Ejemplo n.º 1
void MobilityConnection::connectToSimulator()
    // 1. check availability
    QLocalSocket *socket = new QLocalSocket;
    QString simVersion = SimulatorConnection::instance()->simulatorVersion().toString();
    socket->connectToServer(QLatin1String(SIMULATOR_MOBILITY_SERVERNAME) + simVersion, QLocalSocket::ReadWrite);
    if (!socket->waitForConnected(1000)) {
        qFatal("Could not connect to mobility server");
    mSendSocket = socket;

    // 2. Create the local server used for initiating the backchannel.
    const qint64 pid = QCoreApplication::applicationPid();
    QLocalServer *server = new QLocalServer(this);
    if (!server->listen(qt_mobilityServerName(simVersion, pid)))
        qFatal("Can't create local mobility server for this application.");

    // 3. Send initial application connect command.
    ApplicationConnectCommand command;
    ApplicationConnectCommand::Request &request = command.request;
    request.applicationPid = pid;
    request.applicationName[0] = 0;
    request.version = mobilityVersion;
    qt_sendAndReceiveApplicationConnect(socket, command);

    mSimulatorVersion = command.reply.version;

    // We usually want to get the initial state from the simulator directly, probably
    // before the event loop is started up. Hence we block until the simulator has established
    // the back channel.
    if (!server->waitForNewConnection(1000))
        qFatal("Simulator didn't establish mobility-backchannel on time");
    mReceiveSocket = server->nextPendingConnection();

    connect(mReceiveSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(onReadyRead()));
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
    disableQtBearerPoll(); // Fixes wifi ping spikes
    QString applicationName = "High Fidelity Interface - " + qgetenv("USERNAME");

    bool instanceMightBeRunning = true;

#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
    // Try to create a shared memory block - if it can't be created, there is an instance of
    // interface already running. We only do this on Windows for now because of the potential
    // for crashed instances to leave behind shared memory instances on unix.
    QSharedMemory sharedMemory { applicationName };
    instanceMightBeRunning = !sharedMemory.create(1, QSharedMemory::ReadOnly);

    if (instanceMightBeRunning) {
        // Try to connect and send message to existing interface instance
        QLocalSocket socket;


        static const int LOCAL_SERVER_TIMEOUT_MS = 500;

        // Try to connect - if we can't connect, interface has probably just gone down
        if (socket.waitForConnected(LOCAL_SERVER_TIMEOUT_MS)) {

            QStringList arguments;
            for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
                arguments << argv[i];

            QCommandLineParser parser;
            QCommandLineOption urlOption("url", "", "value");

            if (parser.isSet(urlOption)) {
                QUrl url = QUrl(parser.value(urlOption));
                if (url.isValid() && url.scheme() == HIFI_URL_SCHEME) {
                    qDebug() << "Writing URL to local socket";
                    if (!socket.waitForBytesWritten(5000)) {
                        qDebug() << "Error writing URL to local socket";


            qDebug() << "Interface instance appears to be running, exiting";

            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    // Check OpenGL version.
    // This is done separately from the main Application so that start-up and shut-down logic within the main Application is
    // not made more complicated than it already is.
        OpenGLVersionChecker openGLVersionChecker(argc, const_cast<char**>(argv));
        if (!openGLVersionChecker.isValidVersion()) {
            qCDebug(interfaceapp, "Early exit due to OpenGL version.");
            return 0;

    QElapsedTimer startupTime;

    // Debug option to demonstrate that the client's local time does not
    // need to be in sync with any other network node. This forces clock
    // skew for the individual client
    const char* CLOCK_SKEW = "--clockSkew";
    const char* clockSkewOption = getCmdOption(argc, argv, CLOCK_SKEW);
    if (clockSkewOption) {
        int clockSkew = atoi(clockSkewOption);
        qCDebug(interfaceapp, "clockSkewOption=%s clockSkew=%d", clockSkewOption, clockSkew);

    // Oculus initialization MUST PRECEDE OpenGL context creation.
    // The nature of the Application constructor means this has to be either here,
    // or in the main window ctor, before GL startup.

    int exitCode;
        Application app(argc, const_cast<char**>(argv), startupTime);

        // Setup local server
        QLocalServer server { &app };

        // We failed to connect to a local server, so we remove any existing servers.

