Color4 EvolutionGraphWidget::QColor2Col( const QColor& color ) { return Color4(,,, 255); // ignore alpha }
Color::Color(const QColor& c) : m_color(makeRGBA(,,, c.alpha())) { m_valid = c.isValid(); }
QImage AudioSpectrum::renderAudioScope(uint, const QVector<int16_t> audioFrame, const int freq, const int num_channels, const int num_samples, const int) { if ( audioFrame.size() > 63 && m_innerScopeRect.width() > 0 && m_innerScopeRect.height() > 0 // <= 0 if widget is too small (resized by user) ) { if (!m_customFreq) { m_freqMax = freq / 2; } QTime start = QTime::currentTime(); #ifdef DETECT_OVERMODULATION bool overmodulated = false; int overmodulateCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < audioFrame.size(); i++) { if ( audioFrame[i] == std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max() || audioFrame[i] == std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min()) { overmodulateCount++; if (overmodulateCount > 3) { overmodulated = true; break; } } } if (overmodulated) { colorizeFactor = 1; } else { if (colorizeFactor > 0) { colorizeFactor -= .08; if (colorizeFactor < 0) { colorizeFactor = 0; } } } #endif // Determine the window size to use. It should be // * not bigger than the number of samples actually available // * divisible by 2 int fftWindow = ui->windowSize->itemData(ui->windowSize->currentIndex()).toInt(); if (fftWindow > num_samples) { fftWindow = num_samples; } if ((fftWindow & 1) == 1) { fftWindow--; } // Show the window size used, for information ui->labelFFTSizeNumber->setText(QVariant(fftWindow).toString()); // Get the spectral power distribution of the input samples, // using the given window size and function float freqSpectrum[fftWindow/2]; FFTTools::WindowType windowType = (FFTTools::WindowType) ui->windowFunction->itemData(ui->windowFunction->currentIndex()).toInt(); m_fftTools.fftNormalized(audioFrame, 0, num_channels, freqSpectrum, windowType, fftWindow, 0); // Store the current FFT window (for the HUD) and run the interpolation // for easy pixel-based dB value access QVector<float> dbMap; m_lastFFTLock.acquire(); m_lastFFT = QVector<float>(fftWindow/2); memcpy(, &(freqSpectrum[0]), fftWindow/2 * sizeof(float)); uint right = ((float) m_freqMax)/(m_freq/2) * (m_lastFFT.size() - 1); dbMap = FFTTools::interpolatePeakPreserving(m_lastFFT, m_innerScopeRect.width(), 0, right, -180); m_lastFFTLock.release(); #ifdef DEBUG_AUDIOSPEC QTime drawTime = QTime::currentTime(); #endif // Draw the spectrum QImage spectrum(m_scopeRect.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32); spectrum.fill(qRgba(0,0,0,0)); const uint w = m_innerScopeRect.width(); const uint h = m_innerScopeRect.height(); const uint leftDist = m_innerScopeRect.left() - m_scopeRect.left(); const uint topDist = -; QColor spectrumColor(AbstractScopeWidget::colDarkWhite); int yMax; #ifdef DETECT_OVERMODULATION if (colorizeFactor > 0) { QColor col = AbstractScopeWidget::colHighlightDark; QColor spec = spectrumColor; float f = std::sin(M_PI_2 * colorizeFactor); spectrumColor = QColor( (int) (f * + (1-f) *, (int) (f * + (1-f) *, (int) (f * + (1-f) *, spec.alpha() ); // Limit the maximum colorization for non-overmodulated frames to better // recognize consecutively overmodulated frames if (colorizeFactor > MAX_OVM_COLOR) { colorizeFactor = MAX_OVM_COLOR; } } #endif #ifdef AUDIOSPEC_LINES QPainter davinci(&spectrum); davinci.setPen(QPen(QBrush(spectrumColor.rgba()), 1, Qt::SolidLine)); #endif for (uint i = 0; i < w; i++) { yMax = (dbMap[i] - m_dBmin) / (m_dBmax-m_dBmin) * (h-1); if (yMax < 0) { yMax = 0; } else if (yMax >= (int)h) { yMax = h-1; } #ifdef AUDIOSPEC_LINES davinci.drawLine(leftDist + i, topDist + h-1, leftDist + i, topDist + h-1 - yMax); #else for (int y = 0; y < yMax && y < (int)h; y++) { spectrum.setPixel(leftDist + i, topDist + h-y-1, spectrumColor.rgba()); } #endif } // Calculate the peak values. Use the new value if it is bigger, otherwise adapt to lower // values using the Moving Average formula if (m_aShowMax->isChecked()) { davinci.setPen(QPen(QBrush(AbstractScopeWidget::colHighlightLight), 2)); if (m_peaks.size() != fftWindow/2) { m_peaks = QVector<float>(m_lastFFT); } else { for (int i = 0; i < fftWindow/2; i++) { if (m_lastFFT[i] > m_peaks[i]) { m_peaks[i] = m_lastFFT[i]; } else { m_peaks[i] = ALPHA_MOVING_AVG * m_lastFFT[i] + (1-ALPHA_MOVING_AVG) * m_peaks[i]; } } } int prev = 0; m_peakMap = FFTTools::interpolatePeakPreserving(m_peaks, m_innerScopeRect.width(), 0, right, -180); for (uint i = 0; i < w; i++) { yMax = (m_peakMap[i] - m_dBmin) / (m_dBmax-m_dBmin) * (h-1); if (yMax < 0) { yMax = 0; } else if (yMax >= (int)h) { yMax = h-1; } davinci.drawLine(leftDist + i-1, topDist + h-prev-1, leftDist + i, topDist + h-yMax-1); spectrum.setPixel(leftDist + i, topDist + h-yMax-1, AbstractScopeWidget::colHighlightLight.rgba()); prev = yMax; } } #ifdef DEBUG_AUDIOSPEC m_showTotal++; m_timeTotal += drawTime.elapsed(); qDebug() << widgetName() << " took " << drawTime.elapsed() << " ms for drawing. Average: " << ((float)m_timeTotal/m_showTotal) ; #endif emit signalScopeRenderingFinished(start.elapsed(), 1); return spectrum; } else { emit signalScopeRenderingFinished(0, 1); return QImage(); } }
string RTFGenParser::parse(const QString &text) { res = ""; m_res_size = 0; m_codec = getContacts()->getCodec(m_contact); int charset = 0; for (const ENCODING *c = getContacts()->getEncodings(); c->language; c++){ if (!strcasecmp(c->codec, m_codec->name())){ charset = c->rtf_code; break; } } #ifdef WIN32 if ((charset == 0) && !strcasecmp(m_codec->name(), "system")){ char buff[256]; int res = GetLocaleInfoA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE, (char*)&buff, sizeof(buff)); if (res){ unsigned codepage = atol(buff); if (codepage){ for (const rtf_cp *c = rtf_cps; c->cp; c++){ if (c->cp == codepage) charset = c->charset; } } } } #endif unsigned ansicpg = 0; const char *send_encoding = 0; m_codec = NULL; if (charset){ for (const ENCODING *c = getContacts()->getEncodings(); c->language; c++){ if ((c->rtf_code == charset) && c->bMain){ send_encoding = c->codec; m_codec = getContacts()->getCodecByName(send_encoding); ansicpg = c->cp_code; break; } } } // Add defaults to the tables m_fontFaces.push_back("MS Sans Serif"); m_colors.push_back(m_foreColor); // Create a "fake" tag which'll serve as the default style CharStyle style; style.faceIdx = 0; style.colorIdx = 1; // colors are 1-based (0 = default) style.sizePt = 12; // default according to Microsoft Tag& tag = *(m_tags.pushNew()); tag.setCharStyle(style); // Assume we go immediately after a tag. m_bSpace = true; HTMLParser::parse(text); string s; s = "{\\rtf1\\ansi"; if (ansicpg){ s += "\\ansicpg"; s += number(ansicpg); } s += "\\deff0\r\n"; s += "{\\fonttbl"; unsigned n = 0; for (list<QString>::iterator it_face = m_fontFaces.begin(); it_face != m_fontFaces.end(); it_face++, n++){ s += "{\\f"; s += number(n); QString face = (*it_face); if (face.find("Times") >= 0){ s += "\\froman"; }else if (face.find("Courier") >= 0){ s += "\\fmodern"; }else{ s += "\\fswiss"; } if (charset){ s += "\\fcharset"; s += number(charset); } s += " "; int pos = face.find(QRegExp(" +[")); if (pos > 0) face = face.left(pos); s += face.latin1(); s += ";}"; } s += "}\r\n"; s += "{\\colortbl ;"; for (list<QColor>::iterator it_colors = m_colors.begin(); it_colors != m_colors.end(); ++it_colors){ QColor c = *it_colors; s += "\\red"; s += number(; s += "\\green"; s += number(; s += "\\blue"; s += number(; s += ";"; } s += "}\r\n"; s += "\\viewkind4\\pard"; s += style.getDiffRTF(CharStyle()).utf8(); s += res; s += "\r\n}\r\n"; log(L_DEBUG, "Resulting RTF: %s", s.c_str()); return s; }
void KisRainDropsFilter::process(KisConstProcessingInformation srcInfo, KisProcessingInformation dstInfo, const QSize& size, const KisFilterConfiguration* config, KoUpdater* progressUpdater ) const { const KisPaintDeviceSP src = srcInfo.paintDevice(); KisPaintDeviceSP dst = dstInfo.paintDevice(); QPoint dstTopLeft = dstInfo.topLeft(); QPoint srcTopLeft = srcInfo.topLeft(); Q_UNUSED(config); Q_ASSERT(!src.isNull()); Q_ASSERT(!dst.isNull()); //read the filter configuration values from the KisFilterConfiguration object quint32 DropSize = config->getInt("dropSize", 80); quint32 number = config->getInt("number", 80); quint32 fishEyes = config->getInt("fishEyes", 30); if (progressUpdater) { progressUpdater->setRange(0, size.width() * size.height()); } int count = 0; if (fishEyes <= 0) fishEyes = 1; if (fishEyes > 100) fishEyes = 100; int Width = size.width(); int Height = size.height(); bool** BoolMatrix = CreateBoolArray(Width, Height); int i, j, k, l, m, n; // loop variables int Bright; // Bright value for shadows and highlights int x, y; // center coordinates int Counter = 0; // Counter (duh !) int NewSize; // Size of current raindrop int halfSize; // Half of the current raindrop int Radius; // Maximum radius for raindrop int BlurRadius; // Blur Radius int BlurPixels; double r, a; // polar coordinates double OldRadius; // Radius before processing double NewfishEyes = (double)fishEyes * 0.01; // FishEye fishEyesicients double s; double R, G, B; bool FindAnother = false; // To search for good coordinates const KoColorSpace * cs = src->colorSpace(); // XXX: move the seed to the config, so the filter can be used as // and adjustment filter (boud). // And use a thread-safe random number generator QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QDateTime Y2000(QDate(2000, 1, 1), QTime(0, 0, 0)); srand((uint) dt.secsTo(Y2000)); // Init booleen Matrix. for (i = 0 ; (i < Width) && !