Ejemplo n.º 1
void tst_QGeoAddress::streetTest()
    QGeoAddress testObj;
    QVERIFY2(testObj.street() == QString(), "Wrong default value");
    QVERIFY2(testObj.street() == "testText", "Wrong value returned");
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool QLandmarkFileHandlerLmx::writeAddressInfo(const QLandmark &landmark)
    QGeoAddress address = landmark.address();

    if (address.street().isEmpty()
            && address.city().isEmpty()
            && address.state().isEmpty()
            && address.country().isEmpty()
            && address.postcode().isEmpty()
            && landmark.phoneNumber().isEmpty())
        return true;

    m_writer->writeStartElement(m_ns, "addressInfo");

    if (!address.country().isEmpty())
        m_writer->writeTextElement(m_ns, "country", address.country());

    if (!address.state().isEmpty())
        m_writer->writeTextElement(m_ns, "state", address.state());

    if (!address.county().isEmpty())
        m_writer->writeTextElement(m_ns, "county", address.county());

    if (!address.city().isEmpty())
        m_writer->writeTextElement(m_ns, "city", address.city());

    if (!address.district().isEmpty())
        m_writer->writeTextElement(m_ns, "district", address.district());

    if (!address.postcode().isEmpty())
        m_writer->writeTextElement(m_ns, "postalCode", address.postcode());

    QString street;

    if (!address.street().isEmpty())

    if (!street.isEmpty())
        m_writer->writeTextElement(m_ns, "street", street);

    if (!landmark.phoneNumber().isEmpty())
        m_writer->writeTextElement(m_ns, "phoneNumber", landmark.phoneNumber());


    return true;
static QString addressToQuery(const QGeoAddress &address)
    return address.street()     + QStringLiteral(", ") +
           address.district()   + QStringLiteral(", ") +
           address.city()       + QStringLiteral(", ") +
           address.state()      + QStringLiteral(", ") +
Ejemplo n.º 4
    Returns true if this address is equal to \a other,
    otherwise returns false.
    \since 1.1
bool QGeoAddress::operator==(const QGeoAddress &other) const
    qDebug() << "country" << (d->sCountry == other.country());
    qDebug() << "countryCode" << (d->sCountryCode == other.countryCode());
    qDebug() << "state:" <<  (d->sState == other.state());
    qDebug() << "county:" << (d->sCounty == other.county());
    qDebug() << "city:" << (d->sCity == other.city());
    qDebug() << "district:" << (d->sDistrict == other.district());
    qDebug() << "street:" << (d->sStreet == other.street());
    qDebug() << "postcode:" << (d->sPostCode == other.postcode());

    return d->sCountry == other.country() &&
           d->sCountryCode == other.countryCode() &&
           d->sState == other.state() &&
           d->sCounty == other.county() &&
           d->sCity == other.city() &&
           d->sDistrict == other.district() &&
           d->sStreet == other.street() &&
           d->sPostCode == other.postcode();
Ejemplo n.º 5
void MarkerDialog::setAddressLabel(QGeoAddress address)
    QString addressFormat = tr("$street\n$city, $state $postcode\n$country");
    addressFormat.replace("$street", address.street());
    addressFormat.replace("$city", address.city());
    addressFormat.replace("$county", address.county());
    addressFormat.replace("$state", address.state());
    addressFormat.replace("$postcode", address.postcode());
    addressFormat.replace("$district", address.district());
    addressFormat.replace("$country", address.country());

void QDeclarativeGeoAddress::setAddress(const QGeoAddress& address)
    // Elaborate but takes care of emiting needed signals
    m_address = address;
QVariant QDeclarativeReverseGeocodeModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
    if (!index.isValid())
        return QVariant();

    if (index.row() > places().count())
        return QVariant();

    QGeoPlace place = places().at(index.row());

    if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
        QGeoAddress address = place.address();

        QStringList addressStrings;
        if (!address.street().isEmpty())
            addressStrings << address.street();
        if (!address.city().isEmpty())
            addressStrings << address.city();

        QStringList stateLine;
        if (!address.state().isEmpty())
            stateLine << address.state();
        if (!address.postcode().isEmpty())
            stateLine << address.postcode();
        if (!address.country().isEmpty())
            stateLine << address.country();

