Ejemplo n.º 1
bool QVistaHelper::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
    if (obj != wizard)
        return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event);

    if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove) {
        QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event);
        long result;
        MSG msg;
        msg.message = WM_NCHITTEST;
        msg.wParam  = 0;
        msg.lParam = MAKELPARAM(mouseEvent->globalX(), mouseEvent->globalY());
        msg.hwnd = wizardHWND();
        winEvent(&msg, &result);
        msg.wParam = result;
        msg.message = WM_NCMOUSEMOVE;
        winEvent(&msg, &result);
     } else if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) {
        QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event);

        if (mouseEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
            long result;
            MSG msg;
            msg.message = WM_NCHITTEST;
            msg.wParam  = 0;
            msg.lParam = MAKELPARAM(mouseEvent->globalX(), mouseEvent->globalY());
            msg.hwnd = wizardHWND();
            winEvent(&msg, &result);
            msg.wParam = result;
            msg.message = WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN;
            winEvent(&msg, &result);
     } else if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) {
        QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event);

        if (mouseEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
            long result;
            MSG msg;
            msg.message = WM_NCHITTEST;
            msg.wParam  = 0;
            msg.lParam = MAKELPARAM(mouseEvent->globalX(), mouseEvent->globalY());
            msg.hwnd = wizardHWND();
            winEvent(&msg, &result);
            msg.wParam = result;
            msg.message = WM_NCLBUTTONUP;
            winEvent(&msg, &result);

     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool TopBar::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) {
    if(object == ui->buttonIcon) {
        if(event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) {
            canMoveTopbar = true;
            QMouseEvent *e = (QMouseEvent *)event;
            pressedMouseX = e->x();
            pressedMouseY = e->y();
        } else if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove) {
            if(canMoveTopbar) {
                QMouseEvent *e = (QMouseEvent *)event;
                move(e->globalX() - pressedMouseX, e->globalY() - pressedMouseY);
        } else if(event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) {
            canMoveTopbar = false;
        } else if(event->type() == QEvent::Enter) {

    return QObject::eventFilter(object, event);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void GAllEvents::storeMouseState(QEvent *event)
        QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event);
	this->nX = mouseEvent->x();
	this->nY = mouseEvent->y();
	this->nGlobalX = mouseEvent->globalX();
	this->nGlobalY = mouseEvent->globalY();
	this->nButton = mouseEvent->button();
	this->nButtons = mouseEvent->buttons();
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CPrivateInfo::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *ev)
    QMouseEvent *mv = (QMouseEvent*) ev;
    QRect labelrect = QRect(ui->lb_top->pos() + this->pos(), ui->lb_top->size());
        this->move(mv->globalX() - m_Ptcur.rx(), mv->globalY() - m_Ptcur.ry());
        m_Ptbefore = mv->globalPos();
Ejemplo n.º 5
void QKmsCursor::pointerEvent(const QMouseEvent &event)
    m_moved = true;
    int status = drmModeMoveCursor(m_screen->device()->fd(),
    if (status) {
        qWarning("failed to move cursor: %d", status);
dmz::JsModuleUiV8QtBasic::_mouse_event_global_y (const v8::Arguments &Args) {

   v8::HandleScope scope;
   V8Value result = v8::Undefined ();

   JsModuleUiV8QtBasic *self = _to_self (Args);
   if (self) {

      QMouseEvent *event = (QMouseEvent *)self->_to_qevent (Args.This ());
      if (event) { result = v8::Number::New (event->globalY ()); }

   return scope.Close (result);
bool UIDnDMimeData::eventFilter(QObject *pObject, QEvent *pEvent)
    if (pEvent)
        switch (pEvent->type())
#ifdef DEBUG_andy
            case QEvent::MouseMove:
                QMouseEvent *pMouseEvent = (QMouseEvent*)(pEvent);
                LogFlowFunc(("MouseMove: x=%d, y=%d\n",
                             pMouseEvent->globalX(), pMouseEvent->globalY()));

                return true;
                /* Never reached. */
            case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
                m_enmState = Dropped;

                return true;
                /* Never reached. */

            case QEvent::KeyPress:
                /* ESC pressed? */
                if (static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(pEvent)->key() == Qt::Key_Escape)
                    LogFlowFunc(("ESC pressed, cancelling drag and drop operation\n"));
                    m_enmState = Canceled;