(progressUpdater && progressUpdater->interrupted()) ; ++i) { for (j = 0 ; (j < Height) && !(progressUpdater && progressUpdater->interrupted()); ++j) { BoolMatrix[i][j] = false; } } KisRandomAccessorSP dstAccessor = dst->createRandomAccessorNG(dstTopLeft.x(), dstTopLeft.y()); KisRandomConstAccessorSP srcAccessor = src->createRandomConstAccessorNG(dstTopLeft.x(), dstTopLeft.y()); for (uint NumBlurs = 0; (NumBlurs <= number) && !(progressUpdater && progressUpdater->interrupted()); ++NumBlurs) { NewSize = (int)(rand() * ((double)(DropSize - 5) / RAND_MAX) + 5); halfSize = NewSize / 2; Radius = halfSize; s = Radius / log(NewfishEyes * Radius + 1); Counter = 0; do { FindAnother = false; y = (int)(rand() * ((double)(Width - 1) / RAND_MAX)); x = (int)(rand() * ((double)(Height - 1) / RAND_MAX)); if (BoolMatrix[y][x]) FindAnother = true; else for (i = x - halfSize ; (i <= x + halfSize) && !(progressUpdater && progressUpdater->interrupted()); i++) for (j = y - halfSize ; (j <= y + halfSize) && !(progressUpdater && progressUpdater->interrupted()); j++) if ((i >= 0) && (i < Height) && (j >= 0) && (j < Width)) if (BoolMatrix[j][i]) FindAnother = true; Counter++; } while ((FindAnother && (Counter < 10000) && !(progressUpdater && progressUpdater->interrupted()))); if (Counter >= 10000) { NumBlurs = number; break; } for (i = -1 * halfSize ; (i < NewSize - halfSize) && !(progressUpdater && progressUpdater->interrupted()); i++) { for (j = -1 * halfSize ; (j < NewSize - halfSize) && !(progressUpdater && progressUpdater->interrupted()); j++) { r = sqrt(i * i + j * j); a = atan2(static_cast<double>(i), static_cast<double>(j)); if (r <= Radius) { OldRadius = r; r = (exp(r / s) - 1) / NewfishEyes; k = x + (int)(r * sin(a)); l = y + (int)(r * cos(a)); m = x + i; n = y + j; if ((k >= 0) && (k < Height) && (l >= 0) && (l < Width)) { if ((m >= 0) && (m < Height) && (n >= 0) && (n < Width)) { Bright = 0; if (OldRadius >= 0.9 * Radius) { if ((a <= 0) && (a > -2.25)) Bright = -80; else if ((a <= -2.25) && (a > -2.5)) Bright = -40; else if ((a <= 0.25) && (a > 0)) Bright = -40; } else if (OldRadius >= 0.8 * Radius) { if ((a <= -0.75) && (a > -1.50)) Bright = -40; else if ((a <= 0.10) && (a > -0.75)) Bright = -30; else if ((a <= -1.50) && (a > -2.35)) Bright = -30; } else if (OldRadius >= 0.7 * Radius) { if ((a <= -0.10) && (a > -2.0)) Bright = -20; else if ((a <= 2.50) && (a > 1.90)) Bright = 60; } else if (OldRadius >= 0.6 * Radius) { if ((a <= -0.50) && (a > -1.75)) Bright = -20; else if ((a <= 0) && (a > -0.25)) Bright = 20; else if ((a <= -2.0) && (a > -2.25)) Bright = 20; } else if (OldRadius >= 0.5 * Radius) { if ((a <= -0.25) && (a > -0.50)) Bright = 30; else if ((a <= -1.75) && (a > -2.0)) Bright = 30; } else if (OldRadius >= 0.4 * Radius) { if ((a <= -0.5) && (a > -1.75)) Bright = 40; } else if (OldRadius >= 0.3 * Radius) { if ((a <= 0) && (a > -2.25)) Bright = 30; } else if (OldRadius >= 0.2 * Radius) { if ((a <= -0.5) && (a > -1.75)) Bright = 20; } BoolMatrix[n][m] = true; QColor originalColor; srcAccessor->moveTo(srcTopLeft.x() + l, srcTopLeft.y() + k); cs->toQColor(srcAccessor->oldRawData(), &originalColor); int newRed = CLAMP( + Bright, 0, quint8_MAX); int newGreen = CLAMP( + Bright, 0, quint8_MAX); int newBlue = CLAMP( + Bright, 0, quint8_MAX); QColor newColor; newColor.setRgb(newRed, newGreen, newBlue); dstAccessor->moveTo(dstTopLeft.x() + n, dstTopLeft.y() + m); cs->fromQColor(newColor, dstAccessor->rawData()); } } } } } BlurRadius = NewSize / 25 + 1; for (i = -1 * halfSize - BlurRadius ; (i < NewSize - halfSize + BlurRadius) && !(progressUpdater && progressUpdater->interrupted()) ; i++) { for (j = -1 * halfSize - BlurRadius; ((j < NewSize - halfSize + BlurRadius) && !(progressUpdater && progressUpdater->interrupted())); ++j) { r = sqrt(i * i + j * j); if (r <= Radius * 1.1) { R = G = B = 0; BlurPixels = 0; for (k = -1 * BlurRadius; k < BlurRadius + 1; k++) for (l = -1 * BlurRadius; l < BlurRadius + 1; l++) { m = x + i + k; n = y + j + l; if ((m >= 0) && (m < Height) && (n >= 0) && (n < Width)) { QColor color; dstAccessor->moveTo(dstTopLeft.x() + n, dstTopLeft.y() + m); cs->toQColor(dstAccessor->rawData(), &color); R +=; G +=; B +=; BlurPixels++; } } m = x + i; n = y + j; if ((m >= 0) && (m < Height) && (n >= 0) && (n < Width)) { QColor color; color.setRgb((int)(R / BlurPixels), (int)(G / BlurPixels), (int)(B / BlurPixels)); dstAccessor->moveTo(dstTopLeft.x() + n, dstTopLeft.y() + m); cs->fromQColor(color, dstAccessor->rawData()); } } } } if (progressUpdater) progressUpdater->setValue(++count); } FreeBoolArray(BoolMatrix, Width); }
void SciDoc::applySettings() { // LOGGER; setShowLineNumbers(EditorSettings::get(EditorSettings::ShowLineNumbers)); QFont font = EditorSettings::font(); LexerStorage::instance()->updateLexers(font); QColor textColor = EditorSettings::get(EditorSettings::DefaultFontColor); QColor bgColor = EditorSettings::get(EditorSettings::DefaultBgColor); QsciScintilla* edits[] = { int_->edit1_, int_->edit2_, NULL }; for (int i = 0; edits[i] != NULL; ++i ) { QsciScintilla* edit = edits[i]; // indents //edit->setTabWidth(EditorSettings::get(EditorSettings::TabWidth)); //edit->setIndentationsUseTabs(EditorSettings::get(EditorSettings::UseTabs)); edit->setBackspaceUnindents(EditorSettings::get(EditorSettings::BackspaceUnindents)); // colors edit->setIndentationGuides(QSciSettings::get(QSciSettings::ShowIndents)); edit->setIndentationGuidesForegroundColor(QSciSettings::get(QSciSettings::IndentsColor)); edit->setIndentationGuidesBackgroundColor(bgColor); QColor selBgColor = EditorSettings::get(EditorSettings::SelectionBgColor); edit->setSelectionBackgroundColor(selBgColor); if ( + + < 3 * 255 / 2) edit->setSelectionForegroundColor(QColor(255, 255, 255)); else edit->setSelectionForegroundColor(QColor(0, 0, 0)); if ( QSciSettings::get(QSciSettings::HighlightMatchingBrace) ) { edit->setMatchedBraceBackgroundColor(QSciSettings::get(QSciSettings::MatchingBraceBgColor)); edit->setMatchedBraceForegroundColor(QSciSettings::get(QSciSettings::MatchingBraceFgColor)); } else { edit->setMatchedBraceBackgroundColor(bgColor); edit->setMatchedBraceForegroundColor(textColor); } edit->setCaretLineBackgroundColor(LexerStorage::instance()->curLineColor(syntax())); edit->setMarkerBackgroundColor(QSciSettings::get(QSciSettings::MarkersColor)); edit->setCaretForegroundColor(textColor); QColor marginsBgColor = QSciSettings::get(QSciSettings::MarginsBgColor); edit->setMarginsBackgroundColor(marginsBgColor); edit->setMarginsForegroundColor(textColor); edit->setFoldMarginColors(marginsBgColor, bgColor); // markers edit->markerDefine(markerPixmap(QSciSettings::get(QSciSettings::MarkersColor), marginsBgColor), -1); edit->setCaretLineVisible(QSciSettings::get(QSciSettings::HighlightCurLine)); // line length indicator int lInd = EditorSettings::get(EditorSettings::LineLengthIndicator); if ( lInd > 0 ) { edit->setEdgeMode(QsciScintilla::EdgeLine); edit->setEdgeColumn(lInd); } else { edit->setEdgeMode(QsciScintilla::EdgeNone); } edit->SendScintilla(QsciScintillaBase::SCI_SETWHITESPACEFORE, 1, QSciSettings::get(QSciSettings::WhiteSpaceColor)); // selection /* QColor selBgColor = TextDocSettings::selectionBgColor(); edit->setSelectionBackgroundColor(selBgColor); if ( + + < 3 * 255 / 2) edit->setSelectionForegroundColor(QColor(255, 255, 255)); else edit->setSelectionForegroundColor(QColor(0, 0, 0)); */ // autocompletion edit->setAutoCompletionThreshold(AutocompleteSettings::get(AutocompleteSettings::Threshold)); edit->setAutoCompletionReplaceWord(AutocompleteSettings::get(AutocompleteSettings::ReplaceWord)); // edit->setAutoCompletionCaseSensitivity(AutocompleteSettings::get(AutocompleteSettings::CaseSensitive)); if ( AutocompleteSettings::get(AutocompleteSettings::UseDocument) ) { if ( AutocompleteSettings::get(AutocompleteSettings::UseApis) ) edit->setAutoCompletionSource(QsciScintilla::AcsAll); else edit->setAutoCompletionSource(QsciScintilla::AcsDocument); } else { if ( AutocompleteSettings::get(AutocompleteSettings::UseApis) ) edit->setAutoCompletionSource(QsciScintilla::AcsAPIs); else edit->setAutoCompletionSource(QsciScintilla::AcsNone); } edit->setAutoCompletionCaseSensitivity(false); } }
