Ejemplo n.º 1
bool FormDialog::setFaceType(const QString& facetype)
    int i = KPageView::staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator("FaceType");
    Q_ASSERT( i >= 0 );
    QMetaEnum e = KPageView::staticMetaObject.enumerator(i);
    int v = e.keysToValue( facetype.toUtf8() );
    if( v < 0 )
        return false;
    KPageDialog::setFaceType( (KPageDialog::FaceType) v );
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool FormDialog::setButtonText(const QString& button, const QString& text)
    int i = metaObject()->indexOfEnumerator("ButtonCode");
    Q_ASSERT( i >= 0 );
    QMetaEnum e = metaObject()->enumerator(i);
    int v = e.keysToValue( button.toUtf8() );
    if( v < 0 )
        return false;
    KDialog::setButtonText( (KDialog::ButtonCode) v, text);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void QEther::setUnit(QString const& _unit)
		QMetaEnum units = staticMetaObject.enumerator(staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator("EtherUnit"));
		for (int k = 0; k < units.keyCount(); k++)
			if (QString(units.key(k)).toLower() == _unit.toLower())
				m_currentUnit = static_cast<EtherUnit>(units.keysToValue(units.key(k)));
	catch (...)
Ejemplo n.º 4
//writeEnumProperty MIRRORS the relelvant bit of QMetaProperty::write AND MUST BE KEPT IN SYNC!
bool QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::writeEnumProperty(const QMetaProperty &prop, int idx, QObject *object, const QVariant &value, int flags)
    if (!object || !prop.isWritable())
        return false;

    QVariant v = value;
    if (prop.isEnumType()) {
        QMetaEnum menum = prop.enumerator();
        if (v.userType() == QVariant::String
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
            || v.userType() == QVariant::CString
            ) {
            if (prop.isFlagType())
                v = QVariant(menum.keysToValue(value.toByteArray()));
                v = QVariant(menum.keyToValue(value.toByteArray()));
        } else if (v.userType() != QVariant::Int && v.userType() != QVariant::UInt) {
            int enumMetaTypeId = QMetaType::type(QByteArray(menum.scope()) + "::" + menum.name());
            if ((enumMetaTypeId == 0) || (v.userType() != enumMetaTypeId) || !v.constData())
                return false;
            v = QVariant(*reinterpret_cast<const int *>(v.constData()));

    // the status variable is changed by qt_metacall to indicate what it did
    // this feature is currently only used by QtDBus and should not be depended
    // upon. Don't change it without looking into QDBusAbstractInterface first
    // -1 (unchanged): normal qt_metacall, result stored in argv[0]
    // changed: result stored directly in value, return the value of status
    int status = -1;
    void *argv[] = { v.data(), &v, &status, &flags };
    QMetaObject::metacall(object, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, idx, argv);
    return status;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Convert complex DOM types with the help of  QAbstractFormBuilder
QVariant domPropertyToVariant(QAbstractFormBuilder *afb,const QMetaObject *meta,const  DomProperty *p)
    // Complex types that need functions from QAbstractFormBuilder
    switch(p->kind()) {
    case DomProperty::String: {
        const int index = meta->indexOfProperty(p->attributeName().toUtf8());
        if (index != -1 && meta->property(index).type() == QVariant::KeySequence)
            return QVariant::fromValue(QKeySequence(p->elementString()->text()));

    case DomProperty::Palette: {
        const DomPalette *dom = p->elementPalette();
        QPalette palette;

        if (dom->elementActive())
            afb->setupColorGroup(palette, QPalette::Active, dom->elementActive());

        if (dom->elementInactive())
            afb->setupColorGroup(palette, QPalette::Inactive, dom->elementInactive());

        if (dom->elementDisabled())
            afb->setupColorGroup(palette, QPalette::Disabled, dom->elementDisabled());

        return QVariant::fromValue(palette);

    case DomProperty::Set: {
        const QByteArray pname = p->attributeName().toUtf8();
        const int index = meta->indexOfProperty(pname);
        if (index == -1) {
            uiLibWarning(QCoreApplication::translate("QFormBuilder", "The set-type property %1 could not be read.").arg(p->attributeName()));
            return QVariant();

        const QMetaEnum e = meta->property(index).enumerator();
        Q_ASSERT(e.isFlag() == true);
        return QVariant(e.keysToValue(p->elementSet().toUtf8()));

    case DomProperty::Enum: {
        const QByteArray pname = p->attributeName().toUtf8();
        const int index = meta->indexOfProperty(pname);
        QString enumValue = p->elementEnum();
        // Triggers in case of objects in Designer like Spacer/Line for which properties
        // are serialized using language introspection. On preview, however, these objects are
        // emulated by hacks in the formbuilder (size policy/orientation)
        if (index == -1) {
            // ### special-casing for Line (QFrame) -- fix for 4.2. Jambi hack for enumerations
            if (!qstrcmp(meta->className(), "QFrame")
                && (pname == QByteArray("orientation"))) {
                return QVariant(enumValue == QFormBuilderStrings::instance().horizontalPostFix ? QFrame::HLine : QFrame::VLine);
            } else {
                uiLibWarning(QCoreApplication::translate("QFormBuilder", "The enumeration-type property %1 could not be read.").arg(p->attributeName()));
                return QVariant();

        const QMetaEnum e = meta->property(index).enumerator();
        return QVariant(e.keyToValue(enumValue.toUtf8()));
    case DomProperty::Brush:
        return QVariant::fromValue(afb->setupBrush(p->elementBrush()));
        if (afb->resourceBuilder()->isResourceProperty(p)) {
            return afb->resourceBuilder()->loadResource(afb->workingDirectory(), p);


    // simple type
    return domPropertyToVariant(p);
Ejemplo n.º 6
MenuBarContainer::StandardContainer MenuBarContainer::standardContainer(const char *name)
    const QMetaObject &mo = MenuBarContainer::staticMetaObject;
    QMetaEnum me = mo.enumerator(mo.indexOfEnumerator("StandardContainer"));
    return StandardContainer(me.keysToValue(name));
Ejemplo n.º 7
void FormFileWidget::setMode(const QString& mode)
    QMetaEnum e = metaObject()->enumerator( metaObject()->indexOfEnumerator("Mode") );
    KFileWidget::OperationMode m = (KFileWidget::OperationMode) e.keysToValue( mode.toLatin1() );