Ejemplo n.º 1
QSizeF QgsHistogramDiagram::diagramSize( const QgsAttributes& attributes, const QgsRenderContext& c, const QgsDiagramSettings& s )
  Q_UNUSED( c );
  QSizeF size;

  if ( attributes.isEmpty() )
    return QSizeF(); //zero size if no attributes

  double maxValue = attributes.at( 0 ).toDouble();

  for ( int i = 0; i < attributes.count(); ++i )
    maxValue = qMax( attributes.at( i ).toDouble(), maxValue );

  switch ( s.diagramOrientation )
    case QgsDiagramSettings::Up:
    case QgsDiagramSettings::Down:
      mScaleFactor = maxValue / s.size.height();
      size.scale( s.barWidth * s.categoryColors.size(), s.size.height(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio );

    case QgsDiagramSettings::Right:
    case QgsDiagramSettings::Left:
    default: // just in case...
      mScaleFactor = maxValue / s.size.width();
      size.scale( s.size.width(), s.barWidth * s.categoryColors.size(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio );

  return size;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void QGraphicsVideoItemPrivate::updateRects()

    if (nativeSize.isEmpty()) {
        //this is necessary for item to receive the
        //first paint event and configure video surface.
        boundingRect = rect;
    } else if (aspectRatioMode == Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio) {
        boundingRect = rect;
        sourceRect = QRectF(0, 0, 1, 1);
    } else if (aspectRatioMode == Qt::KeepAspectRatio) {
        QSizeF size = nativeSize;
        size.scale(rect.size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio);

        boundingRect = QRectF(0, 0, size.width(), size.height());

        sourceRect = QRectF(0, 0, 1, 1);
    } else if (aspectRatioMode == Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) {
        boundingRect = rect;

        QSizeF size = rect.size();
        size.scale(nativeSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);

        sourceRect = QRectF(
                0, 0, size.width() / nativeSize.width(), size.height() / nativeSize.height());
        sourceRect.moveCenter(QPointF(0.5, 0.5));
void ContentWindowController::adjustSize( const SizeState state )
    switch( state )
    case SIZE_1TO1:
        resize( _contentWindow->getContent()->getPreferredDimensions(), CENTER);

    case SIZE_LARGE:
        const QSizeF wallSize = _displayGroup->getCoordinates().size();
        resize( LARGE_SIZE_SCALE * wallSize, CENTER );
    } break;

        QSizeF size = _contentWindow->getContent()->getDimensions();
        size.scale( _displayGroup->getCoordinates().size(),
                    Qt::KeepAspectRatio );
        constrainSize( size );
        _contentWindow->setCoordinates( _getCenteredCoordinates( size ));
    } break;

void AMCrosshairOverlayVideoWidget::reviewCrosshairLinePositions()

	QSizeF viewSize = videoItem_->size();
	// first we need to find out the native size of the video. (Well, actually just the aspect ratio, but...)
	QSizeF videoSize = videoItem_->nativeSize();

	// scale the video size to the view size, obeying the transformation mode
	QSizeF scaledSize = videoSize;
	scaledSize.scale(viewSize, videoItem_->aspectRatioMode());

	// now, scaledSize will either be:
		// same as viewSize, if view and video have same aspect ratio, or the video is being stretched with Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio
		// One dimension the same, other dimension smaller than viewSize, if Qt::KeepAspectRatio
		// or One dimension the same, other dimension LARGER than viewSize, if Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding

