweepHit sweepHit;
	// Move to AABB space
	Matrix34 worldToBox;
	computeWorldToBoxMatrix(worldToBox, box);

	const PxVec3 localDir = worldToBox.rotate(dir);
	const PxVec3 localMotion = localDir * length;

	const Vec3V base0 = V3LoadU(worldToBox.base0);
	const Vec3V base1 = V3LoadU(worldToBox.base1);
	const Vec3V base2 = V3LoadU(worldToBox.base2);
	const Mat33V matV(base0, base1, base2);
	const Vec3V p	  = V3LoadU(worldToBox.base3);
	const PsMatTransformV worldToBoxV(p, matV);

	const FloatV zero = FZero();
	const Vec3V zeroV = V3Zero();
	const BoolV bTrue = BTTTT();
	const Vec3V boxExtents = V3LoadU(box.extents);
	const Vec3V boxDir = V3LoadU(localDir);
	const FloatV inflationV = FLoad(inflation);
	const Vec3V absBoxDir = V3Abs(boxDir);
	const FloatV boxRadiusV = FAdd(V3Dot(absBoxDir, boxExtents), inflationV);
	BoxV boxV(zeroV, boxExtents);

#ifdef PX_DEBUG
	PxU32 totalTestsExpected = nbTris;
	PxU32 totalTestsReal = 0;

	Vec3V boxLocalMotion = V3LoadU(localMotion);
	Vec3V minClosestA = zeroV, minNormal = zeroV;
	PxU32 minTriangleIndex = 0;
	PxVec3 bestTriNormal(0.0f);
	FloatV dist = FLoad(length);

	const PsTransformV boxPos = loadTransformU(boxPose);

	bool status = false;

	const PxU32 idx = cachedIndex ? *cachedIndex : 0;

	for(PxU32 ii=0;ii<nbTris;ii++)
		const PxU32 triangleIndex = getTriangleIndex(ii, idx);

		const Vec3V localV0 =  V3LoadU(triangles[triangleIndex].verts[0]);
		const Vec3V localV1 =  V3LoadU(triangles[triangleIndex].verts[1]);
		const Vec3V localV2 =  V3LoadU(triangles[triangleIndex].verts[2]);

		const Vec3V triV0 = worldToBoxV.transform(localV0);
		const Vec3V triV1 = worldToBoxV.transform(localV1);
		const Vec3V triV2 = worldToBoxV.transform(localV2);

		const Vec3V triNormal = V3Cross(V3Sub(triV2, triV1),V3Sub(triV0, triV1)); 

		if(doBackfaceCulling && FAllGrtrOrEq(V3Dot(triNormal, boxLocalMotion), zero)) // backface culling

		const FloatV dp0 = V3Dot(triV0, boxDir);
		const FloatV dp1 = V3Dot(triV1, boxDir);
		const FloatV dp2 = V3Dot(triV2, boxDir);
		const FloatV dp = FMin(dp0, FMin(dp1, dp2));

		const Vec3V dpV = V3Merge(dp0, dp1, dp2);

		const FloatV temp1 = FAdd(boxRadiusV, dist);
		const BoolV con0 = FIsGrtr(dp, temp1);
		const BoolV con1 = V3IsGrtr(zeroV, dpV);

		if(BAllEq(BOr(con0, con1), bTrue))

#ifdef PX_DEBUG

		TriangleV triangleV(triV0, triV1, triV2);
		FloatV lambda;   
		Vec3V closestA, normal;//closestA and normal is in the local space of convex hull
		bool hit  = GJKLocalRayCast(triangleV, boxV, zero, zeroV, boxLocalMotion, lambda, normal, closestA, inflation, false); 
			if(FAllGrtrOrEq(zero, lambda))
				_d		= 0.0f;
				_index	= triangleIndex;
				_normal	= -dir;
				return true;

			dist = FMul(dist,lambda);
			boxLocalMotion = V3Scale(boxDir, dist);  
			minClosestA = closestA;
			minNormal = normal;
			minTriangleIndex = triangleIndex;
			V3StoreU(triNormal, bestTriNormal);
			status = true;