        QString stateString = stateLine.join(" ");

        if (!stateString.isEmpty())
            addressStrings << stateString;

        return addressStrings.join(", ");

    return QDeclarativeGeoSearchModel::data(index, role);
Ejemplo n.º 8
void GeoHelper::searchFinishedSlot(QGeoSearchReply *reply)
    if (reply->error() == QGeoSearchReply::NoError)
        QScriptEngine scriptEngine;
        QScriptValue replyObject = scriptEngine.newArray();

        QList<QGeoPlace> places = reply->places();
        for (int i = 0; i < places.count(); i++)
            QScriptValue placeObject = scriptEngine.newObject();

            QScriptValue coordinateObject = scriptEngine.newObject();
            QGeoCoordinate coordinate = places[i].coordinate();
            coordinateObject.setProperty("latitude", QScriptValue(coordinate.latitude()));
            coordinateObject.setProperty("longitude", QScriptValue(coordinate.longitude()));
            placeObject.setProperty("coordinate", coordinateObject);

            QScriptValue addressObject = scriptEngine.newObject();
            QGeoAddress address = places[i].address();

            if (!address.isEmpty())
                addressObject.setProperty("country", address.country());
                addressObject.setProperty("countryCode", address.countryCode());
                addressObject.setProperty("state", address.state());
                addressObject.setProperty("county", address.county());
                addressObject.setProperty("city", address.city());
                addressObject.setProperty("district", address.district());
                addressObject.setProperty("street", address.street());
                addressObject.setProperty("postcode", address.postcode());


            placeObject.setProperty("address", addressObject);
            replyObject.setProperty(i, placeObject);

        QScriptValue fun = scriptEngine.evaluate("(function(a) { return JSON.stringify(a); })");
        QScriptValueList args;
        args << replyObject;
        QScriptValue result = fun.call(QScriptValue(), args);

        emit searchReply(result.toString());

Ejemplo n.º 9
    Returns a single formatted string representing the \a address. Lines of the address
    are delimited by \a newLine. By default lines are delimited by <br/>. The \l
    {QGeoAddress::countryCode} {countryCode} of the \a address determines the format of
    the resultant string.
static QString formattedAddress(const QGeoAddress &address,
                                const QString &newLine = QLatin1String("<br/>"))
    const QString Comma(QStringLiteral(", "));
    const QString Dash(QStringLiteral("-"));
    const QString Space(QStringLiteral(" "));

    QString text;

    if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("ALB")
        || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("MTQ")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Comma
                                          << address.city() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("AND")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("AUT")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("FRA")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("GLP")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("GUF")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("ITA")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("LUX")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("MCO")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("REU")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("RUS")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("SMR")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("VAT")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Space
                                          << address.city() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("ARE")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("BHS")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Space
                                          << address.city() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("AUS")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << (address.district().isEmpty() ? address.city() : address.district())
                                << Space << address.state() << Space << address.postalCode() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("BHR")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Comma
                                << address.city() << Comma << address.state() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("BRA")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Space
                    << address.city() << Dash << address.state() << Space << address.postalCode() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("BRN")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("JOR")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("LBN")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("NZL")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Space
                                << address.city() << Space << address.postalCode() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("CAN")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("USA")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("VIR")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.city() << Comma << address.state() << Space
                                              << address.postalCode() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("CHN")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << Comma << address.city() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Space << address.state() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("CHL")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Space
                                << address.district() << Comma << address.city() << Comma
                                << address.state() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("CYM")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.state() << Space
                                << address.postalCode() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("GBR")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Comma
                                << address.city() << Comma << address.postalCode() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("GIB")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.city() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("HKG")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.city() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("IND")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.city() << Space << address.postalCode() << Space
                                              << address.state() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("IDN")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("JEY")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("LVA")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.city() << Comma << address.postalCode() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("IRL")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Comma << address.state() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("KWT")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Comma
                            << address.district() << Comma << address.city() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("MLT")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("SGP")
               || address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("UKR")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.city() << Space << address.postalCode() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("MEX")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Space << address.city() << Comma
                                              << address.state() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("MYS")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Space << address.city() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.state() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("OMN")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Comma
                                << address.postalCode() << Comma
                                << address.city() << Comma
                                << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("PRI")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Comma << address.city() << Comma
                                                 << address.state() << Comma << address.postalCode() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("QAT")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Space << address.city() << Comma
                                              << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("SAU")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << Space << address.district() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.city() << Space << address.postalCode() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("TWN")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << Comma
                                << address.district() << Comma << address.city() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("THA")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Comma << address.city() << Space
                                              << address.postalCode() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("TUR")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Space << address.district() << Comma
                                              << address.city() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("VEN")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.city() << Space << address.postalCode() << Comma
                                              << address.state() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else if (address.countryCode() == QLatin1String("ZAF")) {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.district() << Comma << address.city() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);
    } else {
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.street() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.postalCode() << Space << address.city() << newLine);
        text += addressLine(QStringList() << address.country() << newLine);