	QRectF activeRect = QRectF(QPointF((viewSize.width()-scaledSize.width())/2,

	// activeRect is now a rectangle in scene coordinates that covers the actual area of the video [not the area of the videoWidget, which may be smaller or larger depending on the aspect ratio mode and aspect ratio of the actual video feed]

	qreal xSceneCoord = activeRect.left() + crosshairX_*activeRect.width();
	qreal ySceneCoord = activeRect.top() + crosshairY_*activeRect.height();

	crosshairXLine_->setLine(xSceneCoord, activeRect.top(), xSceneCoord, activeRect.bottom());
	crosshairYLine_->setLine(activeRect.left(), ySceneCoord, activeRect.right(), ySceneCoord);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void QRendererVideoWidgetBackend::updateRects()
    QRect rect = m_widget->rect();

    if (m_nativeSize.isEmpty()) {
        m_boundingRect = QRect();
    } else if (m_aspectRatioMode == Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio) {
        m_boundingRect = rect;
        m_sourceRect = QRectF(0, 0, 1, 1);
    } else if (m_aspectRatioMode == Qt::KeepAspectRatio) {
        QSize size = m_nativeSize;
        size.scale(rect.size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio);

        m_boundingRect = QRect(0, 0, size.width(), size.height());

        m_sourceRect = QRectF(0, 0, 1, 1);
    } else if (m_aspectRatioMode == Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) {
        m_boundingRect = rect;

        QSizeF size = rect.size();
        size.scale(m_nativeSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);

        m_sourceRect = QRectF(
                0, 0, size.width() / m_nativeSize.width(), size.height() / m_nativeSize.height());
        m_sourceRect.moveCenter(QPointF(0.5, 0.5));
Ejemplo n.º 6
QRectF QtSvgDialGauge::availableRect(QSvgRenderer * renderObject) const
    // Calculating the layout:
    QSizeF svgSize = renderObject->defaultSize();
    svgSize.scale(size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
    return QRectF(QPointF(0.0, 0.0), svgSize);
Ejemplo n.º 7
QSizeF QgsHistogramDiagram::diagramSize( const QgsFeature& feature, const QgsRenderContext& c, const QgsDiagramSettings& s, const QgsDiagramInterpolationSettings& is )
  QSizeF size;
  if ( feature.attributes().isEmpty() )
    return size; //zero size if no attributes

  if ( qgsDoubleNear( is.upperValue, is.lowerValue ) )
    return size; // invalid value range => zero size

  double maxValue = 0;

  QgsExpressionContext expressionContext = c.expressionContext();
  expressionContext.setFeature( feature );
  if ( !feature.fields().isEmpty() )
    expressionContext.setFields( feature.fields() );

  Q_FOREACH ( const QString& cat, s.categoryAttributes )
    QgsExpression* expression = getExpression( cat, expressionContext );
    maxValue = qMax( expression->evaluate( &expressionContext ).toDouble(), maxValue );

  // Scale, if extension is smaller than the specified minimum
  if ( maxValue < s.minimumSize )
    maxValue = s.minimumSize;

  switch ( s.diagramOrientation )
    case QgsDiagramSettings::Up:
    case QgsDiagramSettings::Down:
      mScaleFactor = (( is.upperSize.width() - is.lowerSize.height() ) / ( is.upperValue - is.lowerValue ) );
      size.scale( s.barWidth * s.categoryAttributes.size(), maxValue * mScaleFactor, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio );

    case QgsDiagramSettings::Right:
    case QgsDiagramSettings::Left:
      mScaleFactor = (( is.upperSize.width() - is.lowerSize.width() ) / ( is.upperValue - is.lowerValue ) );
      size.scale( maxValue * mScaleFactor, s.barWidth * s.categoryAttributes.size(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio );

  return size;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void VlcQmlVideoObject::updateBoundingRect()
    _boundingRect = QRectF(0, 0, _frameSize.width(), _frameSize.height());