void BlockIdentifier::parseDefinition(JSONObject *b, BlockInfo *parent, int pack) { int id; if (parent == NULL) { id = b->at("id")->asNumber(); } else { id = parent->id; int data = b->at("data")->asNumber(); id |= data << 12; } BlockInfo *block = new BlockInfo(); block->id = id; if (b->has("name")) block->setName(b->at("name")->asString()); else if (parent != NULL) block->setName(parent->getName()); else block->setName("Unknown"); block->enabled = true; if (b->has("transparent")) { block->transparent = b->at("transparent")->asBool(); block->rendernormal = false; // for most cases except the following if (b->has("rendercube")) block->rendernormal = b->at("rendercube")->asBool(); block->spawninside = false; // for most cases except the following if (b->has("spawninside")) block->spawninside = b->at("spawninside")->asBool(); } else if (parent != NULL) { block->transparent = parent->transparent; block->rendernormal = parent->rendernormal; block->spawninside = parent->spawninside; } else { block->transparent = false; block->rendernormal = true; block->spawninside = false; } if (b->has("liquid")) block->liquid = b->at("liquid")->asBool(); else if (parent != NULL) block->liquid = parent->liquid; else block->liquid = false; if (b->has("canProvidePower")) block->providepower = b->at("canProvidePower")->asBool(); else if (parent != NULL) block->providepower = parent->providepower; else block->providepower = false; if (b->has("alpha")) block->alpha = b->at("alpha")->asNumber(); else if (parent != NULL) block->alpha = parent->alpha; else block->alpha = 1.0; QColor blockcolor; if (b->has("color")) { QString colorname = b->at("color")->asString(); if (colorname.length() == 6) { // check if this is an old color definition with missing '#' bool ok; colorname.toInt(&ok,16); if (ok) colorname.push_front('#'); } blockcolor.setNamedColor(colorname); assert(blockcolor.isValid()); } else if (parent != NULL) { // copy brightest color from parent blockcolor = parent->colors[15]; } else { // use hashed by name instead quint32 hue = qHash(block->getName()); blockcolor.setHsv(hue % 360, 255, 255); } // pre-calculate light spectrum for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { // calculate light attenuation similar to Minecraft // except base 90% here, were Minecraft is using 80% per level double light_factor = pow(0.90,15-i); block->colors[i].setRgb(light_factor*, light_factor*, light_factor*, 255*block->alpha ); } if (b->has("mask")) block->mask = b->at("mask")->asNumber(); else if (b->has("variants")) block->mask = 0x0f; else block->mask = 0x00; if (b->has("variants")) { JSONArray *variants = dynamic_cast<JSONArray *>(b->at("variants")); int vlen = variants->length(); for (int j = 0; j < vlen; j++) parseDefinition(dynamic_cast<JSONObject *>(variants->at(j)), block, pack); } blocks[id].append(block); packs[pack].append(block); }
void TagColorEditor::askGradientChoice() { QString homePath = QDir::homePath(); QFileInfo sfi(homePath, ".drishtigradients.xml"); QString stopsflnm = sfi.absoluteFilePath(); if (!sfi.exists()) copyGradientFile(stopsflnm); QDomDocument document; QFile f(stopsflnm); if ( { document.setContent(&f); f.close(); } QStringList glist; QDomElement main = document.documentElement(); QDomNodeList dlist = main.childNodes(); for(int i=0; i<dlist.count(); i++) { if ( == "gradient") { QDomNodeList cnode =; for(int j=0; j<cnode.count(); j++) { QDomElement dnode =; if (dnode.nodeName() == "name") glist << dnode.text(); } } } bool ok; QString gstr = QInputDialog::getItem(0, "Color Gradient", "Color Gradient", glist, 0, false, &ok); if (!ok) return; int cno = -1; for(int i=0; i<dlist.count(); i++) { if ( == "gradient") { QDomNodeList cnode =; for(int j=0; j<cnode.count(); j++) { QDomElement dnode =; if (dnode.tagName() == "name" && dnode.text() == gstr) { cno = i; break; } } } } if (cno < 0) return; QGradientStops stops; QDomNodeList cnode =; for(int j=0; j<cnode.count(); j++) { QDomElement de =; if (de.tagName() == "gradientstops") { QString str = de.text(); QStringList strlist = str.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); for(int j=0; j<strlist.count()/5; j++) { float pos, r,g,b,a; pos = strlist[5*j].toFloat(); r = strlist[5*j+1].toInt(); g = strlist[5*j+2].toInt(); b = strlist[5*j+3].toInt(); a = strlist[5*j+4].toInt(); stops << QGradientStop(pos, QColor(r,g,b,a)); } } } int mapSize = QInputDialog::getInt(0, "Number of Colors", "Number of Colors", 50, 2, 255, 1, &ok); if (!ok) mapSize = 50; QGradientStops gstops; gstops = StaticFunctions::resampleGradientStops(stops, mapSize); uchar *colors = Global::tagColors(); for(int i=0; i<gstops.size(); i++) { float pos = gstops[i].first; QColor color = gstops[i].second; int r =; int g =; int b =; colors[4*i+0] = r; colors[4*i+1] = g; colors[4*i+2] = b; } setColors(); }
void DialogSun::diffuseColorChange(const QColor &color) { light->sun.setDiffuse(,,; ui->pushChoose_Diffuse->setPalette(QPalette(color)); }
void ValueMap::writeEntry(const QString& k, const QColor& v ) { m_map[k] = numStr( + "," + numStr( + "," + numStr(; }
void PaletteEditor::stopsChangedAction() { static const int GradientBufferLastIdx = GradientBufferSize - 1; static const qreal dx = 1.0 / GradientBufferSize; QSize s( m_gradientLabel->maximumSize() ); QRect r( QPoint(0, 0), QSize(s.width(), (s.height() / 2.0 ) ) ); QImage palette_image(s, QImage::Format_RGB32); QPainter painter(&palette_image); GradientStops stops(m_gradientStops->getStops()); qStableSort(stops.begin(), stops.end(), GradientStop::lessThanGradientStopComparison); // now apply the ends and update the palette GradientStops ends( m_gradientEnds->getStops() ); QGradient::Spread spread((QGradient::Spread)m_gradientSpreadGroup->checkedId()); GradientStop n_stop(stops.first()); QRgb ccolor = n_stop.second.rgba(); for (int n = 0, fpos = n_stop.first * GradientBufferSize ; n < fpos ; n++) m_gradient[qMin(n, GradientBufferLastIdx)] = ccolor; int last_stop_idx = stops.size() - 1; for (int begin_idx = 0; begin_idx < last_stop_idx ; begin_idx++) { GradientStop a =; GradientStop b = + 1); QColor ac = a.second; QColor bc = b.second; qreal d = ( b.first - a.first ); qreal rdx, gdx, bdx, adx; if (b.colorspace == 0) { rdx = ( ( - ) / d ) * dx; gdx = ( ( - ) / d ) * dx; bdx = ( ( - ) / d ) * dx; adx = ( (bc.alpha() - ac.alpha() ) / d ) * dx; } else { rdx = ( (bc.hue() - ac.hue() ) / d ) * dx; gdx = ( (bc.saturation() - ac.saturation() ) / d ) * dx; bdx = ( (bc.value() - ac.value() ) / d ) * dx; adx = ( (bc.alpha() - ac.alpha() ) / d ) * dx; if (b.colorspace == 1) { if (rdx == 0.0) rdx = 180.0 / d * dx; else if (rdx < 0) rdx *= -1; } else { if (rdx == 0.0) rdx = -180.0 / d * dx; else if (rdx > 0) rdx *= -1; } } int n = a.first * GradientBufferSize ; int nb = (int)(b.first * GradientBufferSize ); for (int i = 0 ; n < nb ; i++, n++) { if (b.colorspace == 0) { m_gradient[n] = qRgba( qBound(0, (int)( + rdx * i + 0.5 ), 255), qBound(0, (int)( + gdx * i + 0.5 ), 255), qBound(0, (int)( + bdx * i + 0.5 ), 255), qBound(0, (int)( ac.alpha() + adx * i + 0.5 ), 255)); } else { int h = (int)( ac.hue() + rdx * i + 0.5 ); if (h < 0) h += 360; m_gradient[n] = QColor::fromHsv(h % 360, qBound(0, (int)( ac.saturation() + gdx * i + 0.5 ), 255), qBound(0, (int)( ac.value() + bdx * i + 0.5 ), 255), qBound(0, (int)( ac.alpha() + adx * i + 0.5 ), 255)).rgba(); } } } n_stop = stops.last(); ccolor = n_stop.second.rgba(); for (int n = n_stop.first * GradientBufferSize ; n < GradientBufferSize ; n++) m_gradient[n] = ccolor; qreal start(; qreal end(; int begin_idx = start * 256 ; int end_idx = end * 256 ; int ibuf_size = end_idx - begin_idx; flam3_palette_entry* ibuf = new flam3_palette_entry[ibuf_size](); // a very acute filter qreal c2 = 0.01; qreal c3 = 1.0; qreal c4 = 0.01; qreal norm = c2 + c3 + c4; qreal k = 0.0; qreal skip( (GradientBufferSize / 256.0) / qMax(qreal(1.0/GradientBufferSize), end - start) ); for (int n = 0 ; n < ibuf_size ; n++, k += skip) { int j = k; QRgb a2( m_gradient[qBound(0, j + 0, GradientBufferLastIdx)] ); QRgb a3( m_gradient[qMin(j + 1, GradientBufferLastIdx)] ); QRgb a4( m_gradient[qMin(j + 2, GradientBufferLastIdx)] ); ibuf[n].color[0] = (qRed(a2)*c2 + qRed(a3)*c3 + qRed(a4)*c4 ) / (norm * 255.); ibuf[n].color[1] = (qGreen(a2)*c2 + qGreen(a3)*c3 + qGreen(a4)*c4 ) / (norm * 255.); ibuf[n].color[2] = (qBlue(a2)*c2 + qBlue(a3)*c3 + qBlue(a4)*c4 ) / (norm * 255.); ibuf[n].color[3] = (qAlpha(a2)*c2 + qAlpha(a3)*c3 + qAlpha(a4)*c4 ) / (norm * 255.); } // update the gradient editor label painter.fillRect(QRect(QPoint(0,0), s), checkers); if (ibuf_size == 256) { for (int n = 0, h = s.height() ; n < 256 ; n++) { painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgbF(ibuf[n].color[0], ibuf[n].color[1], ibuf[n].color[2], ibuf[n].color[3])); painter.drawLine(n, 0, n, h); } } else { for (int n = 0, h = s.height(), j = 0 ; n < 256 ; n++, j += 4) { QRgb a2( m_gradient[qBound(0, j + 0, GradientBufferLastIdx)] ); QRgb a3( m_gradient[qMin(j + 1, GradientBufferLastIdx)] ); QRgb a4( m_gradient[qMin(j + 2, GradientBufferLastIdx)] ); QRgb r((qRed(a2)*c2 + qRed(a3)*c3 + qRed(a4)*c4 ) / norm ); QRgb g((qGreen(a2)*c2 + qGreen(a3)*c3 + qGreen(a4)*c4 ) / norm ); QRgb b((qBlue(a2)*c2 + qBlue(a3)*c3 + qBlue(a4)*c4 ) / norm ); QRgb a((qAlpha(a2)*c2 + qAlpha(a3)*c3 + qAlpha(a4)*c4 ) / norm ); QColor c(r, g, b, a); painter.setPen(c); painter.drawLine(n, 0, n, h); } } m_gradientLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(palette_image)); // Rescale the gradient colors into the palette with a simple filter if (spread == QGradient::PadSpread) { QRgb fc(m_gradient[0]); flam3_palette_entry e = { 0., { qRed(fc)/255., qGreen(fc)/255., qBlue(fc)/255., qAlpha(fc)/255. }}; for (int n = 0 ; n < begin_idx ; n++) p[n] = e; for (int n = begin_idx, j = 0 ; n < end_idx ; n++, j++) p[n] = ibuf[j]; fc = m_gradient[GradientBufferLastIdx]; e = (flam3_palette_entry){ 1., { qRed(fc)/255., qGreen(fc)/ 255., qBlue(fc)/255., qAlpha(fc)/255. }}; for (int n = end_idx ; n < 256 ; n++) p[n] = e; } else if (spread == QGradient::RepeatSpread) { for (int n = begin_idx, j = 0 ; n < 256 ; n++, j++) p[n] = ibuf[j % ibuf_size]; for (int n = begin_idx - 1, j = ibuf_size * 4096 - 1 ; n >= 0 ; n--, j--) p[n] = ibuf[j % ibuf_size]; } else if (spread == QGradient::ReflectSpread) { for (int n = begin_idx, j = 0, h = 4096*ibuf_size -1 ; n < begin_idx + ibuf_size ; n++, j++, h--) { for (int k = n, q = n + ibuf_size ; k < 256 ; k += 2*ibuf_size, q += 2*ibuf_size ) { p[k] = ibuf[j % ibuf_size]; if (q < 256) p[q] = ibuf[h % ibuf_size]; } } for (int n = begin_idx - 1, j = ibuf_size * 4096 - 1, h = 0 ; n >= begin_idx - ibuf_size ; n--, j--, h++) { for (int k = n, q = n - ibuf_size ; k >= 0 ; k -= 2*ibuf_size, q -= 2*ibuf_size ) { p[k] = ibuf[h % ibuf_size]; if (q >= 0) p[q] = ibuf[j % ibuf_size]; } } } delete[] ibuf; setPaletteView(); emit paletteChanged(); }
