Ejemplo n.º 1
    : picking(true)
    , showPicking(false)
    , navigation(true)
    , blending(false)
    , itemsInitialized(false)
    , needsPick(true)
    , camera(0)
    , lightModel(0)
    , backdrop(0)
    , backgroundColor(Qt::black)
    , view(0)
    , viewWidget(0)
    , pickId(1)
    , pickFbo(0)
    // Construct the vertices for a quad with (0, 0) as the
    // texture co-ordinate for the bottom-left of the screen
    // and (1, 1) as the texture co-ordinate for the top-right.

    QArray<QVector2D> pos;
    pos.append(QVector2D(-1.0f, -1.0f));
    pos.append(QVector2D(-1.0f,  1.0f));
    pos.append(QVector2D( 1.0f,  1.0f));
    pos.append(QVector2D( 1.0f, -1.0f));

    QArray<QVector2D> tex;
    pos.append(QVector2D(0.0f, 0.0f));
    pos.append(QVector2D(0.0f, 1.0f));
    pos.append(QVector2D(1.0f, 1.0f));
    pos.append(QVector2D(1.0f, 0.0f));

    backdropVertices.addAttribute(QGL::Position, pos);
    backdropVertices.addAttribute(QGL::TextureCoord0, tex);

    //backdropVertices.append(-1.0f, -1.0f);
    //backdropVertices.append(0.0f, 0.0f);
    //backdropVertices.append(-1.0f, 1.0f);
    //backdropVertices.append(0.0f, 1.0f);
    //backdropVertices.append(1.0f, 1.0f);
    //backdropVertices.append(1.0f, 1.0f);
    //backdropVertices.append(1.0f, -1.0f);
    //backdropVertices.append(1.0f, 0.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void QGLIndexBufferPrivate::append
    (const QGLIndexBufferPrivate *other, uint offset, int start)
    if (elementType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT &&
            other->elementType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT) {
        // Both buffers are ushort.
        const ushort *data = other->indexesShort.constData() + start;
        int count = other->indexesShort.count() - start;
        indexesShort.reserve(indexesShort.count() + count);
        indexCount += count;
        while (count-- > 0)
            indexesShort.append(ushort(*data++ + offset));
    } else if (elementType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT) {
        // Only first buffer is ushort: convert it to int first.
        const ushort *indexes = indexesShort.constData();
        int count = indexesShort.count();
        indexesInt.reserve(count + other->indexesInt.count());
        while (count-- > 0)
        indexesShort = QArray<ushort>();
        elementType = GL_UNSIGNED_INT;
        const uint *data = other->indexesInt.constData() + start;
        count = other->indexesInt.count() - start;
        indexCount += count;
        while (count-- > 0)
            indexesInt.append(*data++ + offset);
    } else if (other->elementType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT) {
        // Only second buffer is ushort.
        const ushort *data = other->indexesShort.constData() + start;
        int count = other->indexesShort.count() - start;
        indexesInt.reserve(indexesInt.count() + count);
        indexCount += count;
        while (count-- > 0)
            indexesInt.append(*data++ + offset);
    } else {
        // Neither buffer is ushort.
        const uint *data = other->indexesInt.constData() + start;
        int count = other->indexesInt.count() - start;
        indexesInt.reserve(indexesInt.count() + count);
        indexCount += count;
        while (count-- > 0)
            indexesInt.append(*data++ + offset);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static QArray<ushort> qt_qarray_uint_to_ushort(const QArray<uint> &array)
    QArray<ushort> result;
    const uint *values = array.constData();
    int size = array.size();
    bool largeValue = false;
    while (size-- > 0) {
        uint value = *values++;
        if (ushort(value) != value)
            largeValue = true;
    if (largeValue)
        qWarning("QGLIndexBuffer::setIndexes: large 32-bit value provided to a 16-bit only buffer");
    return result;
    Processes a list of floating point numbers.  If the list contains only 1
    element, a QVariant<float> is returned.  If the list containst 2, 3 or 4
    elements, they are converted into a QVariant containing a QVector2D,
    QVector3D, or QVector4D respectively.
    If the list containst more elements than that, they are returned as a

QVariant QGLColladaFxEffectFactory::processFloatList( QXmlStreamReader& xml )
    QArray<float> floats;
    QString elementString = xml.readElementText();
    QStringList list = elementString.split( QRegExp( "\\s+" ), QString::SkipEmptyParts );
    bool ok;
    float f;
    foreach( QString string, list )
        f = string.toFloat( &ok );
        if( ok )
            qWarning() << "Warning: malformed float ( line" << xml.lineNumber() << ")";
Ejemplo n.º 5
void BrainView::genSurfacePerVertex()
    if(m_SurfaceSet.size() == 0)

        delete m_pSceneNode;
        m_pSceneNode = NULL;

    // in the constructor construct a builder on the stack
    QGLBuilder builder;

    float fac = 100.0f; // too small vertices distances cause clipping errors --> 100 is a good value for freesurfer brain measures

    builder << QGL::Smooth;//QGL::Faceted;
    m_pSceneNodeBrain = builder.currentNode();


    // get bounding box

    // Build each surface in its separate node
    QMap<qint32, Surface>::const_iterator it = m_SurfaceSet.data().constBegin();
    for (it = m_SurfaceSet.data().begin(); it != m_SurfaceSet.data().end(); ++it)
            Matrix3Xf rr = it.value().rr().transpose();

            for(qint32 i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                rr.row(i) = rr.row(i).array() - (m_vecBoundingBoxCenter[i] + it.value().offset()[i]);