    QSizeF scaledFrameSize = _boundingRect.size();
    if (_aspectRatio == Vlc::Ignore) {
        scaledFrameSize.scale(_geometry.size(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio);
    } else {
        scaledFrameSize.scale(_geometry.size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
    _boundingRect.setSize( scaledFrameSize );


void ContentWindowController::scale( const QPointF& center,
                                     const double pixelDelta )
    QSizeF newSize = _contentWindow->getCoordinates().size();
    newSize.scale( newSize.width() + pixelDelta,
                   newSize.height() + pixelDelta,
                   pixelDelta < 0 ? Qt::KeepAspectRatio
                                  : Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding );
    _resize( center, newSize );
Ejemplo n.º 10
void DisplayGroupController::adjustWindowsAspectRatioToContent()
    for (ContentWindowPtr window : _group.getContentWindows())
        QSizeF exactSize = window->getContent().getDimensions();
        exactSize.scale(window->getCoordinates().size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
static PyObject *meth_QSizeF_scale(PyObject *sipSelf, PyObject *sipArgs)
    PyObject *sipParseErr = NULL;

        const QSizeF * a0;
        Qt::AspectRatioMode a1;
        QSizeF *sipCpp;

        if (sipParseArgs(&sipParseErr, sipArgs, "BJ9E", &sipSelf, sipType_QSizeF, &sipCpp, sipType_QSizeF, &a0, sipType_Qt_AspectRatioMode, &a1))

            return Py_None;

        qreal a0;
        qreal a1;
        Qt::AspectRatioMode a2;
        QSizeF *sipCpp;

        if (sipParseArgs(&sipParseErr, sipArgs, "BddE", &sipSelf, sipType_QSizeF, &sipCpp, &a0, &a1, sipType_Qt_AspectRatioMode, &a2))

            return Py_None;

    /* Raise an exception if the arguments couldn't be parsed. */
    sipNoMethod(sipParseErr, sipName_QSizeF, sipName_scale, NULL);

    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 12
QSizeF QgsTextDiagram::diagramSize( const QgsFeature& feature, const QgsRenderContext& c, const QgsDiagramSettings& s, const QgsDiagramInterpolationSettings& is )
  Q_UNUSED( c );

  QVariant attrVal;
  if ( is.classificationAttributeIsExpression )
    QgsExpression* expression = getExpression( is.classificationAttributeExpression, feature.fields() );
    attrVal = expression->evaluate( feature );
    attrVal = feature.attributes()[is.classificationAttribute];

  if ( !attrVal.isValid() )
    return QSizeF(); //zero size if attribute is missing

  double scaledValue = attrVal.toDouble();
  double scaledLowerValue = is.lowerValue;
  double scaledUpperValue = is.upperValue;
  double scaledLowerSizeWidth = is.lowerSize.width();
  double scaledLowerSizeHeight = is.lowerSize.height();
  double scaledUpperSizeWidth = is.upperSize.width();
  double scaledUpperSizeHeight = is.upperSize.height();

  // interpolate the squared value if scale by area
  if ( s.scaleByArea )
    scaledValue = sqrt( scaledValue );
    scaledLowerValue = sqrt( scaledLowerValue );
    scaledUpperValue = sqrt( scaledUpperValue );
    scaledLowerSizeWidth = sqrt( scaledLowerSizeWidth );
    scaledLowerSizeHeight = sqrt( scaledLowerSizeHeight );
    scaledUpperSizeWidth = sqrt( scaledUpperSizeWidth );
    scaledUpperSizeHeight = sqrt( scaledUpperSizeHeight );

  //interpolate size
  double scaledRatio = ( scaledValue - scaledLowerValue ) / ( scaledUpperValue - scaledLowerValue );

  QSizeF size = QSizeF( is.upperSize.width() * scaledRatio + is.lowerSize.width() * ( 1 - scaledRatio ),
                        is.upperSize.height() * scaledRatio + is.lowerSize.height() * ( 1 - scaledRatio ) );