		_index	= minTriangleIndex;
		const Vec3V destNormal = V3Neg(V3Normalize(boxPos.rotate(minNormal)));
		const Vec3V destWorldPointA = boxPos.transform(minClosestA);
		V3StoreU(destNormal, _normal);
		V3StoreU(destWorldPointA, _hit);
		FStore(dist, &_d);

		// PT: by design, returned normal is opposed to the sweep direction.
		if(shouldFlipNormal(_normal, meshBothSides, isDoubleSided, bestTriNormal, dir))
			_normal = -_normal;

		return true;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool sweepCapsule_BoxGeom(GU_CAPSULE_SWEEP_FUNC_PARAMS)

	using namespace Ps::aos;
	PX_ASSERT(geom.getType() == PxGeometryType::eBOX);
	const PxBoxGeometry& boxGeom = static_cast<const PxBoxGeometry&>(geom);

	const FloatV zero = FZero();
	const Vec3V zeroV = V3Zero();
	const Vec3V boxExtents0 = V3LoadU(boxGeom.halfExtents);
	const FloatV dist = FLoad(distance);
	const Vec3V worldDir = V3LoadU(unitDir);

	PxReal _capsuleHalfHeight = 0.0f;
	const PxTransform capTransform = getCapsuleTransform(lss, _capsuleHalfHeight);

	const PsTransformV capPos = loadTransformU(capTransform);
	const PsTransformV boxPos = loadTransformU(pose);

	const PsMatTransformV aToB(boxPos.transformInv(capPos));

	const FloatV capsuleHalfHeight = FLoad(_capsuleHalfHeight);
	const FloatV capsuleRadius = FLoad(lss.radius);

	BoxV box(zeroV, boxExtents0);
	CapsuleV capsule(aToB.p, aToB.rotate(V3Scale(V3UnitX(), capsuleHalfHeight)), capsuleRadius);

	const Vec3V dir = boxPos.rotateInv(V3Neg(V3Scale(worldDir, dist)));

	const bool isMtd = hintFlags & PxHitFlag::eMTD;
	FloatV toi = FMax();
	Vec3V closestA, normal;//closestA and normal is in the local space of box
	bool hit  = GJKLocalRayCast(capsule, box, zero, zeroV, dir, toi, normal, closestA, lss.radius + inflation, isMtd);

		sweepHit.flags = PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE | PxHitFlag::eNORMAL;
		if(FAllGrtrOrEq(zero, toi))
			//initial overlap
			if((!PX_IS_SPU) && isMtd)
				sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::ePOSITION;
				const Vec3V worldPointA = boxPos.transform(closestA);
				const Vec3V destNormal = boxPos.rotate(normal);
				const FloatV length = toi;
				const Vec3V destWorldPointA = V3NegScaleSub(destNormal, length, worldPointA);
				V3StoreU(destWorldPointA, sweepHit.position);
				V3StoreU(destNormal, sweepHit.normal);
				FStore(length, &sweepHit.distance);
				sweepHit.distance	= 0.0f;
				sweepHit.normal		= -unitDir;
			sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::ePOSITION;
			const Vec3V worldPointA = boxPos.transform(closestA);
			const Vec3V destNormal = boxPos.rotate(normal);
			const FloatV length = FMul(dist, toi);
			const Vec3V destWorldPointA = V3ScaleAdd(worldDir, length, worldPointA);
			V3StoreU(destNormal, sweepHit.normal);
			V3StoreU(destWorldPointA, sweepHit.position);
			FStore(length, &sweepHit.distance);


		return true;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool sweepBox_BoxGeom(GU_BOX_SWEEP_FUNC_PARAMS)
	PX_ASSERT(geom.getType() == PxGeometryType::eBOX);
	const PxBoxGeometry& boxGeom = static_cast<const PxBoxGeometry&>(geom);

	const FloatV zero = FZero();
	const Vec3V zeroV = V3Zero();
	const Vec3V boxExtents0 = V3LoadU(boxGeom.halfExtents);
	const Vec3V boxExtents1 = V3LoadU(box.extents);
	const FloatV worldDist = FLoad(distance);
	const Vec3V  unitDirV = V3LoadU(unitDir);

	const PxTransform boxWorldPose = box.getTransform();

	const PsTransformV boxTrans0 = loadTransformU(pose);
	const PsTransformV boxTrans1 = loadTransformU(boxWorldPose);

	const PsMatTransformV aToB(boxTrans1.transformInv(boxTrans0));