                return true;
                /* Never reached. */


    return QObject::eventFilter(pObject, pEvent);
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool XCA_application::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *ev)
	static int mctr;
	QMouseEvent *me;
	QStringList l;
	XcaTreeView *treeview;
	int key;

	switch (ev->type()) {
	case QEvent::FileOpen:
		l << static_cast<QFileOpenEvent *>(ev)->file();
		return true;
	case QEvent::MouseMove:
	case QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseMove:
		if (mctr++ > 8) {
			me = static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(ev);
			mctr = 0;
	case QEvent::KeyPress:
		key = static_cast<QKeyEvent *>(ev)->key();
		if (key < 0x100) {
	case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
		me = static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(ev);
		treeview = watched ?
			dynamic_cast<XcaTreeView*>(watched->parent()) : NULL;

		if ((watched == mainw || treeview) &&
		    me->button() == Qt::MidButton &&
			return true;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool CameraWidget::eventFilter(QObject *target, QEvent *event) {

    if (target == _POIsImageWidget && event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) {
        QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent *> (event);

        //--- Pauses Video Capture

        POI selectedPOI = _POIsImageWidget->getPOIAtPosition(mouseEvent->x(), mouseEvent->y());

        //--- Valid POI must have coordinates > 0
        if (selectedPOI.getCoordinates2d().x > 0) {

            //--- Removes old POI if it already has semantic
            if (selectedPOI.isInitialized()) {

            QPoint dialogPosition(mouseEvent->globalX(), mouseEvent->globalY());
            POISemanticSelectionDialog POISemanticDialog(this, &selectedPOI, dialogPosition, _POISemanticTypesRef);

            //--- POI semantic selection

            //--- Predicted position now should be the observed position

            //--- Inserts POI with updated semantic



    return QWidget::eventFilter(target, event);

Ejemplo n.º 10
bool Application::
notify(QObject * receiver, QEvent * e)
    bool v = false;
    string err;

    try {
        if (e)
            QEvent::Type t = e->type();
            switch (t)
            case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
                QMouseEvent* m = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(e);
                TaskInfo("QEvent::MouseButtonPress button=%d at %d, %d (%d, %d) on %s %s %p",
                         m->button(), m->x(), m->y(), m->globalX(), m->globalY(), vartype(*receiver).c_str(), receiver->objectName().toStdString().c_str(), receiver);
            case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
                QMouseEvent* m = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(e);
                TaskInfo("QEvent::MouseButtonRelease button=%d at %d, %d (%d, %d) from %s %s %p",
                         m->button(), m->pos().x(), m->pos().y(), m->globalX(), m->globalY(), vartype(*receiver).c_str(), receiver->objectName().toStdString().c_str(), receiver);
            case QEvent::KeyPress:
                QKeyEvent* m = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(e);
                TaskInfo(boost::format("QEvent::KeyPress key=0x%x on %s [%s %p]")
                         % m->key()
                         % vartype(*receiver)
                         % receiver->objectName().toStdString()
                         % receiver);

            switch (t)
            case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
            case QEvent::KeyPress:
            case QEvent::Show:
            case QEvent::Enter:
                foreach (pProject p, _projects)
                    if (receiver == p->mainWindow())


        v = QApplication::notify(receiver,e);
    } catch (...) {
        Tools::ApplicationErrorLogController::registerException (boost::current_exception ());

    return v;
Ejemplo n.º 11
bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
    QKeyEvent *kevent;
    QMouseEvent *mevent;
    QString position;

    static bool interior = false;


    switch (event->type()) {
    case QEvent::MouseMove:
        mevent = static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event);

        interior = frameGeometry().contains(mevent->globalPos());

        if (m_mouseAcquired) {
            position = QString::number(mevent->globalX()) + "," + QString::number(mevent->globalY());
            ui->statusBar->showMessage("Mouse move " + position);

            writeDatagram(DFBINPUT_MOUSE_MOTION, 0, mevent->globalX(), mevent->globalY());
    case QEvent::KeyPress:
        kevent = static_cast<QKeyEvent *>(event);
        if (m_mouseAcquired) {
            // Forward the event to the MainWindow
            if (kevent->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)
                return false;