            QGeometryData t_GeometryDataTri;

            MatrixXf t_TriCoords = MatrixXf::Zero(3,3*(it.value().tris().rows()));
            QArray<QColor4ub> cdata;
            for(qint32 i = 0; i < it.value().tris().rows(); ++i)
                for(qint32 j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                    t_TriCoords.col(i*3+j) = rr.col( it.value().tris()(i,j) );

                    if(it.value().curv()[it.value().tris()(i,j)] >= 0)
                        cdata.append(QColor( 50, 50, 50, 230));//Sulci
                        cdata.append(QColor( 200, 200, 200, 230));//Gyri

            t_TriCoords *= fac;
            t_GeometryDataTri.appendVertexArray(QArray<QVector3D>::fromRawData( reinterpret_cast<const QVector3D*>(t_TriCoords.data()), t_TriCoords.cols() ));


            //  Add triangles to current node
        // Go one level up

    m_bRenderPerVertex = true;

    // Optimze current scene for display and calculate lightning normals
    m_pSceneNode = builder.finalizedSceneNode();

Ejemplo n.º 6
PlyLoader::PlyLoader( const std::string& file, boost::optional< QColor4ub > color, double scale ) : color_( color ), scale_( scale )
    std::ifstream stream( file.c_str() );
    std::string line;
    std::getline( stream, line );
    if( line != "ply" ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "expected ply file; got \"" << line << "\" in " << file ); }
    unsigned int numVertex = 0;
    unsigned int numFace = 0;
    bool has_normals = false;

    std::vector< std::string > fields;
    while( stream.good() && !stream.eof() && line != "end_header" )
        std::getline( stream, line );
        if( line.empty() ) { continue; }
        std::vector< std::string > v = comma::split( comma::strip( line ), ' ' );
        if( v[0] == "element" ) // quick and dirty
            if( v[1] == "vertex" ) { numVertex = boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >( v[2] ); }
            else if( v[1] == "face" ) { numFace = boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >( v[2] ); }
        else if( v[0] == "format" && v[1] != "ascii" ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "only ascii supported; got: " << v[1] ); }
        else if( line == "property float x" ) { fields.push_back( "point/x" ); }
        else if( line == "property float y" ) { fields.push_back( "point/y" ); }
        else if( line == "property float z" ) { fields.push_back( "point/z" ); }
        else if( line == "property float nx" ) { fields.push_back( "normal/x" ); has_normals = true; }
        else if( line == "property float ny" ) { fields.push_back( "normal/y" ); }
        else if( line == "property float nz" ) { fields.push_back( "normal/z" ); }
        else if( line == "property uchar red" ) { fields.push_back( "r" ); }
        else if( line == "property uchar green" ) { fields.push_back( "g" ); }
        else if( line == "property uchar blue" ) { fields.push_back( "b" ); }
        else if( line == "property uchar alpha" ) { fields.push_back( "a" ); }
    comma::csv::options csv;
    csv.fields = comma::join( fields, ',' );
    csv.full_xpath = true;
    csv.delimiter = ' ';
    comma::csv::ascii< ply_vertex > ascii( csv );
    QGeometryData geometry;
    QArray< QVector3D > vertices;
    QArray< QColor4ub > colors;

    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < numVertex; i++ )
        std::string s;
        if( stream.eof() ) { break; }
        std::getline( stream, s );
        if( s.empty() ) { continue; }
        ply_vertex v;
        if( color_ ) { v.color = *color_; } // quick and dirty
        ascii.get( v, s );
        if( numFace > 0 )
            geometry.appendVertex( QVector3D( v.point.x() * scale_, v.point.y() * scale_, v.point.z() * scale_ ) );
            if( has_normals ) { geometry.appendNormal( QVector3D( v.normal.x(), v.normal.y(), v.normal.z() ) ); }
            geometry.appendColor( v.color );
            vertices.append( QVector3D( v.point.x() * scale_, v.point.y() * scale_, v.point.z() * scale_ ) );
            // todo: normals?
            colors.append( v.color );
    if( numFace > 0 )
        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < numFace; i++ ) // quick and dirty
            std::string s;
            if( stream.eof() ) { break; }
            std::getline( stream, s );
            if( s.empty() ) { continue; }
            std::vector< std::string > v = comma::split( comma::strip( s ), ' ' );
            unsigned int vertices_per_face = boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >( v[0] );
            if( ( vertices_per_face + 1 ) != v.size() ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "invalid line \"" << s << "\"" ); }
            QGL::IndexArray indices;
            switch( vertices_per_face )
                case 3:
                    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { indices.append( boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >( v[i+1] ) ); }
                case 4: // quick and dirty for now: triangulate
                    boost::array< unsigned int, 4 > a;
                    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { a[i] = boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >( v[i+1] ); }
                    indices.append( a[0] );
                    indices.append( a[1] );
                    indices.append( a[2] );
                    indices.append( a[0] );
                    indices.append( a[2] );
                    indices.append( a[3] );
                default: // never here
            geometry.appendIndices( indices );
        QGLBuilder builder;
        builder.addTriangles( geometry );
        //switch( vertices_per_face )
        //    case 3: builder.addTriangles( geometry ); break;
        //   case 4: builder.addQuads( geometry ); break;
        //  default: COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "only triangles and quads supported; but got " << vertices_per_face << " vertices per face" );
        m_sceneNode = builder.finalizedSceneNode();
        m_vertices.addAttribute( QGL::Position, vertices );
        // todo: normals?
        m_vertices.addAttribute( QGL::Color, colors );
        m_sceneNode = NULL;