	BoxV box0(zeroV, boxExtents0);
	BoxV box1(zeroV, boxExtents1);

	//transform into b space
	const Vec3V dir = boxTrans1.rotateInv(V3Scale(unitDirV, worldDist));
	const bool isMtd = hintFlags & PxHitFlag::eMTD;
	FloatV toi;
	Vec3V closestA, normal;//closestA and normal is in the local space of box
	bool hit  = GJKRelativeRayCast(box0, box1, aToB, zero, zeroV, dir, toi, normal, closestA, inflation, isMtd);
		sweepHit.flags = PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE | PxHitFlag::eNORMAL;
		if(FAllGrtrOrEq(zero, toi))
			if((!PX_IS_SPU) && isMtd)
				sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::ePOSITION;
				const FloatV length = toi;
				const Vec3V destWorldPointA = boxTrans1.transform(closestA);
				const Vec3V destNormal = V3Normalize(boxTrans1.rotate(normal));
				V3StoreU(V3Neg(destNormal), sweepHit.normal);
				V3StoreU(destWorldPointA, sweepHit.position);
				FStore(length, &sweepHit.distance);
				sweepHit.distance	= 0.0f;
				sweepHit.normal		= -unitDir;
			sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::ePOSITION;
			const Vec3V destWorldPointA = boxTrans1.transform(closestA);
			const Vec3V destNormal = V3Normalize(boxTrans1.rotate(normal));
			const FloatV length = FMul(worldDist, toi);
			V3StoreU(V3Neg(destNormal), sweepHit.normal);
			V3StoreU(destWorldPointA, sweepHit.position);
			FStore(length, &sweepHit.distance);
		return true;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool sweepBox_CapsuleGeom(GU_BOX_SWEEP_FUNC_PARAMS)
	using namespace Ps::aos;
	PX_ASSERT(geom.getType() == PxGeometryType::eCAPSULE);
	const PxCapsuleGeometry& capsuleGeom = static_cast<const PxCapsuleGeometry&>(geom);

	const FloatV capsuleHalfHeight = FLoad(capsuleGeom.halfHeight);
	const FloatV capsuleRadius = FLoad(capsuleGeom.radius);

	const FloatV zero = FZero();
	const Vec3V zeroV = V3Zero();
	const Vec3V boxExtents = V3LoadU(box.extents);
	const FloatV worldDist = FLoad(distance);
	const Vec3V  unitDirV = V3LoadU(unitDir);

	const PxTransform boxWorldPose = box.getTransform();

	const PsTransformV capPos = loadTransformU(pose);
	const PsTransformV boxPos = loadTransformU(boxWorldPose);

	const PsMatTransformV aToB(boxPos.transformInv(capPos));

	BoxV boxV(zeroV, boxExtents);
	CapsuleV capsuleV(aToB.p, aToB.rotate(V3Scale(V3UnitX(), capsuleHalfHeight)), capsuleRadius);

	//transform into b space
	const Vec3V dir = boxPos.rotateInv(V3Scale(unitDirV, worldDist));

	const bool isMtd = hintFlags & PxHitFlag::eMTD;
	FloatV toi;
	Vec3V closestA, normal;//closestA and normal is in the local space of box
	bool hit  = GJKLocalRayCast(capsuleV, boxV, zero, zeroV, dir, toi, normal, closestA, capsuleGeom.radius+inflation, isMtd);

		sweepHit.flags = PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE | PxHitFlag::eNORMAL;