            ui->statusBar->showMessage("Key press " + kevent->text());

            if (kevent->text().length() > 0)
                writeDatagram(DFBINPUT_KEYPRESS, kevent->text().at(0).toAscii(), 0, 0);
    case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
        if (m_mouseAcquired) {
            mevent = static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event);

            position = QString::number(mevent->globalX()) + "," + QString::number(mevent->globalY());
            ui->statusBar->showMessage("Mouse click at " + position);

            writeDatagram(DFBINPUT_MOUSE_CLICK, mevent->button() == Qt::LeftButton ? 1 :
                                                (mevent->button() == Qt::RightButton ? 2 : 0),
                          mevent->globalX(), mevent->globalY());
    case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
        if (m_mouseAcquired) {
            mevent = static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event);

            position = QString::number(mevent->globalX()) + "," + QString::number(mevent->globalY());
            ui->statusBar->showMessage("Mouse double-click at " + position);

            writeDatagram(DFBINPUT_MOUSE_DBLCLICK, mevent->button() == Qt::LeftButton ? 1 :
                                                   (mevent->button() == Qt::RightButton ? 2 : 0),
                          mevent->globalX(), mevent->globalY());
    case QEvent::Leave:
        if (m_mouseAcquired && interior)
        return false;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
bool QtInputService::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
    case QEvent::KeyPress:
        QKeyEvent *e = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event);

        KeyEvent keyEvent;
        keyEvent.keyCode = StripModifiersFromKey(e->key());
        keyEvent.keyPressCount = 1;
        keyEvent.modifiers = e->modifiers();
        keyEvent.text = e->text();
        keyEvent.sequence = QKeySequence(e->key() | e->modifiers()); ///\todo Track multi-key sequences.
        keyEvent.eventType = KeyEvent::KeyPressed;
//		keyEvent.otherHeldKeys = heldKeys; ///\todo
        keyEvent.handled = false;

        current_modifiers_ = e->modifiers(); // local tracking for mouse events

        // We only take key events from the main QGraphicsView.
        if (obj != qobject_cast<QObject*>(mainView))
            return false;

        std::map<Qt::Key, KeyPressInformation>::iterator keyRecord = heldKeys.find(keyEvent.keyCode);
        if (keyRecord != heldKeys.end())
            if (e->isAutoRepeat()) // If this is a repeat, track the proper keyPressCount.
                keyEvent.keyPressCount = ++keyRecord->second.keyPressCount;
                keyEvent.sequence = QKeySequence(); // Repeated keys do not trigger keysequences.
            KeyPressInformation info;
            info.keyPressCount = 1;
            info.keyState = KeyEvent::KeyPressed;
//            info.firstPressTime = now; ///\todo
            heldKeys[keyEvent.keyCode] = info;

        // Queue up the press event for the polling API, independent of whether any Qt widget has keyboard focus.
        if (keyEvent.keyPressCount == 1) /// \todo The polling API does not get key repeats at all. Should it?


        return keyEvent.handled; // If we got true here, need to suppress this event from going to Qt.

    case QEvent::KeyRelease:
        // We only take key events from the main window.
        if (obj != qobject_cast<QObject*>(mainWindow))
            return false;

        QKeyEvent *e = static_cast<QKeyEvent *>(event);

        // Our input system policy: Key releases on repeated keys are not transmitted. This means
        // that the client gets always a sequences like "press (first), press(1st repeat), press(2nd repeat), release",
        // instead of "press(first), release, press(1st repeat), release, press(2nd repeat), release".
        if (e->isAutoRepeat())
            return false;

        HeldKeysMap::iterator existingKey = heldKeys.find(StripModifiersFromKey(e->key()));

        // If we received a release on an unknown key we haven't received a press for, don't pass it to the scene,
        // since we didn't pass the press to the scene either (or we've already passed the release before, so don't
        // pass duplicate releases).
        if (existingKey == heldKeys.end())
            return false;