    return text;
Ejemplo n.º 10
GeoCodingInputDialog::GeoCodingInputDialog(QString &obloc, QGeoAddress &address, GeocodingType &type,QWidget *parent)
    : QDialog(parent)
    , m_oblocStr(obloc)
    , m_address(address)
    , m_type(type)
    setWindowTitle(tr("Geocoding Parameters"));

    m_gbOneBox = new QGroupBox(tr("One-Box Search"));


    m_obloc = new QLineEdit(m_oblocStr);
    m_oneBoxType = new QComboBox(this);
    m_oneBoxType->addItem(tr("Geocoding search"), GeocodingOneBox);
    m_oneBoxType->addItem(tr("Landmark search"), GeocodingLandmark);

    QVBoxLayout *vboxOneBox = new QVBoxLayout;

    m_gbAddress = new QGroupBox(tr("Address Search"));


    QLabel *countrylbl = new QLabel(tr("Country:"));
    m_country = new QLineEdit(address.country());
    m_country->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
    QLabel *statelbl = new QLabel(tr("State:"));
    m_state = new QLineEdit(address.state());
    m_state->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
    QLabel *citylbl = new QLabel(tr("City:"));
    m_city = new QLineEdit(address.city());
    m_city->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
    QLabel *ziplbl = new QLabel(tr("Zip:"));
    m_zip = new QLineEdit(address.postcode());
    m_zip->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
    QLabel *streetlbl = new QLabel(tr("Street:"));
    m_street = new QLineEdit(address.street());
    m_street->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);

    QGridLayout *gridLayout = new QGridLayout ;
    gridLayout->setContentsMargins(2, 1, 2, 1);
#if defined(Q_WS_MAEMO_5) || defined(Q_WS_MAEMO_6)
    gridLayout->addWidget(streetlbl, 1, 0);
    gridLayout->addWidget(m_street, 1, 1, 1, 3);

    gridLayout->addWidget(ziplbl, 2, 0);
    gridLayout->addWidget(citylbl, 2, 2);
    gridLayout->addWidget(m_zip, 2, 1);
    gridLayout->addWidget(m_city, 2, 3);

    gridLayout->addWidget(statelbl, 3, 0);
    gridLayout->addWidget(countrylbl, 3, 2);
    gridLayout->addWidget(m_state, 3, 1);
    gridLayout->addWidget(m_country, 3, 3);
    gridLayout->addWidget(streetlbl, 1, 0);
    gridLayout->addWidget(m_street, 2, 0, 1, 2);

    gridLayout->addWidget(ziplbl, 3, 0);
    gridLayout->addWidget(citylbl, 3, 1);
    gridLayout->addWidget(m_zip, 4, 0);
    gridLayout->addWidget(m_city, 4, 1);

    gridLayout->addWidget(statelbl, 5, 0);
    gridLayout->addWidget(countrylbl, 5, 1);
    gridLayout->addWidget(m_state, 6, 0);
    gridLayout->addWidget(m_country, 6, 1);


    QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, Qt::Horizontal);
    connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()));
    connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject()));

    QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout;



    switch (m_type) {
    case GeocodingOneBox: {
    case GeocodingLandmark: {
        const int index = m_oneBoxType->findData(GeocodingLandmark);
    case GeoCodingStructured: {

    connect(m_gbOneBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(oneBoxSearchToogled(bool)));
    connect(m_gbAddress, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(addressSeachToogled(bool)));