Ejemplo n.º 1
void SampleSubmarine::onSubstep(float dtime)
	// user input -> forces

	// change current every 0.01s
	static PxReal sElapsedTime = 0.0f;
	sElapsedTime += mPause ? 0 : dtime;
	if(sElapsedTime > 0.01f)
		static PxReal angle = 0;
		angle += sElapsedTime*0.01f;
		angle = angle < (PxTwoPi) ? angle : angle - PxTwoPi;
		sElapsedTime = 0;
		gBuoyancy.z = 0.15f * PxSin(angle * 50);
		PxQuat yRot = PxQuat(angle, PxVec3(0,1,0));
		gBuoyancy = yRot.rotate(gBuoyancy);

		// apply external forces to seamines
		const size_t nbSeamines = mSeamines.size();
		for(PxU32 i = 0; i < nbSeamines; i++)
			Seamine* mine = mSeamines[i];
			mine->mMineHead->addForce(gBuoyancy, PxForceMode::eACCELERATION);
			const size_t nbLinks = mine->mLinks.size();
			for(PxU32 j = 0; j < nbLinks; j++)
				mine->mLinks[j]->addForce(gBuoyancy, PxForceMode::eACCELERATION);

		//convert forces from submarine the submarine's body local space to global space
		PxQuat submarineOrientation = mSubmarineActor->getGlobalPose().q;
		gForce = submarineOrientation.rotate(gForce);
		gTorque = submarineOrientation.rotate(gTorque);

		// add also current forces to submarine
		gForce.z += gBuoyancy.z * 5.0f;

		// apply forces in global space and reset
		gForce = PxVec3(0);
		gTorque = PxVec3(0);
static PxTransform computeBoneTransform(PxTransform &rootTransform, Acclaim::Bone &bone, PxVec3* boneFrameData)
	using namespace Acclaim;

	//PxTransform rootTransform(PxVec3(0.0f), PxQuat(PxIdentity));
	PxTransform parentTransform = (bone.mParent) ? 
		computeBoneTransform(rootTransform, *bone.mParent, boneFrameData) : rootTransform;
	PxQuat qWorld = EulerAngleToQuat(bone.mAxis);
	PxVec3 offset = bone.mLength * bone.mDirection;
	PxQuat qDelta = PxQuat(PxIdentity);
	PxVec3 boneData = boneFrameData[bone.mID-1];
	if (bone.mDOF & BoneDOFFlag::eRX)
		qDelta = PxQuat(Ps::degToRad(boneData.x), PxVec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) * qDelta;
	if (bone.mDOF & BoneDOFFlag::eRY)
		qDelta = PxQuat(Ps::degToRad(boneData.y), PxVec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) * qDelta;
	if (bone.mDOF & BoneDOFFlag::eRZ)
		qDelta = PxQuat(Ps::degToRad(boneData.z), PxVec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)) * qDelta;

	PxQuat boneOrientation = qWorld * qDelta * qWorld.getConjugate();

	PxTransform boneTransform(boneOrientation.rotate(offset), boneOrientation);

	return parentTransform.transform(boneTransform);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 @brief update vertex position
 @date 2014-02-26
void RendererBezierShape::SetBezierCurve(const vector<PxVec3> &points, const PxVec3 &color)//color=PxVec(0,0,0)
	const PxU32 numVerts = (NODE_COUNT-1)*CONER_COUNT + 1; // +1 is head vertex point
	const PxVec3 diffuse = color * 255;
	const PxU32 diffuseColor = m_renderer.convertColor(RendererColor(diffuse.x, diffuse.y, diffuse.z));

	RENDERER_ASSERT(m_vertexBuffer, "Failed to create Vertex Buffer.");
	if (m_vertexBuffer)
		PxU32 stride = 0;
		void* vertPositions = m_vertexBuffer->lockSemantic(RendererVertexBuffer::SEMANTIC_POSITION, stride);
		//void *colors = m_vertexBuffer->lockSemantic(RendererVertexBuffer::SEMANTIC_COLOR, stride);
		void *normals = m_vertexBuffer->lockSemantic(RendererVertexBuffer::SEMANTIC_NORMAL, stride);

		PxVec3 oldPos;
		int vtxOffset = 0;
		for (int i=0; i < NODE_COUNT-1; ++i)
			PxVec3 pos;
			utility::bezier(pos, points, (float)i/(float)(NODE_COUNT-1));

			PxQuat q;
			if (i > 0)
				PxVec3 curve = pos - oldPos;
				utility::quatRotationArc(q, PxVec3(1,0,0), curve);

			float DEPTH = .03f;
			if (i == NODE_COUNT-2)
				DEPTH += DEPTH*3; // arrow head

			for (int k=0; k < CONER_COUNT; ++k)
				const float rad = -PxPi * 2.f * ((float)k/(float)CONER_COUNT);
				PxVec3 dir = PxQuat(rad, PxVec3(1,0,0)).rotate(PxVec3(0,1,0));
				if (i > 0)
					dir = q.rotate(dir);
				*(PxVec3*)(((PxU8*)vertPositions) + vtxOffset) = pos + dir*DEPTH;
				*(PxVec3*)(((PxU8*)normals) + vtxOffset) = PxVec3(0,1,0);
				//*(PxU32*)(((PxU8*)colors) + vtxOffset) = diffuseColor;

				vtxOffset += stride;

			// arrow head
			DEPTH += DEPTH; // head length
			if (i == NODE_COUNT-2)
				utility::bezier(pos, points, 1);
				if ((pos-oldPos).magnitude() < 0.2f)
					PxVec3 v0 = pos-oldPos;
					if (!v0.isZero())
						pos = oldPos + v0*0.2f;

				PxVec3 dir = q.rotate(PxVec3(1,0,0));
				*(PxVec3*)(((PxU8*)vertPositions) + vtxOffset) = pos;
				*(PxVec3*)(((PxU8*)normals) + vtxOffset) = PxVec3(0,1,0);
				//*(PxU32*)(((PxU8*)colors) + vtxOffset) = diffuseColor;

			oldPos = pos;