        KeyEvent keyEvent;
        keyEvent.keyCode = StripModifiersFromKey(e->key());
        keyEvent.keyPressCount = existingKey->second.keyPressCount;
        keyEvent.modifiers = e->modifiers();
        keyEvent.text = e->text();
        keyEvent.eventType = KeyEvent::KeyReleased;
//		keyEvent.otherHeldKeys = heldKeys; ///\todo
        keyEvent.handled = false;

        current_modifiers_ = e->modifiers(); // local tracking for mouse events

        // Queue up the release event for the polling API, independent of whether any Qt widget has keyboard focus.
        if (keyEvent.keyPressCount == 1) /// \todo The polling API does not get key repeats at all. Should it?


        return keyEvent.handled; // Suppress this event from going forward.

    case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
    case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
        // We only take mouse button press and release events from the main QGraphicsView viewport.
        if (obj != qobject_cast<QObject*>(mainView->viewport()))
            return false;

        QMouseEvent *e = static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event);
//		QGraphicsItem *itemUnderMouse = GetVisibleItemAtCoords(e->x(), e->y());
                // Update the flag that tracks whether the inworld scene or QGraphicsScene is grabbing mouse movement.
                if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress)
                    sceneMouseCapture = (itemUnderMouse ? QtMouseCapture : SceneMouseCapture);
                else // event type == MouseButtonRelease
                    sceneMouseCapture = NoMouseCapture;
        // We always update the global polled input states, independent of whether any the mouse cursor is
        // on top of any Qt widget.
        if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress)
            heldMouseButtons |= (MouseEvent::MouseButton)e->button();
            newMouseButtonsPressedQueue |= (MouseEvent::MouseButton)e->button();
            if (lastMouseButtonReleaseTime.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) < 300)
                doubleClickDetected = true;
            heldMouseButtons &= ~(MouseEvent::MouseButton)e->button();
            newMouseButtonsReleasedQueue |= (MouseEvent::MouseButton)e->button();
            lastMouseButtonReleaseTime = QTime::currentTime();

        // If there's a visible QGraphicsItem under the mouse and mouse is not in FPS mode,
        // the click's supposed to go there - don't send it at all to inworld scene.
//		if (itemUnderMouse && mouseCursorVisible)
//			return false;

        // The mouse coordinates we receive can come from different widgets, and we are interested only in the coordinates
        // in the QGraphicsView client area, so we need to remap them.
        QPoint mousePos = MapPointToMainGraphicsView(obj, e->pos());

        MouseEvent mouseEvent;
        mouseEvent.itemUnderMouse = GetVisibleItemAtCoords(e->x(), e->y());
        mouseEvent.origin = mouseEvent.itemUnderMouse ? MouseEvent::PressOriginQtWidget : MouseEvent::PressOriginScene;
        if ( !doubleClickDetected)
            mouseEvent.eventType = (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) ? MouseEvent::MousePressed : MouseEvent::MouseReleased;
        } else
            mouseEvent.eventType = MouseEvent::MouseDoubleClicked;
        mouseEvent.button = (MouseEvent::MouseButton)e->button();
        mouseEvent.x = mousePos.x();
        mouseEvent.y = mousePos.y();
        mouseEvent.z = 0;
        mouseEvent.relativeX = mouseEvent.x - lastMouseX;
        mouseEvent.relativeY = mouseEvent.y - lastMouseY;
        mouseEvent.modifiers = current_modifiers_;

        lastMouseX = mouseEvent.x;
        lastMouseY = mouseEvent.y;

        mouseEvent.globalX = e->globalX();
        mouseEvent.globalY = e->globalY();

        mouseEvent.otherButtons = e->buttons();

//		mouseEvent.heldKeys = heldKeys; ///\todo
        mouseEvent.handled = false;

        // The mouse press is going to the inworld scene - clear keyboard focus from the QGraphicsScene widget, if any had it so key events also go to inworld scene.
        if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress && !mouseEvent.itemUnderMouse && mouseCursorVisible)


        return mouseEvent.handled;

    case QEvent::MouseMove:
        // If a mouse button is held down, we get the mouse drag events from the viewport widget.
        // If a mouse button is not held down, the application main window will get the events.
        // Duplicate events are not received, so no need to worry about filtering them here.

