void TestBinRunner::_run_stuff()
    /// initialization

    // get arguments
    // avoid first argument (i.e., parent binary)
    QStringList args;
    for (int i = 1; i < _argc; i++)
        args << _argv[i];

    // declare process and output binder
    QProcess* pro;
    QtOutputBinder* qob;

    /// execute tests binaries
    for (std::list<TestSuiteDescriptor>::const_iterator ci = _testbins.begin();
         ci != _testbins.end();

        // get path and name
        QString binid((*ci).id.c_str());
        QString binpath((*ci).path.c_str());
        QString bindesc((*ci).description.c_str());

        _running_instance = (*ci);

        std::cout << "+---------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl
                  << "  Executing: " << binpath.toStdString() << std::endl;

        // execute test bin

        // create process and connect output
        pro = new QProcess();
        qob = new QtOutputBinder(pro);
        qob->set_enabled(true);// enable for debugging

        // connect signal handlers
        pro->connect(pro,SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)),this, SLOT(_qprocess_error_handler(QProcess::ProcessError)));
        //pro->connect(pro,SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)),this, SLOT(_qprocess_finished_handler(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)));

        // execute binary and wait for it
        pro->start(binpath,args,QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text);

        if(!pro->waitForFinished()) // beware the timeout default parameter
            std::cerr << "Error: Executing program failed with exit code " << pro->exitCode() << std::endl;

        // do output stuff
        std::cout << "  Collecting output" << std::endl;

        // clean
        delete pro; delete qob;
        std::cout << "  Finished" << std::endl;

        // sleep if set