Ejemplo n.º 1
void ProfileNewDlg::slotCreate()
	name = le_name->text();

	if(profileExists(name)) {
		QMessageBox::information(this, CAP(tr("New Profile")), tr("There is already an existing profile with this name.  Please choose another."));

	if(!profileNew(name)) {
		QMessageBox::information(this, CAP(tr("New Profile")), tr("Unable to create the profile.  Please do not use any special characters."));

	// save config
	PsiOptions o;

	if (!o.newProfile()) {
		qWarning("ERROR: Failed to new profile default options");

	o.setOption("options.messages.default-outgoing-message-type" ,rb_message->isChecked() ? "message": "chat");
	o.setOption("options.ui.emoticons.use-emoticons" ,ck_useEmoticons->isChecked());
	o.save(pathToProfile(name, ApplicationInfo::ConfigLocation) + "/options.xml");

Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: main.cpp Proyecto: gislan/psi
PsiMain::PsiMain(QObject *par)
	pcon = 0;

	// load simple registry settings
	QSettings sUser(QSettings::UserScope, "psi-im.org", "Psi");
	lastProfile = sUser.value("last_profile").toString();
	lastLang = sUser.value("last_lang").toString();
	autoOpen = sUser.value("auto_open", QVariant(false)).toBool();

	QSettings s(ApplicationInfo::homeDir() + "/psirc", QSettings::IniFormat);
	lastProfile = s.value("last_profile", lastProfile).toString();
	lastLang = s.value("last_lang", lastLang).toString();
	autoOpen = s.value("auto_open", autoOpen).toBool();

	if(lastLang.isEmpty()) {
		lastLang = QTextCodec::locale();
		//printf("guessing locale: [%s]\n", lastLang.latin1());


	if(autoOpen && !lastProfile.isEmpty() && profileExists(lastProfile)) {
		// Auto-open the last profile
		activeProfile = lastProfile;
		QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(sessionStart()));
	else if (!lastProfile.isEmpty() && !getProfilesList().isEmpty()) {
		// Select a profile
		QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(chooseProfile()));
	else if (getProfilesList().count() == 1) {
		// Open the (only) profile
		activeProfile = getProfilesList()[0];
		QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(sessionStart()));
	else if (!getProfilesList().isEmpty()) {
		// Select a profile
		QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(chooseProfile()));
	else {
		// Create & open the default profile
		if (!profileExists("default") && !profileNew("default")) {
			QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Error"), 
				tr("There was an error creating the default profile."));
			QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(bail()));
		else {
			PsiOptions o;
			if (!o.newProfile()) {
				qWarning("ERROR: Failed to new profile default options");

			o.save(pathToProfile("default") + "/options.xml");

			lastProfile = activeProfile = "default";
			autoOpen = true;
			QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(sessionStart()));