void SurfaceSet::calcInvRot(){
    float mat[16];
    glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, mat);
    //This one is tricky: the matrix below is the GL matrix (different row/column convention than QT) with the 3x3 part transposed.
    //This inverts the rotation and does weird stuff to the scale...
    QMatrix4x4* invRotMat = new QMatrix4x4(mat[0],mat[1],mat[2],mat[12],mat[4],mat[5],mat[6],mat[13],mat[8],mat[9],mat[10],mat[14],mat[3],mat[7],mat[11],mat[15]);
    //QMatrix4x4* invRotMat = new QMatrix4x4(mat[0],mat[1],mat[2],mat[3],mat[4],mat[5],mat[6],mat[7],mat[8],mat[9],mat[10],mat[11],mat[12],mat[13],mat[14],mat[15]);
    const QVector3D xVec(1,0,0);
    const QVector3D yVec(0,1,0);
    const QVector3D zVec(0,0,1);
    //mapVector ignores translation and such...
    invRotX = invRotMat->mapVector(xVec);
    invRotY = invRotMat->mapVector(yVec);
    invRotZ = invRotMat->mapVector(zVec);
    //normalization ignores the scale
Ejemplo n.º 2
void tst_QRay3D::transform()
    QFETCH(QVector3D, point);
    QFETCH(QVector3D, direction);

    QMatrix4x4 m;
    m.translate(-1.0f, 2.5f, 5.0f);
    m.rotate(45.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

    Qt3DRender::RayCasting::QRay3D ray1(point, direction);
    Qt3DRender::RayCasting::QRay3D ray2(ray1);
    Qt3DRender::RayCasting::QRay3D ray3;

    ray3 = ray2.transformed(m);

    QVERIFY(fuzzyCompare(ray1.origin(), ray3.origin()));
    QVERIFY(fuzzyCompare(ray1.direction(), ray3.direction()));

    QVERIFY(fuzzyCompare(ray1.origin(), m * point));
    QVERIFY(fuzzyCompare(ray1.direction(), m.mapVector(direction)));
Ejemplo n.º 3
void tst_QRay3D::transform()
    QFETCH(QVector3D, point);
    QFETCH(QVector3D, direction);

    QMatrix4x4 m;
    m.translate(-1.0f, 2.5f, 5.0f);
    m.rotate(45.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

    QRay3D ray1(point, direction);
    QRay3D ray2(ray1);
    QRay3D ray3;

    ray3 = ray2.transformed(m);

    QCOMPARE(ray1.origin(), ray3.origin());
    QCOMPARE(ray1.direction(), ray3.direction());

    QCOMPARE(ray1.origin(), m * point);
    QCOMPARE(ray1.direction(), m.mapVector(direction));
Ejemplo n.º 4
    Returns the spotDirection() for this light after transforming it
    from world co-ordinates to eye co-ordinates using the top-left
    3x3 submatrix within \a transform.

    The returned result is suitable to be applied to the GL_SPOT_DIRECTION
    property of \c{glLight()}, assuming that the modelview transformation
    in the GL context is set to the identity.

    \sa eyePosition()
QVector3D QGLLightParameters::eyeSpotDirection
    (const QMatrix4x4& transform) const
    Q_D(const QGLLightParameters);
    return transform.mapVector(d->spotDirection);
Ejemplo n.º 5
QPoint CubeItem::cubeIntersection
    (QWidget *widget, const QPoint &point, int *actualFace) const
    // Bail out if no scene.
    if (!mScene) {
        *actualFace = -1;
        return QPoint();

    // Get the combined matrix for the projection.
    int dpiX = widget->logicalDpiX();
    int dpiY = widget->logicalDpiY();
    QRectF bounds = boundingRect();
    qreal aspectRatio = (bounds.width() * dpiY) / (bounds.height() * dpiX);
    QMatrix4x4 mv = camera()->modelViewMatrix();
    QMatrix4x4 proj = camera()->projectionMatrix(aspectRatio);
    QMatrix4x4 combined = proj * mv;