  // Scale, if extension is smaller than the specified minimum
  if ( size.width() <= s.minimumSize && size.height() <= s.minimumSize )
    size.scale( s.minimumSize, s.minimumSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio );

  return size;
Ejemplo n.º 13
// calculates outer(image) and inner(view area) squares
void MapOverlay::updateMap(const QSizeF& windowSz, const QRectF& drawingRect)
    if(windowSz.height() < drawingRect.height()
            || windowSz.width() < drawingRect.width()) {
        QSizeF outerSz = drawingRect.size();
        outerSz.scale(d->mapSz, d->mapSz, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);

        float widthDiff = (float) windowSz.width() / drawingRect.width();
        float heightDiff = (float) windowSz.height() / drawingRect.height();

        if (widthDiff > 1)
            widthDiff = 1;

        if (heightDiff > 1)
            heightDiff = 1;

        float width = outerSz.width() * widthDiff;
        float height = outerSz.height() * heightDiff;

        QSizeF innerSz(width, height);
        float xSpeedDiff = (float) innerSz.width() / windowSz.width();
        float ySpeedDiff = (float) innerSz.height() / windowSz.height();

        float x = (float) -drawingRect.left() * xSpeedDiff;
        float y = (float) -drawingRect.top() * ySpeedDiff;

        if (x < 0)
            x = 0;

        if (y < 0)
            y = 0;

        d->innerRect.moveTo(QPointF(x, y));
        //move to bottom left border
        d->outerRect.translate(d->mapSz - d->outerRect.width(),
                            d->mapSz - d->outerRect.height());
        d->innerRect.translate(d->mapSz - d->outerRect.width(),
                            d->mapSz - d->outerRect.height());
    else {
void ContentWindowController::constrainSize( QSizeF& windowSize ) const
    const QSizeF& maxSize = getMaxSize();
    if( windowSize > maxSize )
        windowSize.scale( maxSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio );

    const QSizeF& minSize = getMinSize();
    if( windowSize < minSize )
        windowSize = _contentWindow->getCoordinates().size();
Ejemplo n.º 15
QSizeF QgsPieDiagram::diagramSize( const QgsAttributes& attributes, const QgsRenderContext& c, const QgsDiagramSettings& s, const QgsDiagramInterpolationSettings& is )
  Q_UNUSED( c );
  QVariant attrVal = attributes[is.classificationAttribute];
  if ( !attrVal.isValid() )
    return QSizeF(); //zero size if attribute is missing

  double scaledValue = attrVal.toDouble();
  double scaledLowerValue = is.lowerValue;
  double scaledUpperValue = is.upperValue;
  double scaledLowerSizeWidth = is.lowerSize.width();
  double scaledLowerSizeHeight = is.lowerSize.height();
  double scaledUpperSizeWidth = is.upperSize.width();
  double scaledUpperSizeHeight = is.upperSize.height();

  // interpolate the squared value if scale by area
  if ( s.scaleByArea )
    scaledValue = sqrt( scaledValue );
    scaledLowerValue = sqrt( scaledLowerValue );
    scaledUpperValue = sqrt( scaledUpperValue );
    scaledLowerSizeWidth = sqrt( scaledLowerSizeWidth );
    scaledLowerSizeHeight = sqrt( scaledLowerSizeHeight );
    scaledUpperSizeWidth = sqrt( scaledUpperSizeWidth );
    scaledUpperSizeHeight = sqrt( scaledUpperSizeHeight );

  //interpolate size
  double scaledRatio = ( scaledValue - scaledLowerValue ) / ( scaledUpperValue - scaledLowerValue );

  QSizeF size = QSizeF( is.upperSize.width() * scaledRatio + is.lowerSize.width() * ( 1 - scaledRatio ),
                        is.upperSize.height() * scaledRatio + is.lowerSize.height() * ( 1 - scaledRatio ) );

  // Scale, if extension is smaller than the specified minimum
  if ( size.width() <= s.minimumSize && size.height() <= s.minimumSize )
    bool p = false; // preserve height == width
    if ( size.width() == size.height() )
      p = true;

    size.scale( s.minimumSize, s.minimumSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio );

    // If height == width, recover here (overwrite floating point errors)
    if ( p )
      size.setWidth( size.height() );

  return size;
void QGraphicsVideoItemPrivate::updateRects()
    QSizeF videoSize;
    if (nativeSize.isEmpty()) {
        videoSize = rect.size();
    } else if (aspectRatioMode == Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio) {
        videoSize = rect.size();
    } else {
        // KeepAspectRatio or KeepAspectRatioByExpanding
        videoSize = nativeSize;
        videoSize.scale(rect.size(), aspectRatioMode);
    displayRect = QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), videoSize);
    boundingRect = displayRect.intersected(rect);
void CAPresentationHandler::resizeCanvas (const QSizeF& canvasSize)
    QSizeF pageSize = d->paView->activePage()->boundingRect().size();
    QGraphicsWidget* canvasItem = canvas()->canvasItem();
    QSizeF newSize (pageSize);
    newSize.scale (canvasSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);

    if (canvasSize.width() < canvasSize.height()) {
        canvasItem->setGeometry (0, (canvasSize.height() - newSize.height()) / 2,
                                 newSize.width(), newSize.height());
        documentController()->canvasController()->zoomHandler()->setZoom (canvasSize.width() / pageSize.width() * 0.75);
    } else {
        canvasItem->setGeometry ( (canvasSize.width() - newSize.width()) / 2, 0,
                                  newSize.width(), newSize.height());
        documentController()->canvasController()->zoomHandler()->setZoom (canvasSize.height() / pageSize.height() * 0.75);
QPointF AMCrosshairOverlayVideoWidget::mapSceneToVideo(const QPointF &sceneCoordinate) const
	// for more comments, see the more verbose implementation in reviewCrosshairLinePostions()
	QSizeF viewSize = videoItem_->size();
	QSizeF scaledSize = videoItem_->nativeSize();
	scaledSize.scale(viewSize, videoItem_->aspectRatioMode());

	QRectF activeRect = QRectF(QPointF((viewSize.width()-scaledSize.width())/2,

	// activeRect is now a rectangle in scene coordinates that covers the actual area of the video [not the area of the videoWidget, which may be smaller or larger depending on the aspect ratio mode and aspect ratio of the actual video feed]

	qreal yScene = (sceneCoordinate.y() - activeRect.top())/activeRect.height();
	qreal xScene = (sceneCoordinate.x() - activeRect.left())/activeRect.width();

	return QPointF(xScene, yScene);
Ejemplo n.º 19
QSizeF QgsPieDiagram::diagramSize( const QgsAttributeMap& attributes, const QgsRenderContext& c, const QgsDiagramSettings& s, const QgsDiagramInterpolationSettings& is )
  Q_UNUSED( c );
  QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator attIt = attributes.find( is.classificationAttribute );
  if ( attIt == attributes.constEnd() )
    return QSizeF(); //zero size if attribute is missing

  double scaledValue = attIt.value().toDouble();
  double scaledLowerValue = is.lowerValue;
  double scaledUpperValue = is.upperValue;
  double scaledLowerSizeWidth = is.lowerSize.width();
  double scaledLowerSizeHeight = is.lowerSize.height();
  double scaledUpperSizeWidth = is.upperSize.width();
  double scaledUpperSizeHeight = is.upperSize.height();

  // interpolate the squared value if scale by area
  if ( s.scaleByArea )
    scaledValue = sqrt( scaledValue );
    scaledLowerValue = sqrt( scaledLowerValue );
    scaledUpperValue = sqrt( scaledUpperValue );
    scaledLowerSizeWidth = sqrt( scaledLowerSizeWidth );
    scaledLowerSizeHeight = sqrt( scaledLowerSizeHeight );
    scaledUpperSizeWidth = sqrt( scaledUpperSizeWidth );
    scaledUpperSizeHeight = sqrt( scaledUpperSizeHeight );

  //interpolate size
  double scaledRatio = ( scaledValue - scaledLowerValue ) / ( scaledUpperValue - scaledLowerValue );