		//initial overlap
		if(FAllGrtrOrEq(zero, toi))
			if((!PX_IS_SPU) && isMtd)
				sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::ePOSITION;
				//initial overlap is toi < 0 
				const FloatV length = toi;
				const Vec3V destWorldPointA = boxPos.transform(closestA);
				const Vec3V destNormal = boxPos.rotate(normal);
				V3StoreU(V3Neg(destNormal), sweepHit.normal);
				V3StoreU(destWorldPointA, sweepHit.position);
				FStore(length, &sweepHit.distance);
				sweepHit.distance	= 0.0f;
				sweepHit.normal		= -unitDir;
			return true;
			sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::ePOSITION;
			const Vec3V destWorldPointA = boxPos.transform(closestA);
			const Vec3V destNormal = boxPos.rotate(normal);
			const FloatV length = FMul(worldDist, toi);
			V3StoreU(V3Neg(destNormal), sweepHit.normal);
			V3StoreU(destWorldPointA, sweepHit.position);
			FStore(length, &sweepHit.distance);
		return true;	
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool sweepBox_SphereGeom(GU_BOX_SWEEP_FUNC_PARAMS)
	PX_ASSERT(geom.getType() == PxGeometryType::eSPHERE);
	const PxSphereGeometry& sphereGeom = static_cast<const PxSphereGeometry&>(geom);

	const FloatV zero = FZero();
	const Vec3V zeroV = V3Zero();
	const Vec3V boxExtents = V3LoadU(box.extents);
	const FloatV worldDist = FLoad(distance);
	const Vec3V  unitDirV = V3LoadU(unitDir);

	const FloatV sphereRadius = FLoad(sphereGeom.radius);

		original code:
		const PxTransform boxWorldPose = box.getTransform(); 
		starting with SDK 1.700 it breaks various PS4 non-debug tests:
		SqTestSweep and RecoveryModuleTest

		for some unknown reason, the vector elements end up in the wrong location
		(in y where it should be in x it seems)

		while we investigate the real cause, use the equivalent code directly
	const PxTransform boxWorldPose = PxTransform(, PxQuat(box.rot));
	const PsTransformV spherePos = loadTransformU(pose);
	const PsTransformV boxPos = loadTransformU(boxWorldPose);

	const PsMatTransformV aToB(boxPos.transformInv(spherePos));

	BoxV boxV(zeroV, boxExtents);
	CapsuleV capsuleV(aToB.p, sphereRadius);

	//transform into b space
	const Vec3V dir = boxPos.rotateInv(V3Scale(unitDirV, worldDist));

	bool isMtd = hintFlags & PxHitFlag::eMTD;
	FloatV toi;
	Vec3V closestA, normal;//closestA and normal is in the local space of box
	bool hit  = GJKLocalRayCast(capsuleV, boxV, zero, zeroV, dir, toi, normal, closestA, sphereGeom.radius+inflation, isMtd);

		sweepHit.flags = PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE | PxHitFlag::eNORMAL;

		//initial overlap
		if(FAllGrtrOrEq(zero, toi))
			if((!PX_IS_SPU) && isMtd)
				sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::ePOSITION;
				const Vec3V destWorldPointA = boxPos.transform(closestA);
				const Vec3V destNormal = V3Neg(boxPos.rotate(normal));
				const FloatV length = toi;
				V3StoreU(destNormal, sweepHit.normal);
				V3StoreU(destWorldPointA, sweepHit.position);
				FStore(length, &sweepHit.distance);
				sweepHit.distance	= 0.0f;
				sweepHit.normal		= -unitDir;

			sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::ePOSITION;
			const Vec3V destWorldPointA = boxPos.transform(closestA);
			const Vec3V destNormal = V3Neg(boxPos.rotate(normal));
			const FloatV length = FMul(worldDist, toi);
			V3StoreU(destNormal, sweepHit.normal);
			V3StoreU(destWorldPointA, sweepHit.position);
			FStore(length, &sweepHit.distance);
		return true;
	return false;