    // Find the relative position of the point within (-1, -1) to (1, 1).
    QPointF relativePoint =
        QPointF((point.x() - bounds.center().x()) * 2 / bounds.width(),
                -(point.y() - bounds.center().y()) * 2 / bounds.height());

    // Determine which face of the cube contains the point.
    QVector3D pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4;
    bool singleFace = (pressedFace != -1);
    for (int face = 0; face < 6; ++face) {
        if (singleFace && face != pressedFace)

        // Create a polygon from the projected version of the face
        // so that we can test for point membership.
        pt1 = QVector3D(vertexData[face * 4 * 3],
                        vertexData[face * 4 * 3 + 1],
                        vertexData[face * 4 * 3 + 2]);
        pt2 = QVector3D(vertexData[face * 4 * 3 + 3],
                        vertexData[face * 4 * 3 + 4],
                        vertexData[face * 4 * 3 + 5]);
        pt3 = QVector3D(vertexData[face * 4 * 3 + 6],
                        vertexData[face * 4 * 3 + 7],
                        vertexData[face * 4 * 3 + 8]);
        pt4 = QVector3D(vertexData[face * 4 * 3 + 9],
                        vertexData[face * 4 * 3 + 10],
                        vertexData[face * 4 * 3 + 11]);
        QVector<QPointF> points2d;
        points2d.append((combined * pt1).toPointF());
        points2d.append((combined * pt2).toPointF());
        points2d.append((combined * pt3).toPointF());
        points2d.append((combined * pt4).toPointF());
        QPolygonF polygon(points2d);
        if (!singleFace) {
            if (!polygon.containsPoint(relativePoint, Qt::OddEvenFill))

        // We want the face that is pointing towards the user.
        QVector3D v = mv.mapVector
            (QVector3D::crossProduct(pt2 - pt1, pt3 - pt1));
        if (!singleFace && v.z() <= 0.0f)

        // Determine the intersection between the cube face and
        // the ray coming from the eye position.
        QVector3D eyept = proj.inverted().map
            (QVector3D(relativePoint.x(), relativePoint.y(), -1.0f));
        QLine3D ray(QVector3D(0, 0, 0), eyept);
        QPlane3D plane(mv * pt1, v);
        QResult<QVector3D> intersection = plane.intersection(ray);
        if (!intersection.isValid())
        QVector3D worldpt = mv.inverted().map(intersection.value());

        // Map the world point to the range 0..1.
        worldpt = (worldpt / CubeSize) + QVector3D(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

        // Figure out the texture co-ordinates on the face that
        // correspond to the point.
        qreal xtex, ytex;
        switch (face) {
        case 0:
            xtex = 1.0f - worldpt.y();
            ytex = 1.0f - worldpt.z();
        case 1:
            xtex = 1.0f - worldpt.x();
            ytex = 1.0f - worldpt.z();
        case 2:
            xtex = worldpt.y();
            ytex = 1.0f - worldpt.z();
        case 3:
            xtex = worldpt.x();
            ytex = 1.0f - worldpt.z();
        case 4:
            xtex = worldpt.x();
            ytex = 1.0f - worldpt.y();
        case 5: default:
            xtex = worldpt.x();
            ytex = worldpt.y();

        // Turn the texture co-ordinates into scene co-ordinates.
        bounds = mScene->sceneRect();
        xtex *= bounds.width();
        ytex *= bounds.height();
        int x = qRound(xtex);
        int y = qRound(ytex);
        if (x < 0)
            x = 0;
        else if (x >= bounds.width())
            x = qRound(bounds.width() - 1);
        if (y < 0)
            y = 0;
        else if (y >= bounds.height())
            y = qRound(bounds.height() - 1);
        *actualFace = face;
        return QPoint(x, y);

    *actualFace = -1;
    return QPoint();
Ejemplo n.º 6
    Returns the result of transforming this sphere's center() and radius()
    according to \a matrix.

    It is assumed that \a matrix contains a uniform scale factor in the
    x, y, and z directions.  Otherwise the radius() in the result is undefined.

