// PT: SAT-based version, in box space
// AP: uninlining on SPU doesn't help
int Gu::triBoxSweepTestBoxSpace(const PxTriangle& tri, const PxVec3& extents, const PxVec3& dir, const PxVec3& oneOverDir, float tmax, float& toi, bool doBackfaceCulling)
	// Create triangle normal
	PxVec3 triNormal;

	// Backface culling
	if(doBackfaceCulling && (triNormal.dot(dir)) >= 0.0f)	// ">=" is important !
		return 0;

	// The SAT test will properly detect initial overlaps, no need for extra tests
	return testSeparationAxes(tri, extents, triNormal, dir, oneOverDir, tmax, toi);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// PT: test: new version for CCT, based on code for general sweeps. Just to check it works or not with rotations
// TODO: refactor this and the similar code in sweptBox for box-vs-mesh. Not so easy though.
static bool sweepBoxVsTriangles(PxU32 nbTris, const PxTriangle* triangles, const Box& box, const PxVec3& unitDir, const PxReal distance, PxSweepHit& sweepHit,
								PxHitFlags hintFlags, bool isDoubleSided, const PxU32* cachedIndex)
		return false;

	const bool meshBothSides = hintFlags & PxHitFlag::eMESH_BOTH_SIDES;
	const bool doBackfaceCulling = !isDoubleSided && !meshBothSides;

	// Move to AABB space
	Matrix34 worldToBox;
	computeWorldToBoxMatrix(worldToBox, box);

	const PxVec3 localDir = worldToBox.rotate(unitDir);
	const PxVec3 localMotion = localDir * distance;

	bool status = false;
	sweepHit.distance = distance;	//was PX_MAX_F32, but that may trigger an assert in the caller!

	const PxVec3 oneOverMotion(
		localDir.x!=0.0f ? 1.0f/localMotion.x : 0.0f,
		localDir.y!=0.0f ? 1.0f/localMotion.y : 0.0f,
		localDir.z!=0.0f ? 1.0f/localMotion.z : 0.0f);

// PT: experimental code, don't clean up before I test it more and validate it

// Project box
/*float boxRadius0 =
			PxAbs(dir.x) * box.extents.x
		+	PxAbs(dir.y) * box.extents.y
		+	PxAbs(dir.z) * box.extents.z;*/

float boxRadius =
			PxAbs(localDir.x) * box.extents.x
		+	PxAbs(localDir.y) * box.extents.y
		+	PxAbs(localDir.z) * box.extents.z;

if(gValidateBoxRadiusComputation)	// PT: run this to check the box radius is correctly computed
	PxVec3 boxVertices2[8];
	float dpmin = FLT_MAX;
	float dpmax = -FLT_MAX;
	for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
		const float dp = boxVertices2[i].dot(unitDir);
		if(dp<dpmin)	dpmin = dp;
		if(dp>dpmax)	dpmax = dp;
	const float goodRadius = (dpmax-dpmin)/2.0f;

const float dpc0 = box.center.dot(unitDir);
float localMinDist = 1.0f;
#ifdef PX_DEBUG
	PxU32 totalTestsExpected = nbTris;
	PxU32 totalTestsReal = 0;

	const PxU32 idx = cachedIndex ? *cachedIndex : 0;

	PxVec3 bestTriNormal(0.0f);

	for(PxU32 ii=0;ii<nbTris;ii++)
		const PxU32 triangleIndex = getTriangleIndex(ii, idx);

		const PxTriangle& tri = triangles[triangleIndex];
#ifdef _XBOX
		if(cullTriangle(tri, unitDir, boxRadius, localMinDist*distance, dpc0)==0.0f)
		if(!cullTriangle(tri, unitDir, boxRadius, localMinDist*distance, dpc0))

#ifdef PX_DEBUG
		// Move to box space
		const PxTriangle currentTriangle(

		PxF32 t = PX_MAX_F32;		// could be better!
		if(triBoxSweepTestBoxSpace(currentTriangle, box.extents, localMotion, oneOverMotion, localMinDist, t, doBackfaceCulling))
			if(t <= localMinDist)
				// PT: test if shapes initially overlap
					sweepHit.flags		= PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE|PxHitFlag::eNORMAL;
					sweepHit.distance	= 0.0f;
					sweepHit.faceIndex	= triangleIndex;
					sweepHit.normal		= -unitDir;
					return true;

				localMinDist			= t;
				sweepHit.distance		= t * distance;
				sweepHit.faceIndex		= triangleIndex;
				status					= true;

				// PT: TODO: optimize this.... already computed in triBoxSweepTestBoxSpace...

		sweepHit.flags = PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE;

		if(hintFlags & (PxHitFlag::eNORMAL|PxHitFlag::ePOSITION))
			const PxTriangle& tri = triangles[sweepHit.faceIndex];

			// Move to box space
			const PxTriangle currentTriangle(

			computeBoxTriImpactData(sweepHit.position, sweepHit.normal, box.extents, localDir, localMotion, oneOverMotion, currentTriangle);

			if(hintFlags & PxHitFlag::eNORMAL)

				if(shouldFlipNormal(sweepHit.normal, meshBothSides, isDoubleSided, bestTriNormal, localDir))
					sweepHit.normal = -sweepHit.normal;

				sweepHit.normal = box.rotate(sweepHit.normal);
				sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::eNORMAL;

			if(hintFlags & PxHitFlag::ePOSITION)
				sweepHit.position = box.rotate(sweepHit.position) + box.center;
				sweepHit.flags |= PxHitFlag::ePOSITION;
	return status;