Ejemplo n.º 1
int LuaFrame2::setFrameStyle(lua_State *L)
	Q3Frame* obj = ObjectHelper<Q3Frame>::check( L, 1 );
	int style = luaL_checknumber( L, 2 );
	int shadow = Q3Frame::Plain;
	if( lua_gettop(L) > 2 )
		shadow = luaL_checknumber( L, 3 );
	obj->setFrameStyle( style | shadow );
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
TicTacToe::TicTacToe( bool meFirst, int boardSize, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
    : QWidget( parent, name )
    Q3VBoxLayout * l = new Q3VBoxLayout( this, 6 );

    // Create a message label

    message = new QLabel( this );
    message->setFrameStyle( Q3Frame::WinPanel | Q3Frame::Sunken );
    message->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
    l->addWidget( message );

    // Create the game board and connect the signal finished() to this
    // gameOver() slot

    board = new TicTacGameBoard( meFirst, boardSize, this );
    connect( board, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(gameOver()) );
    l->addWidget( board );

    // Create a horizontal frame line

    Q3Frame *line = new Q3Frame( this );
    line->setFrameStyle( Q3Frame::HLine | Q3Frame::Sunken );
    l->addWidget( line );

    // Create the combo box for deciding who should start, and
    // connect its clicked() signals to the buttonClicked() slot

    whoStarts = new QComboBox( this );
    whoStarts->insertItem( "Opponent starts" );
    whoStarts->insertItem( "You start" );
    l->addWidget( whoStarts );

    // Create the push buttons and connect their clicked() signals
    // to this right slots.

	connect( board, SIGNAL(myMove(int)), this, SIGNAL(myMove(int)));
	connect( board, SIGNAL(stateChanged()), this, SLOT(newState()));
    newGame = new QPushButton( "Play!", this );
    connect( newGame, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(newGameClicked()) );
    quit = new QPushButton( "Quit", this );
    connect( quit, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(closing()) );
    Q3HBoxLayout * b = new Q3HBoxLayout;
    l->addLayout( b );
    b->addWidget( newGame );
    b->addWidget( quit );

Ejemplo n.º 3
HIC::WView::WView(QWidget * parent,const char * name,GraphicObject * graphicobject):QWidget(parent,name)
    // Window Title

    // Create widgets

    //  OpenGL frame
    Q3Frame * frame = new Q3Frame (this,"frame");
    frame->setFrameStyle ( Q3Frame::Sunken | Q3Frame::Panel );

    // OpenGL widget
    m_globjectwidget = new GLObject(frame,"globjectwidget",graphicobject);

    // Rotation and translation controls
    QLabel * labeltitle = new QLabel("Coordinate System",this,"labeltitle");

    QLabel * labelrotx = new QLabel ("X Rotation (Degrees)",this,"labelrotx");
    QHSpinBox * spinrotx = new QHSpinBox (-3.14,3.14,0.0,10,this,"spinrotx");
    QObject::connect (spinrotx,SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)),m_globjectwidget,SLOT(setXRotation(double)) );

    QLabel * labelroty = new QLabel ("Y Rotation (Degress)",this,"labelroty");
    QHSpinBox * spinroty = new QHSpinBox (-3.14,3.14,0.0,10,this,"spinroty");
    QObject::connect (spinroty,SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)),m_globjectwidget,SLOT(setYRotation(double)) );
    QLabel * labelrotz = new QLabel ("Z Rotation (Degrees)",this,"labelrotz");
    QHSpinBox * spinrotz = new QHSpinBox (-3.14,3.14,0.0,10,this,"spinrotz");
    QObject::connect (spinrotz,SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)),m_globjectwidget,SLOT(setZRotation(double)) );

    QLabel * labeldesx = new QLabel ("X Translation",this,"labeldesx");
    QHSpinBox * spindesx = new QHSpinBox (-3.14,3.14,0.0,10,this,"spindesx");
    QObject::connect (spindesx,SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)),m_globjectwidget,SLOT(setXTranslation(double)) );

    QLabel * labeldesy = new QLabel ("Y Translation",this,"labeldesy");
    QHSpinBox * spindesy = new QHSpinBox (-3.14,3.14,0.0,10,this,"spindesy");
    QObject::connect (spindesy,SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)),m_globjectwidget,SLOT(setYTranslation(double)) );

    QLabel * labeldesz = new QLabel ("Z Translation",this,"labeldesz");
    QHSpinBox * spindesz = new QHSpinBox (-3.14,3.14,0.0,10,this,"spindesz");
    QObject::connect (spindesz,SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)),m_globjectwidget,SLOT(setZTranslation(double)) );

    QLabel * labelzoom = new QLabel ("Zoom",this,"labelzoom");
    QHSpinBox * spinzoom = new QHSpinBox (-5.0,5.0,1.0,0.1,this,"spinzoom");
    QObject::connect (spinzoom,SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)),m_globjectwidget,SLOT(setZoom(double)) );