    \sa transform()
QSphere3D QSphere3D::transformed(const QMatrix4x4 &matrix) const
    return QSphere3D(matrix * m_center,
                     matrix.mapVector(QVector3D(m_radius, 0, 0)).length());
void SurfaceSet::paintNodes(int ns){

    SConnections* ccs = scons.at(cs);
    glPointSize(qMax(size,0.1));  //does not like 0 for pointsize...

    //for all nodes in the current surface...
    for (int i = 0; i < ccs->dn.length(); i++){
        Node* p = (Node*)(&ccs->dn.at(i));
        Node* mlp = (Node*)(&scons.at(minSpace)->dn.at(i));
        QVector3D nnormal = p->normal.normalized();
        QMatrix4x4* view = viewMatrix();
        QVector3D mapped = view->mapVector(nnormal);
        QVector3D mappedp = view->map(p->p);

        bool visible = mapped.z() > 0; //normal points to camera
        //TODO: poor guys clipping, should take ar into account...
        double clip = 1;
        visible &= (mappedp.x()>-clip)&&(mappedp.x()<clip)&&(mappedp.y()>-clip)&&(mappedp.y()<clip);

        if (visible) {
            //How many connections have a value above the threshold?
            //TODO: Change p to whatever makes sense, make conditional on pies? move?
            int cOver = 0;
            for (int count = 0; count < p->ncs.length(); count++){
                if ((p->ncs.at(count)->v > threshold) && (mlp->ncs.at(count)->length()>minlength)) cOver++;
            int nth = 0; //the how-manieth drawn connection for the pie chart...
            QVector3D zshift = glyphRadius*invRotZ;
            if (ns==4) {
                //pie charts
            QVector3D pieClosePoint;
            float cr,cg,cb;
            //TODO: Wouldn't iterating through ALL nodes and indexing be easier, taking the number of nodes now into account?
            for (int j=0; j<p->ncs.length();j++){
                //scaled vector from current point to point on the other side: edges are now connected to the nodes with fn == n.p
                Connection* diffc = ((Node*)(&scons.at(geo)->dn.at(i)))->ncs.at(j);
                QVector3D diff = (diffc->tn-diffc->fn) * glyphRadius/100.0;
                Node* colorNode = (Node*)(&scons.at(colorsFrom)->dn.at(i));
                Connection* c = colorNode->ncs.at(j);
                bool draw = ((c->v > threshold) && (c->length()>minlength));//TODO: use minSpace
                if (billboarding && (ns==6)) {
                    diff = diffc->tn;
                    QVector2D xy(diff.x(),diff.y());
                    xy /= 100;
                    double l = diff.z()/2.0+0.5;
                    xy *= l*glyphRadius/100;
                    diff = xy.x()*invRotX + xy.y()*invRotY;
                Connection* pieEdge = colorNode->sncs.at(j);
                if (ns==4) {
                    //pie charts
                    draw = ((pieEdge->v > threshold) && (mlp->ncs.at(pieEdge->origInd)->length()>minlength)); //my brain hurts...
                    if (draw) {
                        if (nth==1) {
                            cr = pieEdge->r;
                            cg = pieEdge->g;
                            cb = pieEdge->b;
                        float t = (nth/(float)cOver)*2*M_PI;
                        float rad = norm*glyphRadius/3 + (1-norm)*glyphRadius*qSqrt(cOver)/30.0;
                        diff = rad*qSin(t)*invRotX + rad*qCos(t)*invRotY;
                QVector3D p_shifted = p->p + diff;
                if ((nth==1) && draw && (ns==4)) pieClosePoint = QVector3D(p_shifted.x()+zshift.x(),p_shifted.y()+zshift.y(),p_shifted.z()+zshift.z());
                if (!vectors){
                } else if (ns!=4){
                    if (draw) glVertex3d(p->p.x()+zshift.x(),p->p.y()+zshift.y(),p->p.z()+zshift.z());
                if (draw) glVertex3d(p_shifted.x()+zshift.x(),p_shifted.y()+zshift.y(),p_shifted.z()+zshift.z());
                if (ns!=4) glEnd();

            //TODO: deal with two/one point issue...
            if (ns==4) {