        QObject::connect(&server, &QLocalServer::newConnection, &app, &Application::handleLocalServerConnection);

        QTranslator translator;

        qCDebug(interfaceapp, "Created QT Application.");
        exitCode = app.exec();


    qCDebug(interfaceapp, "Normal exit.");
    return exitCode;
Ejemplo n.º 3
RunControl *WinRtDebugSupport::createDebugRunControl(WinRtRunConfiguration *runConfig,
                                                     Core::Id mode,
                                                     QString *errorMessage)
    // FIXME: This is just working for local debugging;
    using namespace Debugger;
    DebuggerStartParameters params;
    params.startMode = AttachExternal;
    // The first Thread needs to be resumed manually.
    params.commandsAfterConnect = "~0 m";

    QFileInfo debuggerHelper(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()
                             + QLatin1String("/winrtdebughelper.exe"));
    if (!debuggerHelper.isExecutable()) {
        *errorMessage = tr("The WinRT debugging helper is missing from your Qt Creator "
                           "installation. It was assumed to be located at %1").arg(
        return 0;

    if (useQmlDebugging(runConfig)) {
        quint16 qmlDebugPort = 0;
        if (!getFreePort(qmlDebugPort, errorMessage))
            return 0;
        runConfig->setArguments(runConfig->arguments() + QLatin1Char(' ')
                    + QmlDebug::qmlDebugTcpArguments(QmlDebug::QmlDebuggerServices, qmlDebugPort));
        params.qmlServerAddress = QHostAddress::LocalHost;
        params.qmlServerPort = qmlDebugPort;

    WinRtRunnerHelper *runner = new WinRtRunnerHelper(runConfig, errorMessage);
    if (!errorMessage->isEmpty())
        return 0;

    QLocalServer server;

    if (!runner->waitForStarted()) {
        *errorMessage = tr("Cannot start the WinRT Runner Tool.");
        return 0;

    if (!server.waitForNewConnection(10000)) {
        *errorMessage = tr("Cannot establish connection to the WinRT debugging helper.");
        return 0;

    while (server.hasPendingConnections()) {
        QLocalSocket *connection = server.nextPendingConnection();
        if (connection->waitForReadyRead(1000)) {
            const QByteArray &output = connection->readAll();
            QList<QByteArray> arg = output.split(':');
            if (arg.first() == "PID") {
                bool ok =false;
                params.attachPID = arg.last().toInt(&ok);
                if (!ok) {
                    *errorMessage = tr("Cannot extract the PID from the WinRT debugging helper. "
                                       "(output: %1)").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(output));
                    return 0;
                Debugger::DebuggerRunControl *debugRunControl
                        = createDebuggerRunControl(params, runConfig, errorMessage, mode);
                new WinRtDebugSupport(debugRunControl, runner);
                return debugRunControl;


    *errorMessage = tr("Cannot create an appropriate run control for "
                       "the current run configuration.");

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
RunControl *WinRtDebugSupport::createDebugRunControl(WinRtRunConfiguration *runConfig,
                                                     RunMode mode,
                                                     QString *errorMessage)
    // FIXME: This is just working for local debugging;
    using namespace Debugger;
    DebuggerStartParameters params;
    params.startMode = AttachExternal;
    params.languages |= CppLanguage;
    params.breakOnMain = mode == DebugRunModeWithBreakOnMain;
    // The first Thread needs to be resumed manually.
    params.commandsAfterConnect = "~0 m";
    Kit *kit = runConfig->target()->kit();
    params.debuggerCommand = DebuggerKitInformation::debuggerCommand(kit).toString();
    if (ToolChain *tc = ToolChainKitInformation::toolChain(kit))
        params.toolChainAbi = tc->targetAbi();

    QFileInfo debuggerHelper(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()
                             + QLatin1String("/winrtdebughelper.exe"));
    if (!debuggerHelper.isExecutable()) {
        *errorMessage = tr("The WinRT debugging helper is missing from your Qt Creator "
                           "installation. It was assumed to be located at %1").arg(
        return 0;

    WinRtRunnerHelper *runner = new WinRtRunnerHelper(runConfig, errorMessage);
    if (!errorMessage->isEmpty())
        return 0;

    QLocalServer server;

    if (!runner->waitForStarted()) {
        *errorMessage = tr("Cannot start the WinRT Runner Tool.");
        return 0;

    if (!server.waitForNewConnection(10000)) {
        *errorMessage = tr("Cannot establish connection to the WinRT debugging helper.");
        return 0;

    while (server.hasPendingConnections()) {
        QLocalSocket *connection = server.nextPendingConnection();
        if (connection->waitForReadyRead(1000)) {
            const QByteArray &output = connection->readAll();
            QList<QByteArray> arg = output.split(':');
            if (arg.first() == "PID") {
                bool ok =false;
                params.attachPID = arg.last().toInt(&ok);
                if (!ok) {
                    *errorMessage = tr("Cannot extract the PID from the WinRT debugging helper. "
                                       "(output: %1)").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(output));
                    return 0;
                params.runConfiguration = runConfig;
                Debugger::DebuggerRunControl *debugRunControl
                        = createDebuggerRunControl(params, errorMessage);
                new WinRtDebugSupport(debugRunControl, runner);
                return debugRunControl;


    *errorMessage = tr("Cannot create an appropriate run control for "
                       "the current run configuration.");

    return 0;