    // Organize global coordinate system rotation controls in vertical

    Q3VBoxLayout * layout_controls = new Q3VBoxLayout(10,"layout_controls");
    layout_controls->addWidget (labeltitle);
    layout_controls->addWidget (labelrotx);
    layout_controls->addWidget (spinrotx);

    layout_controls->addWidget (labelroty);
    layout_controls->addWidget (spinroty);
    layout_controls->addWidget (labelrotz);
    layout_controls->addWidget (spinrotz);
    layout_controls->addWidget (labeldesx);
    layout_controls->addWidget (spindesx);
    layout_controls->addWidget (labeldesy);
    layout_controls->addWidget (spindesy);
    layout_controls->addWidget (labeldesz);
    layout_controls->addWidget (spindesz);
    layout_controls->addWidget (labelzoom);
    layout_controls->addWidget (spinzoom);
	layout_controls->setResizeMode (QLayout::SetFixedSize);

    // Places m_globjectwidget inside the frame
    Q3HBoxLayout * layout_frame = new Q3HBoxLayout (frame,2,2,"layout_frame");

    // window layout: Controls in one side frames in another side
    if (layout() == NULL)

        m_layout_window = new Q3HBoxLayout(this,20,20,"m_layout_window");
        m_layout_window = (Q3HBoxLayout *) layout();


Ejemplo n.º 4
TesterTestPage::TesterTestPage (QWidget *p) : QWidget (p)
  fieldList.append(tr("Mid Point"));

  Q3HBoxLayout *hbox = new Q3HBoxLayout(this);

  // left side grid

  Q3GridLayout *grid = new Q3GridLayout(hbox);
  grid->setColStretch(1, 1);

  // trades area

  tradeLong = new QCheckBox(tr("Long"), this);
  grid->addWidget(tradeLong, 0, 0);

  tradeShort = new QCheckBox(tr("Short"), this);
  grid->addWidget(tradeShort, 1, 0);

  QLabel *label = new QLabel(tr("Trade Delay"), this);
  grid->addWidget(label, 2, 0);

  tradeDelay = new QSpinBox(1, 999999, 1, this);
  grid->addWidget(tradeDelay, 2, 1);

  grid->setRowSpacing(grid->numRows(), 25);

  // account area

  label = new QLabel(tr("Account Balance"), this);
  grid->addWidget(label, 4, 0);

  account = new QSpinBox(0, 999999, 1, this);
  grid->addWidget(account, 4, 1);

  label = new QLabel(tr("Futures Margin"), this);
  grid->addWidget(label, 5, 0);

  margin = new QSpinBox(0, 999999, 1, this);
  grid->addWidget(margin, 5, 1);

  label = new QLabel(tr("Volume %"), this);
  grid->addWidget(label, 6, 0);

  volumePercent = new QSpinBox(0, 100, 1, this);
  grid->addWidget(volumePercent, 6, 1);

  grid->setRowSpacing(grid->numRows(), 25);

  // commission area

  commissionType = new QCheckBox(tr("Use Commission %"), this);
  grid->addWidget(commissionType, 8, 0);

  label = new QLabel(tr("Entry"), this);
  grid->addWidget(label, 9, 0);

  QDoubleValidator *dv = new QDoubleValidator(0, 99999999.0, 4, this, 0);
  entryCom = new QLineEdit(QString::number(10), this);
  grid->addWidget(entryCom, 9, 1);

  label = new QLabel(tr("Exit"), this);
  grid->addWidget(label, 10, 0);

  QDoubleValidator *dv2 = new QDoubleValidator(0, 99999999.0, 4, this, 0);
  exitCom = new QLineEdit(QString::number(10), this);
  grid->addWidget(exitCom, 10, 1);

  grid->setRowStretch(grid->numRows() + 1, 1);

  // vline sperarator

  Q3Frame *line = new Q3Frame(this);
  line->setFrameStyle(Q3Frame::VLine | Q3Frame::Plain);

  // right side grid

  grid = new Q3GridLayout(hbox);
  grid->setColStretch(1, 1);

  // test area

  label = new QLabel(tr("Symbol"), this);
  grid->addWidget(label, 0, 0);

  Config config;
  QString s, s2;
  config.getData(Config::DataPath, s);
  symbolButton = new SymbolButton(this, s, s2);
  connect(symbolButton, SIGNAL(symbolChanged()), this, SLOT(symbolButtonPressed()));
  grid->addWidget(symbolButton, 0, 1);

  label = new QLabel(tr("Bar Length"), this);
  grid->addWidget(label, 1, 0);

  BarData bd(s);
  barLength = new QComboBox(this);
  barLength->insertStringList(barLengthList, -1);
  grid->addWidget(barLength, 1, 1);

  label = new QLabel(tr("Bars"), this);
  grid->addWidget(label, 2, 0);

  bars = new QSpinBox(1, 99999999, 1, this);
  grid->addWidget(bars, 2, 1);

  label = new QLabel(tr("Entry/Exit Price"), this);
  grid->addWidget(label, 3, 0);

  priceField = new QComboBox(this);
  grid->addWidget(priceField, 3, 1);

  grid->setRowStretch(grid->numRows() + 1, 1);