  QSizeF size = QSizeF( is.upperSize.width() * scaledRatio + is.lowerSize.width() * ( 1 - scaledRatio ),
                        is.upperSize.height() * scaledRatio + is.lowerSize.height() * ( 1 - scaledRatio ) );

  // Scale, if extension is smaller than the specified minimum
  if ( size.width() <= s.minimumSize && size.height() <= s.minimumSize )
    size.scale( s.minimumSize, s.minimumSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio );

  return size;
Ejemplo n.º 20
void VlcQmlVideoObject::updateCropRatio()
    QSizeF ar = Vlc::ratioSize( _cropRatio );

    if( ar.width() != 0 && ar.height() != 0)
        QRectF cropRect = _boundingRect;
        qreal ratio = qMin( cropRect.width() / ar.width() , cropRect.height() / ar.height() );
        cropRect.setWidth( (qreal) ratio * ar.width() );
        cropRect.setHeight( (qreal) ratio * ar.height() );

        QSizeF scaledFrameSize = cropRect.size();
        scaledFrameSize.scale(_geometry.size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio);

        _boundingRect.setWidth( _boundingRect.width() * ( scaledFrameSize.width() / cropRect.width() ) );
        _boundingRect.setHeight( _boundingRect.height() * ( scaledFrameSize.height() / cropRect.height() ) );
Ejemplo n.º 21
inline static QImage renderedLessonIcon(const QString &iconId, int buttonVariation, QSize *size, const QSize &requestedSize)
    QImage result(requestedSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
    QPainter p(&result);
    QSvgRenderer *renderer = lessonIconsRenderer();
    const QRectF iconRectOriginal = renderer->boundsOnElement(idPrefix + iconId);
    QSizeF iconSize = iconRectOriginal.size();
    iconSize.scale(requestedSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
    QRectF iconRect(QPointF(), iconSize);
    if (requestedSize.height() > requestedSize.width())
        iconRect.moveTop((requestedSize.height() - iconSize.height()) / 2);
    renderer->render(&p, idPrefix + iconId, iconRect);
    const QImage button = renderedDesignElement(DesignElementTypeButton, buttonVariation, size, requestedSize);
    p.drawImage(QPointF(), button);
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 22
QSizeF QgsDiagram::sizeForValue( double value, const QgsDiagramSettings &s, const QgsDiagramInterpolationSettings &is ) const
  double scaledValue = value;
  double scaledLowerValue = is.lowerValue;
  double scaledUpperValue = is.upperValue;

  // interpolate the squared value if scale by area
  if ( s.scaleByArea )
    scaledValue = sqrt( scaledValue );
    scaledLowerValue = sqrt( scaledLowerValue );
    scaledUpperValue = sqrt( scaledUpperValue );

  //interpolate size
  double scaledRatio = ( scaledValue - scaledLowerValue ) / ( scaledUpperValue - scaledLowerValue );

  QSizeF size = QSizeF( is.upperSize.width() * scaledRatio + is.lowerSize.width() * ( 1 - scaledRatio ),
                        is.upperSize.height() * scaledRatio + is.lowerSize.height() * ( 1 - scaledRatio ) );

  // Scale, if extension is smaller than the specified minimum
  if ( size.width() <= s.minimumSize && size.height() <= s.minimumSize )
    bool p = false; // preserve height == width
    if ( qgsDoubleNear( size.width(), size.height() ) )
      p = true;

    size.scale( s.minimumSize, s.minimumSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio );

    // If height == width, recover here (overwrite floating point errors)
    if ( p )
      size.setWidth( size.height() );

  return size;
Ejemplo n.º 23
// ThumbnailContext
bool ThumbnailContext::load(const QString &pixPath, int pixelSize)
    mImage = QImage();
    mNeedCaching = true;
    Orientation orientation = NORMAL;