void toSqlText::setHighlighter(HighlighterTypeEnum h) { using namespace ToConfiguration; // TODO handle bgthread working here QsciLexer *lexer = super::lexer(); highlighterType = h; switch (highlighterType) { case None: if (m_analyzerNL == NULL) m_analyzerNL = new toSyntaxAnalyzerNL(this); m_currentAnalyzer = m_analyzerNL; m_worker->setAnalyzer(m_currentAnalyzer); setLexer(NULL); break; case QsciSql: if (m_analyzerNL == NULL) m_analyzerNL = new toSyntaxAnalyzerNL(this); m_currentAnalyzer = m_analyzerNL; m_worker->setAnalyzer(m_currentAnalyzer); setLexer(m_currentAnalyzer ? m_currentAnalyzer->createLexer(this) : NULL); break; case Oracle: if ( m_analyzerOracle == NULL) m_analyzerOracle = new toSyntaxAnalyzerOracle(this); m_currentAnalyzer = m_analyzerOracle; m_worker->setAnalyzer(m_currentAnalyzer); setLexer(m_currentAnalyzer ? m_currentAnalyzer->createLexer(this) : NULL); break; #ifdef TORA_EXPERIMENTAL case MySQL: if ( m_analyzerMySQL == NULL) m_analyzerMySQL = new toSyntaxAnalyzerMysql(this); m_currentAnalyzer = m_analyzerMySQL; m_worker->setAnalyzer(m_analyzerMySQL); setLexer(m_currentAnalyzer ? m_currentAnalyzer->createLexer(this) : NULL); break; case PostgreSQL: if ( m_analyzerPostgreSQL == NULL) m_analyzerPostgreSQL = new toSyntaxAnalyzerPostgreSQL(this); m_currentAnalyzer = m_analyzerPostgreSQL; m_worker->setAnalyzer(m_analyzerPostgreSQL); setLexer(m_currentAnalyzer ? m_currentAnalyzer->createLexer(this) : NULL); break; #endif } #ifdef QT_DEBUG if (super::lexer()) { QString txt = QLatin1String(ENUM_NAME(toSqlText, HighlighterTypeEnum, highlighterType)); TLOG(8, toDecorator, __HERE__) << " Lexer: " << txt << std::endl; QMetaEnum m_enum = toSyntaxAnalyzer::staticMetaObject.enumerator(toSyntaxAnalyzer::staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator("WordClassEnum")); QString fontName = super::lexer()->font(0).toString(); for (int idx = 0; idx < m_enum.keyCount(); idx++) { unsigned ival = m_enum.value(idx); QString sval = m_enum.key(idx); TLOG(8, toNoDecorator, __HERE__) << " Analyzer:" << sval << '(' << ival << ')' << std::endl; if (super::lexer() == NULL) break; QColor c = super::lexer()->color(ival); QColor p = super::lexer()->paper(ival); QFont f = super::lexer()->font(ival); TLOG(8, toNoDecorator, __HERE__) << " Style:" << sval << std::endl << " Fore:" << << '(' << << ' ' << << ' ' << << ' ' << c.alpha() << ')' << std::endl << " Back:" << << '(' << << ' ' << << ' ' << << ' ' << p.alpha() << ')' << std::endl << " Font:" << f.toString() << std::endl; } } #endif if (lexer) // delete the "old" lexer - if any delete lexer; if (super::lexer()) { QPalette const& palette = QApplication::palette(); declareStyle(Default, QColor(Qt::black), palette.color(QPalette::AlternateBase), mono); declareStyle(OneLine, QColor(Qt::black), QColor(toSqlText::lightCyan), mono); declareStyle(OneLineAlt, QColor(Qt::black), QColor(toSqlText::lightMagenta), mono); } setFont(Utils::toStringToFont(toConfigurationNewSingle::Instance().option(Editor::ConfCodeFont).toString())); //update(); gets called by setFont }
void ColorPositionParameterDefinition::setDefaultValues(ActionInstance *actionInstance) { actionInstance->setSubParameter(name().original(), "position", defaultPosition()); QColor localDefaultColor = defaultColor(); actionInstance->setSubParameter(name().original(), "color", QString("%1:%2:%3").arg(; }
JointItem::JointItem(int index,QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::JointItem) { ui->setupUi(this); internalState = StateStarting; internalInteraction = InteractionStarting; jointIndex = index; sliderPositionPressed = false; sliderTorquePressed = false; sliderOpenloopPressed = false; sliderVelocityPressed = false; speed = 10; enableCalib = true; speedVisible = false; lastVelocity = 0; velocityModeEnabled = false; IDLE = 0; POSITION = 1; POSITION_DIR = 2; MIXED = 3; VELOCITY = 4; TORQUE = 5; OPENLOOP = 6; connect(ui->comboMode,SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),this,SLOT(onModeChanged(int))); connect(ui->comboInteraction,SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),this,SLOT(onInteractionChanged(int))); ui->sliderPositionPosition->installEventFilter(this); connect(ui->sliderPositionPosition,SIGNAL(sliderPressed()),this,SLOT(onSliderPositionPressed())); connect(ui->sliderPositionPosition,SIGNAL(sliderReleased()),this,SLOT(onSliderPositionReleased())); connect(ui->sliderPositionPosition,SIGNAL(actionTriggered(int)),this,SLOT(onSliderPositionActionTriggered(int))); ui->sliderTorqueTorque->installEventFilter(this); connect(ui->sliderTorqueTorque,SIGNAL(sliderPressed()),this,SLOT(onSliderTorquePressed())); connect(ui->sliderTorqueTorque,SIGNAL(sliderReleased()),this,SLOT(onSliderTorqueReleased())); ui->sliderOpenloopOutput->installEventFilter(this); connect(ui->sliderOpenloopOutput,SIGNAL(sliderPressed()),this,SLOT(onSliderOpenloopPressed())); connect(ui->sliderOpenloopOutput,SIGNAL(sliderReleased()),this,SLOT(onSliderOpenloopReleased())); ui->sliderPositionDirect->installEventFilter(this); connect(ui->sliderPositionDirect,SIGNAL(sliderPressed()),this,SLOT(onSliderPositionPressed())); connect(ui->sliderPositionDirect,SIGNAL(sliderReleased()),this,SLOT(onSliderPositionReleased())); ui->sliderMixedPosition->installEventFilter(this); connect(ui->sliderMixedPosition,SIGNAL(sliderPressed()),this,SLOT(onSliderPositionPressed())); connect(ui->sliderMixedPosition,SIGNAL(sliderReleased()),this,SLOT(onSliderPositionReleased())); ui->sliderVelocityVelocity->installEventFilter(this); connect(ui->sliderVelocityVelocity,SIGNAL(sliderPressed()),this,SLOT(onSliderVelocityPressed())); connect(ui->sliderVelocityVelocity,SIGNAL(sliderReleased()),this,SLOT(onSliderVelocityReleased())); ui->sliderPositionVelocity->installEventFilter(this); connect(ui->sliderPositionVelocity,SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)),this,SLOT(onSliderVelocityMoved(int))); ui->sliderMixedVelocity->installEventFilter(this); connect(ui->sliderMixedVelocity,SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)),this,SLOT(onSliderVelocityMoved(int))); connect(ui->buttonHome,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(onHomeClicked())); connect(ui->buttonIdle,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(onIdleClicked())); connect(ui->buttonRun,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(onRunClicked())); connect(ui->buttonPid,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(onPidClicked())); connect(ui->buttonCalib,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(onCalibClicked())); ui->groupBox->setTitle(QString("JOINT %1 (%2)").arg(index).arg(jointName)); // ui->groupBox->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); movingSliderStyle = "QSlider::groove:horizontal:enabled {" "border: 1px solid #999999;" "height: 8px;" "background: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 #FF2E2E, stop:1 #FDA6A6);" "margin: 2px 0;}" "QSlider::groove:horizontal:disabled {" "border: 1px solid #c8c8c8;" "height: 8px;" "background: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 #f0f0f0, stop:1 #dcdcdc);" "margin: 2px 0;}" "QSlider::handle:horizontal:enabled {" "background: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:1, stop:0 #b4b4b4, stop:1 #8f8f8f);" "border: 1px solid #5c5c5c;" "width: 30px;" "margin: -2px 0;" "border-radius: 3px;}" "QSlider::handle:horizontal:disabled {" "background: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:1, stop:0 #e6e6e6, stop:1 #c8c8c8);" "border: 1px solid #c8c8c8;" "width: 30px;" "margin: -2px 0;" "border-radius: 3px;}"; comboStyle1 = "QComboBox {" "border: 1px solid gray;" "border-radius: 3px;" "padding: 1px 18px 1px 3px;" "min-width: 6em;}" "QComboBox:editable {" "background: white;}" "QComboBox::down-arrow {" "image: url(:/images/downArrow.png);}"; comboStyle2 = "QComboBox:on { " "padding-top: 3px;" "padding-left: 4px;}" "QComboBox::drop-down {" "subcontrol-origin: padding;" "subcontrol-position: top right;" "width: 15px;" "border-left-width: 1px;" "border-left-color: darkgray;" "border-left-style: solid; " "border-top-right-radius: 3px; " "border-bottom-right-radius: 3px;" "background-color: darkgray;}"; installFilter(); ui->comboInteraction->setItemData(0,QColor(Qt::darkGray),Qt::BackgroundRole); ui->comboInteraction->setItemData(1,QColor(0,80,255),Qt::BackgroundRole); // idleColor = QColor( 249,236,141); // positionColor = QColor( 149,221,186); // positionDirectColor = QColor( 119,206,111); // mixedColor = QColor( 150,(221+190)/2,(186+255)/2); // velocityColor = QColor( 150,190,255); // torqueColor = QColor( 219,166,171); // openLoopColor = QColor( 250,250,250); // errorColor = QColor(255,0,0); // disconnectColor = QColor(190,190,190); // hwFaultColor = QColor(255,0,0); // calibratingColor = QColor(220,220,220); ui->comboMode->setItemData( IDLE, idleColor, Qt::BackgroundRole ); ui->comboMode->setItemData( POSITION, positionColor, Qt::BackgroundRole ); ui->comboMode->setItemData( POSITION_DIR, positionDirectColor, Qt::BackgroundRole ); ui->comboMode->setItemData( MIXED, mixedColor, Qt::BackgroundRole ); ui->comboMode->setItemData( VELOCITY, velocityColor, Qt::BackgroundRole ); ui->comboMode->setItemData( TORQUE, torqueColor, Qt::BackgroundRole ); ui->comboMode->setItemData( OPENLOOP, openLoopColor, Qt::BackgroundRole ); ui->comboMode->setItemData( IDLE, Idle, Qt::UserRole); ui->comboMode->setItemData( POSITION, Position, Qt::UserRole ); ui->comboMode->setItemData( POSITION_DIR, PositionDirect, Qt::UserRole ); ui->comboMode->setItemData( MIXED, Mixed, Qt::UserRole ); ui->comboMode->setItemData( VELOCITY, Velocity, Qt::UserRole ); ui->comboMode->setItemData( TORQUE, Torque, Qt::UserRole ); ui->comboMode->setItemData( OPENLOOP, OpenLoop, Qt::UserRole ); QString styleSheet = QString("%1 QComboBox:!editable, QComboBox::drop-down:editable {background-color: rgb(149,221,186);} %2").arg(comboStyle1).arg(comboStyle2); ui->comboMode->setStyleSheet(styleSheet); setJointInternalState(IDLE); QVariant variant = ui->comboInteraction->itemData(0,Qt::BackgroundRole); QColor c = variant.value<QColor>(); styleSheet = QString("%1 QComboBox:!editable, QComboBox::drop-down:editable {background-color: rgb(%2,%3,%4);} %5").arg(comboStyle1).arg(; ui->comboInteraction->setStyleSheet(styleSheet); ui->stackedWidget->widget(VELOCITY)->setEnabled(false); velocityTimer.setInterval(50); velocityTimer.setSingleShot(false); connect(&velocityTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(onVelocityTimer())); }
WColor transform(const QColor& color) { return WColor(,,, color.alpha()); }
void DialogSun::specularColorChange(const QColor &color) { light->sun.setSpecular(,,; ui->pushChoose_Specular->setPalette(QPalette(color)); }
QPixmap KTreemapTile::renderCushion() { QRect rect = QCanvasRectangle::rect(); if ( rect.width() < 1 || rect.height() < 1 ) return QPixmap(); // kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl; double nx; double ny; double cosa; int x, y; int red, green, blue; // Cache some values. They are used for each loop iteration, so let's try // to keep multiple indirect references down. int ambientLight = parentView()->ambientLight(); double lightX = parentView()->lightX(); double lightY = parentView()->lightY(); double lightZ = parentView()->lightZ(); double xx2 = cushionSurface().xx2(); double xx1 = cushionSurface().xx1(); double yy2 = cushionSurface().yy2(); double yy1 = cushionSurface().yy1(); int x0 = rect.x(); int y0 = rect.y(); QColor color = parentView()->tileColor( _orig ); int maxRed = max( 0, - ambientLight ); int maxGreen = max( 0, - ambientLight ); int maxBlue = max( 0, - ambientLight ); QImage image( rect.width(), rect.height(), 32 ); for ( y = 0; y < rect.height(); y++ ) { for ( x = 0; x < rect.width(); x++ ) { nx = 2.0 * xx2 * (x+x0) + xx1; ny = 2.0 * yy2 * (y+y0) + yy1; cosa = ( nx * lightX + ny * lightY + lightZ ) / sqrt( nx*nx + ny*ny + 1.0 ); red = (int) ( maxRed * cosa + 0.5 ); green = (int) ( maxGreen * cosa + 0.5 ); blue = (int) ( maxBlue * cosa + 0.5 ); if ( red < 0 ) red = 0; if ( green < 0 ) green = 0; if ( blue < 0 ) blue = 0; red += ambientLight; green += ambientLight; blue += ambientLight; image.setPixel( x, y, qRgb( red, green, blue) ); } } if ( _parentView->ensureContrast() ) ensureContrast( image ); return QPixmap( image ); }
void DialogSun::ambientColorChange(const QColor &color) { light->setAmbient(,,; ui->pushChoose_Ambient->setPalette(QPalette(color)); }
QPixmap markerPixmap(const QColor& color, const QColor& bgColor) { // create unique string-name for color combinations QString cacheName(; QPixmap px(16, 16); // The method signature was changed: it's // bool QPixmapCache::find ( const QString & key, QPixmap & pm ) in Qt <= 4.5 // and // bool QPixmapCache::find ( const QString & key, QPixmap * pm ) in Qt >= 4.6 #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600 if ( QPixmapCache::find(cacheName, &px) ) { #else if ( QPixmapCache::find(cacheName, px) ) { #endif return px; } px.fill(bgColor); QPainter p(&px); // As we are using pixmap cache for most pixmap access // we can use more resource and time consuming rendering // to get better results (smooth rounded bullet in this case). // Remember: painting is performed only once per running juffed // in the ideal case. p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); int red =; int green =; int blue =; QColor light(red + (255 - red) / 2, green + (255 - green) / 2, blue + (255 - blue) / 2); QColor dark(red / 2, green / 2, blue / 2); QRadialGradient gr(0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4); gr.setCoordinateMode(QGradient::ObjectBoundingMode); gr.setColorAt(0, light); gr.setColorAt(1, dark); p.setPen(dark); p.setBrush(gr); p.drawEllipse(1, 1, 14, 14); p.end(); QPixmapCache::insert(cacheName, px); return px; } class SciDoc::Interior { public: Interior(QWidget* w) { // LOGGER; curEdit_ = NULL; spl_ = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical); QVBoxLayout* vBox = new QVBoxLayout(); vBox->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); vBox->addWidget(spl_); w->setLayout(vBox); edit1_ = createEdit(); edit2_ = createEdit(); spl_->addWidget(edit1_); spl_->addWidget(edit2_); edit1_->setDocument(edit2_->document()); w->setFocusProxy(spl_); spl_->setSizes(QList<int>() << 0 << spl_->height()); hlTimer_ = new QTimer( w ); hlTimer_->setSingleShot( true ); connect(hlTimer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), w, SLOT(highlightWord())); } JuffScintilla* createEdit() { // LOGGER; JuffScintilla* edit = new JuffScintilla(); edit->setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus); edit->setUtf8(true); edit->setFolding(QsciScintilla::BoxedTreeFoldStyle); edit->setAutoIndent(true); edit->setBraceMatching(QsciScintilla::SloppyBraceMatch); // margins edit->setMarginLineNumbers(0, false); edit->setMarginLineNumbers(1, true); edit->setMarginSensitivity(0, true); edit->setMarginWidth(0, 20); edit->setMarginWidth(2, 12); // markers edit->markerDefine(QsciScintilla::Background, 2); // Set the 0th margin accept markers numbered 1 and 2 // Binary mask for markers 1 and 2 is 00000110 ( == 6 ) edit->setMarginMarkerMask(0, 6); edit->setMarginMarkerMask(1, 0); return edit; } void setCurrentEdit(JuffScintilla* edit) { // LOGGER; curEdit_ = edit; spl_->setFocusProxy(edit); } JuffScintilla* edit1_; JuffScintilla* edit2_; JuffScintilla* curEdit_; QString syntax_; QSplitter* spl_; QTimer* hlTimer_; }; SciDoc::SciDoc(const QString& fileName) : Juff::Document(fileName) { // LOGGER; int_ = new Interior(this); JuffScintilla* edits[] = { int_->edit1_, int_->edit2_ }; for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { JuffScintilla* edit = edits[i]; connect(edit, SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged(int, int)), this, SLOT(onCursorMoved(int, int))); // connect(int_->edit1_, SIGNAL(contextMenuCalled(int, int)), this, SIGNAL(contextMenuCalled(int, int))); connect(edit, SIGNAL(marginClicked(int, int, Qt::KeyboardModifiers)), SLOT(onMarginClicked(int, int, Qt::KeyboardModifiers))); connect(edit, SIGNAL(focusReceived()), SLOT(onEditFocused())); connect(edit, SIGNAL(markersMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), SIGNAL(markersMenuRequested(const QPoint&))); connect(edit, SIGNAL(escapePressed()), SIGNAL(escapePressed())); } connect(int_->edit1_, SIGNAL(modificationChanged(bool)), this, SIGNAL(modified(bool))); connect(int_->edit1_, SIGNAL(linesChanged()), SLOT(onLineCountChanged())); connect(int_->edit1_, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SIGNAL(textChanged())); QString lexName = "none"; SciDoc::Eol eol = guessEol(fileName); std::pair<bool,int> indentation = guessIndentation(fileName); if ( !fileName.isEmpty() && !isNoname() ) { QString codecName = Document::guessCharset(fileName); if ( !codecName.isEmpty() ) setCharset(codecName); readFile(); setEol(eol); setIndentationsUseTabs(indentation.first); setTabWidth(indentation.second); int_->edit1_->setModified(false); // syntax highlighting lexName = LexerStorage::instance()->lexerName(fileName); } else { setEol(eol); setIndentationsUseTabs(indentation.first); setTabWidth(indentation.second); } setLexer(lexName); applySettings(); QAction* hlWordAct = new QAction("", this); hlWordAct->setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+H")); connect(hlWordAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(highlightWord())); addAction(hlWordAct); } /*SciDoc::SciDoc(Juff::Document* doc) : Juff::Document(doc) { SciDoc* d = qobject_cast<SciDoc*>(doc); if ( d != 0 ) { int_->edit1_->setDocument(d->int_->edit1_->document()); int_->edit2_->setDocument(d->int_->edit2_->document()); } }*/ SciDoc::~SciDoc() { delete int_; } QString SciDoc::type() const { return "QSci"; } bool SciDoc::supportsAction(Juff::ActionID id) const { switch (id) { case Juff::FileClone : return true; default : return Juff::Document::supportsAction(id); } } /*Juff::Document* SciDoc::createClone() { if ( hasClone() ) return NULL; else return new SciDoc(this); } void SciDoc::updateClone() { LOGGER; // SciDoc* cln = qobject_cast<SciDoc*>(clone()); // if ( cln != 0 ) { // if ( cln->int_->syntax_ != int_->syntax_ ) { // cln->int_->syntax_ = int_->syntax_; // QsciLexer* lexer = LexerStorage::instance()->lexer(int_->syntax_); // cln->int_->edit1_->setLexer(lexer); // cln->int_->edit2_->setLexer(lexer); // } // } Juff::Document::updateClone(); }*/ void SciDoc::init() { int_->setCurrentEdit(int_->edit2_); }