        QMouseEvent *e = static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event);

        //QGraphicsItem *itemUnderMouse = GetVisibleItemAtCoords(e->x(), e->y());
        // If there is a graphicsItem under the mouse, don't pass the move message to the inworld scene, unless the inworld scene has captured it.
//        if (mouseCursorVisible)
//		    if ((itemUnderMouse && sceneMouseCapture != SceneMouseCapture) || sceneMouseCapture == QtMouseCapture)
//			    return false;

//        if (mouseCursorVisible && itemUnderMouse)
//            return false;

        MouseEvent mouseEvent;
        mouseEvent.eventType = MouseEvent::MouseMove;
        mouseEvent.button = (MouseEvent::MouseButton)e->button();
        mouseEvent.itemUnderMouse = GetVisibleItemAtCoords(e->x(), e->y());
        ///\todo Set whether the previous press originated over a Qt widget or scene.
        mouseEvent.origin = mouseEvent.itemUnderMouse ? MouseEvent::PressOriginQtWidget : MouseEvent::PressOriginScene;

        QWidget *sender = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(obj);

        // The mouse coordinates we receive can come from different widgets, and we are interested only in the coordinates
        // in the QGraphicsView client area, so we need to remap them.
        QPoint mousePos = MapPointToMainGraphicsView(obj, e->pos());

        if (mouseCursorVisible)
            mouseEvent.x = mousePos.x();
            mouseEvent.y = mousePos.y();
            // If mouse cursor is hidden, we're in relative "crosshair" mode. In this mode,
            // the mouse absolute coordinates are restricted to stay in the center of the screen.
            mouseEvent.x = mainView->size().width()/2;
            mouseEvent.y = mainView->size().height()/2;
        mouseEvent.z = 0;
        mouseEvent.relativeX = mousePos.x() - lastMouseX;
        mouseEvent.relativeY = mousePos.y() - lastMouseY;

        // If there wasn't any change to the mouse relative coords in FPS mode, ignore this event.
        if (!mouseCursorVisible && mouseEvent.relativeX == 0 && mouseEvent.relativeY == 0)
            return true;

        mouseEvent.globalX = e->globalX(); // Note that these may "jitter" when mouse is in relative movement mode.
        mouseEvent.globalY = e->globalY();
        mouseEvent.otherButtons = e->buttons();
//		mouseEvent.heldKeys = heldKeys; ///\todo
        mouseEvent.handled = false;

        // Save the absolute coordinates to be able to compute the proper relative movement values in the next
        // mouse event.
        lastMouseX = mouseEvent.x;
        lastMouseY = mouseEvent.y;


        // In relative mouse movement mode, keep the mouse cursor hidden at screen center at all times.
        if (!mouseCursorVisible)
            return true; // In relative mouse movement mode, the QGraphicsScene does not receive mouse movement at all.

        return mouseEvent.handled;

    case QEvent::Wheel:
        // If this event did not originate from the application main window, we are not interested in it.
        if (obj != qobject_cast<QObject*>(mainWindow))
            return false;

        QObject *mv = qobject_cast<QObject*>(mainView);
        QObject *mw = qobject_cast<QObject*>(mainWindow);
        QWheelEvent *e = static_cast<QWheelEvent *>(event);
//		QGraphicsItem *itemUnderMouse = GetVisibleItemAtCoords(e->x(), e->y());
//		if (itemUnderMouse)
//			return false;

        MouseEvent mouseEvent;
        mouseEvent.eventType = MouseEvent::MouseScroll;
        mouseEvent.itemUnderMouse = GetVisibleItemAtCoords(e->x(), e->y());
        mouseEvent.origin = mouseEvent.itemUnderMouse ? MouseEvent::PressOriginQtWidget : MouseEvent::PressOriginScene;
        mouseEvent.button = MouseEvent::NoButton;
        mouseEvent.otherButtons = e->buttons();
        mouseEvent.x = e->x();
        mouseEvent.y = e->y();
        mouseEvent.z = 0; // Mouse wheel does not have an absolute z position, only relative.
        mouseEvent.relativeX = 0;
        mouseEvent.relativeY = 0;
        mouseEvent.relativeZ = e->delta();
        mouseEvent.globalX = e->globalX();
        mouseEvent.globalY = e->globalY();

        mouseEvent.otherButtons = e->buttons(); ///\todo Can this be trusted?

//		mouseEvent.heldKeys = heldKeys; ///\todo
        mouseEvent.handled = false;


        return mouseEvent.handled;

    } // ~switch

    return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event);