    QImageReader reader(pixPath);
    if (!reader.canRead()) {
        // Set filename again, otherwise QImageReader won't restart from scratch
    // If it's a Jpeg, try to load an embedded thumbnail, if available.
    // If applyExifOrientation is not set, don't use the
    // embedded thumbnail since it might be rotated differently
    // than the actual image
    if (reader.format() == "jpeg" && GwenviewConfig::applyExifOrientation()) {
        JpegContent content;
        QImage thumbnail = content.thumbnail();
        orientation = content.orientation();

        if (qMax(thumbnail.width(), thumbnail.height()) >= pixelSize) {
            mImage = thumbnail;
            if (orientation != NORMAL && orientation != NOT_AVAILABLE) {
                QMatrix matrix = ImageUtils::transformMatrix(orientation);
                mImage = mImage.transformed(matrix);
            mOriginalWidth = content.size().width();
            mOriginalHeight = content.size().height();
            return true;

    // Generate thumbnail from full image
    QSize originalSize = reader.size();
    if (originalSize.isValid() && reader.supportsOption(QImageIOHandler::ScaledSize)) {
        QSizeF scaledSize = originalSize;
        scaledSize.scale(pixelSize, pixelSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
        if (!scaledSize.isEmpty()) {

    QImage originalImage;
    // format() is empty after QImageReader::read() is called
    QByteArray format = reader.format();
    if (!reader.read(&originalImage)) {
        return false;
    if (!originalSize.isValid()) {
        originalSize = originalImage.size();
    mOriginalWidth = originalSize.width();
    mOriginalHeight = originalSize.height();

    if (qMax(mOriginalWidth, mOriginalHeight) <= pixelSize) {
        mImage = originalImage;
        mNeedCaching = format != "png";
    } else {
        mImage = originalImage.scaled(pixelSize, pixelSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);

    // Rotate if necessary
    if (orientation != NORMAL && orientation != NOT_AVAILABLE && GwenviewConfig::applyExifOrientation()) {
        QMatrix matrix = ImageUtils::transformMatrix(orientation);
        mImage = mImage.transformed(matrix);

        switch (orientation) {
        case TRANSPOSE:
        case ROT_90:
        case TRANSVERSE:
        case ROT_270:
            qSwap(mOriginalWidth, mOriginalHeight);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
  \brief Draw the symbol into a rectangle

  The symbol is painted centered and scaled into the target rectangle.
  It is always painted uncached and the pin point is ignored.

  This method is primarily intended for drawing a symbol to
  the legend.

  \param painter Painter
  \param rect Target rectangle for the symbol 
void QwtSymbol::drawSymbol( QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect ) const
    if ( d_data->style == QwtSymbol::NoSymbol )

    if ( d_data->style == QwtSymbol::Graphic )
            painter, rect, Qt::KeepAspectRatio );
    else if ( d_data->style == QwtSymbol::Path )
        if ( d_data->path.graphic.isNull() )
            d_data->path.graphic = qwtPathGraphic( 
                d_data->path.path, d_data->pen, d_data->brush );

            painter, rect, Qt::KeepAspectRatio );
    else if ( d_data->style == QwtSymbol::SvgDocument )
#ifndef QWT_NO_SVG
        if ( d_data->svg.renderer )
            QRectF scaledRect;

            QSizeF sz = d_data->svg.renderer->viewBoxF().size();
            if ( !sz.isEmpty() )
                sz.scale( rect.size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio );
                scaledRect.setSize( sz );
                scaledRect.moveCenter( rect.center() );
                scaledRect = rect;

                painter, scaledRect );
        const QRect br = boundingRect();

        // scale the symbol size to fit into rect.

        const double ratio = qMin( rect.width() / br.width(), 
            rect.height() / br.height() );


        painter->translate( rect.center() );
        painter->scale( ratio, ratio );

        const bool isPinPointEnabled = d_data->isPinPointEnabled;
        d_data->isPinPointEnabled = false;

        const QPointF pos;
        renderSymbols( painter, &pos, 1 );
        d_data->isPinPointEnabled = isPinPointEnabled;