void MythRenderD3D9::DrawRect(const QRect &rect, const QColor &color, int alpha) { D3D9Locker locker(this); IDirect3DDevice9* dev = locker.Acquire(); if (!dev) return; if (!m_rect_vertexbuffer) { HRESULT hr = dev->CreateVertexBuffer( sizeof(VERTEX)*4, D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC|D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY, D3DFVF_VERTEX, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &m_rect_vertexbuffer, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, D3DERR + "Failed to create vertex buffer"); return; } } EnableBlending(dev, true); SetTextureVertices(dev, false); MultiTexturing(dev, false); SetTexture(dev, NULL, 0); int alphamod = (int)(color.alpha() * (alpha / 255.0)); D3DCOLOR clr = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(alphamod,,,; VERTEX *p_vertices; HRESULT hr = m_rect_vertexbuffer->Lock(0, 0, (VOID **)(&p_vertices), D3DLOCK_DISCARD); if (FAILED(hr)) { VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, D3DERR + "Failed to lock vertex buffer."); return; } p_vertices[0].x = (float)rect.left(); p_vertices[0].y = (float); p_vertices[0].z = 0.0f; p_vertices[0].diffuse = clr; p_vertices[0].rhw = 1.0f; p_vertices[1].x = (float)(rect.left() + rect.width()); p_vertices[1].y = (float); p_vertices[1].z = 0.0f; p_vertices[1].diffuse = clr; p_vertices[1].rhw = 1.0f; p_vertices[2].x = (float)(rect.left() + rect.width()); p_vertices[2].y = (float)( + rect.height()); p_vertices[2].z = 0.0f; p_vertices[2].diffuse = clr; p_vertices[2].rhw = 1.0f; p_vertices[3].x = (float)rect.left(); p_vertices[3].y = (float)( + rect.height()); p_vertices[3].z = 0.0f; p_vertices[3].diffuse = clr; p_vertices[3].rhw = 1.0f; hr = m_rect_vertexbuffer->Unlock(); if (FAILED(hr)) { VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, D3DERR + "Failed to unlock vertex buffer"); return; } hr = dev->SetStreamSource(0, m_rect_vertexbuffer, 0, sizeof(VERTEX)); if (FAILED(hr)) { VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, D3DERR + "SetStreamSource() failed"); return; } hr = dev->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 0, 2); if (FAILED(hr)) { VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, D3DERR + "DrawPrimitive() failed"); return; } }
void MapView::renderChunk(Chunk *chunk) { int offset = 0; uchar *bits = chunk->image; uchar *depthbits = chunk->depth; for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { // n->s int lasty = -1; for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++, offset++) { // e->w // initialize color uchar r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; double alpha = 0.0; // get Biome auto &biome = biomes->getBiome(chunk->biomes[offset]); int top = depth; if (top > chunk->highest) top = chunk->highest; int highest = 0; for (int y = top; y >= 0; y--) { // top->down int sec = y >> 4; ChunkSection *section = chunk->sections[sec]; if (!section) { y = (sec << 4) - 1; // skip whole section continue; } // get data value int data = section->getData(offset, y); // get BlockInfo from block value BlockInfo &block = blocks->getBlock(section->getBlock(offset, y), data); if (block.alpha == 0.0) continue; // get light value from one block above int light = 0; ChunkSection *section1 = NULL; if (y < 255) section1 = chunk->sections[(y+1) >> 4]; if (section1) light = section1->getLight(offset, y+1); int light1 = light; if (!(flags & flgLighting)) light = 13; if (alpha == 0.0 && lasty != -1) { if (lasty < y) light += 2; else if (lasty > y) light -= 2; } // if (light < 0) light = 0; // if (light > 15) light = 15; // get current block color QColor blockcolor = block.colors[15]; // get the color from Block definition if (block.biomeWater()) { blockcolor = biome.getBiomeWaterColor(blockcolor); } else if (block.biomeGrass()) { blockcolor = biome.getBiomeGrassColor(blockcolor, y-64); } else if (block.biomeFoliage()) { blockcolor = biome.getBiomeFoliageColor(blockcolor, y-64); } // shade color based on light value double light_factor = pow(0.90,15-light); quint32 colr = std::clamp( int(light_factor*, 0, 255 ); quint32 colg = std::clamp( int(light_factor*, 0, 255 ); quint32 colb = std::clamp( int(light_factor*, 0, 255 ); // process flags if (flags & flgDepthShading) { // Use a table to define depth-relative shade: static const quint32 shadeTable[] = { 0, 12, 18, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32}; size_t idx = qMin(static_cast<size_t>(depth - y), sizeof(shadeTable) / sizeof(*shadeTable) - 1); quint32 shade = shadeTable[idx]; colr = colr - qMin(shade, colr); colg = colg - qMin(shade, colg); colb = colb - qMin(shade, colb); } if (flags & flgMobSpawn) { // get block info from 1 and 2 above and 1 below quint16 blid1(0), blid2(0), blidB(0); // default to air int data1(0), data2(0), dataB(0); // default variant ChunkSection *section2 = NULL; ChunkSection *sectionB = NULL; if (y < 254) section2 = chunk->sections[(y+2) >> 4]; if (y > 0) sectionB = chunk->sections[(y-1) >> 4]; if (section1) { blid1 = section1->getBlock(offset, y+1); data1 = section1->getData(offset, y+1); } if (section2) { blid2 = section2->getBlock(offset, y+2); data2 = section2->getData(offset, y+2); } if (sectionB) { blidB = sectionB->getBlock(offset, y-1); dataB = sectionB->getData(offset, y-1); } BlockInfo &block2 = blocks->getBlock(blid2, data2); BlockInfo &block1 = blocks->getBlock(blid1, data1); BlockInfo &block0 = block; BlockInfo &blockB = blocks->getBlock(blidB, dataB); int light0 = section->getLight(offset, y); // spawn check #1: on top of solid block if (block0.doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface(data) && !block0.isBedrock() && light1 < 8 && !block1.isBlockNormalCube() && block1.spawninside && !block1.isLiquid() && !block2.isBlockNormalCube() && block2.spawninside) { colr = (colr + 256) / 2; colg = (colg + 0) / 2; colb = (colb + 192) / 2; } // spawn check #2: current block is transparent, // but mob can spawn through (e.g. snow) if (blockB.doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface(dataB) && !blockB.isBedrock() && light0 < 8 && !block0.isBlockNormalCube() && block0.spawninside && !block0.isLiquid() && !block1.isBlockNormalCube() && block1.spawninside) { colr = (colr + 192) / 2; colg = (colg + 0) / 2; colb = (colb + 256) / 2; } } if (flags & flgBiomeColors) { colr = biome.colors[light].red(); colg = biome.colors[light].green(); colb = biome.colors[light].blue(); alpha = 0; } // combine current block to final color if (alpha == 0.0) { // first color sample alpha = block.alpha; r = colr; g = colg; b = colb; highest = y; } else { // combine further color samples with blending r = (quint8)(alpha * r + (1.0 - alpha) * colr); g = (quint8)(alpha * g + (1.0 - alpha) * colg); b = (quint8)(alpha * b + (1.0 - alpha) * colb); alpha += block.alpha * (1.0 - alpha); } // finish depth (Y) scanning when color is saturated enough if (block.alpha == 1.0 || alpha > 0.9) break; } *depthbits++ = lasty = highest; *bits++ = b; *bits++ = g; *bits++ = r; *bits++ = 0xff; } }
HairObject::HairObject( ObjMesh *mesh, float hairsPerUnitArea, float maxHairLength, QImage &hairGrowthMap, QImage &hairGroomingMap, Simulation *simulation, HairObject *oldObject) { if (hairGrowthMap.width() == 0) { std::cout << "Hair growth map does not appear to be a valid image." << std::endl; exit(1); } m_hairGrowthMap = hairGrowthMap; m_hairGroomingMap = hairGroomingMap; // Initialize blurred hair growth map texture. QImage blurredImage; Blurrer::blur(hairGrowthMap, blurredImage); m_blurredHairGrowthMapTexture = new Texture(); m_blurredHairGrowthMapTexture->createColorTexture(blurredImage, GL_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR); int _failures = 0; int _emptyPoints = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh->triangles.size(); i++) { Triangle t = mesh->triangles[i]; // Number of guide hairs to generate on this triangle. int numHairs = (int) (hairsPerUnitArea * t.area() + rand() / (float)RAND_MAX); for (int hair = 0; hair < numHairs; hair++) { // Generate random point on triangle. glm::vec3 pos; glm::vec2 uv; glm::vec3 normal; t.randPoint(pos, uv, normal); uv = glm::vec2(MIN(uv.x, 0.999), MIN(uv.y, 0.999)); // Make UV in range [0,1) instead of [0,1] QPoint p = QPoint(uv.x * hairGrowthMap.width(), (1 - uv.y) * hairGrowthMap.height()); if (!hairGrowthMap.valid(p)){ _failures++; continue; // Don't put hair on neck...... } // If hair growth map is black, skip this hair. QColor hairGrowth = QColor(hairGrowthMap.pixel(p)); if (hairGrowth.valueF() < 0.05){ _emptyPoints++; continue; } glm::vec3 u = glm::normalize(glm::cross(normal, glm::vec3(0, 1, 0))); glm::vec3 v = glm::normalize(glm::cross(u, normal)); QColor groomingColor = QColor(m_hairGroomingMap.pixel(p)); float a = 10.0 * ( - 128.0) / 255.0; float b = 10.0 * ( - 128.0) / 255.0; glm::vec3 x = glm::vec3(a, b, 1.0); glm::mat3 m = glm::mat3(u, v, normal); glm::vec3 dir = glm::normalize(m * x); m_guideHairs.append(new Hair(20, maxHairLength * hairGrowth.valueF(), pos, dir, normal)); } } setAttributes(oldObject); m_simulation = simulation; }
void VisPrefsDialog::on_bgColorButton_colorPicked( QColor color ) { QColor bgColor(,,; _vtkVisPipeline->setBGColor(bgColor); }
bool DomConvenience::variantToElement(const QVariant& v, QDomElement& e) { bool ok = true; clearAttributes(e); switch (v.type()) { case QVariant::String: e.setTagName("string"); e.setAttribute("value", v.toString().utf8()); break; case QVariant::CString: e.setTagName("string"); e.setAttribute("value", v.toCString()); break; case QVariant::Int: e.setTagName("int"); e.setAttribute("value", v.toInt()); break; case QVariant::UInt: e.setTagName("uint"); e.setAttribute("value", v.toUInt()); break; case QVariant::Double: e.setTagName("double"); e.setAttribute("value", v.toDouble()); break; case QVariant::Bool: e.setTagName("bool"); e.setAttribute("value", boolString(v.toBool())); break; case QVariant::Color: { e.setTagName("color"); QColor color = v.toColor(); e.setAttribute("red",; e.setAttribute("green",; e.setAttribute("blue",; } break; case QVariant::Pen: { e.setTagName("pen"); QPen pen = v.toPen(); e.setAttribute("red", pen.color().red()); e.setAttribute("green", pen.color().green()); e.setAttribute("blue", pen.color().blue()); e.setAttribute("style",; e.setAttribute("cap", pen.capStyle()); e.setAttribute("join", pen.joinStyle()); } break; case QVariant::Brush: { e.setTagName("brush"); QBrush brush = v.toBrush(); e.setAttribute("red", brush.color().red()); e.setAttribute("green", brush.color().green()); e.setAttribute("blue", brush.color().blue()); e.setAttribute("style",; } break; case QVariant::Point: { e.setTagName("point"); QPoint point = v.toPoint(); e.setAttribute("x", point.x()); e.setAttribute("y", point.y()); } break; case QVariant::Rect: { e.setTagName("rect"); QRect rect = v.toRect(); e.setAttribute("x", rect.x()); e.setAttribute("y", rect.y()); e.setAttribute("width", rect.width()); e.setAttribute("height", rect.height()); } break; case QVariant::Size: { e.setTagName("size"); QSize qsize = v.toSize(); e.setAttribute("width", qsize.width()); e.setAttribute("height", qsize.height()); } break; case QVariant::Font: { e.setTagName("font"); QFont f(v.toFont()); e.setAttribute("family",; e.setAttribute("pointsize", f.pointSize()); e.setAttribute("bold", boolString(f.bold())); e.setAttribute("italic", boolString(f.italic())); e.setAttribute("underline", boolString(f.underline())); e.setAttribute("strikeout", boolString(f.strikeOut())); } break; case QVariant::SizePolicy: { e.setTagName("sizepolicy"); QSizePolicy sp(v.toSizePolicy()); e.setAttribute("hsizetype", sp.horData()); e.setAttribute("vsizetype", sp.verData()); #if (QT_VERSION >= 300) e.setAttribute("horstretch", sp.horStretch()); e.setAttribute("verstretch", sp.verStretch()); #endif } break; case QVariant::Cursor: e.setTagName("cursor"); e.setAttribute("shape", v.toCursor().shape()); break; case QVariant::StringList: { e.setTagName("stringlist"); uint j; QDomNode n; QDomNodeList stringNodeList = e.elementsByTagName("string"); QDomElement stringElem; QStringList stringList = v.toStringList(); QStringList::Iterator it = stringList.begin(); for (j = 0; ((j < stringNodeList.length()) && (it != stringList.end())); j++) { // get the current string element stringElem = stringNodeList.item(j).toElement(); // set it to the current string variantToElement(QVariant(*it), stringElem); // iterate to the next string ++it; } // more nodes in previous stringlist then current, remove excess nodes if (stringNodeList.count() > stringList.count()) { while (j < stringNodeList.count()) e.removeChild(stringNodeList.item(j).toElement()); } else if (j <stringList.count()) { while (it != stringList.end()) { // create a new element stringElem = m_doc.createElement("string"); // set it to the currentstring variantToElement(QVariant(*it), stringElem); // append it to the current element e.appendChild(stringElem); // iterate to the next string ++it; } } } break; #if QT_VERSION >= 300 case QVariant::KeySequence: e.setTagName("key"); e.setAttribute("sequence", (QString)v.toKeySequence()); break; #endif case QVariant::ByteArray: // this is only for [u]int64_t { e.setTagName("uint64"); QByteArray ba = v.toByteArray(); // make sure this only handles [u]int64_t's if (ba.size() != sizeof(uint64_t)) { qWarning("Don't know how to persist variant of type: %s (%d) (size=%d)!", v.typeName(), v.type(), ba.size()); ok = false; break; } // convert the data back into a uint64_t uint64_t num = *(uint64_t*); QChar buff[33]; QChar* p = &buff[32]; const char* digitSet = "0123456789abcdef"; int len = 0; // construct the string do { *--p = digitSet[((int)(num%16))]; num = num >> 4; // divide by 16 len++; } while ( num ); // store it in a QString QString storage; storage.setUnicode(p, len); // set the value e.setAttribute("value", storage); } break; #if 0 case QVariant::List: case QVaraint::Map: #endif default: qWarning("Don't know how to persist variant of type: %s (%d)!", v.typeName(), v.type()); ok = false; break; } return ok; }
std::vector<Vector3f> ShapeEstimation::gradientField(ImageReader mask, std::vector<float> &pixelLuminances, std::vector<float> &gradientX, std::vector<float> &gradientY){ int rows = mask.getImageHeight(); int cols = mask.getImageWidth(); float gxNormalize = 0.0f; float gyNormalize = 0.0f; for(int row = 0; row < rows; row++){ for(int col = 0; col < cols; col++){ int index = mask.indexAt(row, col); if(row + 1 < rows){ int indexUp = mask.indexAt(row + 1, col); float dY = pixelLuminances[indexUp] - pixelLuminances[index]; gradientY.push_back(dY); if(fabs(dY) > gyNormalize){ gyNormalize = fabs(dY); } } else { gradientY.push_back(0.0f); } if(col + 1 < cols){ int indexRight = mask.indexAt(row, col+1); float dX = pixelLuminances[indexRight] - pixelLuminances[index]; gradientX.push_back(dX); if(fabs(dX) > gxNormalize){ gxNormalize = fabs(dX); } } else { gradientX.push_back(0.0f); } } } assert(gradientX.size() == gradientY.size()); for(int i = 0; i < gradientX.size(); i++){ gradientX[i] = gradientReshapeRecursive(gradientX[i]/gxNormalize, m_curvature) * gxNormalize; } for(int i = 0; i < gradientY.size(); i++){ gradientY[i] = gradientReshapeRecursive(gradientY[i]/gyNormalize, m_curvature) * gyNormalize; } std::vector<Vector3f> normals; for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++){ QColor maskColor = QColor(mask.pixelAt(i,j)); if( > 150){ Eigen::Vector3f gx = Vector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, gradientX[mask.indexAt(i,j)]); Eigen::Vector3f gy = Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, gradientY[mask.indexAt(i,j)]); Eigen::Vector3f normal = (gx.cross(gy)); normal = normal.normalized(); normals.push_back(normal); } else { normals.push_back(Vector3f(0.0,0.0,0.0)); } } } //pixelLuminances = gradientX; return normals; }
void RealTimeMultiSampleArrayWidget::onTableViewBackgroundColorChanged(const QColor& backgroundColor) { m_pTableView->setStyleSheet(QString("background-color: rgb(%1, %2, %3);").arg(; }
void Document::loadTheme(const Theme& theme) { m_text->document()->blockSignals(true); // Update colors QString contrast = (qGray(theme.textColor().rgb()) > 127) ? "black" : "white"; QColor color = theme.foregroundColor(); color.setAlpha(theme.foregroundOpacity() * 2.55f); m_text->setStyleSheet( QString("QTextEdit { background: rgba(%1, %2, %3, %4); color: %5; selection-background-color: %6; selection-color: %7; padding: %8px; border-radius: %9px; }") .arg( .arg( .arg( .arg(color.alpha()) .arg(theme.textColor().name()) .arg(theme.textColor().name()) .arg(contrast) .arg(theme.foregroundPadding()) .arg(theme.foregroundRounding()) ); if (m_highlighter->misspelledColor() != theme.misspelledColor()) { m_highlighter->setMisspelledColor(theme.misspelledColor()); } // Update text QFont font = theme.textFont(); font.setStyleStrategy(m_text->font().styleStrategy()); if (m_text->font() != font) { m_text->setFont(font); } m_text->setCursorWidth(!m_block_cursor ? 1 : m_text->fontMetrics().averageCharWidth()); int margin = theme.foregroundMargin(); m_layout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, margin); m_layout->setColumnMinimumWidth(2, margin); if (theme.foregroundPosition() < 3) { m_text->setFixedWidth(theme.foregroundWidth()); switch (theme.foregroundPosition()) { case 0: m_layout->setColumnStretch(0, 0); m_layout->setColumnStretch(2, 1); break; case 2: m_layout->setColumnStretch(0, 1); m_layout->setColumnStretch(2, 0); break; case 1: default: m_layout->setColumnStretch(0, 1); m_layout->setColumnStretch(2, 1); break; }; } else { m_text->setMinimumWidth(theme.foregroundWidth()); m_text->setMaximumWidth(maximumSize().height()); m_layout->setColumnStretch(0, 0); m_layout->setColumnStretch(2, 0); } centerCursor(true); m_text->document()->blockSignals(false); }
bool QgsComposerItem::_writeXML( QDomElement& itemElem, QDomDocument& doc ) const { if ( itemElem.isNull() ) { return false; } QDomElement composerItemElem = doc.createElement( "ComposerItem" ); //frame if ( mFrame ) { composerItemElem.setAttribute( "frame", "true" ); } else { composerItemElem.setAttribute( "frame", "false" ); } //scene rect composerItemElem.setAttribute( "x", transform().dx() ); composerItemElem.setAttribute( "y", transform().dy() ); composerItemElem.setAttribute( "width", rect().width() ); composerItemElem.setAttribute( "height", rect().height() ); composerItemElem.setAttribute( "zValue", QString::number( zValue() ) ); composerItemElem.setAttribute( "outlineWidth", QString::number( pen().widthF() ) ); composerItemElem.setAttribute( "rotation", mRotation ); composerItemElem.setAttribute( "id", mId ); //position lock for mouse moves/resizes if ( mItemPositionLocked ) { composerItemElem.setAttribute( "positionLock", "true" ); } else { composerItemElem.setAttribute( "positionLock", "false" ); } composerItemElem.setAttribute( "lastValidViewScaleFactor", mLastValidViewScaleFactor ); //frame color QDomElement frameColorElem = doc.createElement( "FrameColor" ); QColor frameColor = pen().color(); frameColorElem.setAttribute( "red", QString::number( ) ); frameColorElem.setAttribute( "green", QString::number( ) ); frameColorElem.setAttribute( "blue", QString::number( ) ); frameColorElem.setAttribute( "alpha", QString::number( frameColor.alpha() ) ); composerItemElem.appendChild( frameColorElem ); //background color QDomElement bgColorElem = doc.createElement( "BackgroundColor" ); QColor bgColor = brush().color(); bgColorElem.setAttribute( "red", QString::number( ) ); bgColorElem.setAttribute( "green", QString::number( ) ); bgColorElem.setAttribute( "blue", QString::number( ) ); bgColorElem.setAttribute( "alpha", QString::number( bgColor.alpha() ) ); composerItemElem.appendChild( bgColorElem ); itemElem.appendChild( composerItemElem ); return true; }
void SpotLight::setAmbientColor(QColor color) { ambient_light =new Vec4((float),(float),(float); }
void PatternView::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * ) { if( m_needsUpdate == false ) { QPainter p( this ); p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, m_paintPixmap ); return; } QPainter _p( this ); const QColor styleColor = _p.pen().brush().color(); m_pat->changeLength( m_pat->length() ); m_needsUpdate = false; if( m_paintPixmap.isNull() == true || m_paintPixmap.size() != size() ) { m_paintPixmap = QPixmap( size() ); } QPainter p( &m_paintPixmap ); QLinearGradient lingrad( 0, 0, 0, height() ); QColor c; if(( m_pat->m_patternType != Pattern::BeatPattern ) && !( m_pat->getTrack()->isMuted() || m_pat->isMuted() )) { c = styleColor; } else { c = QColor( 80, 80, 80 ); } if( isSelected() == true ) { c.setRgb( qMax( - 128, 0 ), qMax( - 128, 0 ), 255 ); } if( m_pat->m_patternType != Pattern::BeatPattern ) { lingrad.setColorAt( 1, c.darker( 300 ) ); lingrad.setColorAt( 0, c ); } else { lingrad.setColorAt( 0, c.darker( 300 ) ); lingrad.setColorAt( 1, c ); } p.setBrush( lingrad ); if( gui->pianoRoll()->currentPattern() == m_pat && m_pat->m_patternType != Pattern::BeatPattern ) p.setPen( c.lighter( 130 ) ); else p.setPen( c.darker( 300 ) ); p.drawRect( QRect( 0, 0, width() - 1, height() - 1 ) ); p.setBrush( QBrush() ); if( m_pat->m_patternType != Pattern::BeatPattern ) { if( gui->pianoRoll()->currentPattern() == m_pat ) p.setPen( c.lighter( 160 ) ); else p.setPen( c.lighter( 130 ) ); p.drawRect( QRect( 1, 1, width() - 3, height() - 3 ) ); } const float ppt = fixedTCOs() ? ( parentWidget()->width() - 2 * TCO_BORDER_WIDTH ) / (float) m_pat->length().getTact() : ( width() - 2 * TCO_BORDER_WIDTH ) / (float) m_pat->length().getTact(); const int x_base = TCO_BORDER_WIDTH; p.setPen( c.darker( 300 ) ); for( tact_t t = 1; t < m_pat->length().getTact(); ++t ) { p.drawLine( x_base + static_cast<int>( ppt * t ) - 1, TCO_BORDER_WIDTH, x_base + static_cast<int>( ppt * t ) - 1, 5 ); p.drawLine( x_base + static_cast<int>( ppt * t ) - 1, height() - ( 4 + 2 * TCO_BORDER_WIDTH ), x_base + static_cast<int>( ppt * t ) - 1, height() - 2 * TCO_BORDER_WIDTH ); } // melody pattern paint event if( m_pat->m_patternType == Pattern::MelodyPattern ) { if( m_pat->m_notes.size() > 0 ) { // first determine the central tone so that we can // display the area where most of the m_notes are // also calculate min/max tones so the tonal range can be // properly stretched accross the pattern vertically int central_key = 0; int max_key = 0; int min_key = 9999999; int total_notes = 0; for( NoteVector::Iterator it = m_pat->m_notes.begin(); it != m_pat->m_notes.end(); ++it ) { if( ( *it )->length() > 0 ) { max_key = qMax( max_key, ( *it )->key() ); min_key = qMin( min_key, ( *it )->key() ); central_key += ( *it )->key(); ++total_notes; } } if( total_notes > 0 ) { central_key = central_key / total_notes; const int keyrange = qMax( qMax( max_key - central_key, central_key - min_key ), 1 ); // debug code // qDebug( "keyrange: %d", keyrange ); // determine height of the pattern view, sans borders const int ht = (height() - 1 - TCO_BORDER_WIDTH * 2) -1; // determine maximum height value for drawing bounds checking const int max_ht = height() - 1 - TCO_BORDER_WIDTH; // set colour based on mute status if( m_pat->getTrack()->isMuted() || m_pat->isMuted() ) { p.setPen( QColor( 160, 160, 160 ) ); } else { p.setPen( fgColor() ); } // scan through all the notes and draw them on the pattern for( NoteVector::Iterator it = m_pat->m_notes.begin(); it != m_pat->m_notes.end(); ++it ) { // calculate relative y-position const float y_key = ( float( central_key - ( *it )->key() ) / keyrange + 1.0f ) / 2; // multiply that by pattern height const int y_pos = static_cast<int>( TCO_BORDER_WIDTH + y_key * ht ) + 1; // debug code // if( ( *it )->length() > 0 ) qDebug( "key %d, central_key %d, y_key %f, y_pos %d", ( *it )->key(), central_key, y_key, y_pos ); // check that note isn't out of bounds, and has a length if( ( *it )->length() > 0 && y_pos >= TCO_BORDER_WIDTH && y_pos <= max_ht ) { // calculate start and end x-coords of the line to be drawn const int x1 = x_base + static_cast<int> ( ( *it )->pos() * ( ppt / MidiTime::ticksPerTact() ) ); const int x2 = x_base + static_cast<int> ( ( ( *it )->pos() + ( *it )->length() ) * ( ppt / MidiTime::ticksPerTact() ) ); // check bounds, draw line if( x1 < width() - TCO_BORDER_WIDTH ) p.drawLine( x1, y_pos, qMin( x2, width() - TCO_BORDER_WIDTH ), y_pos ); } } } } } // beat pattern paint event else if( m_pat->m_patternType == Pattern::BeatPattern && ( fixedTCOs() || ppt >= 96 || m_pat->m_steps != MidiTime::stepsPerTact() ) ) { QPixmap stepon; QPixmap stepoverlay; QPixmap stepoff; QPixmap stepoffl; const int steps = qMax( 1, m_pat->m_steps ); const int w = width() - 2 * TCO_BORDER_WIDTH; // scale step graphics to fit the beat pattern length stepon = s_stepBtnOn->scaled( w / steps, s_stepBtnOn->height(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation ); stepoverlay = s_stepBtnOverlay->scaled( w / steps, s_stepBtnOn->height(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation ); stepoff = s_stepBtnOff->scaled( w / steps, s_stepBtnOff->height(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation ); stepoffl = s_stepBtnOffLight->scaled( w / steps, s_stepBtnOffLight->height(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation ); for( int it = 0; it < steps; it++ ) // go through all the steps in the beat pattern { Note * n = m_pat->noteAtStep( it ); // figure out x and y coordinates for step graphic const int x = TCO_BORDER_WIDTH + static_cast<int>( it * w / steps ); const int y = height() - s_stepBtnOff->height() - 1; // get volume and length of note, if noteAtStep returned null // (meaning, note at step doesn't exist for some reason) // then set both at zero, ie. treat as an off step const int vol = ( n != NULL ? n->getVolume() : 0 ); const int len = ( n != NULL ? int( n->length() ) : 0 ); if( len < 0 ) { p.drawPixmap( x, y, stepoff ); for( int i = 0; i < vol / 5 + 1; ++i ) { p.drawPixmap( x, y, stepon ); } for( int i = 0; i < ( 25 + ( vol - 75 ) ) / 5; ++i ) { p.drawPixmap( x, y, stepoverlay ); } } else if( ( it / 4 ) % 2 ) { p.drawPixmap( x, y, stepoffl ); } else { p.drawPixmap( x, y, stepoff ); } } // end for loop } p.setFont( pointSize<8>( p.font() ) ); QColor text_color = ( m_pat->isMuted() || m_pat->getTrack()->isMuted() ) ? QColor( 30, 30, 30 ) : textColor(); if( m_pat->name() != m_pat->instrumentTrack()->name() ) { p.setPen( QColor( 0, 0, 0 ) ); p.drawText( 4, p.fontMetrics().height()+1, m_pat->name() ); p.setPen( text_color ); p.drawText( 3, p.fontMetrics().height(), m_pat->name() ); } if( m_pat->isMuted() ) { p.drawPixmap( 3, p.fontMetrics().height() + 1, embed::getIconPixmap( "muted", 16, 16 ) ); } p.end(); _p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, m_paintPixmap ); }